I Locked Tubbo Inside A Haunted Mansion...

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today i have hired out one of the most haunted mansions in the uk me scott and turbo we're gonna go in there and see if we can find real ghosts you'll notice that scott and tobo aren't here with me right now and that is because before they arrive we're gonna go in there and rig up stairs so we guarantee reactions from them this is by far the stupidest crazy vlog this is literally a haunted mansion all right and i could die to ghosts so if you do enjoy this please feel free to subscribe and make it worth my while because this is terrifying they are here they've just arrived so we're going to go outside intro time today we've hired this entire haunted mansion with one goal finding ghosts in real life also get us kfc tobo is very attached to the fact that his kfc didn't arrive before he got here and he won't let go of it please subscribe so we can buy this boy a kfc let's go this is all the phasma phobia kit that's head cam yeah you do you need to carry emf reader and uv torch hello tub cam it's me i'm here if you were tobo you would look at this right now all right boys it's time to go where are we going onwards this way we just go in there and start hunting boys what now i don't know if i stress this hard enough in the intro but this place is actually haunted when this emf reader went off to five i was genuinely a little bit spooked there's nothing i can do to rig that that's real what are you looking at tomorrow stop shining the laser at things oh you're really turning on the thing ghosts in this room do you want to speak to us come speak to the ghost with us what's your name i think we go to different rooms onwards why is this one woman lit up why are they only i do questions yeah i noticed all the seats have pine cones on them ghosts what's the names of the ghosts there was one called mad jack it was sister or something oh the white lady yeah the nun wow stop bouncing lasers off of mirrors we're trying to hunt ghosts i don't want to lie do you not believe in the paranormal no i just don't want to find other guys the devil is quite happy not interacting with the ghost well i for one wish to speak to them mad jack are you here so we're gonna do some footsteps this is my producer tim his job was to go around and make sure all the scares we planned happened exactly when we needed them to i swear i heard a noise upstairs like i i swear to god there's a noise there is a noise up there tell me there's a noise upstairs how do we lose tubbo [Music] we can't lose you where did you go how do you just leave that way how about we we un-ironically heard a noise upstairs why there's so many weird paintings south east bedroom we lived here i actually know this one they told me about this what i know about this room the sisters lived in here now one of the sisters normal one of the other sisters suspected to be a medium psychic her second fiancee died mysteriously by tripping on a rug and stabbing himself in the chest [Music] is that the kfc you can't be in a haunted place and go is that the kfc delivery no it's not it's no now i know i look scared here all right i'm just a great actor i knew full well that was tim and i was just trying to hype up some fear in the boys the only thing is it didn't work for some reason they were not scared at the prospect that a ghost may have just rang about before you questioned it no they had no idea it was tim i told them that he would be downstairs working on some other stuff we had planned they had no clue he was doing this they just didn't care oh everything in here is so weird man the door look at the door this is pretty why is it stop filming pretty thing the doors are slanted oh that's weird oh like these glasses are older than us really 17 30 to 17 40. 1738. no it just says 17 30. i haven't seen no go we've not seen any ghosts yet but we haven't really tried much you can try talking again xbox i love gaming that's such a creepy noise and i hate it it looks like there's ghost starves on the camera every so often like flying we're in your home and you didn't get to inherit it from your mother that's his that's his gripe oh what the hell the services are required in this room so why don't you speak to the ghost by yourself alone in this room i'll stand here and film behind the door they won't see me i'm hidden hello that's fm radio you're all you're gonna pick up is local radio stations like brighton fm they told me a story about this it was the most paranormally active room in the house that's why it felt creepy yeah they told me that but all the stories come from this room apparently actually earlier today they said that this bed looked slept in and that this had moved when the workers came in this morning they told me that when i showed up oh this was completely true it wasn't something i made up to try and scare them i'd actually been told that when i walked in i did not lie when i said i booked a haunted mansion i was going to say there was also sightings of like hands at the ends of beds and also like a toddler playing