Minecraft SKYBLOCK But LAVA Rises Every MINUTE!

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you guys ready for another combo Skyblock and lover is rising you ready skybox but the love is rising I mean what did you really expect it would be to be honest but that's right we're gonna be taking on the ultimate lava rising challenge today with only limited resources let's see how long we could survive and hopefully you know one of us won't stab everyone else in the back again now if you guys want us to do to some other sky block version of rising then let me know by clicking why and at 50,000 likes I'll upload another one anyway let's get into it push each other down okay don't push each other no jelly once we die we never can live again whoa they'll push pushing okay wait guys this is sky bro I need to make an infinite cobblestone generator remember and I know exactly how that works I'm gonna work Oh guys I might have lost it I might have lost the first block of wood already Josh you don't guys be very careful we need the saplings okay crane ago no I'm absolutely look guys if you only break three blocks the tree doesn't start to decay okay we gotta just make sure they don't fall down this why we put an extra layer I don't know this is stressful the lavas coming guys I'm gonna pick up the chest to make space for the farm alright okay little don't break that one yet wide ice is now it's gonna start degrading and we've not got enough room to get the sapling again we faced the first cobblestone farm on a harness on a sky block we're alive as rising yeah that was a lot to say but you could just do it okay so first we need that there yeah break it going the lava okay perfect limited wood guy Wow can we hear it me again whoa okay girls happen I got a sapling it's got super funny job great job because the tick rate I think okay guys you'll love it it's actually pretty high up already got it okay we need to we need to start making ground okay I'll make for the first mission make some tools we need a pickaxe and then we need to make sure that we get every sapling okay better yes I agree wait wait I'm gonna start getting cobblestone oh yeah right here yeah actually that's a good idea just bonemeal the tree you got it okay break that I'm still doing cobblestone okay thank you to get everything from this tree okay John Craner we win is it possible to set up two more of these generators because we need as much as well as as possible so that we can all be mining jelly why don't we just make a cobblestone generator down there oh fair point extra absolutely what happens if we just put like ice right here and then destroy it above the lava I mean I guess it will wait wait wait first we'll make we haven't got a we haven't got Oh would you have a bus here I have a bucket okay put it down car and put it down we defeated it obsidian no we just jelly we did it genius we didn't defeat it at all because it's just gonna keep you guys focus we need blood Lee okay yeah I mean surely you can have one here I've got one for you three on my head I'm in a tree inside of Josh I'm very cool that's not a gamer move Craner jelly I'm very sorry I did not a genius thing but okay jelly forget the water you don't know us you're putting each other talking about fairy room I guess we don't already please publiced I'm trying my best everything is burning wait we don't have to worry about the dirt right because we're gonna lose it anyway no because we need to keep growing wood right yeah but hey brick listen we just need one done but the wood to get a height advantage from the lava think about that yep that's the cobble sign for the entire point of this game I mean the dirt did I say what yeah yeah Wiener it's so as important really I guess guys you only have six console blocks is ruining it I don't know what's happened Jenny can you give me that bucket hey just calm down guys we've got yeah okay relax chili relax I'm gonna grab that wait guys the lava the lava is close like the lava is really close we need to start like for realsies blow me I just said it can literally not pick up this water source I mean wait we just disappeared no I got it I got it okay we need a ton of blocks guys I'm serious right now how do I get this I don't know what to do I don't know what to do whatever you do don't die crank crank can I have for your um the would put in this baby I don't know poor guys you're picking up died the lavas literally almost here can we be careful we need why is the no sapling literally your job someone stop building the way up because we need a tree up higher we had the tree okay we need to move we need to move get out get the wood wait we can't what it's kind of burn we can so much someone just build up guys are literally his Liotta field builder not like that first decade almost fell down built like that oh my goodness Wow we nice going what are you doing guys do not build it out of wood because it will burn down you a we need lover as well okay we are deaf nice if you realize you're blocking me out by the way your two hearts I am on too hard this melon at this melon okay right in the chest no that's it we need weave Shifu so it's a - you got no blocks I only got one I'm having to build yeah boots fine what's fine okay I'm going up jelly confidence is really strapped we need to go in are we're wasting a block each time guy yeah baby but if you give me an axe I could get it back I don't have an axe jelly Oh someone get the crop these tables try this way then no but I can make what I'm about to run out of wood though so you guys got this thing you make across the table they have enough make sure to use everything and then making proper table taking it up okay okay I'm on our model blocks now guys okay somebody else take over somebody else okay we need to make a new problem centered on this idea we've ever had guys Josh your genius I don't know how to make it keeps falling down wait how do we get lava though roof there okay I need to think anything guys are what's gonna burn at any moment now yeah jelly I would just wait Josh why did you close us in I'm trying to build the thingies don't build like that because I need to come okay I need Koval son Nikola son Josh I don't want to be the bearer of bad news but we literally don't have time for this okay trying to do it under stress okay move okay now now wait where's the law what are you doing anything now I need to get lava okay we could get some out this right oh it's funny you guys put the fires out whoo oh my goodness put the fires out fires out look this is good anyone's doing real good guy oh okay we got probably one right boys and then we got to go go just go oh my goodness I was just oh okay I don't think we came out what jelly you go you go jelly I need the blocks you're another thing if we need it go go go what yeah I got plenty I got plenty okay we need to go high enough to build another someone build in this game don't you turn around jelly what do you mean just go on the blower place and then jump jump it's because it uses auto jump like a weird person does face himself he has to author Johnny I'm kidding pick up pick it up no have to laters it's gonna take too long with your head Kelly if you actually build like an old person it wouldn't be a problem except what's our person uses Auto jump this is good I do it's jelly we are not building faster bro you are literally not building faster than the lava that's how slow is just jelly eventually I vote I won't for Tilly dying first same if it comes if push comes to shove we gotta push him down first give me everything just give me everything you jelly doesn't picked it off wait oh right you Beckett eyes okay mutt have some what is that no I need here it's just the funny clover I go down with water I called out what the water pours oh oh yeah good idea okay okay get back up move just go away bone meal is their plot below this one redirected Josh what do we do we need luck we've got no choice if we die without the lava we how much do you have left guys we could go anywhere I I still have the crossly medicine but the crop could put a block there block it block it in with the lava okay I'm gonna go I'm out Getti you I knew it I knew it I knew you had some he's one piece of dirt I knew it I knew he had stuff greater Josh we can do this with the water we can do it do it guys do it this is gonna kill us or just move on top of this survive we need another pool come up come up place it place it this place you've got a witness ever dr. del I knew you were lying jelly I knew it
Channel: Slogo
Views: 2,330,667
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: slogoman, gaming, minecraft, playing minecraft, lava rising, crainer, jelly, skyblock
Id: lX3E9nck8q8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 53sec (833 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 30 2019
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