BUILD The BEST CUSTOM TREEHOUSE Challenge! (Minecraft)

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the minecraft built battle nine of my discord members will be competing against each other to build the best treehouse I will also be building one everyone will have 30 minutes to build and then at the end we will do a little talk I want you guys to vote who you think the best house was in the comment section but before we get into it in front of me there are two chests in one of these is a diamond in the other one is something not that great guess which chest you want me to open right now three two one alright if you guessed the chest on the right you got the diamond click like on this video if you managed to get the diamond but wait did you say the left chest uh-oh that means Tod that means you dint it's a bad thing see these pieces that would be you right now anyway let's gave to the bill challenge welcome to the bill battle my lucky lucky contestants you guys are looking so good what are you doing Oh No we've got a problem but get out of the boat no boats okay keep your dirt hey you can't get away from this come on get back on the podium okay oh yeah yeah okay everyone else you're behaving well done anyway where was I yeah buildings stuff today we're gonna be doing tree houses so everyone will have a 15 by 15 grid like this and a chest in the middle with a bunch of saplings oK you've got to break that put down a sapling and then grow it and that's when you can start your build everyone understand good job all right you all have your own squares go off and find one and build your little sapling all right think everyone has grown their trees good luck everyone you have 30 minutes to build your tree house good luck so I think we are gonna be using a dark oak sapling for our build I think we need to add a bit more grass around it though I think dark oak requires there we go that's what I'm talking about and so it needs multiple saplings okay so I think for our tree house we're gonna be going with like a creepy tree like nether type thing I think so let's just get started so the first thing I want to do is make sure that the tree is centered all right so that gives us kind of like the trunk section of the tree now I'm just gonna feel the leaves out a little bit to be completely honest with you I don't know what I am doing here so we're gonna try our best alright so there we go that's our base I guess you could say now I'm gonna figure out like this is where obviously we're gonna have the like entrance up into it so we need to try and build this out to look a little bit nicer out here because it can't be completely square like that always it'll just look silly alright I think that looks pretty pretty nice actually now I'm gonna put a little bit of lighting down so I know a cool trick you can actually place pumpkins like this and cover the face and they light up I think that's pretty cool I'm realizing we probably won't even see it in the dark but that will look cool I'm gonna change the rest of the outside in a little bit but we've got some work to do I'm gonna make it a little bit taller alright so there's a little bit more of the branch system actually I'm gonna make it go out a little bit over there as well that looks kind of cool and over here yeah now we need to figure out how to build like some sort of interior room they're gonna use a different plank for this we're gonna go with a cage here I think that looks pretty good this will all get covered up I'm pretty sure by the leaves so we don't have to worry too much this is gonna be tough we're working with a limited area right now obviously the whole point of this is to do a quick build so we've got to do what we can do for now we're gonna work on just creating this little square over here and then let's work with some leaves so we're just gonna kind of start at the branches and just kind of build off of them I guess hopefully that'll look natural I don't know I'm not really good at building in this game alright there we go we've built pretty miss a couple spots we've built off of all of the branches I think so now we just need to work on like connecting it up a little bit I'm not really feeling this wood color so I think I'm gonna change the walls to something I just don't know what I just replaced the outside part we have some wood so that should help it look a little bit more natural alright well that is where we're at right now obviously we just we can't go too far with this because we're going to go out of our boundary so we're working with what we've got one thing I forgot I could use was fences they can look pretty good sometimes depends how you do it I was thinking of just having them coming off of things like this that isn't yeah that doesn't really work alright and there we go I think we are think we're done with the actual structure of the pole place and I think is looking pretty good okay so now I'm gonna just take some time to I guess filled out the interior and stuff and then I'll see you at the end of the build and we are done time is up everyone you might be wondering why is there a big flat Fox to the Christian well from my screen well that is because I'm not gonna be showing you my tree house until the end first of all we're gonna be showing off everyone else's so let's go have a look around before that though we have to drop those walls everyone drop the walls okay this is gonna lag oh my okay just might take a little bit all right there we go so all of the walls are down look at all