No Armor Hardcore - Episode 3 - The Nether

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welcome to episode three of naked and afraid it's a Hardcore Minecraft server so if you die you're kind of out of the series last episode clown Pierce went missing and according to Minecraft there are only seven people in the Overworld so either clown has died or he's in the Nether and since we can only talk with proximity chat and there are no death messages nobody has a clue today is our first time in the Nether and there are only six sessions until the server is over all right this is day three of naked and afraid my voice is so deep Bro I'm sick oh boy guys you guys think we're going to find clown Pierce today no no I have to believe I have to believe still he's still here to start off the session we decided to get some extra obsidian that way if we got separated we could still make a portal and get back to the Overworld this might be the first time that this many people have mined a lava pool together yeah don't see okay okay can we take can we take a food count how much food do you guys have I have a stack of pork bread a stack of pork five bread yeah I have a stack I have I have five bread also you only have five bread guys I wonder oh there's s is that SB for context SB was the only person who stayed back at base while everybody got food no yeah no yeah is that SB no he did not go past no no no no no right over here right over here keep going keep going keep going dude I think you found like a siren it's going to lead you to your death man no no no no no it's SP oh that is sp yeah yeah yeah that's his skin what okay how did he get past us that's my question also why are we doing this dude you see these skeletons were ring past no yeah I agree we're just not we should catch up with SB s SP s sp sp sp sp spbb SB SB how did you guys find me how did you get past us I'm always moving oh you've got a friend oh okay I'm on you know I was fine and then you guys show up and I lose four Hearts sorry about that we're just uh collecting food for the nether there is a chance we just don't beat the challenge and we don't get the elytras oh yeah there's a very real chance that happens that just and then all our series are just like well we suck it would Su to be the last person don't you think no I would love being the last person yeah I'll remember that why are you so ominous jiren okay I'll remember that it don't mean to alarm you guys but SB is still not here oh we saw him we saw him oh okay okay oh he's out and about okay that's good mhm and then he didn't like us being with yeah I don't know bro okay I I don't want mean to be a pessimist but like clown was running off on his own a lot too just saying hi what's that all about you got I I'll I'll go by myself if you guys you know you don't want me around I understand I get no we're saying we want you around let's let's be clear I am not clown Piers I'm better than clown Piers he's Dead's is gone keep that name out of your mouth okay all right should we actually go to the nether yeah I'm like ready I'm just waiting for you guys all right here goes nothing oh God it's like safe surely wait guys we are really high up dude where's SB this is what I'm saying where is we should go across that bridge going to die went underground he is in the Soul Sand Valley I don't know I think he just does his own thing oh guys there's a um there's a oh Bastion Bastion yeah oh no let's go let's go all right who's got a lava bucket see that I do not have lva okay oh that chest looks juicy that chest hasu it I am not g where's that gas where's that gas it's it's in the fog you can't see it all right you want to come right to Bastion with me go well I gu I want to get some lava and then I'm good to raid the Bastion we just start top down and just burn everything guys I'm going wait here okay okay let's go this way to get some lava I go you man I don't like running yeah hang on I I want to find some lava I'm watching you back right now just to make sure none of these things come I got I got lava I got lava you want me to get you a bucket too I can come up yeah please okay okay you want me to come down no no no stay up stay up safe look above you keep keep watch on those piging brots that's what's going to kill us here okay okay let's go let's go up this way and let's Lo this Bastion top down we'll just burn everything because your lava bucket there also I'm just going to shoot all the pigs I see I don't want to mess with these guys okay yeah they're on top there get get blocks ready you have blocks on your inventory you do know okay if you see a brute just pillar up I see I see one here we're just going to shoot everything down okay these sh these guys are all in a hole so we should be okay there okay we come up from the toop down yeah yeah yeah yeah let's do this oh the guys are chest I got some more obsidian some arrows no they didn't or we're just going to open it WBA or we're just going to open it and anger everything okay that that works you guys are yeah you're not I hear pigs you got to be careful there yeah we're we're we're taking them down all right start dumping your lava down here gosh guys guys guys guys uh I fell down can someone come save me oh oh my go I'm in thisle I'm in