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hello everybody welcome to let's try my name is retromation this is have a nice death a 2d action roguelite that is incredibly stylish i've been extremely extremely excited for this ever since i saw the initial trailer for it came out hopefully today as if i get this video up when i want to uh i'm excited to check it out i'm like really really pumped to put it though to put it at uh the most dumb terms i'm jazzed dude i'm just gonna let this go for itself [Music] [Music] uh [Music] [Music] [Applause] sorry this is just such good animation it's so good [Music] uh oh [Music] oh my god all right i'm gonna turn the volume down here i had to make sure i had it up for that i uh holy crap i wasn't expecting to be like that ridiculously cool and stylish i don't know why uh what a fun opening so we are the grim reaper we devised a plot to you know be able to capture more more souls at once but then eventually we stopped getting to do the work ourself and now we're fed up with it all right you can't just make it up as you go along you know we have a well-established procedure what you have to do is oh like the ceo himself excellent timing sir all hell's broken loose brad has decided to let all the souls in without proper inspection all of our departments are overwhelmed as am i try to argue with your associate sorrows please welcome back mr ceo and have a nice death okay it feels really fluid why do we have so many we have so many cool moves right away okay all right hey boss so ready to get death inc house in order ready to get the death inc house in order just don't go spraying anything right at the start eh ready for the warm up i want to hear those bones cracking chop chop sorry not the kinks in that cloak chop chop press x to jump onto okay gotcha feels very fluid got a little bit of it so is it a dash or a dash attack i move too quickly i'm gonna do a jump squat take the effortless 3.0 with l okay so we can i gotcha gotcha so he's used what a lazy bones the guy is terrifying here's claude isco he missed okay let's go very quick keep it up boss look for claude he can't feel a thing we have so many different moves right off the get-go i'm so used for to like 2d action platformer roguelikes just starting off you're like and here you have slash like no you don't get to have fun yet you need 10 items before you have fun idiot oh my god come on smash that cairn then get your weapon we'll soon get that cloak of yours warmed up wait we don't even have a weapon the hammer a bit on the heavy side but not unwieldy with the right attitude uh take with r1 that shape-shifting cloak it's almost as supple as me don't forget to use it with triangle okay so that hammers on a cool down it seems like that's just like a new it's just a new ability that we might have now very good mobility though hello hold down l2 and press an attack button bye nerd hold down l to press attack but i didn't see anything different oh there now we have it we just didn't have it ready yet we have like an alt gotcha that we were charging up hold down l2 then press okay so we also have one that we can do with triangle it seems hold down l2 and attack the right moment do we have the we don't have the fury yet jerk now we do so we actually we have a different kind of alt with the different uh weapons there so much power look at yourself boss you got injuries oh heck getting in sh i do now yeah get in shape is easier said than done i will say i wish that the text boxes were up a little bit longer no time to think just act so that's okay we can heal consuming on an animal heals your injuries you won't restore all your hp but we'll do you good be careful because you can only carry three at a time excellent boss you've really shaped up well done let's not forget though as far as you as so far you've only trained with my friends they've gone easy on you since they owe me a coffee so from now on it's the real thing keep your wits about you got that yes yes very well next time we're going to skip the tutorial thank goodness yes give it your all boss i am so jazzed like i am unbelievably impressed already okay so that does not have its own like kind of slam attack so the hammer weapon is sort of like it seems like it's sort of one attack there what was that i just got spookman weapons behave with employees enemies oh it was just okay it's just telling me about that guy so we can dash through that whoop hello there i want to get a flying guy first that is so fun to do we go up down picking up lots of those little things i don't know what that i don't know what those are smoosh those got to be just like a simple currency but it looked like there was uh some kind of like a coffee or something get him got him good like it feels like ah that attack is so slow i don't know that we should be hammering too frequently there can we do something cool over here is this this really looks like a secret tis not okay we got an arena going on now oh do we have to be on the ground we have to be on the ground and that just hits everybody on the screen for a bit of damage it seems like the music is nice too oh very very fluid this is just hold up we go up gotcha yeah yeah yeah yeah um new weapon la star a display of magic and destruction okay ooh so that takes that takes mana up there it looks like so that's not on a cool down that's on like a a mana system anything up here i do like that we can get a lot of extra height with our uh with our attack up [Music] choose the next four equipment storage soul solar e prism prismium department i just just held down held down went with whatever had i what a good loading screen too i'm smitten