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what is up everybody anv coin brusher here back with a brand new high limit coin prusher video for you all today in today's video we're going to be doing a $10 million buying and they only gave us 50 quarters to get started today very very expensive game but uh most of the time they'll give us anywhere from 500 to 1,000 quarters on the games where they have these great big old walls of poker chips in there so this might be a pretty difficult game today might take a couple B PL to get it to go I'm not too sure well anyhow that was the last of our quarters we only got like one quarterback all right so there's that quarter I'm going to put it in like on the left hand side looks like there's a bunch of quarters about to go back there my goodness we didn't win nothing back out of $10 million that is crazy so anyway I'm going to go do another $10 million buying there should be enough in there to win uh $20 million back at least so let's do that other buying and we'll get right back to pushing all righty we are back let's get right back to cussion so I did another $10 million buying they gave me 50 more quarters so now we got $20 million invested into this game today oh nice there we go it's finally starting to fall down they got a great big goal a quarter pyramid or quarter wall up front whatever you want to call it there's also a $1 chip right there near the edge so if we win that that'll be worth 5003 quarters and they got probably the world's biggest wall of poker chips in there so let's let's check it out and see how many quarters we've won we'll be right back all righty I am back let's get right back to ption so on that last round we won about oh gosh like 604 or so something around that oh yeah that great big old wall of chips that's about to go it's right there on the edge you can see the base of it is starting to like slide out from underneath it oh nice there we go now $1 chip is on the edge look at that yeah once we get that $1 chip we'll be set I got said that is worth 5003 quarters oh yeah there it goes we're going in it so close to the edge nice there we go so I'll turn that in as soon as possible we got a couple quarters left out of those 60 quarters all right so let's see what it does oh my goodness wow look at that so while that's pushing I'm going to get that LE C out oh my goodness look at all these quarters down here this is just one handful right here or two handfuls technically let me put these quarters up here in the basket oh nice they got a mystery bag in there I'm pretty sure that's the small dollar sign money mystery bag Wow we lost a ton of that to the blue shelves today let's see they also had like two towers of $5,000 chips now I think those are 25,000 all the chips underneath all those chips right there there was like a big tower of them on each side and they got two golden Towers way back in the back and it also looks like they had some gold on the pressure shelf back there oh my goodness there we go well it's all getting stuck against the glass hopefully we can uh wi it all out of there so sorry there wasn't a video yesterday I was super super busy I had a lot of stuff going on and I didn't even get home till like midnight last night oh my goodness nice there we go let's get that loot shoot cleared out oh yeah there we go look at that super Avalanche right there or a chiple Lynch whatever you want to call it that's a new word you all come up with down in the comments that was a gold Al Lynch right there was a whole bunch of gold as well about to be a cash aanch too cuz there's two stacks of cash on the left and the right Corners yeah them stacks of cash typically get stuck against the glass and sometimes it'll take a long time for those stacks of cash to fall down sometimes I'll be playing for good us up to an hour or more stacks of cash are still stuck against the glass in there well if they don't fall down within like 20 to 30 minutes I always just call the staff back here to see if they could like rearrange it or whatnot cuz uh the staff rearrange anything that gets jammed up against the glass and if it gets stuck in the loot shoot the odds are they'll just give it to you and count it as a win so yeah that's how that works well that quarter pyramid we just won a few minutes ago gave us a bunch of quarters we still got some quarters sitting on top of the machine here in the basket oh yeah check this out we got that mysty bag I knew it was one of the dollar sign mysty bags that is spectacular so feel free to leave a guess in the comments and let let me know how much money you think I'm going to win today from a $20 million buying I definitely think there's enough in there to win 20 million bucks back I hope so anyway and uh hopefully they got some special chips in the mystery bag today the $1 chip $50 chip would be nice and also for the ones who don't know say you haven't seen the videos in a couple weeks they recently just uh upgraded to the earbuds the earbuds instead of them being worth $100 each they're now worth three towers of chips the blue one is a tower of 5,000 o chips the pink or the peach one whatever you want to call it that is a $10,000 chip Tower the yellow one is $1,000 chip Tower and uh the white one is a tower of $225,000 chips and uh this mystery bag Phil socket is loaded up super good but as you