this hole I'm in this hole re you're good J God PVP I just shot you how much heal do you have how much health do you have J are you okay no no I shielded um there was no brute cuz we K we shot The Brute that me man jar we killed vill down there you're so lucky can't lose you jar okay what are we here for guys are we trading for pearls literally why are we trying to get stuff yeah I have a Fire Res Fire Res Fire Res the so we need to get the gold okay jiren there's some gold down by where you are are there any brutes do you hear anything I don't hear any brutes now okay I'm going to come in through the other side there's a chest yeah we l get it get it get it oh you got this one get it uh okay if one of you wants to take take this uh gold and start making a trading spot over there in the Crimson Forest while we get the rest of the gold I know where it is I okay okay we might get unlucky I'm not sure if there's any more gold in here we could have gotten rolled but it looks like potentially there is pig will attack yeah got a skeleton behind you Parker I'm more comfortable am I coming with you okay I guess I'm coming with you yeah sure I'm just getting blocks I don't know what to do I can pick up some lava I heard some angered hoglin or piglins down there watch that area there's a good Gap we got gold we got gold if you come this way Jaren okay this is this is the sketchiest part of the entire series we got to play really careful what was that all right I'm I'm just going to make a safe spot inside here yeah make a safe spot all right come in Jaren dude there was lava right there where below us okay Jaren come over here come over here there's a staircase down right here we're going to burn anything that's down here and there's a couple guys over here I'm just going to take care of them cuz there's a yeah right here ooh is brute One Tap no no it's 9 and2 Parts okay so uh all right we just got to play this really carefully there's there's lots of gold down here though all right there shouldn't be any naturally Jing pigs down here there are some directly above us though so don't break any blocks above our head all right okay here's what we're going to do jar so right here we're going to make a pit no no no not we're going up here we're going up here follow me follow me follow me no we're not doing this up here up here up here no no no it'll be it'll be totally safee we mine this Block they'll fall down the pit they go in the pit and then we seal it off so the brute doesn't get to us look now we got all these Pig post commentary Rec RP here uh while these piglins are trading I did want to mention there's now Naked and Afraid posters I know it's kind of sick SB and mini own a poster company so we basically made one for this series and every personal on the server is signing them as I'm speaking they should all be done and waiting for a purchase by the time this episode comes out so if you want one link is in the description I think it'd be so cool if we did multiple series of naked and afraid and like a poster is a collectible thing but only if you want to and have the money did you get anything of the pizza oh I do now thank you cooked up some pizza yeah look at that I think that's it we're listening to the Block Wars theme song right now my gosh nice this should get us a couple fires pots and maybe some pearls if we're lucky D I can't I can't believe you're brave enough to make the pit here you know your stuff okay J okay yeah should I throw it to them am I right here come over here do not break that block come over here you just Chuck it in the corner and we'll trade it and then come over to this corner this is where we'll collect all our stuff look at that I got a fire potion okay jiren you want to come explore the other side the other side might be ex if the other side looks like this we got another stack and a half of gold okay be careful oh Brock Brock get in this hole with us get in this hole piglins are about to come over here okay over here all right now we take this we just give him the gold we got we're who needs a Fire Res I got three SP you need one yeah I I could use one okay there's one for you there's one for you all right now we're in business guys did anybody bring red stone no oh why okay cuz if we had red stone we could get to the Fortress make a brewing stand and then increase the length of our potions but it's all right I'll go get redstone o that's big brain okay yeah if you want to go get redstone that'd be huge hey guys we got like eight fire pots we looted a bunch SI we got we got a bunch of PS we got like 11 PS okay nice nice we're we're set then we we have 11 to so we have 22 pearls nice ohb you're back yes okay guys are we we ready to go look for a fortress my vote is everybody still alive that direction yeah still here cuz this is this is probably pause pause the coordinate we're in right now so honest if we go that way it'll be like let's do it all right I'm trusting the speedrunner yeah oh that guys behind wa guys I do not want J J look out holy that hit me for six hearts yeah yeah those tap you careful gas the gas hit me for six hearts oh that's that's crazy yeah maybe we go just follow SB it's an invisible oh my God okay it's actually just like out of range oh I see it wait