We Got Hypnotized...

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this is a one billion dollar yacht sleep this man has been hypnotized to believe he is Mr Beast I've hypnotized him and his friends to do a lot worse you will believe you are dream No in fact you will not let go if you don't understand this is insane but before we get into all of that I'd like to try some hypnosis on you if you're enjoying this video at all then you're going to subscribe you're going to hit that red button and more importantly than that you are going to listen to the next 90 seconds of this video very closely because I've partnered with Paradox interactive to tell you about the upcoming release of the sequel to their hit game City skylines creatively titled cities skylines too but trust me they bought more to the table than just an additional number you see I'm an idiot well demonstrated by how easily a man has just taken control of my brain for the last few minutes so to prove that City skylines 2 is for everyone they flew me out to Germany in order to get some beta early access experience with their game and I streamed it all on my twitch and honestly the stream was a blast you see strategy games like these usually go straight over my head but even I was able to pick this up and within two hours have a fully functioning City with power infrastructure running water and even a luxury housing estate known as ballsville and this was all carefully constructed by me exactly to my liking and I'm managed to do this even with all the brand new natural disasters that they've added to the game constantly trying to hinder my progress but I do not falter easily and many land Prevail oh and I forgot to mention I did all of this whilst hoisted 500 feet in the air above cologne that's right I figured out how to play this game in two hours strapped to a gaming chair above one of Germany's biggest cities so if that isn't proof that this game is accessible to absolutely everyone I don't know what is I seriously was so shocked by how much fun I had playing this game and the possibilities are endless this is your City to terraform and build and design exactly the way you like it so if you'd like to experience this game for yourself and have as much fun as I did and even see if you can make something as legendary as the fabled wallsville then click on the link in the description to pre-order this game now that way you have access to this game day one of its release so you do not miss a second having as much fun as your brain can imagine anyways thanks again to Paradox for sponsoring this video and giving me a once in a lifetime opportunity in Cologne and you're back in the room any of you ever been hypnotized before no I have not but I have been in love bit like that somebody's got a birthday coming up yeah is that you how old are you gonna be I'm gonna be 18. today just so you are clear you're going to be on a control yeah I'm not going to hypnotize you this is a legal disclaimer we can't hypnotize Max ggs legally so we won't be doing I'm a miner and they're hypnotizing me this is the game we're going to play understand hypnosis is not a battle of wills it's a collaborative Act of the imagination it's not being asleep but it's about you engaging with some instructions and suggestions you don't need a special brain for this or a special imagination you've got one but you do need to use it yeah okay so let's get started with the instructions then okay just sit back in the chair can I spoil that hand for a moment look at your hand look at the lines on your hand as this hand moves towards your face your eyes will begin to change focus and as you notice your eyes I want you to just allow your eyes to close every muscle nerve fiber relaxing as you just sleep let your head drop forward your shoulders relaxed this arm can relax completely relax now just look at me for a moment your name again Max Max just close your eyes for me Max roll them up in your head and imagine you're looking here right through the top of your head keep looking at this spot and your eyes will lock together imagine they're stuck together try and open your eyes for me that's right now stop trying and send that relaxation around the eyes every tiny muscle however stupid or silly it seems every single thing I say will become your reality give me a hand look here look right underneath my eye right here don't need to say anything or do anything I'm going to shake your hand three times the first time your eyes are going to start to get heavy just try and keep him on this spot the second time they're going to get heavier still just try and keep them there that's right and the third time your eyes are going to close you're going to go into the same relaxed state they're in so I shake your hand once I'm going to shake a second time heavier still and now you're ready third time close your eyes sleep relax let this arm go let your body go relax I'm just gonna place your hand right here it will just stay in that position it's going to place your hand right here imagine your head is a giant magnet and that wrist is going to be pulled towards your head now as it lifts as the fingers twitch as the wrist lifts as the elbow bends it's getting lighter and lighter now you're going to enjoy a sense of well-being as it lifts up towards your head for some unknown reason it's going to put a smile on your face and when it touches your head you're going to burst out loud fingers inappropriately as you could possibly imagine for this situation it's going to get funnier and funnier and funnier and the sound of each other I think is going to take you deeper into that experience closer and closer that's why you've got an inch to go here and funnier and funny no good reason at all this is ridiculous this is cruising it gets funnier and funnier and funnier and in a moment when I say one two wide awake your