I Built A City-Destroying Monster Using Evolution & Radiation - Test Tube Titans

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my leg my leg just let me get it all right you know what I have to beat you up [Music] well hello there everybody Trey here and today we're going to make giant Godzilla like monsters in a test tube in a game called test tube Titans now this one is an interesting one basically it's like Spore on crack from what I can understand so we evolve these sick creatures into these giant monstrosity and our whole goal is to destroy cities so basically your Godzilla but you're also making Godzilla so we're gonna make a new Titan today and looks like we only have size 1 and we're doing the campaign right now that was a free mode as well I guess size 1 is going to be the smallest ones obviously and as we go throughout this we can get bigger bigger evolution can be such a slow process which is why at test-tube site as we speed things up using high levels of radiation and simple comparative systems for evaluating the ideal specimens you'll be able to review basic stats hazards resistances and bodily mutations before committing to spawning a new type it's an intuitive process designed for results hell yes it is and here is our first randomized mutations so we don't like any of these for whatever reason we can actually just keep going here too oh my god that one is hilarious looking unfortunately I don't know exactly what all these stats are but his stats are not too hot so let's try and find a decent guy here with stats he also has to look absolutely horrifying and I don't think it's very hard in this game because everything I've seen is absolutely horrifying ok you know what I don't hate this middle guy he's got a lot of health compared to the most that I've seen at 29 now I don't know what all the bars really mean yet so we're just gonna kind of go into it but he's also got a higher power score than most and whatever the time-base thing is seems to be decent actually kind of on the lower side but hopefully we don't need too much that plus he just looks absolutely weird and I think you hate him even more oh no sorry that must be in the testing phase so you can mutate parts I'm assuming we unlock that later and we can have cross mutation with other Titans as well alright so that sounds looks good to me looks like we can upgrade our lab obviously we don't have any lab points right now but there is an upgrade system with this we can also get titan upgrades that we have a question mark right now so this is all things we unlock later alright so let's go to the missions and start this thing out and here we are I think this is the tutorial but I feel like I'm going to need it time to get moving we've set up the convenient test site to let you familiarize yourself with out of control of Titan thank you to walk cold Artie or LT to lift your Titans right or left leg respectively by alternating your steps you can walk floor for it that's gonna how walking works ok if you need to turn in a direction hold the opposite direction and your Titans leg will continue to swing around I don't know really what that means all right let's just let's just test this thing ok ok ok I should mention that this is a physics mace game already yeah I'm I don't what am i doing ok I am NOT a very good Titan Walker ok so I can hold my Oh oh I'm a ballerina my god this guy is ugly ok ok ok come on legs come on we can do this the problem is I have like thighs of Steel and they're kind of getting in the way honestly I maybe I should have got some skinny legs around it's not working yeah thank you quick shirts we need to change direction quickly you can override your normal steps using yeah it's hard to read that LS which is what I've actually been doing is using LS and not the whole stepping thing because the stepping thing hold on maybe we should just use the stepping thing ok I can actually walk in a straight line problem is turning so a little bit confusing in this one excuse me tree but what what am i doing trait this is this is getting oddly sexual okay let's sleep the tree alone I don't know if I'm gonna be good at this game guys it feels very coop like it's probably just me being a dumbass but she couldn't we just go things like maybe I chose the wrong Titan - okay that's the way I want to go now one foot in front of the other one foot in front of the other there we go now we're getting somewhere baby yes okay using my feet have is that it what isn't that what I've been doing I may find an object blocking your path your Titans feet are well equipped to deal with this quickly tab RT or LT to swiftly kick each leg okay so we can kick down the opps Oh God doing I was doing so good now you got me all screwed up okay so you gotta kind of aim the body no come on swing around and then let go and I'm I'm you know I I'm clearly I'm better going backwards and forwards alright there we go there we go kicking yes oh this is fun already I can't wait til we get into an actual city but with how I'm doing at the tutorial it's probably gonna take a while to get to the cities here I'm getting better I'm slowly figuring out how to use these big beefy legs okay this one's kind of in front of me just give me a second then we're gonna swing and bam bam that's what I'm talking about baby oh god this game this game