Learning 24 Skills In 24 Hours

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i want to try to learn 24 skills in 24 hours starting from bunny hop on a bmx the only way i can jump with the bike is lifting both wheels at the same time but a bunny hop should allow you to jump way high first i need to lift the front wheel and the best way to do that is assuming a manual position which is pretty easy if you know her manual while to lift the back wheel i should do the opposite and shift the weight forward combining both movements should give you a bunny hop i knew this one was hard i was already prepared to failure since suffering but literally after 30 minutes i actually got it can i ride could be way higher with practice but we don't have time 23 skis left let's go throw in a boomerang and make it come back and let's be clear i saw people doing it but i don't even know if this is actually possible and during my first rise the boomerang completely refused to come back to me alright it's been five minutes five minutes full of frustration and sadness but now i think i got it i thought that i should keep the boomerang this way but it's actually the opposite and it's crazy by simply changing that little thing it took me just a few tries before getting it yes it actually comes back let's go next ride in a unicycle this is by far the scariest thing i've ever tried in my life my god how do you use this i actually believe circles circus people are probably between the best people on the planet this thing feels nearly impossible i started by moving forward holding a fence i absolutely love this fence this thing is the only thing preventing me from kissing the ground then i slowly started to let it go and after a while i started pedaling kind of that's literally the best i can do on to the next one i think it's about to rain anyways never tried a puzzle in my life and this demonic object will be my first one demonic because this thing kept using me making me believe i was about to separate the nails while in reality i couldn't be further away then i noticed these threats here and i thought what if i can actually make these threads touch once you know how to do it it is literally the easiest thing in the world look how fast i am doing it that's crazy all right next is the front hand spring this is something i've always wanted to try and i kind of did that while trying the front flip kind of oh my god these mosquitoes a front handspring is basically like the sound of front flip and handstand i actually merely got this one all right with an embarrassing form but i got it and so i tried for a while to get a little bit better all right i'll end it but i know it's terrible i will try one more time and even if it wasn't perfect at all i was pretty happy with the results i will probably never win a gold medal but i think we can move to the next one alright i need to do something safe and relaxing pen spinning six million views by the way i wasn't expecting it in that video i learned the thumb around but that's actually just half of the trick now i wanna try to combine it with the thumb around reverse and spin the pen the opposite way this trick is way harder than expected the trick is flicking the pen with the index finger that's it but i'm so used to do it the other way that this feels weird and then with 10 minutes of practice i got something decent kinda sketchy it should probably be like this but yeah next one next is the crossbar challenge yes back to 2014. basically i want to try to hit the crossbar three times in a row and you're gonna have to trust me on this one because i have only one ball sounds bad if you're italian you've been built to play football i mean there are two main sports in italy football and football and the italian blood in my veins didn't fail me i got three consecutive crossbars in like five minutes yes let's freaking go alright next one 5 pm right now i'm getting kind of tired but now let's try skipping rope tricks i already kinda know how to skip rope and doing stuff like the crisscross but now i want you to get a continuous double under but at the moment every time i try one then i stop becoming fluid with it is insanely cool and tiring all right i'm gonna try at least five but this one turned out to be easier than expected and i got it in about 20 minutes yes have you ever seen a cool bartender doing all those fancy tricks i want to be that guy the trick i want to learn is called hand bomb first i need to keep the bottle still on my hand all right i can do this oh a ladybug then we give it a flick and it surely back on the hand this is so painful oh my god do you see that bump this took a while yes let's go the last step consists in continuously flicking the bottle and creating a smooth motion i wanna try to do at least three bumps for this one i failed so many times and after half an hour of practice an immense frustration i kinda got something decent my hand is completely destroyed that's the best i can do guys so let's move to the next one then it started raining so i went back home next keep ups with a toilet paper roll and i have to do tanki pops for the challenge to be completed this is something i never thought i would do but i guess you never know look at me i'm already doing it yes where yes yes it was 10. it was 10 already it's freaking next we have a classic bar flips but i mean flipping a bottle the standard way would be way too boring and so i tried three different trick shots the first two went canon's movie i got them in like 10 minutes the third one has been painful i really want to try to flip a bottle on my hand i don't even know if that's possible that's way too hard i kept getting really close that's it it really felt pretty impossible for the first 10 years but after developing some sort of superhuman ability after 15 minutes i got it yes yes yes speaking of water the next trick is about creating instant icing water yes we are live hack channel right now this is actually one of those tricks that went super viral a few years ago and so i want to try it right now i'm basically following destruction of this video mr hacker teach me master apparently the water has to be at room temperature really important and then you put them into the freezer at -18 degrees or if you don't speak european it's minus 0.4 fahrenheit i think now we need to wait exactly 1.5 hours so let's move to the next one next i will try to throw a toothpick that wasn't fun you can actually throw a toothpick like a weapon i saw it on tiktok and you suggested it a lot so i give it a try all right we just need a target the first three throws gave me the impression this was literally impossible but then this happened oh my god it was literally the fourth one that's insane another one that's insane the secret is holding the toothpick like this and smashing the target so i already know how to use photoshop who made this list you mic but i never tried to do a caricature and as a model i picked one of the most powerful but modest people in the world myself alright let's see if i can do this i just cut out the background big eyes even bigger nose look at this then i should change the shape in some sort of way alright nice after exactly 1.5 hours it was time to check the bottles in the freezer so by smashing the bottle on the table the water should turn into ice and so i put them back into the freezer in the meantime i wanted to try a