eyes are going to open you're going to look at Tom's face and it will be the funniest thing that you have seen in some time all of you now once you wide awake open your eyes just have a look [Music] oh my God if you can do this to them then you can kill my dick you can stop laughing now and just sleep close your eyes let your neck relax your shoulders relax go deeper and deeper than before if you were to try and stand up from that chair it'd be impossible for you to do so imagine that try and stand up for me put some effort in trying to stand out if you can even find the will to make the effort I know it's a strange feeling put some effort in in a moment I'll say one two wide awake your eyes will open you'll look at me completely stuck to the chair everything else will be normal one two wide awake how are we doing guys try and stand up for me you trying do you have a job what the hell Nate I'll tell you what you should step up okay try and reach that if you can reach reach that you can have it put some effort in can you reach that it will make it as easy as possible I want you to try and pick that up I gotta get out of here man I gotta get out of here put some effort in it's yours if you can touch it this is actually [ __ ] dude I was like it would be the rudest thing in the world right now to stand up take a nice deep breath in let that relaxation take you deeper eyes closed neck relaxing shoulders relaxing go deeper Letting Go sinking floating down just for a time wait if I leave my friends and dad then they will be alone [Music] then while the Antony gets them no I must stay with them whenever I say the words one too wide awake your eyes will open and you'll act perfectly on the suggestion you've been given I cannot leave them again nod your head if you understand once you're Wide Awake open your eyes look at me take an inhalation as you exhale just sleep and relax deeper and deeper and deeper just press your hand down on mine hard as you can put some effort in take a deep breath in push close your eyes sleep relax let go sink flow go where they're going the person I'm touching now in a moment when I say one two wide awake you will open your eyes and believe that you are Ten Feet Tall you'll stand up believing you are 10 feet tall yet you are terrified of heights absolutely petrified one two one awake always open stand up for me yes holy [ __ ] be gone you're right no yeah that's all over your legs will support you again the rest of you guys can just open your eyes and watch what's happening is this a friend of yours you're right it's not [ __ ] funny what's going on up there [Music] one sec [ __ ] up okay what's up probably I need to stand still one second what is it you're feeling right now my legs are gonna give it your legs are gonna your legs will support you yeah but as you get closer and closer to that chair just try and take a step closer and closer to the chair it's like you're growing as you get close to your chair you're getting taller and taller and taller skyscraper like that kind of wood where am I now just getting taller and taller and again I know that feeling of vertical but if you can get back to the seat one second yeah you can do it okay you missed it that's right just go and just you can do it you can get back to this pitch again you're getting taller and taller and taller your legs will not support you I know I know terrifying your legs will get you here trust me your legs are going to get you there in a moment you're going to turn around a little bit look you're rushing me you're rushing oh my [ __ ] but in a moment you're going to sit down in that chair at the moment you do that's right you're gonna immediately fall back into that deep relaxing sleep where everything I say can become your reality you can do it you can get there okay okay and the moment you sit down you'll be back normal size free of all the vertigo it will completely go that's right just get your position in the chair close your eyes sleep and relax deeper and deeper and deeper and deeper again when I say one too wide awake your eyes are going to open and you will absolutely 100 believe that Jack is Mr Beast and Tom is Carl that will be your reality one two wide awake eyes open for me oh are you feeling good yeah you know these chaps oh [ __ ] no way it's me Jimmy hello hey Carl really yeah you met Carl before I met Carla VidCon how you doing man you know how to go in yeah [Music] that's sweet any questions you want to ask these guys um what what's your name uh okay nice to meet you yeah you're still holding my hand sorry that's all right if you have any questions for us yeah I mean you know Mr Beast yeah actually um you have a burning question you want to ask Mr B I actually really do how much do you spend on a thumbnail like a million dollars I heard it's genuinely like 2 500 quid per thumbnail really yeah and we do like we do like different drafts of them we've met before I know I'm just I work with Jimmy do you want a feastable not really oh I mean we sent you all those festivals you know even enjoying them I give them to my friend Mario he really likes the uh peanut butter oh good good we'll make more this is weird man this is really weird look what's weird again just sleep sleep sleep sleep sleep and stand your legs will support you in a moment when your eyes open you're gonna see Tom in front of you the most irresistible smell is going to be coming from him if you want to get closer the closer it gets more irresistible he becomes one two wide awake can you smell that yeah it smells like um [ __ ] what's good when you're a toasting marshmallows that's right it smells like a freak s it's small it smells like small as well is it any better time you can just say hello wouldn't you last see each other hug guys ten times more irresistible you do not want to let go you actually smell like s'mores wait brother his nose deep