man this is ridiculous how like how did this i i like why were people not not as frequently jazzed as i was like when i saw this i knew it was going to be cool but holy moly this is blowing me away oh oh no does that do damage up there just 75. sure did bye bye all right just the amount of mobility that we have is frankly like it feels really generous like we can get around like so so fast which i feel like is if you're making it uh an action to the action roguelike and you don't have good movement like rethink designed to intimidate foes uh if we take it where does it go we have to pick a new slot let's go with that my god okay i think i'd rather have that right now than the hammer i do want to see what like the the alt is for each of them here but i don't really want to that's the issue is i don't really want to waste it on these jerks ah sure oh my god eterna mana extreme mana okay so there is which way is the way that i'm supposed to go so that i can go the other way first we know that we know the rules of the video games brutum hammer charge attacks deal 15 extra damage i mean like just trying to see if we can charge anything else i do like that but i gotta be honest i think i well hmm i don't know i'm conflicted i will say nothing has felt like actively bad yet even the hammer the first hammer i would not say was oh i thought it was dashing through it oh hello i wouldn't say it was actively bad or anything at all okay so he can attack above okay he can attack above him rip okay all right that was a little bit painful do we have any heals we don't not at the moment we gotta be careful then [Music] vitamin department hr department or hr office vault i'm assuming like money uh hr maybe meeting like a character i feel like i need to go with this because it seems like a place to heal health maybe get mana too or to get mad and maybe heal health too obviously mana has mana in the title i'm assuming that just it like it informs kind of what we can find around on like the ground and everything okay what did we get there get health thing whoop up all right i want to try out my i really i would like to try out my oh that's not a full screen it's it's a mostly full screen there's a big difference between full screen and mostly full screen i you know those times where i i just feel like i'm witnessing a new classic like elite roguelike entering the fray i i swear i've never i don't know if i've been more confident 15 minutes into a game that i'm witnessing a new like cult favorite roguelike entering like the top echelon this is so polished we'll have to see where it goes from here but it has like it has so much going for it it's crazy okay see like look at that god just so much interaction with such a small amount of stuff still don't have a heal getting before you throw something out there uh hands do nothing all right all right [Music] [Music] oh it's truly pleasure to see you again boss they made an awful mess up here haven't they take some guts to get involved i say i'll say that much anyway perhaps you like to browse my wares as a little distraction healing or absolutely already got that upgrade store unlock an additional item slot for the store okay so that's a meta progress thing we don't have i'm just gonna heal immediately you can't buy another one unfortunately look at that even though look at that little lucky cat security station brad all right brad all right brad [Applause] what the hell's happening here brad where'd all the souls come from what's it to you who are you anyway with their mummified buma face oh oh my come here oh now you don't want to come here okay i'm just trying to learn his attacks here for a sec okay trying to learn yeah i don't know go for it i went right in at the wrong time please stay you suck and by that i mean i suck trying to like figure out exactly where he's gonna be is brutal cut that almost worked yeah it just it takes so long and he's so agile that using that attack is not proven to be too uh too frequently useful there we go that's gonna be a hit again i'm trying to dash through it all cool like but it's it ain't working bad i'm invincible right i'm invisible right oh god he's got a new version of that you son of a gun you son of a gun okay is he gonna go across now too yep okay so it's at least reliable that's not good yeah if you're up by him rest in paperwork if you're up by him when he does that attack there's very little room to it to schmove you got to be on the ground when he goes up high it seems like it doesn't seem like honestly it doesn't seem like particularly that difficult of a boss though i i guarantee i can win it on my second try which i feel like is a good first boss where you're like you know you die on your first time but you feel like oh it's like oh that's not that bad though feels like a nice middle ground what's going on there pumpkin boss oh boss i'm so pleased to see you and you've got your pit book with you isn't it adorable did you know your pit book notes everything down for you there's options and you're done it's really very cute but uh i don't really like the way it's looking at me oh here's like our uh our item unlocks oh god i love it noting the game is in early access so there's a lot of room for it to grow but holy moly boss good morning or evening or whatever not important so sorrows are out of control quotas have risen astronomically i'll spare you the details you got a few ingots to spend let's do this real quick before i kick the bucket oh and how's the how's you how's the family how's life shakespeare oh my i like how they are are they actually on sale they are they're like actually on sale so we have to have enough to buy the