there's there's a for over here nice nice nice look at me I know my stuff oh I see it yeah it's straight ahead this is this is the worst scariest thing I've ever done in my life yeah just play it very carefully shoot all the pigs you see um do we want to pop here everybody let's get in a hole and pop one Fire Res before we go into the Fortress let's get one blaze rod and instantly make a breing stand to increase the length of all the others that sound like a plan right here right here right here I I only have one potion anyway okay everyone hop in this I'll Splash it I'm splashing crouched all right all right get out let's go let's go get these blaze rods oh I always thought that it divided the length of the time amongst like the amount of people no if you do it like that you'll be fine out with a skeleton yeah this is Prime real estate for spawners they're probably down this way y you have like nerve control tips like when you're on like really good Pace like what do you do to calb yourself down M just focus on like the small things like I don't know like it's hard to not think about being nervous once you start thinking about being nervous so I just like think okay I'm going to really focus on like my movement here and like how precise I can make it going to I distract myself yeah exactly we're fully in it though now guys dead ends Gore yeah it's probably down this way yeah there's one here 50 seconds on the fire guys okay okay we got we got to a bler okay here let's go back and meet up with them they said they're Brom yeah I got what do we need re Redstone for the Brinks Redstone no they got it they got it okay we found um we found the blaz spawners guys oh perfect we can actually just dig them oh my gosh look at him go speed briding so fast time in the world oh D down one get BL I got 3 minutes yeah here we're going to go get some I'm not even going to stand inside the spawner cuz if it spawns next to you you can just get two tapped instantly so yeah as long as we're come to we can we can keep distance anyway how do we get the rod out wait is there one over here oh okay okay as soon as you get one spawn cycle you have guaranteed 10 seconds where they won't spawn okay I'm going to stand in the corner then okay Minnie guys guys no no no no why did you why did you back out don't leave me on me Al I'm not doing that okay I got six how many you guys got I haven't got a single one yet I got five I got five I got zero we're like we got like a million we're must be getting them how many do you guys have over here we're good guys we have five we got five yeah we have we have like 11 over here we're good let's dip let's all right let's get out I just feel like it's just been too easy it's kind more professionals ESP you going with behind you behind oh oh yeah I nearly died he's gone instant Karm easy God I'm so good at Minecraft just keep moving moving that was great that was like the perfect nether maybe do you think we go do you think we go back to the the ancient city to see if like there's any clues of where clown died or what yeah I can show you guys the pillar I think he died on sounds I think I think that's not coming again what ISB doing SB is Devious I feel like he's up to something yeah by being alone he's starting to make us feel think that way okay this this is the crime scene wool pillar with gravel on top one more wool on top two blocks High space No Escape he didn't mine up he had to have fallen down what if the gravel killed him or pushed him off and then like there's well there's a wool on top of it so I think he made it to the top of the gravel and then got shot or fell and died oh yeah you heard that oh there's a shrier up there there's a over there that's I think I think this is a death side all right I'm going to make a portal real quick all right this should link up to clown if he's alive all right any sign of clown guys he he died I Bo is gone guys and if there's still any doubt in your mind clown did make a video and he died as we suspected fell off a pillar and a warden got him oh oh God IED to the O I really want to test something I want to test if I can look at Enderman with the skull on because that would be that would be huge there are skulls in the ancient city we can go grab some for you guys I would like a skull yeah okay we can go on a little get skulls yeah actually hang out with Minnie hi hi Muka do you like Muka better I'm I'm easy you can go man you can call me King mucus no I'm muc okay I got to remember where these skulls are I think gosh I hate this is this your first time in the ancient city no I I actually raided a 100 cities right as they came out but uh I just am so paranoid of no it's fair being paranoid is good oh no there's a skull here there's a skull here no way I'm matching yeah I genuinely don't know how you aren't afraid in here like I well it's cuz I it's because I raided the entire city and got rid of all the shers so I'm pretty confident except for like one or two spots mini you this way mini mini oh that's a shrier wait you did a shrier yeah I just did a shrier did you hear it spawn no no I think I think there's four I think you have four strikes yeah three and then on the fourth yeah I think I'm ready to get out of here guys I don't know about you I'm happy