may know the mystery bags can be super deceiving at times a lot of times they feel like they're loaded up real good but it could just be filled with a bunch of unvaluable stuff yeah there was this one time we won a mysty bag on like a billion dollar buying game or something and it was just loaded with quarters I mean the quarters are always nice but it's not going to make our buying money back yeah it was literally just quarters there was no dice in there well that Center's pushing real good we're about to get oh yeah there we go bunch of 10 and 5,000 Noah chips yeah I don't know about the corners those look like they're jammed up pretty bad so what I think I'll do I'll just call the staff back here here in just a second let's try to push this last like 10 or 20 grand out of here oh yeah there we go perfect let's get that 10 grand on the edge all right so I might as well go ahead and call it quits right there oh my gosh well that 10 grand is about to go I'm not worried about it we'll win it on the next round but anyway let's go ahead and open up this mystery bag right here and we also won that $1 chip so I'll turn that in here in just a moment but uh let's see what we won right here this should be loaded up pretty good considering it's a $10 million buying oh my goodness we got the $50 chip and the red earbud oh my goodness so I didn't tell you all what the red earbud was for all right so let me set that $1 chip down all right here we go so we got the red earbud so this right here actually gets us the stuff that is on the blue shelf so we get to turn it in they'll take everything that's on there they'll put it into the Playfield here for us to have a chance of winning it so that is exceptional and you all are not going to believe this we got the $10 chip and the $50 chip today so the $50 chip we get to turn that in at the very end of the game they'll take anything that's falling down them little side slots and they'll put it back in here probably build it into a brand new tower for us to have a second chance of winning it so that is exceptional and we also got the $10 chip this is worth one or more free towers made out of chips I get to spin a wheel and that wheel has a bunch of different types of Chip Bays on there and whatever it LS on that's what type of tower they'll build in here so that is awesome and we got two of the $1 chips that's 1,000 more quarters we got three white doce and two gold dice a white doce multiplier winnings the gold dice multiplier gold wow we did super good with that mystery bag right there well I keep on dropping all the special chips I have to pick them up in a second but anyhow before we cash in any of these chips I'm going to call the staff back here to see if they can rearrange this since it's stuck against the glass so let's do that and we'll be right back all righty we are back let's get right back to pushing so I cashed in all three of them $1 chips they gave me 1,500 extra quarters and I had them reset the machine they uh took those two stacks of cash and all those chips that was stuck on the left and the right Edge and they buil it into a brand new tower back thr on the presser so hopefully we get this big old Tower to go it is super super close to the edge already hopefully them stacks of cash don't give us too much of a problem hopefully they all crash down and fall straight down into the payout shoot right here so one of the best techniques for playing these machine say if this is your first time watching the videos or perhaps you want to start playing these high limit coin pressure machines a couple tips and pointers I can give you is to always put multiple quarters in there at once and if you're trying to knock down the poker chip Towers like this right here uh use that skill stop button and load up goodness 1,000 Quarters at once if you really want to that all depends on your quantity of quarters if you want to uh load up a whole bunch of quarters in there tring to win a poke chip Tower then I guess that's fine like see right there I just loaded it up and we got that humongous Tower to crash down so I mean I have lots of experience playing these high limit coin brusher machines I've been playing the high limit ones for a little over 4 years now or actually June May or June no I think it's June June this year will make uh 4 years exactly cuz I think that's when I started playing the high limit ones so yeah I have lots of experience playing these machines and uh I mean I was also playing the low limit machines before I started playing the high limit ones like when I was uh younger I used to play like the bowling alley coin pressures uh gas station coin pressures convenience store coin pressers then I just upgraded to playing the high limit coin pressers once I got experience with them and whatnot so anyway let's see both of them stacks of cash got stuck down there in the l c oh yeah we're about to get all those $5,000 chips that are behind that stack of $100 bills nice there we go there's 15,000 bucks left to win let's win it and I'll just call the staff back here and see if they can count that money right there as a win since it's stuck in the loot shoot so anyhow let's go ahead and call it quits right there that was a decent round right there we made a lot of money out of it so let's go ahead and call the staff back here we'll be right back all righty