I LOST EVERYTHING in Minecraft Hardcore...

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what is the fastest way to travel in Minecraft it's not the elytra it's not a TNT cannon and it's not riding a llama that gets hit by a ravager oh you weren't supposed to die no the fastest travel method in Minecraft is a pig yes a pig with a saddle no no no no no I'm being serious I'm going to build a machine called the pig Cannon and it lets you get to the world Border in less than 20 minutes but building it is a little bit complicated ated because I need sliced portals so for phase one I'll need to downgrade my world to 1.18 to perform update suppression then for phase two I'll get busy building the entire machine and finally for phase three I'll go to the world border and build a nice little house when I get there oh and I don't want to give too much away but I may or may not make one of my biggest ever mistakes after I get to the world border but first if I want to build a pig Cannon I'm going to need pigs any volunteers oh don't think you can escape come on your sacrif I I mean service will be greatly appreciated I'm going to grab a bunch of carrots take them to the Nether and then I'm going to take him 12,000 blocks in this Direction come on guys we've got a long walk ahead of us put my wallet on the keyboard oh my wallet's not heavy enough there's one for you sp's wallet isn't enough to put down heavy enough to put the keyboard down now I can eat run and everything and it's 11,000 blocks to go and this right here is the spot so I'll make him a nice little home out of glass it looks more like a prison doesn't it and then I shall breed them until I've got loads of them and now my two pigs has become a little more of I've lost count no I don't need all you guys because you're all going to die it's just in case you get lonely yeah some of those pigs are going to end up dying and wait what what are you doing up here man just came here with his mycelium and now he's trapped here forever and also going to be constantly angry at me yeah it's it's cold up here stop shivering yeah I need to stop tormenting mobs and get out of here now in order to safely downgrade my world I'm going to have to take off all of my armor and that's just because armor trims were not a thing in 1.18 thankfully I've got spares right here and I also need to get rid of skull smithing templates and I'm just going to get rid of this one in case it predominantly requires powered rails and sandstone and because I need to build two of them I need twice as many of the resources and once I grab four SE pickles I've got everything that I need so I'm going to go ahead and fly back to the exact spot that my pigs are at and begin building the update suppressor and if you haven't seen me build one of these before it's basic just a bunch of platform layers with a load of rails on top and that is the final layer of rails done there was eight in total and now I must add a bunch of them all the way up to the Redstone Block followed by a bunch of redstone above although the portal I'm going to slice is going to be down there so I'm going to slightly adjust it by adding the rail down there I'm pretty sure that ought to do it and yes it does look a little different to normal I still haven't downgraded so this suppressor will not work yet because before I go any further I'm going to build a portal and then build another update suppressor on this [Music] side and I've almost finished building this but I'm apparently an idiot and I can't count properly because I did not bring enough sticky pistons to build it rookie a SB one of these pigs probably could have done a better job with it hey what are you doing now oh wait it's another Enderman and there's me thinking you'd got out of the boat well come on then in your get this guy's just chilling he doesn't even know there's a guy behind you mate there's someone behind you that's a scared face I'll give you Su to be scared about Kabam yeah have you have you ever seen something so cursed anyway time to stop terrorizing Enderman and you guys for that matter and instead I'll quickly fly back grab some slime and pistons and then fly all the way back to finish the machine and there's nothing more to do it's now time to downgrade the world and slice them portals so I'm going to save and exit the world and then in the world save regions folder I'm going to set these four files to be read only and that's so that my spawn chunks don't get corrupted let's now load it back up I know what I'm doing moang I've done downgrading many times I tell you I know what I'm doing don't ask me twice everything seems fine at first glance and this is the exact spot that the slice portal needs to be so let's build up a normal one light it up and then turn on the update hey my signs have gone more dangerous to downgrade your world than I thought you'll not be able to see the text also what is this a be doing here where did it come from I can turn the machine on use the note block and now we're suppressing and when I break this OB obsidian you can see it has suppressed I can also break the obsidian up here and all of this we don't need it and I've just remembered to remove this I'm actually going to need some water I've got some buckets so no need to worry about that and as well as that something I actually forgot about is that I need some fences which I can craft very very easily so let's use the water right here to break okay that that did not work time for take two only this time I'm going to use my brain and make it a two wide portal so that when it gets split it just leaves one on its own and if I break the obsidian underneath