in my neck the closer you get the better it becomes yeah give him a hug and we will we will bring this to an end give him give him a big hug again the closer you get she realized afterwards coming from his face [Applause] if you could just have one little taste take a nice deep breath in close your eyes and sleep go there into that place into that space of perfect quietness that inner experience that's it you may want to make a sound you may want to moan here and there and that's absolutely fine now I'm speaking to all of you as a group in a moment I will say one too wide awake and you will believe that you are the world's most confident stand-up comedian however the jokes you tell make no sense at all to anyone else each time you tell one you cannot help but laugh at your own joke once you're Wide Awake here we go little joke competition do you guys know any jokes one guy's got a bicycle and the other guy he's a guy that doesn't understand relative velocity uh he's got a bicycle and the guy walks in and he goes you're riding that bicycle really fast but wait until you see a [ __ ] car you know it's comedy it's not for everyone it was good it's gonna you got one more for us guys holding a really big square and his mate walks in and he goes you think that square has a lot of sides you wait until you see a pentagon there is a thing greater than yours let's give him a round of it thank you yeah come on give us your best so there's a cow and a lake all right I know as well try try and try and tell it with the Cow Shed because that's where the cows live [Laughter] you're gonna try one more time but this time you're going to want to wait you won't actually wait but oh no I always remember I already always want to wait the count [Music] brother get your [ __ ] mind on me telekinesis grass your bladder is shrinking to the size of a small purse you got a joke yeah I believe it's incredibly funny joke at least you find it hilarious I brought my collarbone once I'll dance about it put it there man [ __ ] yes just whisper something as hilarious in his ear just whisper it to him just secretly he also smells like s'mores my sister's got a [ __ ] hamster all right guys what did I miss just yeah yeah my sister's got a hamster my sister doesn't have hamster [Laughter] it's so fresh for you when you tell this joke it's going to be all you can do to hold it together it comes together my grandmother my sister doesn't have hamsters she does number [ __ ] dumb stuff come on you've got to Rise Above This yes I can't even trust anymore gags stop laughing sleep relax you can just relax completely as Jack delivers his Masterpiece have a joke here we go oh my grandmother [Laughter] my grandmother where's Tartan what's tartan yep though because I'm touching now your armpits are going to start to itch you realize you haven't had a decent enough crawling with something and you think you have caught that from the person next to you you think you have caught it from the person next to you I hate this I actually hate this okay actually don't touch me yeah why the [ __ ] am I itching yeah and they've crept down now you know where they are now they've got a little bit lower down the body there you go no I'm just itchy yeah okay um I need to leave yeah no no you can save it you will not get out of the chair you're going to stay put so the itching is going to increase it's going to get itchy and itchy and itchy okay why are you taking your shoes off you're gonna have to have a good scratch there you go and you're gonna find more and more creative ways creative ways children's Minecraft Youtuber whisp okay this isn't funny why are my ears itchy anytime they laugh it just gets suggested again you're gonna have to tell Max exactly what you think of him given that he's giving you these don't just I swear I need to stand up and you get relax you're gonna begin to apologize the most apologetic person it's the biggest mistake in your life you have an overwhelming urge to apologize I'm sorry the more he apologizes I didn't mean to I know you might have caught it for me but seriously apologizing I see that you're in pain I really don't like that my mate I'm sorry like I'm sorry that I touched you earlier I didn't mean to and now I can see that it's that's why you're itchy I'm sorry man seriously is that okay really getting under your skin now under my [ __ ] music video under my knees it could have been like itchy just sleep relax let go of the itching in a moment when I say one two wide awake you're gonna sit up in that chair you're gonna have an Unstoppable urge to express yourself in rhyme in rap one two wide awake sitting up in the chair once you want to wait give him a pot back in the D then I'll [ __ ] your [ __ ] let's go kill the beat for the base close your eyes if it helps if you want to move move be the best dancer too thank you [ __ ] tell me again tell me twice [ __ ] your [ __ ] your [ __ ] tell me again tell me again tell me [ __ ] your [ __ ] stop me again tell me again and it's battle rap time let's give it to Jack every little thing you know about him let's give it to Jack when it comes it comes he's getting there uh [Music] um smell and you have a Cheesy Bell and you four skins yeah [Laughter] what the hell that's good it's gonna start to fall bring it back and Max let's hear it I didn't get hypnotized so I don't know why I'm rapping I want to bring it to Tom when he's done you're gonna say my name is Tom I am the bomb I am the one that you watch you never touch me nothing rhymes with church oh yeah [Music] personal Jack give it to him everything you know about this man let's go [ __ ] oh come on face it's bad videos he's good I'll rate him and his wood Hayden that just revealed his his deep crush on my dad he's just he's just interesting just interesting like that no I have a crush on your dad I don't have a crush on your dad a little bit not