I BUILT A GIANT CASTLE in Jelly’s Minecraft World!

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we are back here in jenny's minecraft world the world that we used our elite hacker skills to break into and take control off well not really take control we're just kind of here jenny couldn't do anything about it so now we are once again trolling each other now i'm not gonna lie things have not been going too well for us in jelly's minecraft world but we are slowly getting back on our feet we're here at our house or well some some sort of dirt blob i have no idea what this is i'm only just logged in wait how could i forget remember guys this series is fueled by your likes so i'll only upload another one if we hit 100k likes we don't no more videos where was i you guys might remember my house got burned down that one time that was pretty sad so what is all this about and why are there holes what is going on slogo's brand new house wait what wait they just took the dirt from my house who did this okay well i don't want this here no thank you um this is just disrespectful to be completely honest now today we are going to be at least beginning to rebuild our house and i'll get to that in a little bit because we're gonna be doing something a little bit different this time hang on let me just leave my house there we go oh yeah we should probably fill these random holes in there we go i can't believe they wouldn't even get whoever did this couldn't get their own dirt they had to steal mine wait hang on a second you guys might remember i actually have secret diamonds and uh turn off right now if you're a jelly or crane a viewer okay let me check is it still there my lever is over here okay i heard the piston oh oh okay my secret diamond's still there i used to have three but i gave two of them to jelly and craner because i wanted them to uh like me again and i think that seems to have worked i mean i haven't been trolled not that there's much to troll though anyway let's go check in on what everything else is uh going on uh we've got crainer's house over here crainer's crib okay the best house temporary flag my other one burnt down how did that burn down was that something to do with jelly um here we still got that massive tower that we never looked at nothing seems to be particularly different here what is all this about because we didn't check it out in the last episode we've got like a oh what the what is this what is this pathway oh iron wait what what is this something must've been going on between jelly and crainer and there's yellow here that's what makes me think it's crana where does this go where am i where are we going i i don't really know where we're going right now oh my look how long this tunnel is okay this is gonna take a second you guys might want to get comfortable okay nearly at the end no idea what i'm about to find uh what is this a tunnel and a ladder how have i never seen this before water wait this is crainer's hat he had a secret what so crane is at a secret base under jelly's house that you could get through the fountain i thought i'd check that before okay this is really weird i'm gonna have a look at what's going on is there anything inside of here uh-oh signs hi crainer i put your secret diamonds back in your home i hope you enjoyed the treasure hunt what what secret what diamonds what is what we were just in the secret base where would it be in his home um like hidden somewhere we've seen that there was stuff under here before but yeah that's just the same is it like somewhere else uh oh i don't have ah he won't notice maybe under the bed no uh okay maybe upstairs does he have an upstairs no that just looks normal oh now we're missing a slap wait what no it was hidden in the ceiling um i don't know what to do i'm a little bit stressed okay you know what we're gonna steal these diamonds we're gonna steal these diamonds because they both think that we're friendly right now but we need to change this because jenny's written this we need to change it to something else okay i've got an idea so we must have done some sort of treasure hunt thing i don't know what that is but let's just change it to something that will not make us suspicious hi crainer hope you had fun with the treasure hunt as a fee for your enjoyment i have chosen to keep the diamonds jelly i think that should cover us at least for now so we suddenly have four diamonds let's go put them in our secret area there we go and boom wow we are we're getting pretty rich all right let's close that up and i think it's time to get on to what i was planning to do this episode my goal today is to at least begin building my house into a castle yeah that's right we're gonna build a fully functioning castle that will hopefully keep everyone out that's the plan at least and uh something that will never be able to be burnt down ever again now to do that we are obviously gonna need a lot of cobblestone which we don't have um so it is time to visit my neighbors there you go how very nice of you to donate all of this lovely stuff and now to pop into my best best friend jelly okay what have we got over here oh look at that that is absolutely lovely i basically just don't have to do anything all right well we've got all of our supplies it is time to begin with the build so first things first we are going to have to increase the height of our wall and that is not what i meant to build up with there we go is that high enough for the first part of the wall maybe we'll go one higher and we'll continue it onwards i'm also going to make the wall a bit thicker so we will have to remove some of those trees but we'll get to that in a bit i am realizing though that this is going to take quite a while we've definitely committed to quite the project here but don't worry when this