I am back let's get right back to pushing so I completely forgot to tell y'all what uh chip I was cashing in I went ahead and turned in that $10 chip and I got to spin that wheel today it landed on 1 oz gold bars as you can see they built this great big old massive power of gold on the pressure shelf back there and they also built like two smaller shorter towers of gold on the left and the right corner so I'm going to try my best to push these out of here wish me the best of luck everybody hopefully we can walk out of here with hundreds of thousands if not millions of dollars in gold so we're doing pretty good so far we're making a lot of progress on making that 20 million bucks back and after we can knock over this big old gold Tower here and possibly these two on the corners let's just say after we clear out most of this stuff I will turn in the red earbud and then we put all those chips that are on the blue shelves into the machine for us and after we went all that out of there I got to turn in that $50 chip hopefully them uh gutters are loaded up with a bunch of stuff that other people have lost so say if nobody else has won that $50 chip today and I was the first person to win it if that loot box hadn't been emptied out in a while then it could potentially be loaded up with thousands of chips whether it be 1,000 5,000 10,000 or 25 $5,000 chips and see what they'll do they'll usually combine it all into like a brand new Tower or something and we have to try to knock it over so yeah some bonus money would be super super nice today we could really really use a nice win on this game but anyway I'm going to say this one more time I'm so sorry there wasn't a video yesterday I just had a lot going on and like I said I didn't get home till like midnight last night super super busy day yesterday but uh we're going to get back on track here hopefully this video right here makes up for the missed video yesterday and I don't think I'll do a two videos in one day today just CA like I don't want to like uh post too much oh yeah there we go nice look at that oh yeah those are 23 2400 gold bars right there yeah the gold bars are very very valuable I think they might be up to 2400 bucks an ounce which is wonderful oh yeah sweet there we go that was excellent right there got some gold on that right side to go this big old golden Tower is moving forward as well that's awesome oh yeah sweet nice look at that that was a excellent push right there be sure you leave a thumbs up on the video if you're enjoying it so far I actually reward you all big time for hitting that like button now the more likes these videos can get the better the video is the next day and the day after that so yeah if we can get to at least 4,000 likes on today's game I mean if these videos are getting 40,000 views in a day I know they could at least get 4,000 likes this video right here can get to 4,000 likes within 24 hours of it being uploaded to YouTube tomorrow I will try a $50 million buying with a one quter challenge I've been wanting to do a one quarter challenge for a long time so we'll do that really really soon if these videos can get enough support [Applause] oh yeah sweet there we go that was an excellent push there all right so let's see yeah I'm just going to keep on pushing over here on this left hand side for a little while at least until we run out of quarters on this round I'm just going to try to get this golden Tower right here oh nice it just inch forward a bunch there [Applause] we're also about to get five grand over there on that right side sweet there we go we just want it it's awesome and I know I told y'all about the side slots on the left and the right you can see it really really good now there's also one over here on the left anything that goes down in there goes to the owner it goes into this big old box it's like this big old tubberware type thing and uh that is the owner's collection box any quarters chips that goes down in there that goes to the owner but the $50 chip that gets us a second chance of winning all that stuff and believe it or not there's actually another way we could lose stuff and it go to the owner uh believe it or not there's this little like opening space right up above the P shoot down there and I guess it's there to keep it from overflowing but I don't really understand why on the high limit machines cuz when there's a lot of chips falling over this Edge right here I mean the odds are that Lo shoots going to start bowling over if you don't get it cleared out like immediately so [Applause] uh yeah and that money would go to the owner as well anything that falls down that Opening space and just just to give you an idea of how big the opening is it's like big enough for one of those ginormous dollar sign money mystery bags to fit down in there and a stack of cash and uh of course a whole bunch of chips and gold and especially quarters all right well we're almost out a quarter speaking of so I'm going to push over here on this left hand side and try to get this SK Tower to drop down into the payout shoot we still got to turn in the red earbud oh and speaking of that as well there's actually two more ways we could get the stuff on the blue shelves sometimes they have a green earbud in there and a $5 chip both of those would get us the stuff on the blue shelf as well and and that red earbud