i if i get good at this game i think this is gonna be great because as you can see the destruction is actually pretty impressive you actually totally destroy these things get the freak out of here oh yes this is great okay can I can I pick this up oh I have a shield ha I just broke it damn it come on there we go just give it give it give it another pull okay can I kick at the same time kick kick that's what oh this is amazing this is so fun alright throw it I throw it the wrong way goddamn it okay here we go come on pull it come on this thing is freaking heavy I'm - I need a bigger Titan to pull this sucker down there we go come on we got it we got it she's coming down I wish I could see it all that is amazing god I've never played a game where I felt like an actual big creature before this is actually doing really good at that okay you know what let's just try and turn these damn legs around again there we go stop give me that what there go give me all that money give me all that money I need all the money I can get to upgrade this guy maybe lower his thigh width because great that's my one issue all right well tutorials done can I go kill people now I'm feeling pretty good about myself and how we do $4,900 only took me five minutes and I got one plus four um test tubes yay okay well the maps really impressive in this game it looks nothing like my Titan and I absolutely love this we did the tutorial let's move on to act one on the farm target scores $1,000 that should be doable hopefully token ratio 3000 for every test tube let's play now by the way you can play this game co-op if you want to play with Titans with your friends um alright play it let's do it oh yeah baby alright well we got to start somewhere why not start in farm land so the basic mission welcome to your first proper mission in the field this is where we've been training for it's essential for this mission that you prove your titans ability or remove all obstacles in its path that means everything you see you may find the Titan is damaged by external threats you should eliminate these threats to avoid them altogether alright so hopefully we don't get too many threats at the start I I'm a very new Titan oh god there's an in it and enemy waves coming already okay well let's get over as quickly as we can alright I'm almost at the first obstacle I'm very excited right now that's right there we go hundred bucks right there man we are gonna earn that's in dollars so easily scroll your car wait what died help okay the cars blow Wow you little [ __ ] where the frig are you oh god they're everywhere oh man okay I'm already taking a decent amount of damage all right come on hold on cops don't run away from me alright well clearly I'm gonna take a lot of damage cuz I can't catch up to these guys but screw your car scooter [Music] oh wow did I just die I just lost my hand they killed me quickly all right there we go they're all god it's shooting me already you give me this give me this give me I just need to destroy these there we go come on come on block block them all right I I need to figure out how to throw clearly cuz that's where I'm gonna be able to do really well there we go we got that okay we're destroying things we got it we we successfully did it get rid of that tree I need to go over and kill these bastards cutter what are you crap heads you guys are everywhere there we go I'm grabbing some of them that's right running I'm gonna squish you all I wish the camera was a bit better sorry about that view guys but I'm still very much learning this well we completed it I didn't realize I had a name for this guy Kofi doe it's a good name he has new upgrades now capito will be ready to use again in five missions oh I need Ida test tubes need breaks the test tube tightens so I actually need a new Titan I can't even upgrade that guy yeah I literally can't update that guy so you know what I'm gonna go back ah don't get me wrong I I like the campaign mode but I want to try some of the bigger upgrades and bigger Titan so let's go to creative mode and see what we can make with this so we're gonna get a new Titan here go all the way up of course the size 5 and ok this guy looks like he's got three heads clearly III like the Titans with the big thighs though this is crazy I'm more just want to use this guy cuz he's got sixty eight health which is the only thing that I'm really focusing on at all he's the burp him okay so we can mutate parts now that's the cool part so you know what let's get rid of these big ass legs let's get some skinny boy legs in here and when you mutate the parts as well obviously as you can see it changes your stats as well which is pretty damn cool can we get some really skinny ones or are they all gonna be very similar you can see they change a little bit okay these are looking acceptable and again it's got plus for health so that's good right so let's just take those um let's keep going here let's keep going though I kind of want to get rid of that body get it get up better oh there we go we got a nice thin body there that's exciting alright yeah you know what I'm not gonna be too picky with the body this guy is obviously doing pretty good already I don't know what the cross mutation is okay so you can make parents crossbreed and make a Titan with two really good parents if you're getting serious