this portal block will break so I'm going to first add a couple of pieces like this then break the rail add a block put more on top adjust the Slime and suppress that so that this bit of obsidian will not break it and then I do the exact same thing one block lower leaving me with exactly what I need finally I'll add some glass around that won't affect the portal and slice number one is done and now to do the exact same thing right here for this one this is where the SE pickles and fences come in because either side there's going to be two like that and I've also moved the lineup so that I can place obsidian oh well that that didn't work did it I fixed all the issues with the machine I can place this right here and this time it it didn't break and that's that I don't need update suppression anymore but just in case anything happens I'll perform a tile entity swap to create a glitched Sher that that will not open so I'll be able to do update suppression in the nether in 1.20.1 and I just accidentally made floating rails what on Earth is this all about anyway I should stop having fun and get my game back to 1.20 and before that I'll change the region files to no longer be read only and it's nice to be back in the present version and I'm going to go ahead and remove this update suppressor in its entirety because it no longer [Music] works and with that one gone I can get rid of this one [Music] two and that is job done which means operation downgrade the world and create the slice portals is complete so now I'll fly away and make it back home and that means I can put my good armor back on none of these diamonds are for peasants rubbish and now it's time for phase two to build a pig Cannon so I can travel anywhere in the world instantly one of the items I'm going to need a lot of for this project is glass and that is why I've grabbed a load of sand to fill up all of these chests now I'm looking at the furnace array there seems to be an issue we ran out of fuel that's actually quite a big issue it should distribute all the blaze rods out evenly apparently the machine has failed me but that's very very problematic everything's going to break unless I quickly grab a load of blaze rods and fill all of it up that is all smelting very nicely indeed I can go straight back into the Sher boxes and whilst the wait for that I also need 60 stacks of activator rails and a load of slime which I don't have enough of that could be a problem although remember I'm s sp737 and I have a farm for for everything including slime it's actually at the EOL farm and you see all these green shulker boxes wait apparently I don't have any see this guy is as confused as me look at why are you staring at me what are you looking at okay this you know what you know what I said about having a farm for everything apparently I've got a farm for nothing cuz this is absolutely terrible yeah I've had better amounts of slime in my time but don't worry if my name's not s sp737 I've not got one farm for everything I have got two you all told me it was completely unnecessary to have that many farms but who's laughing now I've just I've just got to try and remember where it is I think this is the spot now the question is do we actually have any slime in here no I also need to stop taking my sunglasses off it's it's going to give me and everyone else nightmares but slimes will spawn at this Farm down below I'll just have to turn the mob switch off but but you get the point this pig Cannon is going to require a lot of items so I reckon I just get busy getting as many of them as I can and do you want to see a cool trick are you ready Tada look at that no damage you tell me to do that without a tot in my hand just to see what happens here we go oh look at that yeah you get in a boat with a mob especially if it's a creeper and and you'll be absolutely Invincible also I'm sorry for the people that get annoyed about creeper holes I'm just going to walk away from this one and begin the great item collection spree and I've almost got every single item but the lack of slime is a slight problem because all of these need to be sticky pistons and I need more slime blocks so I'm going to go down this tunnel to swim to spawn then I'll disable the mob switch and then I'm going to head back to my slime farm grab a sword and it turns out that this Farm is is broken too why are all my Farms breaking but thankfully I'm so prepared that I don't have one slime farmer in my world I don't have two yeah I've got three yeah that's right Mojang you can break every Farm of mine but I've always got another and if this one doesn't work I think I'm just I'm just canceling the video deleting the world quitting Minecraft please game don't let me down yeah it's let me down one slime ball how insulting who who would even take yeah I'm going to take it and I wasn't joking about canceling the video quitting YouTube deleting the world all no thanks for watching see you later I'm off I I just can't do this anymore I'm just kidding you think I've not got another slime farm what kind of a Minecraft Youtuber would I be if I didn't have four of them ready to go now to be honest I wish I had another one but but I don't but I just remember that all these Sher boxes along here will have slime in them so we back in business and I just realized I have a load of slime here that I can steal from this machine because I don't use it anymore and it's a little bit broken it's also really weird to play my hardcore world with Mobs spawning I feel like I'm playing hardcore for once it's kind of interesting but honestly mate it would have been bad for you if you just didn't show up to work that's