I haven't seen that one in there in probably gosh 2 3 4 months it's been a long time since I've seen the radier butt in there and I mean I like it when mix it up from time to time and put a different variety of things in there oh sweet we got the gold Tower to go now let's get this 10 grand right here and we'll be good to go we'll be good to cash in that red earbud really really looking forward to that cuz that is a ton of chips on the blue shelves and gold and like I said those brown chips that are buried underneath all the $10,000 chips those are $25,000 chips and there is a bunch of them so honestly that might be our buying money back right there potentially all right so we got the whole machine cleared out that is incredible this is doing real well today so I'm going to go ahead and turn in the red earbud and we'll get right back to pushing all righty we are back let's get right back to pushing so I turned in that red earbud and I called the staff back here they took all the stuff that was off of those uh side tables and they put them all into the Playfield here looks like they can M all the $225,000 chips into one humongous Tower back there on the presser so that is a super super good spot for that Tower and they put the two other gold Towers on the presser back there let's see now the five and the $10,000 chip towers are on the lower shelf here so those should be decently easy I guess to win I don't know we'll see we might struggle with that one on the right side though a little bit I'm not really sure door but anyway if we do end up losing something to the blue shelves today they will automatically put it back into the [Applause] Playfield whenever I turn in that $50 chip oh my gosh we just got two towers to go three of them four of them oh my goodness wow yeah this round right here is going incredibly well yeah I was expecting this one to be super difficult diffult but honestly pushing super super good probably the best that's pushed the whole game but we are going to push over there on that right side now we really need this big old Tower right here to [Applause] go all right let's get the loose shoot cleared out all right there we go perfect [Applause] nice there we go we got 3 oz of gold there bunch of $25,000 chips about ready nice there we go so anyway how's everybody's day going today I hope y'all are doing well I'm having an outstanding day today hope the weather's super super nice where you all are at and if not just bear with Thea for a little bit and it'll eventually get real warm out there hopefully it won't be too awful hot outside I know a lot of people are in different parts of the world than me so it might be warmer in some places than others but I hope it's the perfect temperature that you enjoy but uh anyway just make the most out of it try to make this summer right here the best summer you've ever had [Applause] oh yeah that big old tower on that right hand side it's moving forward look at that we're going to get it to go I think 99.9% sure of it well as you can see it has like two gold bars stack behind it honestly I think that's uh helping it move forward cuz when the gold moves forward it has no choice but to move the Tower with it as well that Tower kind of is blocking the gold from moving though it's a heavy Tower it's a lot of chips off stack in the one uh structure right there yeah but there was this one time I played for about 7 and 1/2 hours getting they're trying to win one Tower of 10,000 no chips on the far right side I told y'all that story dozens of times already but I might as well tell y'all again just in case there's some new people watching today oh and just a quick update on the channel I here within the next couple weeks or possibly the next month or two they're going to be getting brand new coin pushers here at this location and uh possibly a claw machine so just stay tuned for that these videos are going to get get 10 times better really really soon so just uh be sure you subscribe if this is your first time watching trust me you're not going to want to miss out on these amazing videos we're going to be doing the best coin pressure videos on YouTube so don't miss out on it be sure you subscribe to the channel and while you're at it enable that Bell icon that's right beside of the Subscribe button you have to subscribe to the Channel first then there should be a bell notification thing that pops up and if you tap the Bell icon it'll give you the option to turn on all the notifications for my channel for when I upload videos and if you do that you'll receive like a popup on your phone or perhaps whatever device you're watching my videos on every single time I post a brand new video [Applause] and then you won't have to go to YouTube and search for it it just saves you a lot of trouble in other words so and I post videos every single day seven days a week yesterday was the only video I missed in a very long time but uh you can count on me to post every single day from here on out pretty much but like I said there could be one day I might have to miss or I just have a lot of stuff going on I mean you get how it is it's just like with any job technically some days you might have to take off a day or two but I mean so far you all have to admit I've done really really good with the posting every single day consistently over the past couple years you could