into this game if you guys like this obviously I'll go deeper down into it I'm just trying to make something that's decently good right now so let's just make sure keep upgrading these things looks like some of these guys got pincers okay but now we can get into the Titan upgrades which is why I wanted to show you this and get away from the campaign because we probably wouldn't have got to the upgrades today so each Titan has 5 love obviously if it's a level 5 Titan you get 5 upgrades such as love before 4 I'm assuming anyways and then all the way down to 1 um so I want increased resistance all-hazards by 15% that sounds really good I don't know what's the best things obviously so let's just get something that's somewhat decent now the specials I've done a little bit of playing on this and you only get one special per Titan so if I get the jump now there's cooler specials down below and I definitely want to get those instead so max energy by 30 why would you get max energy by 10 if if 30 is in the same tier oh there's a certain amount of points that you use you can see this one costs 3 this costs 5 so I wonder if there's a limit on how many points I have no idea let's just go for it you can give like extensions ok we can do a special spin or a special flop I feel like flop is more my style it's a cheaper cost though so I'm feeling like spins obviously a better attack so let's get the spin 1 just because that now please tell me I have a long that completely expected this is so stupid alright now we can choose whatever the hell we want so obviously let's go a little bit further down I don't want to go too far down or it's gonna be too hard we can kind of see the kind of different levels that are gone with the wind' should be an interesting experiment how does your Titan handle impacts probably best to keep things together yeah you know what screw it well let's try that oh my god oh god this is a bad idea ok well I'm assuming I just got to punch these fans and hopefully not die by them okay legs come on guys a lot heavier than my last one I can feel that our excuse me excuse me in trying to kill your car you know what world would attack baby it didn't work oh there we go I'm spitting a little bit all right well it's hoping there'd be some big buildings but that's not the case I've already lost a hand so you can be dismembered in this game that's a problem we only got one more hand to grab things with Oh cops hold on I gotta go get these guys spend time baby tornadoes coming in there we go Oh get them get them off I really wish I could was better at walking in this game because I feel like that's where you're gonna be a hell of a lot better as once you figure out the walking scheme okay come on I gotta use my one hand here actually I'll just use my feet to kick there we go whoa whoa okay so the kicking if we can get good with this it's gonna be real good Low Energy go for it I'm going for it get those cops down and tighten expired and I accidentally was spamming a button then we went back to the main menu I think ah aha that's what I wanted okay I just wanted to feel like Godzilla damn it and god damn it I think we're gonna feel like it now all right scares me just just going for a walk down the street just gonna get to the big buildings before the cops come please all right cops are probably gonna be coming in here so we're gonna have to work pretty fast let's just grab this building never mind I just punched right through it man I am so much bigger than I was last time give me this big building your ass grab it and pull pull they're shooting me oh I just ripped off a part of the building that is so cool come here building I'm gonna pull you take you down this is so pleasing I love this come here spin time baby oh my what you killed my wing I can't fly anymore no not that I could anyways god I can't even see that's police shooting at me this game I kind of wish the police weren't in it I just want to destroy buildings in my crappy ballerina style can I turn around please okay yeah I'm just gonna die at this point do you spirit sack it's not working oh hi helicopter you're not doing very well either are you I'm being shot everywhere okay I need to walk forward there we go I think I got that building any as I say I need to walk forward I'm walking backwards now I'm low-energy go for it god damn it this is so hard okay back to the big buildings there's this is this is this is what I live for this just oh god it's so good okay grab this leg nope leg you're going the wrong way turn around okay kick kick the building a bit screw off coughs I swear to God all right it's really throwing just pull it this is great can I throw this get him out of here I'm gonna try and kill the cops now but my feet have stopped working why is my foot stuck god this is like co-op mixed with Godzilla I swear all right doing a lot better this time no 21000 come here helicopter oh you just bounced off my back I tried to grab you well we knocked him down anyways good forgot him of my face helicopter and I'm dead I think alright and here we are in multiplayer with my buddy I see and we're going to sumo wrestle each other no I'm sorry they're weak no no hold on I didn't like that one anyway so you have a bigger head oh come on that's just that's just too much thigh wait there we go ready let's do it alright and