what I sometimes say to my actual employees as well go this a coup te I'm sorry Master you will be and you know what these World eaters have loads of slime I can still you know I should stop wasting so much stuff and then and then I wouldn't run out would I when finish with something you should always mine it up and now I've almost got all the sticky pistons and I've definitely got all the needed slime so to get the last few remaining bits I'm going to grab all of those blocks take out a few extra slimes slime slime slime slime slime slime slime slime slime slime slime slime slime don't die slime slime slime slime slime don't judge me it's just to help the editor okay and that should be enough also I've completely forgot that I released loads of villagers into the swamp when I was getting a swamp villager guys I'm so sorry you must be terrorized by this I will protect you I got him into this mess and I can get him out of it no oh dear oh dear please don't blow up creeper this would be a bad time yeah that's it go into this hole I will protect oh no this guy's just jumed out of nowhere yeah I think at this point it's it's best if I just leave and turn the mob switch back on so that there's no more casualties so mission to get every single item is done I can stop clowning around and get busy building the pig Cannon I'm not going to explain every single piece of redstone because it's quite complicated and I don't even understand every single bit of it but where I'm stood here is where the pigs are going to go and there's also going to be an iron golem in this slot so I'll temporarily put a block here and I'll add chains either side so I'll spawn this guy in it looks very don't you look at me like that I am your creator then we break that and I kind of need to just carefully push him in there we go and then I'm going to use pistons to push these glass blocks into his hit box and also do the exact same thing on the other side all right pigs follow me to your new home looks like they're being dragged rather than willingly follow me don't worry guys it's all okay and pig number one is in my goodness I've never seen so many different types of pigs in one area all I can say say is if you start taking steroids you'll look something like that which other than the Mohan I I I don't think you want that's so aggressive as well anyway let's get you up here you're destined for greater things than just a few gym workouts that's 11 of them there in total which is definitely enough and there's a few spares over here if I ever need them and don't don't ask what that pork chop was from a hoglin yeah yeah definitely a hoglin I'm sorry guys I I killed your brother anyway let's let's focus on building this machine and getting all this Redstone down [Music] Redstone progress is very good I I have no idea what's going on in there oh oh oh you don't like me looking and saying what's going you leave me alone getting all defensive what do you got to hide Mr Enderman anyway as I was saying a good chunk of the Redstone has been done and the way it works is I'm going to be filling this chest up with mine cart one will pick up a single Pig and then once I've extended this line a bit more the pig will get split from the mine cart and I'm going to build a piston bolt going in that direction that will move the mine cart away the pig will stay here and that's where the magic happens I'll finish the build before I can explain it further but you're also may be wondering why is there a massive wall well it's all for these redstone blocks which are a binary counter and these dictate how long the machine runs for and that detects where the Pig goes in the world basically the longer these binary counters are going on for the further the pig will go cuz it'll get more momentum I know that doesn't fully make sense I'll explain it in much more detail when the entire machine is done there's there also a couple of Hopper timers so I need to put 16 items in this one kind of ironic I'm using pork chops for it in a pig farm I don't know why that guy is in there you should leave the pigs alone anyway I'll probably get this all built and then I can show you how I use trap doors to update the walls to update the binary [Music] counter it was a lot of rails to place but it's done all of them are down I mean just look at it is kind of repeating the same thing over and over again again but it's quite complicated and what do you want do you mind I'm I'm trying to explain complicated red St where did he go I have no idea but yeah it's it's absolutely massive and there is one issue all these composters are meant to have one layer of compost in them also apparently Americans say composter no in in England we say composter good old British accent so I'm going to go and get a load of crops to fill it but that does mean flying 12,000 blocks all the way home I reckon taking all these pumpkin seeds could be the way I'll also quickly repair my elytra and then the flight back can begin now to stock up these just needs one seed per composter which is very very straightforward indeed there we go and to greatly simplify this as the different rails are activated this activates different trap doors which activates different Pistons down here moving the redstone blocks into different positions and that allows the binary counter to control how much momentum the Pig gets however there is still quite a bit more Redstone to be added here so that's what I'm going to get busy adding now right here we have a little trip wire hook which will detect the pig and all the Redstone down there is done and I know most of it doesn't make sense I will explain it but right now I'm