even a little bit Yeah sit down I want all of you now to reach forward and put on your space helmet we're gonna go for a trip into space and you're gonna become completely weightless and you're going to go for a little weightless walk around these chairs this is the moment this is what you paid for this is why you're here one two eyes open wide awake have a little stand up for me feel like it feels next to be completely weightless yeah how is that it's like you're a helium balloon floating around this room [Music] [Laughter] are you not bothering kit I don't think my helmets on right that's right I feel a tightness in my chest your helmet is shrinking your helmet is shrinking your helmet is shrinking help him get it off guys he's right to be fair you can't take it off because we're in space it's the tiniest helmet it's absolutely glued activities you're in a moment you're gonna get it off and you will believe they pulled your hair off give it one more tub guys pull that hair on the opposite [ __ ] you're looking just like him have a little look in there for me is that you how's that that's not [ __ ] funny I can feel my hair but can you see it no no wait hang on a minute we take a photo on the phone just so he knows for later yeah okay you can't okay I [ __ ] you shave my head that's not funny completely that's not [ __ ] funny you've got to give me a heads up before you [ __ ] put a razors in my head that's not funny you can close your eyes sleep and not see your hair in a moment your eyes gonna open and these guys will have no hair once you're Wide Awake that is your reality [ __ ] no why the this is actually Insanity you've joined the bodies all of you this is actually Insanity like mate this is what you need if you get into a gym manifold but there's no [ __ ] mention of shaving heads Jack now that's actually not that's not all right that's what you need to do to get we wanted to be more [Music] the person I'm touching now from this moment on anyone laughs you're gonna duck for cover it'll be like someone has just fired a bullet over our heads so when I say one two wide awake the person I'm touching now you will believe you are dream you will talk like DreamWorks act like Dream It's just gonna come out it's like it's fully there and the person I'm touching now you will believe you are Donald Trump you will have all the confidence or the front all the lines of Donald Trump you are Donald Trump one two wide awake how are we doing very good thank you very very good tremendous how are you I'm good what's your name everyone look at this on camera I don't like you Donald and everyone's just seen me say that I'm a changed man I literally am a changed man you can see all the progress I've made over the years and all my fans have seen the change that I have made and then they so we're also proof of that oh my literally yes what's wrong with him Max ggs because I started the dream SMP [Music] what the [ __ ] are you talking about hello how are you what are you doing why are you stood here breathing make sure you're filming it make sure you're filming me pick up the camera and film me what about like Tom and Tombo I know but what about them you're bored it's okay many people go bold me personally I don't go bald I have tremendous [ __ ] very good hair I care I care for it very much what did you just what about lockdown yeah I'm in lockdown that's it yeah tell us about the actress the actress I don't know what you're talking about there's never been an actress she said she peed on you nobody has ever peed on me if anything I'd be on other people Phil did that and he got a few thousand viewers [Music] I'd be on other people terrible people the people that want to threaten America I will take out my dick and I will push all over them because they deserve it terrorists the war on terror has begun and I will be pissing on you I am actually lost relax sleep let go sink sleep relax relax relax just sit back relax again in a moment I'm going to say one two wide awake and we're gonna go in for the rap battle it's going to be harder this time it's going to be meaner this time Eyes Open Wide Awake your first stop [Music] [Laughter] that's all I've got wait no I'm not on scene let's go find it find a group [Applause] your [ __ ] boots you ain't got nothing on me cause I got I'm [ __ ] bored hey honestly you shaved my hair that I'm gonna [ __ ] chop off your fools in your sleep get that [ __ ] shoe going cause [ __ ] you [ __ ] you you bring a razor to my head I'll bring a [ __ ] gun to your [ __ ] party that's a big finish big finish give it up for this guy your [ __ ] fools but that's fine cause now I am too I swear to [ __ ] I'll shoot you I ain't got nothing on these holes there we go take a seat kit let's give it up a kit that was pretty strong you violated me just then you violated a lot of things left walk down this might be the first sister doesn't have a [ __ ] up style feet on the floor put them in front of you your eyes gonna open you're gonna be back in the room all the silly suggestions will be gone Eyes Open Wide Awake back in the room there we go guys [Music] we did some things that won't make it into the video foreign [Music]
Channel: JackManifoldTV
Views: 974,129
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Jack manifold, tommyinnit, minecraft, mine craft, funny, 1000% funnier, tom simons, vlog, jack manifold vlog, jackmanifoldtv, maxggs, wisp, wispexe, kit wisp, kwisp, thunder1408, hypnosis, hypnotised, is hypnosis real, is hypnotizing real, hypnotized, funny hypnosis videos, meat mountain, alex wassabi, wassabi productions, alex wassabi vlogs, cities, cities skylines, cities skylines 2, cities skylines 2 gameplay
Id: Dt86LOatz00
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 27sec (1647 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 08 2023
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