let's do wrestling first good luck buddy okay oh okay okay okay okay get let go of me you're not supposed to be better than me you haven't played yet you're pushing me and I'm pushing you come here yeah let him go you know I'm too big like I can't move fast that was amazing maybe being small has its advantages okay I have to kick you while I'm holding you yes dude this is the weirdest sumo wrestling I'm too big you can't move me I'm just gonna argue okay it's tied right now this is this is brave okay you may be bigger than me but driver you serious something ripped all right best of three we gonna try again actually look actually let's go back and choose new new ones mega Blok okay I wonder if increase in the radiation increases the randomization of it that's four you're probably right you're totally right I didn't even think about that what if we go what if I could do oh my [Applause] walk with this guy you know I'm gonna drop the radiation down just to see what it looks like yeah you're definitely right the radiation just makes them a lot more beefy new Monster High and I need something with a big top all right you know what I need to up the radiation come on give me something good what this is not even close to you this is ridiculous I have one more try this this is what I have to choose I'm gonna win it I am gonna be pop by damn it come here you big bastard it's comical how fast they fall this is the worst I need that Popeye arm I actually won all right so I said best of three did you win the last one I forget already yes that's one one okay turn the lab we'll try one more time great we keep whatever we get yeah that's it that's that's a pretty good guys all right here we go what's mine okay okay I'm gonna have to clearly kick all right good luck oh my god I'm so fast why are you so big I'm so famous yes oh my god Rex I'm so powerful oh I just ripped my hand off yeah hold on come here I'm gonna let me use these kicks let go of me well you're holding on to me I'm still here I'm still here I can't anymore dude I can't even grab you I'm just using my sheer middle weight to destroy you no no please all right come on little hands we can do it no I've I spun around again Jesus I win I'm a better test tube tighten all right let's try and destroy a city now I look like Groot if he took a bunch of LSD or C so we had wait no I have to defend the city and I think you have to attack it is what I'm thinking right now I don't know I'm supposed to take these down I'm just gonna help you screw the cities I just want to be a big evil monster okay so that's clearly what it is so I have to attack all right go go Ryan Ryan will he doesn't know how to walk a little bit hold on get away from me get away I'm just trying to kill the city all right you know what I have to beat you up I can't turn around cuz you've got my stupid leg one second - seriously you're not supposed to be good at this this is why I told you to come come on come on you're going you're going over you're going in timeout no I don't want gonna spin I'm gonna spin and see what happens no that didn't do anything oh dude I'm sorry people I'm trying to save you yeah oh that there goes my hand thank you okay cue you bastard yeah no okay I'm just gonna save this one yes just gotta save that nope nope nope come here are you serious now let go come stupid helicopter out of here punch your stupid whatever this thing is I'm punching it so me god I want to kill the city I should kill you at this point I need to get one just let me get one please just so annoying with this voice I just broke my hand off this was the worst this guy is the worst come here come disjunction I'm sorry I'm just these big legs man I'm swear I can't walk in a straight line my god that was impressive actually you're clearly way better destroying cities than me I haven't been able to okay I'll save the wine oh my god you killed my life please you're too good you are too good of a monster there's one more oh my god that was rough all right come here what the Freak was that get out of here how are you doing that freaking Jackie Chan over here special attack learn how to do oh god damn it I don't like this game anymore really not with these big legs look at me comparing you really gotta get the good meat meat mutant to do well in this game it feels like oh well that was fun guys thanks for watching I hope you guys enjoyed this game he won't anything more about a link in the description let me know if you want to see me play some more of it cuz it's interesting to say the least so always guys thanks for watching and liking I'll see you in the next one [Laughter] [Music]
Channel: Drae
Views: 127,590
Rating: 4.9331102 out of 5
Keywords: Test Tube Titans, Test Tube Titans Game, Test Tube Titans Gameplay, Godzilla Games, Physics Based Destruction, City Destruction, Evolution, Games Like Spore, Creature Creator, Drae, Draegast, Evolution Games, Video Game Monsters, Monster Builder, Monster Creator, Indie Games, 2020, Physics Based Brawler, Physics Based Games, Test Tube Titans Highlights, Funny Moments, Test Tube Titans Part 1, Creative Games, Test Tube Titans PC, Godzilla Like Games
Id: Kf34RAQ35zs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 10sec (1570 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 11 2020
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