going to cover it all up with this platform this little fenced area is the spot that the pig will pop up at and using this note block is what will send us flying far far away but before worrying about that I need to set up the control panel and that is that bit all done this carpet allows me to jump in and out if I need to this chest will be full of saddles this indicator tells me that there are pigs in the machine otherwise it it won't work and currently it is selected to go to the world border so so for now I'll leave it on that setting and they just one bit left you see for part of this machine to work it has to transport a mine cart to out of your render distance where the lazy chunks are and that means that there's a load of redstone items here that I need to start placing down and this is going to go all the way out for 16 chunks so I'd uh I'd better get to work and it is done this little bit here is what will destroy the mine cart that will release the pig but I'll I'll probably explain that in a moment for now I need to add something that's very important the TNT cuz this is what is going to give the pig some upward momentum but I I want to do it last so that I didn't accidentally blow anything up finally I add the glass on top with a couple of observers and it's all done finally I'll just add a mine cart right here light this portal and add a few more cuz that's what makes the chunk loader work and 18 random items need to go in this Hopper to act as a timer and that is that I can take all this with me there's not much more to be done in the nether now instead I can now get the resources to build the side on the Overworld and and don't worry it's way way smaller it's basically just a massive boat dispensing system but I I I need to go back to get the resources for it still the item I need the most of is 10 stacks of glass three stacks of obsidian packed ice normal ice and all of these other items and boats I need a ridiculous amount of boats so I'm just going to bring a Sher box of oak logs so I need to head through this portal and then I'll quickly clear out a couple of these trees just to make sure that nothing gets in my way because you certainly don't want to get in the way of sp737 do I do I sound intimidating no I I don't think I do anyway I've got my ice I've got my glass so let's build the system that basically just dispenses and collects loads and loads of boats and that's also why I brought all of this wood so that I can make sure the system is full to the brim and that is the bottom layer done you can see how high the machine is going to be and the portals are going to go all the way to the top as well so as I build up the Redstone I'll build up these two and this part of the machine is also done which means everything's good with the pig Cannon I am ready to use it to travel far far away now to begin with I will remove this portal then I can head on through next I'll load up this chest with mine carts and it's ready it is well and truly ready to go pretty much all I'm missing is a few Saddles so I can ride the pig so I shall fly all the way home so I can make the preparations needed to use the machine and go to the worldl bo order first of all I need 10 obsidian and flint and steel then I need at least one saddle which we have in the junk chest I've also got some spare ones in my bedroom that are definitely worth bringing I also think it'd be cool if I brought one of my dogs to the world border because it's it's actually possible to do that as well buddy you are the chosen one you're going to go where very few dogs have ever gone before and perhaps the most important thing out of all of this is I need to create a way to get back cuz getting stranded out there hey it's nice to be joined by you anyway getting stranded out there would be a disaster and the way to counter that is very very simple using a stasis chamber I'll also need a fishing rod ender pearls and a wooden pressure plate yep it's very very simple indeed next I'm going to fly back to spawn so that buddy can come with me and as long as he's in the spawn chunks if I enter the Nether and leave he will teleport to me no matter where I am in the world and that's because the spawn chunks are always loaded anyway let's go ahead and build a nether portal right here which is very very necessary and then I'm going to add a pressure plate to a stasis chamber use my fishing rod put it into the off half throw an end Pearl I I saw this in a car's video by the way and if I reel in the rod I teleport also why is my dog gone to the nether buddy you're meant to stay at spawn but anyway if I do the exact same thing but instead of reeling it in go through my nether portal my fishing rod will still be locked to that pressure plate and I can safely put it into my inventory without it unlinking I've also apparently forgotten the Sher box with my obsidian in so I've had to mine up another 10 pieces and I can't go back and get the sugar box because it would break my stasis chamber and tell teleport my dog as well it's kind of annoying on arrival I'm greeted by a load of hoglins this is a pig cannon not a pigling cannon you guys need to listen and I need to grab some torches and actually lacked this platform up a little bit so that they can't spawn anymore that should do it I'll Chuck the Torches back in Saddles into this chest and as long as I don't move the fishing rod out of this part of the inventory everything will be fine with the teleportation and when using this pig Cannon you do end up taking a lot of fall damage cuz you go so high and Far So to try and negate that stop myself from Dy 100% I have got a totem of course which is