always you can mostly count on me to post a video 7 days a week yeah I was super busy yesterday like I said I barely had any time to think about anything yesterday I was super busy all right well that big old tower on the right side honestly I think it's going to be a little bit before we win it so I think our best bet now is to go ahead and turn in this $50 chip right here and they'll take everything that we lost to those side slots they'll put it back in here and they'll also take the stuff that is on the blue shelf so put it back in here as well so I'm very very excited about this so let's go ahead and call them back here and we'll be right back on all righty we are back let's get right back to pushing so I cashed in that $50 chip and they took everything that had fallen down in the side slots today and they put it all back into the planing field so uh Unfortunately they did not rearrange that tower that was on that right corner there I was kind of hoping they would cuz they usually rearrange everything Once you turn in a special chip or whatnot but not today unfortunately so but how whever they built this big old Tower of chips and gold on the pressure back [Applause] there and it's like made out of 510 and $25,000 chips and a whole bunch of gold you can see some gold uh stashed in there as well and they got a great big old basket of quarters sitting on top of it so all those quarters were probably the quarters that had been falling down in them side slots today so hopefully we can get super super lucky and win all that out of there I'm going to stack up the quarters nice and Tall again try to go for a mega push this time oh yeah I can already tell you this one is going to do excellent right here we might end up getting that big old tower on the right side to go before we get the tower on the presser that'd be something wouldn't it that'd be insane if that happens I mean don't count on it though cuz it still has a lot of progress to make it's probably oh gosh probably 20 30 40 pushes away from going if not more but see my goal is to get a large base of quarters stacked up behind it over there on the right hand side and then that will probably get it moving but that'll take a little bit though oh yeah jackpot baby look at all those quarters we just won that was phenomenal and you know what maybe this basket being stuck right here on the edge could potentially help us get this big old Tower chips over here on the right side that's happened a time or two before so we'll see how it goes my goodness look at all those chips that are behind that basket though that is hundreds of thousands if not a million out there all right let's rapid fire a bunch of quarters in there this time you ready for this you all [Applause] [Applause] all right there we go let's see what that does right there it should do really really well and we also got a whole entire basket sitting on top of the machine remaining so let's go ahead and put a whole bunch of Porters over here on this right hand side go for Mega push again so my goal is to get that big old Tower to go and then after we get that I will call them back here and have them take that basket out of there for me all right so let's see what all those quarters do and the quarters are starting to pile up in there now you see what I'm saying over here on this right side once those reach that power over there that's when it should start inching forward majorly so [Applause] yeah this might be a pretty long video today so sit back relax get you a bucket of popcorn or a bag of chips something good to eat also something good to drink like I told you all I'm a big fan of those uh Propel Waters I suggest you all try them if you haven't already they are super super good [Applause] [Applause] all right well that was the rest of our quarters are technically the last of them wait if we want all those chips out of there I think so we got all those chips that was underneath of that basket there that is amazing all right so let's go round up the quarters real quick and we'll try another round try to get this Tower right here so we'll be right back all righty we are back let's get right back to ption so while I was down there getting that loot shoot cleared out I seen one of the employees walking by and I was like you know what I'm going to go ahead and ask him if he can reset the machine take that basket out of there so uh yeah he ended up rearranging that tower that was on the right hand side and taking that basket out of there for free so so hopefully we can get this big old Tower to crash down right here it's already on the edge of the cusher nice there we go perfect W we're running so many quarters back as well those were all the quarters we have stacked up in there all all right so let's see I'm just going to finish this basket of quarters right here by the time we're out of quarters that we have in this basket here if we' won all the chips out of there by that time I'm going to go ahead and call it quits but then at the same time I'm going to try to win all these quarters back that are stacked up in there as you can see there's a bunch especially over here on the left that is a ton of [Applause] them come on nice push give me something oh yeah there we go that was a really really good one so yeah I can't even remember the last time I seen uh multiple special chips in one