whole thing it's not like a dead style system where we sort of just invest them over time here food old pizza crusts uh what is this oh plus 50 hp for two minutes from a to zombie 10 damage these must be things that we like can get in the middle of a run or something right all right cool cool cool cool a lot of different unlocks there already for an early access title i'm i have to play more of this like already i'm this ridiculous can we do something with these nope vip hello there i'll explain to you one more time pump so listen up a prismium is a free pass you can exchange it in for anything in the company no matter what it costs let's say that mark doesn't have the amazing item you want while the prism lets you expand to shop with a bigger selection oh okay i'll add an asterisk to my report it's great you can buy anything you want with it but then again you're an intern you won't be able to take advantage of this until you're hired unfortunately oh okay okay so this i thought this was like that's just something it's just some dialogue that we can see if we want all right we're back in a run already i kind of like the seamless transition from um we can kill through the wall like that seamless transition back over here into just living in a normal run so yeah i don't know what that restores there okay oh they're shooting paper airplanes i didn't even realize ingots so those weren't there before too i had not seen one maybe we just we were very unlucky or maybe we're just gonna see them now but yeah just the bass attack combo feels really smooth [Music] let's go to the prism deposit i don't get meta progress stuff sure [Music] hello hello oh i saw that work in progress sign over there and i first i was just thinking that it was an in-universe thing but now i'm thinking there's a chance that like that's just like a uh you know early access thing but since it's kind of got this sort of company vibe to it it sort of just one in the same you know like it sort of feels fitting either way they got like a kind of a clean out just trying to be i used son of a gun that's that's the guy that's hit me every time i'm not getting hit by like anything else it's just that guy extra mana cut scoot scoot's good i still i don't have any uh whoop item upgrades as of right now okay we got hit by something else now oh i just realized the book is now with us here like it's just just here now a bunch of souls we got that you know what let's go for a little heal getting a lot more heals now it almost feels like they were trying to get me killed at the first run all right prismium there we go so we got that for meta progress stuff cool deal cool deal [Music] i have to go to w hung i have to i have to but i need i do want a weapon badly but i have to try oh okay it's like a mini boss oh oh boy oh my god what the hell it's a very good tell though no i went i walked right into it we need to do this more you stun for a sec school bus okay oh he pushed me away into it oh okay all right all right all right gotcha gotcha gotcha let's learn okay no not like this what the hell the music oh you pushed me into it that's misleading okay kill kill it out like this will oh okay will hug fair enough what happened here now what do i get as a result of that i deserve i deserve some juice very irritable boss syndrome bonus damage after being hit uh 5 hp 3 30 currency i guess i'll take 5 hp wait what is that that's it that was like the whole sir you finally decided to step out of your office work at death think goes on with or without you i'll spare you my own thoughts on the matter your absence hasn't stopped since the sorrow stop the sorrows from going above and beyond got a work cut out curses for example if you can remember assaulting an employee cost the company money minions too when it comes to it curses can help with that look the scythe's charged attack does 50 more damage main attack x button yeah to charge attack gained five every attack suffered gained five defense for 10 seconds triggered for every attack suffered this bonus is associated with a penalty i feel like i'll just take this though right i mean we can try and use it it feels a little slow my god i mean that's some damage is that armor sure looks like it should be armor okay we got there not a heel not a heel not a heel i would like a heel i would like a heel i'd like a heel take me to the equipment storage i still don't have a weapon on this one i'm i'm getting bopped though that mini boss you'd have to really oh wait we gotta help we got a little bit of health back there not a lot a little bit though hey you cheesed me through the wall cheese you through the wall hey what can i say [Music] can we do wait yeah i thought so sucks to be you you can attack down though i have my alts but i have like too good to use syndrome with it here oh you jerk and by that i mean you totally understandable person cut i feel like they can if they can probably attack me from down there so i'm just gonna i'm gonna ignore them for a moment they can totally attack me from down there they definitely just tried okay i'm in it a minute to win it the game respects your time so much here it's crazy like oh god you actually blended in a little bit with the uh the mops i was about to praise the game for the fact that it's so muted actually works well for quick readability of a lot of stuff i know it's probably first and foremost a stylistic decision but it serves the purpose of highlighting things quite well on average upgrade the shops extra slot myriad of stars i wait pure coffee plus 50 max hp when am i ever gonna i can't get that i can't afford any of it i guess i'll go for this then oh uh oops what all