safe but I'm also going to grab my chest plate and put it on for Extra Protection I'm also going to go ahead and swap my elytra for a newer pair just because they're a little bit out of durability so we'll get all that sorted turns out hoglins can spawn any light level yeah I didn't think that through oh I look good in a chest plate by the way and there's nothing more I can do the machine is set to go 3.75 million blocks out so I'll eat one final pork chop and then press this note block to use the machine to begin with the Pig gets picked up by a mine cart the cart gets moved away by this piston bolt to the lazy chunk at the edge of the render distance and the Pig gets left behind but technically the pig is still in the cart and because the cart is still in lazy junks this allows you to build up loads of momentum for the pig without it needing to be moved is it's actually building momentum up right now even though it looks like he's completely Frozen and he also gets upwards momentum from the TNT here he is nicely popping out of the ground I'll put a saddle on him and when this note block gets pressed it will destroy the mine cart that is over in lazy chunks because this little fell has so much momentum built up he will go flying so I'm going to sit on top of him I'm going to right click the note block and we are going crazy look at it it's it's glitching out the what blocks are we at 1.6 million 1.8 million 1.9 we've gone over 2 million blocks in a split second yes the speed is crazy guys we had to wait 20 minutes for the machine to build the momentum up and in just a couple of minutes is the pig okay I was about to say the pig has flown far enough he's he's sadly dead and I sadly use the totem but when we make this portal it should take us to the world border here we go Moment of Truth and we are there and my dog's there what are you doing on the other side amazing the world border you and me buddy we have arrived 29 million blocks away and I got there super super fast with the pig Cannon and this a desert pyramid you wait here buddy I'm going to check it out I'll dig on down and at the bottom we have got we've got a few golden apples and and stuff like that but o a nice uh nice armor trim as well so as I said my plan is to build a house I'll need some materials for that and in my end the chest I'll get another to what with my Ender Chest um I'm pretty sure I brought one hang in a minute so I've just checked the footage and did you see that I put the Ender Chest into my ender chest and I also put my eltra in there I assumed it would be fine because I I thought I'd bring my Ender Chest so to be honest I'm going to make a very very basic house because I haven't got a totem and I haven't got any way to get any more of them the only saving grace is that I can instantly get home with the fishing rod thankfully so that at least it's not all doom and gloom well you know what is Doom and Gloom I've just realized unless I build a chunk loader out here my dog is not going to teleport back buddy isn't going to teleport back when I do which is sad but obviously I've got to way to get back here quicker now so it's not the end of the world but yeah getting him home in this video don't think it's possible and I'm going to build the house right here like I say it's not going to be anything too extravagant mainly because I don't have access to my Ender Chest so I've lost a lot of possible resources I'll make some trap doors which can be used as Windows and then right here a little little sandstone floor I think that fits the theme very well followed by Acacia stairs all the way around the outside you know what I don't have many other resources so we're going to go for a a crafting table roof don't ask kind of just run out of vacation wood and hey you need a crafting table you can't tell oh wait the roof is full of them so you know it's kind of kind of useful it's the worst looking thing I've ever seen anyway let's not worry about that let's just get back home this is your little shelter buddy remember what are you doing I don't okay just sit down remember I love you you love me and I am now going to put my fishing rod into my hot bar and as soon as I right click it see don't look at me with those puppy eyes all right see you later I right click this and it will TP me back why is that not worked are you kidding do you know what that means we're stuck at the world boo no way why wouldn't that work I was just jump joking buddy no no no I I was never going to leave you don't you worry I can only guess maybe it's because I did save and quit the world and start it up again while I was traveling through the nether cuz I had to leave my PC and I I don't want to leave the world open so maybe that was it I don't know but guys I have no totem I have no elytra I have no ender chests and I am stranded at the world border without any real way to get back home even if I get an ender chest and get my elytra back flying will take me hours and hours hours and I won't be able to get buddy back so yeah I'm going to have to think about this one I thought building the world board Cannon was a cool idea maybe I was wrong
Channel: SB737
Views: 809,426
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, gaming, sb737, sb, Hardcore, 100 days, Minecraft hardcore, 100 days hardcore, Hardcore farm, pig cannon, teleporter, world border, fastest travel, redstone, giant redstone build, lost world, lost hardcore, lost hardcore world, world gone
Id: qfJYuhhLsLE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 37sec (1477 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 06 2024
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