castle is complete it's going to be awesome all right so that's the first stage complete we are going to need to add the interior part of the wall now and that is going to require quite a lot once again i don't know how i'm doing this but luckily we can get quite a few pieces out of this for each stack that we make oh that's not what i wanted okay we should probably do this from the other side that would make life a lot easier i've also added these little bits at the end this is where i'm gonna probably add some some little towers look at that looks great okay here we go nearly there this is taking way longer than i expected now we just got to kind of thicken the wall up a little bit and add something a little bit different to our entrances and exit it's definitely looking scary though i'll tell you that well i think there's definitely one thing that we are going to have to do now uh we don't have a choice this is just how it's going to have to go i'm sorry trees it's been nice having you here uh and i should probably just chop you down but you know it looks a lot more dramatic when i just sort of burn you down we'll make a nice little beautiful area again in the future bye bye trees oh no this one has the bee on it wait can i like move it don't just break the whole thing oh that's really sad i'm sorry bees anyway where were we yeah let's burn this down oh wait we don't want to burn down our flag that's bad there we go all right and now we just sort of no no no no flag that's not what i've been no no no no no no no do not spread upwards okay bucket bucket bucket oh no we've made a terrible terrible decision no do not burn do not burn do not burn it there we go we leave it like this then it shouldn't burn the flag anymore wow it looks so empty now it's kind of sad oh uh yeah i'll leave her that's a good enough way to hide it for now all right well that's finishing up with the burning it is time to get going on our first tower for that we need to build like this and then up oh there we go and then we just kind of go up a little bit more from here i have no plan for this i'm just sort of going with it so yeah i guess that is that is that a good height place oh come on i think this is a good height and then we add these bits around like so cool yeah i like that that looks good then we just have a really annoying bit of uh never mind of filling in this okay we're gonna need more than this but we can at least do most of this side and see how it looks how's that looking very cool that is good i like that we'll continue with that all right this is where i've got to so far i haven't built the actual stone brick part yet because that is what takes the absolute longest but these are our cool towers right now i think i'm really liking how this is coming together this is going to be quite a cool looking fortress if we look at it from crane his little tiny house it's kind of terrifying actually it's it's very terrifying anyway it's time to continue on all right here we go i'll give you a little tour of what i've improved so i've added this little gateway and little bubbly bits at the top but what's more important is these little towers um they're like fully completed on the outside pretty much um this one over here has a ladder so i'll show you that one in a second but yeah i've got all four corners done at the back i just added just a normal door entrance which we will move our lovely door that's been with us forever to it um boom there we go it's not the most secure thing in the world but we'll figure out something else obviously our stuff is still out on the open but we can sort that later what's more important is showing off the actual tower so if you walk inside you've got a ladder that takes you up with a little trapdoor and we don't really know how to get to the very top yet but we've got windows that's that's cool so you can look at delhi's lame house and soon i'll change it so you can actually walk between the towers but that's going to take a lot more work and a lot more resources like a lot more resources so hopefully jelly and crane can do a bit more mining so that we have some of those extra resources but yeah i think we've done a pretty good job so far i'll also move the flag probably maybe onto a tower or something actually that's still burnt let me just fix that up a little bit okay some fences and come on there we go perfect and uh i don't know what we're actually gonna do in here i assume we're gonna sort of build more than one house or a multiple buildings i don't really know i guess i'll see what you guys say in the comments section of what you think that we should do also was considering maybe adding some defenses maybe like a moat going around it like a tiny little bridge here i'm not really sure yet though we'll see i've sort of uh spent a lot of time building this as it is but yeah i think that's where i'm going to end this video it's bit of a weird one we stole crane as diamonds we built ourselves a castle and i'm hoping hoping that the present that we gave in the last episode to both of them is going to mean that neither of them are going to be suspicious of us hopefully they'll see this lovely big castle and go yeah i mean that looks friendly fingers crossed maybe but anyway thank you for watching and remember 100k likes and i'll upload another episode if you want to watch another video there are some on the screen tap those videos and i'll take you to the next one enjoy
Channel: Slogo
Views: 2,036,173
Rating: 4.9100294 out of 5
Keywords: slogoman, gaming, slogo, Jelly, crainer, Cowtown, troll, turtle town, Castle, Jelly server
Id: e-ConwJPhzA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 36sec (636 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 19 2020
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