right brad i i know i said i was gonna beat brad on my second try but now i'm going in with basically no help i can't heal all right brad it's deplorable there's already work to do and i find my end of security has traded his brain for a paddleball sec ah the nerve of him i sit here stamping all day long and all he does is criticize okay oh when we do it in the air it kind of gotcha crap okay oh he always did the two gotcha i didn't get out i'm in one health i'm gonna die impress me huge it did a lot incoming problems trying to be very babyish and safe here whoop oh not like this oh it's okay it does a different thing now oh here comes the problems staying on the ground really does make a big difference on that one though huge okay so he yeah he actually he switches it up okay that's okay that's why i keep getting hit on that one he attacks above him too gotcha he attacks there i thought that that would be a safe window to dash over him but he actually attacks above and behind his head with the slash because he kind of like winds back up his hand behind his head and then swipes it down from there gotcha if i had more health there i think maybe i think we probably could have i think we probably could have done that did nice and cheesy hello there looking rough bus not too shaken up i mean uh no disrespect to brad but he's grown way too confident seeing you attack for no reason makes my blood boil you're the best boss you're gonna kill it out there today thank you all right so we should have uh what do we got here slay more food give him the slay more so is it like the longer it's here the more of a discount you get that's pretty i mean it seems like a nice nice way of like having meta progress and sort of keeping you from destroying the game and unlocking everything immediately but not making it egregious if that's the case i like it though you must say that come on kid it's obvious there's a conflict of interest in the higher ups and brad he was right to not let it go that easily he could have gone about it less forcefully though he could have not split his skull in half with these rocky fists yeah okay you're right you could ask me first i wouldn't have done any harm to send a quick email and follow up with the general assembly what's going on here hello patty feeling good of course you have feeling good yeah have a nice death and have a nice day too oh hey hello i'm here in front of you yeah sorry harriet i'm still half asleep and i thought you were a customer i know it's not contagious but seeing the ceo in this state it's a little depressing that's why at lunch we're doing strength and balance training paddy i'll show you how i knock out burnout all right back at it again back at it again right in it i got i do like that a lot very like that seamless transition there it's so nice somebody's down here right what is that thing that i'm breaking i think it's a couple souls right or uh the currency should never know if that's going to be the uh the projectile hi polish what's all that stuff behind this there's like a hold on screen back there reduce spells mana cost by 10 50 discount on control room prices gain retrain one deals bonus damage by changing weapons in the middle of a combo and the scythe gets plus two damage that sounds fun i'm gonna need a second weapon to make real good use of it but that gives us a little bit of psych damage as well so it's something it's already something and it will be something better unless it's saying on retrain scythe gets plus two damage that maybe that's what it is too and retrain is just the name of that occurrence hazardous floor i mean i need an equip i need equipment [Music] that part really reminds me of disco elysium that that little sound very whirling rags okay oh god i hate that they can attack above the platform that is rough get out god it is super rough that they can do that what's this max hp up okay slay more take gain 10 hp oh my god it's cool but wait why can't i get down oh they locked me out no they didn't i don't know why i couldn't get down strange there's that pass i think they were talking about it's like a free three one thing is that the big boy or another one yeah we're getting so many it's clear that there's like some some uh little upgrades that we just didn't get until now [Music] whoop did that hit me out of my uh my wombo combo [Music] okay that's in 80. cursory roll rerolls curses [Music] [Applause] i'm gonna just go here like as much as i would like to fight the boss again or a boss again i'm gonna give it a moment i'm gonna give it a moment and we'll come back to it oops when can we get that in our combo because it's just that it was uncool man yeah i think we can fit it in there okay yeah that that is really nice if we get a couple hits in already okay we gotta fight something anyways okay books books oh okay that's really fun oh that's really fun i'm glad we have extra equipment now another re-roll for the curses don't mind if i do okay so that's all right that's the room that gives us the big upgrade there it's just a bunch of souls i don't know what that is god that's so fun oh that's so fun to sneak that into the it makes it a lot more usable the fact that we can um cancel into it in the middle of a combo that makes it so much more usable i'll go to shop i got a shop such a good song what you got what you got uh yeah maybe we get this too i don't know how usable it'll be but hey again tanager's office so it wait is the h i think that's different than the hr department still getting used to the aerial combat a little bit more so oops rip 100 okay it does a hundred damage getting that combo is uh it's a little rougher but so that can be