these three houses this is cool all right so I guess why don't we start with this one over here in the corner Noddy hello how you doing welcome to naughty tree house look at that oh this looks really good okay so show me around so on the outside this is kind of cool that he's decorated the sort of ground level that's pretty smart so we've got some crafting materials we've got a turtle some fishies oh look at that baby there are so many animals out here all right got some birds so he's gone for a like a little pathway to go around that's kind of cool all the first room so this looks like it's the bedroom Wow look at that cold wait everything wait what every time that there opens do again oh that is so cool all right continue on this is cool there are a lot of parrots around here wait I'm just a but okay no you're not you can be so much more if you put your mind to it anyway moving on all right so I think we're at the top now and we've got a pig piggy bank very smart it's good to keep you he saves fast exit fast exit oh is it up this oh look at that another little special room with some armor and one of these things you can read books cool oh it was oh it's a trampoline for landing from the top that's so so oh and you fell off that's so cool what a naughty awesome built so moving on in this direction next up we have Louis how're we doing here red carpet for Josh of course oh that pressure plate is that going to explode are you sure oh I always think well at least I didn't get trolled so we got some like eggs over here that's a little bit weird to be honest yes you want to just show me the build alright so we've got a little front door and then you go out we've got some lights and then we get to the top floor and all look at this okay so we got a nether portal that's super cool and then some of these thingies in the top they are not beaming obviously a lower pet area hello there it's a chest oh I like this chest oh we keep going up there's a top oh look at that and then you could just see the the surroundings beautiful good job Louis good job I just found this random bird walking around and this is like the vid I guess that means you have to definitely like it now Jolla Kris let's have a look at Europe well my what's happened here oh oh I wonder if that bird was from this person's house this is a bit of a question okay we're not gonna we're not gonna ask any questions about that actually the worst treehouse ever oh okay well we'll see okay we've made it up it's a little bit tough to get up I'm not gonna lie hello there Wow look at that now the closer I think you know what I get I get it you know you're doing a good job guys you doing a good job and then out here we are a little balcony I guess this is for leaping off oh yeah okay it might hurt your feet though nice all right cool good job charlie Chris so next up hello anyone home hello Amy is this your place ah awesome alright show me around wait we should be going it's like a bit more a cinematic view of these places first all right so there is this one looking good okay so what do we go for Oh a little dog house that's so cool hello and oh what we got here this is a horsey help oh just put your mouse in my face that's fine and then a cute little farm over here that's smart you need one of those nether Paul of course all right let's head up so I guess this is the front door I'll wait until Amy lets us in oh thank you very much and oh look at this a bathtub so we've got like a bad area this is looks really good shut the door we're gonna get a breeze coming in lever just gonna blow up all right oh is this a secret entrance attack oh where are we going oh my what you have a secret underground bunker under the map oh that's genius Wow look at that and you can see everywhere all right good job Amy this is awesome off we go and back up the secret entrance that's so cool and then oh wait what is this yeah that's close to seeker entrance or no one knows firework shooter oh yeah nice well good job all right moving on [Music] okay it's you there we go some things just have to be done you know they just have to be done show me around the house over here we have a fire I get you can't burn in creative mode sorry this is your donkey hello donkey very nice to meet you what we got over here there's a grave oh boy 1.0 never be forgotten yes yes yeah but no thank you don't listen to that what does that say hi hello oh that we've got a cool little elevator though whoa that's a fast one hey look it's the pumpkin dude that's from the old storage area and jelly server don't open else you'll go to the Sheep Wow what are you doing you crazy person okay this I've got some real questions about this one we should try and get out of here soon as possible cool balcony oh my no don't know I don't want to pick up your dad what is this the main area go crazy music okay what is happening okay been fun hanging out moving on goodbye thank you very much I'm out of here okay we're never coming back to this house over here we have Chris Kay's Casa okay where's Chris K though hello I don't think he's here alright well let's take a look around us I have so many questions sub getting off track okay so this is Chris Kay's house I guess he isn't here anymore but let's have a quick look around bedroom also we've got some signs so we know where to go kitchen okay that seems functional this one look feels like a lot more like a fluid natural tree house this is the bed area alright that's pretty cool look at that I mean I'm realizing there's not a lot bushes