game before usually it's either uh the $10 chip or the $50 chip they hardly ever put both of them in there all right there we go sweet got those remaining $10,000 tips so yeah we basically won most of the quarters out of there but I tell you what I'm going to try that much more right here that's about I'm going to say three bucks at once so let's see what we can turn three bucks into probably like 10 right there let's see I don't want to stop because there's still so many quarters that are winnable oh yeah there we go that's going to be a good one nice you see what I'm saying that one right there was awesome as well yeah I'm going for a Max jackpot win today quarters and [Applause] all all right last push right here and we're going to go ahead and call it quits let's see what it does oh yeah that's going to be a huge push nice look at that that was wonderful so anyhow we got the whole entire machine cleared out today we knocked down that John normous Wall pretty much right off the bat wow this has just been a super super good game today so like I said be sure you leave a like on the video you've enjoyed it so now I'm going to go ahead and call the staff back here they'll put all those dots that we've won back there on The Pusher and we got to roll them down to this lower shelf here and whatever numbers are facing upwards uh that's what we're going to get the multiplier winnings in our goal by so let's see how many dos we've won right quick all right so we ended up winning five dos in total so let's go ahead and call them back here we'll be right back all righty I am back let's get right back to Pion so I called the staff back here they uh lined all those dice up back there on The Pusher so let's get them on down to that lower shelf hopefully they all end on some incredible numbers today oh nice there we go we got a six on that first White doce let's see what those other ones land on hopefully they do really really good and we went on everything from 2 to six if any of them went on Wars those would not count at all by the way so just letting youall know that right now I know most of y'all already know that just CU I've said it 10 million times pretty much on each video but just in case you haven't seen the channel before or any coin brusher videos at all for that matter I just thought I'd let youall know oh no well that uh gold D SLI that two over to a one right there that ain't good but still it's going to be a huge win we're going to get the multiplier winnings by 10 look at that got a four and a six right there on the white Dice and a four and a three on the gold so 10 on the white Dice and seven on the gold that's going to be an excellent win today so anyhow I'm going to count everything thing up multiplier winning Center Gold by all that right there and I'll let yall know how much money we ended up winning today from a $20 million buying we'll be right back all righty I am back you all are not going to believe how much money I ended up winning today from a $20 million buying this is absolutely outrageous right here so I ended up winning $1 19 million $640,000 that is the chips and the cash all put together and the white doce today totaled up to 10 so I'm going to get to multiply my winnings by 10 and in total I ended up winning 196 million and $400,000 so that means we ended up profiting let's see $176 million $400,000 that is incredible right there I was really not expecting to win that massive today especially from like a $10 million buying technically cuz that's what it costs to buy into this game but we had to buy in two times to get it set to go so that is an incredible win today be sure you leave a like on the video if you've enjoyed that win and uh the crazy thing is it doesn't even in there on top of that we won 143 oz of gold the Gold Ice total up to seven so in total I ended up one 1,000 and 1 oz as of gold today the spot price of gold I'm just going to say it's 2,390 an oun means we got 2,392 390 in gold today that is a brilliant win for the gold right there and it doesn't in there on top of that we won uh let's see I believe it was 2,948 qus so let's go ahead and divide that by 4 to get the dollar amount means we got $737 and quarters I'll take it so anyhow that is extremely good for a $20 million buying right there that was an outstanding win today so if y'all enjoyed today's video be sure you leave a like on the video hit that subscribe button and enable the Bell icon that way you're notified for future videos and if you want to check out a whole entire playlist of my videos that will appear at the bottom right of the screen if you want to check out yesterday's video the previous video that will appear at the bottom left of the screen and this video is a good video as well so you're welcome to check that one out that will appear at the top left of the screen and last but not least if you want to subscribe to my channel and uh scroll through older videos you can click that button at the top right of the screen there so with all that being said I will see you all on the next video You all take care and have a marvelous day
Channel: A&V Coin Pusher
Views: 82,866
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: KU8oh-WzZSA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 37sec (2257 seconds)
Published: Sun May 05 2024
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