My Touch Typing Journey (1 Month)

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this is a custom mechanical keyboard I've never had one before but a few months ago some friends convinced me to buy one before this I'd only occasionally browse keyboard videos and enjoy the ASMR of effortless touch typing but what stopped me ever getting one was the fact that I typed like this yeah I never learned to touch time I used two fingers and thumbs and had to look down at the keyboard every two seconds but it wasn't slow technically I was around 60 words per minute which put me above the world average of 40 and probably made me one of the fastest two-finger typers around still it wasn't doing my new keyboard justice so I decided to learn to touch type for real my goal was simple I wanted to reach the same typing speed I was now but only by touch typing this meant using all my fingers and never looking at the keyboard and where better to start learning than Reddit on the first post I found the clear favorite was so I went to check it out first impressions it's bright luckily they have a dark mode apart from blinding me KBR was really cool the principle behind the site is that it learns as you do you start with six letters and keep typing to build your muscle memory meanwhile the site is learning where you make mistakes and adjusting so you can improve faster the more you type the more it learns as you get better more letters are added in until you have the whole alphabet when I started my first six letters I surprised myself with an average of 35 words per minute and at this rate I'd be done in no time right wrong whenever new letters were added my average dropped I'd bring it back up then another letter would be added and I'd start all over again I pretty much stayed around 35 words per minute for the first seven days it wasn't until I unlocked all the letters that my speed began to improve I had gotten used to touch typing now it's just a matter of practice and after 14 days with a total of 7 hours and 55 seconds I hit my goal of 60 words per minute also it's important to note it took me longer because I was going for an average over a session a non-individual top speed otherwise I would have finished it half the time and that was it I can now touch type at 60 words per minute which apparently makes me a professional level typist to be honest I probably could have stopped there but it just didn't feel satisfying I needed just a little more with just an extra 20 words per minute I could hit 80 and be in the green so now I had a new goal break an average of 80 words per minute surely I could do this in another two weeks right full disclosure after I hit an average of 60 words per minute I took a two month break so day one was setting a new bar for myself I was pretty sure I'd have some work to do to get back to 60. but surprisingly I hit a new all-time average of 68. after day one I was feeling confident I'd already almost made it to halfway and I had 13 days left but I should have known it wouldn't be that easy as I finished day two down at an average of 67. the next four days were a bag of mixed results I went up and down but couldn't break 70. the closest I got was on day six with an average of 69.5 to keep my morale up I really needed to end day seven with an average above 70. I started day seven with confidence and my first test came out at 77 words per minute but I was counting the average so I had to keep it up throughout the whole session I went up I went down and a point I was averaging 69 words per minute but miraculously I pulled through and ended the day with an average of 74 words per minute this meant I was past halfway seven days left then an average of six words per minute to go with only seven days left I needed to make some serious improvements so after a bit of research I decided to make free changes one posture as it turns out sitting like a gremlin with one foot up wasn't helping me type proper posture helps you improve significantly and this meant a straight back and neck planted feet and bent arms at 90 to 100 degrees number two focusing on accuracy not speed this was the game changer for me at the moment my accuracy was around 90 which doesn't sound too bad but drastically lowered my words per minute by focusing on keeping this above 95 I would make significant gains in speed over time finally number three stop reading too far ahead this was my own tip I was Finding I made the most mistakes when I skimmed the words too fast and my fingers couldn't keep up with my eyes when I slowed down and even sometimes mouthed out the words my accuracy and speed increased it looked stupid but hey it got results and that was it three simple changes and seven days left all I could do now was keep practicing and Trust the process on day 8 my average fell to 72 words per minute which made sense since I just brought in three major changes but then I surprised myself on day 9 by hitting an all-time high average of 77 words per minute and that's where the improvements stopped somehow I just couldn't keep it together on days 10 to 12 and managed to lose an average of one word per minute a day bringing my average down to 74 words per minute coming into day 13 I knew I only had two days left to cover six words per minute and hit my goal if I didn't improve today the challenge was pretty much over with that in the back of my mind I somehow pulled it together and got back up to 77 words per minute so here I was day 14 my last chance to hit an average of 80 words per minute and in order to complete my challenge I needed three words per minute I knew I could type above 80 words per minute my current highest was 94 and I got that on day one but this was about consistency I started strong with two back-to-back 92s but then I started to drop below the 80 Mark every test from then on was a back and forth above and below 80. I wasn't sure if I could keep it up but I had to keep going when I finished the session after 30 minutes I tentatively checked my final average I don't know if it was because I was out of time or if the changes I made paid off but I'd done it after 8 hours 36 minutes and 17 seconds I had hit an average of 82 words per minute with a new top speed of 100. so that's that I went from typing with only two fingers to touch typing at an average of 82 words per minute in 15 hours 37 minutes and 12 seconds could I have done it faster probably but at least I'm not breaking my neck looking at the keyboard every two seconds
Channel: Jason Ho
Views: 94,492
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Typing, Touch Typing, Keyboard
Id: yQniJ72jkws
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 27sec (447 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 08 2023
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