Dr Who Review, Part 11 - The David Tennant Era
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Channel: Clever Dick Films
Views: 187,234
Rating: 4.9694014 out of 5
Keywords: Dr Who, Doctor Who, BBC, Documentary, Retrospective, William Hartnell, Patrick Troughton, Jon Pertwee, Tom Baker, Peter Davison, Colin Baker, Sylvester McCoy, Paul McGann, John Hurt, Christopher Eccleston, David Tennant, Matt Smith, Peter Capaldi, Jodie Whittaker, TARDIS, Billie Piper, Russell T Davies, Steven Moffat, Dalek, Rose Tyler, Martha Jones, Donna Noble, John Simm, Master, Human Nature, Silence in the Library
Id: WawIRqg-lms
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 85min 3sec (5103 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 26 2021
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One of the most informed and comprehensive oral histories about the show.
Fantastic as always. Probably the most I've disagreed with him on a personal level, but I appreciate that he acknowledges that these are just a matter of personal opinions and tastes; even acknowledging how these aspects he didn't like branched out the audience.
However, I did have one major criticism with this video in how dismissive of Torchwood he was. It had a notable cultural impact on Wales - Ianto's shrine is still down in the bay to this day! - and remains a cult hit, with continued Big Finish audios as well as calls for it to return. Bit of a missed opportunity that he didn't touch on this aspect, though both Torchwood and SJA could take up whole videos on their own.
Always great to see these uploaded.
I suppose his dislike for the indulgence of this era is understandable as he is an older fan therefore has seen many of the things that are being indulged transpire before. Having said that, I can understand the indulgence of this era especially in The End of Time as for many of us and for many of the characters, it was truly a end of an era.
Another brilliant video from the man himself. Every Doctor Who fan needs to watch these, they're part of what inspired me to watch the show from the very beginning.
Literally the other day I was wondering when this new part will come out!! So excited!!
I hated how dismissive it was of female fans of the show. "Some might find it embarrassing, but older fans should find in themselves to tolerate them" being the main one, but in a number of other instances as well. As if there were no female fans before Tennant.
And, in general, didn't see much of a point of this video - it essentially just recapped the series, with little else to offer, in comparison to the previous installments that did go more into behind the scenes.