with that I kind of want to get two more levels just so I have two level 30 enchants you guys think we should spawn a warden just to do it no no cuz min's herei you can spawn a warden I've had my fair share of wardens in this Rec for I'm chilling I don't want to be another [Music] clown I guess we've left mini yeah are we looking for him like what's the plan here do we go back I I I just thought he might have con the home but I guess be in do you think Minnie can find the Portal cuz I I probably wouldn't have been able to okay let's go back let's go back oh there you are I'm so scared there's another there's another Parts I don't think that's been explored where I'm joking I don't know why I said that and okay let's get out yeah okay so where are we going down this way on these trees maybe okay oh hello oh my God yo what's up bro yo what's up we're above you uh okay um guys guys you're alone guys you're not going to tell me somebody died are you I'm not oh he's on fire he has a Strider Brock what's going on talk to us I just ate my God Apple cuz I was about to die I'm not alone but but I don't have Looney with me um you're not telling me Looney died there's no way give me a skull prove it he had a skull on him I don't have any of his stuff what does that tell you there's no way wait so he's just missing Looney's dead no he Looney fell in lava you guys I'll say it he has a got apple he has a got Apple he's fine he's not fine he he went off the radar he went off the radar are you serious are you trolling us Brock I mean out of all the people I would think you're the person not to troll us the most no listen listen to me Looney fell in lava right in front of me and you know I assumed he would be okay yeah no words were spoken no words were spoken he was just gone you're kidding he was just gone just gone like there was some fumbling left the VC no I'm not going to check I'm not going to check Che l dead Looney no no he was part of the skull Squad it's just me and you where's the death spot just just the there's no evidence bro he just fell in lava he just we where did he fall in lava why we not get these clear deaths he fell in lava way down there see that dirt pillar that little staircase yeah way at the bottom we were trying to bring the Strider home I mean we have to now this is not a good rate guys one death per episode is it actually one per episode yeah oh Parker quick reflexes it's still there okay that was crazy oh my gosh Parker let's let's go found one yo okay I'm going to come over to you and go like eight blocks over ooh more ancient debris they are not here no way the session's ending soon might there how soon is the session ending oh yeah there's a snowball sign of life wait that's actually kind of high oh Jaren J J Enderman we can test we can test I want to see if we can look at it with skulls yeah you can anger them so we we can't look at end still dang don't look at them well I was just thinking like how op would that be like we don't have wear yeah like a pumpkin but no visual effects oh cuz the end oh dude Enderman are so going to be what kills Us in the end fight yeah and then oh God oh God oh God oh God oh God oh God oh God godive oh my gosh Looney we thought you were dead to walk so far oh my wait you had the 10 you had the 10 obsidian there's no way there's actually no way there's actually no way did you did you wait did you have to go to the oh my gosh there's no I thought 100% Looney was dead Lo the skeleton squads together my gosh okay tell us what happened so I I was bridging but I fell off and I in a moment I think I got to prank Brock so I just du down because I had fire and I heard him go through all the stages of green and then I just mined I mined I mined underground and I was like okay this terrain sucks I'm just going to take a portal out and I've Been Everywhere man i' I've walked like a couple thousand blocks it sucked wait so you did what we thought we would have see you went to the Overworld and then just made a compass yeah that's crazy bro huge what do what do we do with Brock should I just like go upstairs and just hide you got like go in here what do we tell him yeah yeah we can do the game again all right Brock let me sniff him out Minnie or Looney what let's see we're going left door you know what's happen I don't think open the door either open the door oh my there he is did you fake your death dude I I may have I knew it did you not think he was dead I was 50/50 on it you don't go around saying people are dead but you're 50/50 do we know that Minnie's alive though might be the time is right yeah I know I I checked on the bed six people still the oh wait no wait uhoh we have seven six is not the right number yeah we had seven I forgot wo was up there uh oh where did we last see Min yeah who last Saw Minnie I I saw him at the base last do we take min's bed Jared I don't just logged off yeah I don't think do anything B yet okay okay okay let's sleep a sh a wild wild day all right guys good night guys guys [Music]
Channel: rekrap2
Views: 634,585
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft
Id: S_EgYvz-XII
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 57sec (1377 seconds)
Published: Sat May 11 2024
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