with a toy in this just in the house jack i they didn't specify the rooms there was a creek scott and i panicked wait we should be trying to speak we didn't try and speak properly just listen to fm radio is anyone there they're like me it's okay scott i will commute with them hello [Music] what did i say what did i say are you in this room okay the first one was definitely a radio signal but when i said are you in this room there was more of a raspy voice never saying give us a sign don't move anything why is it so far i don't know just keep going why is there a door there where is that to death this is a drop down watch me ducking just to prove i'm not sure he actually was on his toes there i didn't this is like oh i don't like this one actually oh it's a big aircon unit with us he well fulfilled we can just add a picture of dream the audience will laugh harder if it's a picture maybe we should turn it on right now [Music] oh are you sure yeah that bell was not one of those better sounds are you sure yes that was one of our bells i don't know who did that as far as i'm aware none of us rigged that if i sound confused at the time that's because i am i have no idea what's going off and i still right now could not tell you what might have caused that other than a ghost oh that's freaky i've just realized we're in like the servants quarters because this is where the people would ring the bells to tell the servants like hey we want something in the drawing room there's a room through here unless it was put through here and we just heard it wrong over there i just assumed door shut means no internet waste not want not i'll figure it out he's going to figure out emf stop blowing he's got ghost disease you got ectoplasm lead the way now telling scott to lead the way right there it might have been the smartest thing i did or leaving because it gave me chance to do brick this off what's [ __ ] up [Music] wait wait wait wait that's bedroom number two does that not mean it should the ghost will be in bedroom number two if it's running the bell we could go to the bedroom oh we're on scott cam scott cam ruined my hair for this thank you scott i couldn't bear to ruin mine all three hairs that you have is more than three they're just short no i had to duck under the door wait run back the clip where i ducked under the door it keeps flickering in here scott like when we're in the hallway it does like the emf flickers the other bedrooms from those two little groupie ones yeah but they're not nice really they're like servant rooms or something no look there's no wire here dead you're the rim service oh this is the one that went off a lot turbo i saw that in the reflection of the window i thought scott are you brave hello if you're in this room we just want to talk to you we don't want to do anything you say [ __ ] boys really you want a what now this one's a little bit weird we can't control what the spirit box says i made out that it said something stupid at the time so i thought it was funny but listening back this time i'm like 90 sure it said sacrifice which is a little bit creepy if you're here say something are you in the closet no not like in like maybe it was older times there's only one room we've not been in yet right that's the one at the start you want to go back through the belt and back up you want to go past the bells again hello say hi to me ghost bread i'm not here to hurt you or eat you you delicious delicious bread cause when it's down here it's like really high is it a child ghost yes that makes it creepier it's got to be something to do with something else what are you being skeptical are you saying it's not ghosts let's bring a light off we're just going to stand in pure silence we're just going to see if we hear anything duff has got his fingers in his ears someone doesn't want to ghost look at me i'm sorry for doing this to you okay i say we try that one let's check the other one let's go oh this is cool we've got the flashlight this is big it's weird there's no need to be shy ghosts you can give the pinecones it's weird that they're like sat in our living rooms if they're watching us because you know how to crane you've heard of the classic game of cranes explain to pegs and you do what pegging you're paying oh did the thing went to five for that one it did not enjoy that comment or maybe you did oh who is george should we try to speak to them in here because the last room tried speaking to them gentlemen what's your name what that speed up so first fast what is your name same thing is said i can't understand it can you please give us a sign sounded a little bit like you said i'm close are you nearby didn't sound like close yeah now you can probably see in my eyes that this is the first time throughout the whole night i'd been genuinely a little bit freaked out i don't know exactly what it was but i think it was the idea that i'd had nothing to do with any of the things that were happening in that moment and still we were getting results after all the stories i've been told about ghosts we were actually speaking to one supposedly and that