done in the air can this be done in the air it doesn't it okay and it slams you back down so we can do like ah okay that's really nice i thought for sure that'd be a big boy huge seems like an upgraded version sure yeah fine yeah i don't know i'm on the fence max hp up don't mind if i do i can't i still can't tell what that is that is that a heel that's a heel but you have to be missing the gray health to get it gotcha it's it's just straight up the heel i think most of the time we've seen it we haven't we either haven't been missing health or i've been too busy with the chaos to to notice all right we got we got it this time i'm actually i'm i should not be confident because confidence over and see if this is insidious killer yeah yeah yeah boss before your interview with brad after you hear me out it's very important surely you've noticed that you've eliminated wait when you've eliminated certain minions you've collected an anima orb yes animals heal my injuries blah blah it's not completely i'm not completely seen all yet hey don't take the wrong way please we're just covering our bases as you're saying animals heal your injuries injuries here grade out part of your hp thanks harry i got it you can handle it from here as you wish the ball is in your court boss bite me i think i got it easy i do i do stop doing the pyro goes subdue the staff subdue the gargoyle who's making a fool of me ah you act like you're overworked and not in the right head but hey we all know you're a compulsive liar oh brad oh my god that was risky huge get out no okay oh we can cancel that huge i i'm just i trust this one right now [Music] okay big oh he got out of in time so we do that while we're in the air oh or well he's in the air i don't know what i'm saying man i'm just i'm just trying not to die at this moment yeah that's what i i knew i could it was kind of not that bad i just seriously boss i didn't mean like that i'll get back to work soon i promise get back to work right now no compromises breathe everything will be okay back to work with you hello there wow me heal 10 hp when you open a cairn uh reduce damage below five to one scythe and cloaks aerial attacks deal plus 35 damage you know maybe let's see let's see what's the curse oh we get a pick spooksman fly spin for longer flying books gained 10 health oh and we get a pic this is i this may be one of the better curse systems i've seen and and it's so elegant being tied to specific enemies the hell man i like that so much more than like any version of that system i've seen hey mr ceo sir please be careful when you take your lunch break i think someone's shamelessly raining the fridge sometimes your lunch disappears yes can't believe it do they think the fridge stocks up automatically when they take something out well it sure doesn't when the fridge is empty that's it no poor sap is going to keep stocking it up somebody thinks you're patrick come on not much fun to be here pound but great for your bank account plus five defense for two minutes mine hang on boss is that really you wow what a bold new look i remember you being taller and scarier this is definitely different match you haven't shown much interest in the management's reports but there have been some alarming goings-on recently for example the sorrows oop ignore your old rules simply doing as they please all departments are feeling the strain another weak inhaled so to speak all right all right [Music] why are we going to the left i'm not used to this oh i'm not used to this why does this feel odd why does this feel awkward oh rip new enemies to learn oh this feels awkward like i know i saw the guy pointing to the side but i was like surely not this is a platformer we go to the right what is happening what are you guys doing okay there's a laser beam i'm gonna die to process what's going on here this is a waste huge waste hey we got one of these too nice oh my god is there something past here yeah i don't know it was just visually set up like there could have been all right let's go here and let's possibly die and wrap it up here or maybe we win and we get to either way we get to see a cool boss potentially here right who said fannager didn't it didn't it say danager okay there's our heel scene clear as day there hello uh what oh oh my god it's like zipping me up there i was doing my attack but okay i can't do my up attack in the air i mean it makes sense what is this what does this do huge i mean we can just like go for it i guess i suppose that's fine but i like trying to do i just need to wait for you to come out of the air by your own volition oh my damage goodbye i might need to wait for them to come down by their own accord i couldn't tell if it looked like we knocked them down by hitting them or maybe they come down on their own or we can hit them down side deals an extra 10 percent damage the close damage is reduced by 25 percent get this look at this one survive a fatal health with one we uh if we take a hit that would kill us otherwise curse reroll department why would i want to reroll my book curse there are no books anymore boss welcome to industrial pollution department sir gosh smell you mr grimes is increased in minion production rate by at least 89 percent i've scheduled a meeting with him but for ye but for you er please no i've stepped in the boomerang i'll slick you what now what are these things you're saying to me okay don't know what that thing is heal 20 hp when you kill a sorrow is that is that the like a boss or maybe it's a boss or a mini boss oh god that felt fun these guys have been there their projectiles are proven to be quite annoying that was huge what the hell okay those scaredy