on this thing I guess maybe it's winter better know good job Chris moving on oh okay this one looks unique we've got a unique design over here hello I hello show me around your place welcome to my humble home huh we got some pets out front a bouncy is it Triple E okay cool cool cool okay so this is a very creepy place I see your last friends didn't last very long why is everyone here terrifying okay over here we've got a little swimming pool and then let's go check out the main treehouse area I guess can we go in okay and then we've got a ladder oh look at that yeah this is a lot bigger than it looks from the outside a cake oh look at that it's delicious Oh could I even got some windows that blend in that's actually really smart I wish I did that secret ladder oh it's a bedroom area didn't even notice that and we can go even higher whoa why don't I go let's have a look around look at that good job alright next up we have began eggs another humble home look at that yours truly the plumber is late sorry about the leak oh my look at that the animals have feelings don't hurt them oh wait this close look I'm so sorry I'm so sorry and it'll go man hello you're my best friends okay oh we could just naturally climb up that's so small indoor pool this is what's causing the leak and I'm kind of a big deal in the plumbing scene I I know that that's what's causing it and then oh wow this has got a lot of room in it dining area we got a chest area didn't get a walk-in closet ah let's see oh look you even put stuff in there nice all right good job Soho where's the next bit we can go up here again okay I really like this like natural staircase design that's really cool armor and then the crafting areas when we go even higher this is a fully functional base don't mind if sitting I didn't have anywhere else to put it could have just not put it down Valley balls look at that that's awesome really cool job all right who is that done let's go check the next house out so who do we have next I think this might be the last one over here Zeus sees bound Olympus okay sounds good to me oh wait why is there a bunch of heads on the floor okay this is this is gonna be terrifying ping-pong oh okay I guess we go up all right why I might feel really uncomfortable already oh this is a little bad alright so show us around so in here a little living area wow this looks really nice a little diamond storage area and chapman's of course nice and we go up a level alright let's go a bunch more heads okay we're not we're just gonna no worry about that some chests that you can't open well I can't open this one but it's the thought that counts hey you got a little birdie that's cute in case of emergencies okay wait let's just test anything else before we do that just in case it's self destruct and then what Pierre we have use it if you use coast logo wait I use coats logo whoa look at that that's cool alright alright so then we've got another little trees a tree house inside a tree house a where you've got a lot neighbor over there you've got to be careful about them oh no no guys calm down relax relax relax relax okay for I forget I need you to look after something I might have got this from someone else's house okay well oh oh okay that's a hard flex to be honest so now that everyone else is done and we've taught them it's time to reveal our tree house so let's drop this sand down and there we go revealed let me show you guys around take the house I can't I can't see anything thank you all right so you guys could have a look around the outside over here we have my pet chicken who is currently learning to fly I honestly I promise you this isn't torture it's just trying to help okay so I've gone we've kind of like a dark forest theme thought it looked pretty cool tried to make it look pretty natural as well at the same time but yeah some of you might be wondering where's the entrance well I maybe had just enough time to quickly build this just a single piston that goes up and down it would have taken me way more than 30 minutes to do more than that it goes back off back off okay got a lot to show people so if we head inside and head up this water stream we have the main area the living area inside of here I have my bed my stuff by the side my favourite sword I have a width at Rose in a pot looking good and this is my friend the creeper Ben the creeper oh yeah and don't let me forget this book very important read it it's a great read one thing I did want to do is have a look at it at nighttime because I did a lot to light this thing up so I think I look quite cool Hey look we got a house party whoo there you go I mean that looks a bit better we've got the pumpkins lighting stuff up and the trees lit up okay maybe doesn't look as cool as they thought but I tried hang on a second what's going on over here someone got locked in guys come on let them out wait you can't trap them in water from oh my guys let them out okay we need to do the outro so there you go these were our tree houses ilusory little forest that's so cool let me know in the comments section whose tree house you thought was best and I'll see you in the next one bye everyone oh my okay I'm out
Channel: Slogo
Views: 9,478,267
Rating: 4.9136763 out of 5
Keywords: slogoman, gaming, minecraft, tree house, build challenge, how to build, playing minecraft
Id: gdHgrK_BCCU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 50sec (1010 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 26 2019
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