was weird it didn't help that throughout all this scott and tobo still weren't very scared i'd scared tubber once and i was getting scared that wasn't even the point are you having a nice day [Music] you said yeah that said yes very clearly he said yes all right tomorrow you just clearly have the special powers don't cover them too loud [Music] if there's any ghosts we're going to see them because of the motion detector don't make it don't move wait did you see that person move there was a person you can see the shadow in the background i'm going to stop and just play the footage so like when i was filming the that bit around here you don't see the shape of the person right there oh what that is a very obvious human being it might be tim why would it be tim this was a problem tobo had completely hit the nail on the head it was tim me saying motion detector was tim's cue to walk past slowly because we figured it'd make everyone look at that wall so they'd see him luckily for me this was the first time anyone had suspected anything we were doing so no one was too suspicious of me yet there's only one other room oh that that one that is the family's older seance room where they would communicate with the ghosts why is there always a twist to these things i thought we just get to look at a nice hat here's the sounds room so supposedly i set up some like lighting in here have you ever taken apart no and i really don't want to use that i actually have like a genuine thing with ouija boards i didn't realize you were gonna bring one oh great just before we start jack i want you to put a handle joining our energy together and jack i'm doing this for your protection you have brought these two men into this house you are the energy by the fact that other people's house as well which is just and they are melting right now in my brain then you might want something to be reachable because that is a poor thought what [Music] this is where i realized i'd made a drastic mistake throughout the whole night upon researching this place we kept reading stories about a ghost dog apparently preston manor is haunted by a ghost dog so i thought throughout that whenever creepy things happen and they got a bit scared to be like haha it's the ghost dog you know to kind of tease them a bit the only thing is getting a little bit creeped out myself i completely forgot to mention the ghost dog that's why this reveal was a little bit strange jack is laughing because his energy is building because he's the portal now what's portland's going through jack oh you want to go back to your boyhood you want to go back back back in time you want to go back to the days of your ancestors before jack to his grandparents yeah i was gonna let them know they've been had by showing them a big dog and going look it's the ghost dog and they'd be like [ __ ] he's had us but i never mentioned the ghost stone so all they know is they went on a haunted tour and then randomly at the end a big dog showed up and i've never felt more stupid i might have rigged a couple of things up really that wasn't the real dog that you still left here in 1843 you weren't even mad that you you got tricked into thinking bells are real and i got to [Music] yeah no i kind of rigged up the bells and the footsteps and the dog really that was the most convincing part of everything well this was anti-climactic these boys don't seem to care at all oh yeah yeah sorry yeah that sounds like we've gone into a real sense that we don't want to take anything home with us jack now this part really freaked me out i was ready to end the video like i was out showing and everything when the lady we'd hired to do the seance the fake seance told me that apparently she just held a real seance and was actually qualified to do that and if i didn't sit down and close the portal that we'd created within me then i would take ghosts home and be haunted now usually i'm a skeptic but when someone who's qualified in this stuff tells you that you just get scared it's a haunted mansion what was i supposed to do so the next bit of footage you're about to see is of me in genuine fear i thought i honestly kind of figured the sales was a bit fake i didn't realize we were gonna have to close the portal afterwards oh great well how did i come away from this vlog the most scared well this ended not the way i wanted it to just please subscribe and make this love my world don't why are you doing things to me i'm not in the mood just leave me alone [Music]
Channel: JackManifoldTV
Views: 2,516,681
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Jack manifold, tommyinnit, minecraft, mine craft, dream, dream minecraft, funny, 1000% funnier, minecraft funny, challenge, dream smp, tubbo, scott smajor, smajor, dangthatsalongname, smajor1995, ghost hunting, paranormal activity, ghost, haunted, haunted house, haunted mansion, prank, vlog, jack manifold vlog, tom simons
Id: 4OOi7xkl8K4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 50sec (1010 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 31 2021
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