boys they're annoying so they like okay so they'd like dodge back and then they dodge in okay they're terrifying we're about to die and honestly i'm fine with it i'm fine with it this is very very fun i can't wait to play again i feel like i have to so they okay so you hit them and they get scared and then they dashed you revelation though i have to try it so the thing that's weird to me so this is a cloak attack based off what it said ryan hello there danger whoop get out wrong attack petrol it seemed like there was something else down there though right yep okay so if we do a down slam it looks like we do a little bit of a stun yeah we seen this or did we i think so out okay what is the control room we haven't been let's check it out wow it's so cool to see you again although there's a big guy back there what a nice surprise you remember the last time we met i was really little and you were uh anyway work so the sorrows have been getting bolder but i've been working on some pretty cool stuff just for you is this oh spend solary spend prismium is this a permanent upgrade is this a permanent upgrade because why would we spend prismium if it wasn't right interesting i feel like we should have used it for the whatever i'm confused i mean maybe we're wasting stuff transform into this scythe i probably should have broke she looked at this more instead uh can we use to infiltrate your employees applies premium too i don't know what that means long range i don't know looks like it oh it has a little bit of a hook on it gotcha okay well well that is very cool master welcome home you came just the right time your wishes are my commands you'll be well on for combat i don't report to the sorrows and i only take orders from you master i see okay so that's what he was doing so there's the upgrade and there's transform this is huge i'm so glad we came here that's that's fundamentally massively game changing i don't know if that's on a per run basis or or what i'm not sure that that i don't know but it looked like we could upgrade our other weapons too which is very cool we can't like no we can swap those i was just making sure like we i didn't think it would be the case but making sure we couldn't have just been swapping our other weapons this entire time before we go let's see what does this do okay i thought it might be like uh you know zelda final smash type thing dead that's fine i deserved it i'm ready for it rest in paperwork this game is incredible this game is incredible i don't like the flash on the level up that bar that's about it that's like honestly that's about it it's a bit bright huge amount of upgrades there i don't know if there's any what kind of meta progress there is or isn't i'll explore around a little bit here see if there is something i'd almost prefer no but we'll see making a diagram of well souls in the train report it's there behind me so once the big boss aka you approves the application the corresponding soul can be sucked into the well bet it tickles once it's arrived in the great beyond the system can reissue its essence in the form of a solary for death inks employees patrick suggested i add some little stars to really show that it's magic okay so those are all the different upgrades and if they're highlighted it means we picked them up before i believe is all that's getting out there so we have this two weapons there's the weapons there's the food whoop uh oh oh i bugged it oh i i did something wrong i did something wrong all right whatever uh it looks like there's more room for stuff here i don't know if that means anything we'll go down here and then we'll close out the uh the video and probably the episode here i think that we'll probably turn this into a series because it is so good so good i need to play more of it immediately okay all right and then it's just back out into the run yeah it seems like there might not be more meta progress than that which i honestly think is kind of nice it seems like it's mostly just the shop maybe the upgrade stays we'll see here i i'm so confused about this screen right here it looks like there's some kind of a tree there okay so the upgrade on the site goes away understood all right i like that i i like that so you gotta you get in you get upgraded you just get better you move on i like it i like that a lot it lasts less though that is that that's gonna do it here for today for have a nice death i think we'll be back at it again tomorrow i'll have to i'll let that shuffle around things to make it work but we'll be back at it again tomorrow with more have a nice death i cannot wait to play more of this it is so good get it now with the link at the top description is out now in early access my name is roger from chicago games every single day with an extra specialty in roguelikes if that is something you are into or if you're into this game make sure you subscribe to this channel i will be uploading it every day as long as you guys continue to support it thank you thank you like and comment genuinely if you like that stuff it really makes a big difference word of mouth is a cool thing as well for growth thank you thank you and i will see you next time bye
Channel: Retromation
Views: 340,938
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: have a nice death, let's play have a nice death, let's try have a nice death, have a nice death gameplay, have a nice death game, have a nice death review, have a nice death preview, have a nice death retromation
Id: v_nMQt6UTv4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 26sec (3506 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 08 2022
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