card trick the fan i don't even know how to shuffle cards properly but fan looks extremely cool i already watched the tutorial but i'm still pretty bad doesn't look like a fan right the trick should be pinching a corner of the deck with thumb and pinky finger and kind flip in the hand during the motion better it looks easy but it isn't i've been trying this for a while at this point i feel like i'm super close but i've been trying for one hour so we need to move to the next one not bad though it was time to check again the water in the freezer and this time it already turned into ice the trick is sticking out the water right before it starts freezing but now i knew what to do and so i put in the freezer a big bottle of water with a plan of leaving it there for 2.5 hours apparently i've been going down the stairs the wrong way my entire life because i just saw this video and look how cool it is all right let's try well i started trying and at first i thought this is gonna be easy then i realized that actually it wasn't working at all all right that was fast i tried for a while and i clearly managed to cover half of the stairs this is clearly not working well well it's dark outside i can't even take a shower because we will lose too much time next tablecloth trick i've been wanting to try this for a while but i knew and i know that i'm gonna break a bunch of things i wanted to try with plastic stuff first though and it didn't work at all nothing changed for a while i simply kept risking my life that was extremely dangerous that was dangerous and then i kind of understood the secret is pulling the tablecloth towards the ground and not worse yourself and also be extremely fast yes let's freaking go oh my god look at this one this is insane all right got it let's move to the next one i checked the bottle of water in the freezer and the experiment didn't work i almost broke the table i still had to wait and so i put it back in the freezer for a little more time in the meantime i wanted to learn how to chop food really fast i want to see how long it takes me to chop these potatoes before and after learning the technique my grandfather was a chef and i'm basically a disgrace for the entire family because i'm probably the only italian who can't even cook [Music] ah [Music] i'm kidding all right it took me 53 seconds to chop the potato after watching a few tutorials i realized that i did basically everything wrong i need to hold the knife this way and carefully positioning my fingers to avoid cutting them off then the goal is doing a smooth motion instead of simply moving the knife up and down all right let's try oh my god it's done 20 seconds that's nice i'm so freaking tired next one i also tried to do an origami crate it took me probably eight minutes by following a tutorial and i really wasn't expecting it to be this fun and relaxing plus it turned out pretty good no freaking way it's so nice i already know how to spin a basketball but now when i should spin a football spinning a rugby ball is a completely different story my goal is to make it spin for 5 seconds which seems impossible right now after 10 minutes i wasn't making progress and then for some reason literally out of nowhere it kinda started to get better we got four and after a while i actually got it yes let's go let's go we did it let's go it was the time to check the water in the freezer hopefully for the last time it's freezing oh my god it's breezy i can't believe it look at that this part is completely frozen oh my god it's going down it's completely frozen and it's still going down nice let's go next is building a paper plane and i know what you're thinking i wasn't bored like this i was smaller once and as a kid i already tried to build a paper plane but i have absolutely no idea how to do it now and i decided to challenge my girlfriend for this one one point to the one who can make it faster two points to the one who can make it better three two one go [Music] this video is all about speed going fast oh my god you're fast i'm watching a ton of tutorials that drain the battery of my phone thankfully this video is sponsored by anker the number one charging brand in america which just released this beautiful little guy yanker nanopro oh my god we are literally at the same point the nanopro provides full speed 20 watt usbc charging even for the latest siphon and can charge your phone up to three times faster than a normal charger oh my god i'm done i'm done yes look at this beauty it's literally perfect so basically i am the anchor nanopro and you are this one the anchorman pro is smaller and cooler than a normal charger so am i this one i'm still waiting for you to finish the reno pro also comes in four different colors that match your iphone if you want to be fast and cool click the link in description and get yourself an approach all right two points to the plane that flies further basically the first challenge is completely useless basically the same [Music] there was your foot oh my god oh my god i can't believe that no freaking way how is that possible this is mine yeah this is yours she won i won next i want to try to draw with lights this is something extremely cool i've always wanted to try it and i think i already know how to do it so basically in the camera of your phone if you go to pro you can set up this thing called shutter speed you basically see everything extremely blur if you use a camera you can do this effect even more amplified and this allows you to draw with lights the only problem with this effect is that the more you use it the more the scene becomes bright and so the plan was to remove any light source from the room and then literally drawing using the flash of my phone and surprisingly it actually worked first try let's move to skill number 23. it wouldn't be a mic chic video without a chalkboard i don't know what that even means and i want to try to see if i can actually make dotted lines with a chalk i saw a bunch of people doing it and i believe it would be actually pretty easy the secret is keeping the chalk at an angle so that he keeps bouncing on the chalkboard this is so cool and this sounds but what if i can actually learn to draw a perfect circle with this technique i already learned how to do it normally and i don't think there is a way for me to be able to do it like continuously like this nope but what if i can actually draw half and then another half this might be actually doable and so i started trying obviously the first few attempts were not that great but i absolutely wanted to get this one and so i kept trying over and over and i kept improving this is not bad until this happened it's kind of an egg but i'm really proud of it guys i'm so tired i didn't even know this was possible please love my circle all right we're done this has been the hardest day of my life it's 3am right now we started at 10 am yesterday so i guess we did it oh my god this was so crazy i'm gonna go to sleep i'll see you next week with a new video and if you want subscribe or follow me on instagram if you want to hang out more yeah i'll see you next week with a new video [Music]
Channel: Mike Shake
Views: 5,292,557
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mike shake
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 55sec (835 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 08 2021
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