Using SUBMARINES To Find TREASURE In Minecraft!

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today we are gonna find a very special vehicle in minecraft probably something you have never seen before ever that's right we are gonna be driving a submarine and not just any submarine a submarine with a bunch of really crazy abilities like torpedoes mines treasure hunting devices a way to shoot dolphins out of it yeah we'll just have to get into the video to figure that one out but our goal today is going to be to use these submarines to try and find some secret treasure now if you want some of our treasure click the like button i i feel like sharing this is all my treasure here if we're on like you get one piece of treasure also head over to check out the new merch and let's get into the video you guys caught anything yet yeah i got i got three wait where did craina go nobody trainer wait i'm in your ball josh wait why because this is how we do it john no we don't do it together i found three cards wait what already a salmon yeah i'm pretty good at this how'd you already catch so many fish i'm still waiting to catch my first one we're here for a little while wait let me go oh come on oh hey i caught a puffer fish can you can you get out of my boat crane wait no hold on do you see that back there what is that critter get out no you take me there do you guys see the big door on the mountain over here yes yeah yeah just some some something built up i thought nobody else lived in minecraft wait hello it's just from a ravine isn't it no it's not that's not it no no that's just the wall what do you mean okay no one's home no this looks like a door to me wait guys it looks like a door why are we so dumb there's a lantern here and a pathway oh wait do you think the pathway is going to take her somewhere yep credit come back wait did you guys see i caught this fish uh i think that's the one i threw back yeah i caught this one this one kind of looks like yeah that's the release trainer no wait what the hell why is this like a creepy staircase i don't know josh okay maybe a good old fisherman lives here i see something over here guys follow me up wait okay you don't need to pull me crazy i'm coming follow me guys cleaner stop i'm already on my way i see you button wait looks pretty close to me wait hang on hang on here oh my open door why is i just saw the edge of this sign oh uh there we go now what i think so okay we'll continue on look at this yo whoa take some of that i'll take the diamond armor then i'll take a gold helmet oh that's crappy wait wait guys why is it there's nothing in the chest yeah and there's also a spike it's a spider problem here oh no who lives here why guys i caught a weird fish okay whoa guys look at this what is this i don't does that mean it wait how do you open it guys what is this there's something in the water wait is that it go in that's [Music] this [Music] how did i die what so what else do we have a depth charge uh yeah so we got anything that does death death charge no depth that's okay you should be a bit more careful with the explosions okay now we're waiting for jelly i guess what does a periscope do oh periscope it's a kazoo remember guardians called josh behind you all right did you just cool it oh my [Applause] i think that's the guardian's call tropical fish it's the dolphin one um oh and then we got oh maybe this is something i found nevermind like a treasure compass guys what is that the treasures this way no but jelly that's back inside maybe we gotta go around oh wait do you think that there's actual treasure we can find i think sauce use your sonar and then we'll see all the mobs so we don't get hurt guys all right yeah oh that's my boat right there that way are you kidding me i think we have to go this way we have to go to the top oh see i knew which way to go guys you could go a little bit above water too okay oh yeah we're like we're like driving on water being underneath water guys okay okay uh that's the wrong way okay i feel like we're just going in the complete opposite direction wow this is a beautiful this is a beautiful area to be used did we just go around this island um okay let's just keep going okay dude you're gonna kill me okay i think i think i see something guys really oh the treasure compass is in front oh if you go slightly above water like or just under the water you can see underwater a little easier that's a there's a sunken ship daddy blow it up okay you're kidding me all right jelly said sir that's not what we're here for yeah well apparently it is now so annoying okay i'll go why did you do that crainer i was not i saw you shoot at him there was nothing i literally watched those swim there crainer why did you do that i i left the ball it's about time you don't see me you don't see me okay all right let's just keep going stress your time this might take some time so be prepared still in front of us if you guys realize the compass is enchanted as well yeah because it's a treasure hunting campus i've never seen that before okay well welcome to minecraft you have treasure maps have you ever seen a submarine in minecraft before jelly there we go question solved wait is this i think we're here i see the entire temple wow we're already doing it as you explain it to us you know that right okay and now we can go in can we fit in this is not the right place i don't know is this is this it though ow ow ow you know maybe jelly was right oh guys oh no [Laughter] oh there's guardians everywhere all right depth charges whoa in one shots dumb guys use the guardian i'm just putting down my oh no it's time to use our dolphins oh no okay so we are literally right here where we go to enter well what if we break open the top oh that's actually not a bad idea whoa do it this diamonds in there yeah yeah be careful stop stop stop oh there actually is stop break open the top carefully yes this doesn't feel careful very carefully very carefully trainer crane that crane at craina come on so how do we actually get the diamonds um well we don't what whoa look at this place guys maybe we go guys i don't i can't fit anywhere with this dumb vehicle there's a lot of diamonds here wait is there a chest we park it right here and we swim yeah but we don't have a lot of time to swim do we really want to leave our safe submarine look at that ah guardian okay fine i guess oh no i'm gonna drop a bunch of diamonds guys oh wait we can't breathe on the water i forgot no no how did you forget that you can't breathe i mean i was so used to it with the submarine i'm gonna see if there's like chest because how we supposed to get the blocks i can't get help i did it well we came here for the treasure right guys i think if we use the depth charge but that doesn't break blocks is it i don't think so it does actually doesn't it no oh what does it do let's just explode let's just keep blowing our way through this this maybe we'll find like something okay of value okay do we really have to blow this entire thing up it feels kind of bad doesn't it well yeah a little i already have a choice hey crain oh i found it i broke it i think wait really oh look there's so much diamond on the ground i'm rich i'm all alone i'm rich i'm rich we are rich oh my look at all this where are you we're in like the middle oh oh wait i already i'm already i have like one full stack of diamond blocks guys okay guys let's head oh no okay let's head to land and then count up what we've got all right i managed to get the chest as well so should we just put it all in the chest and then divvy it up yeah yeah yeah yeah and here's everything that i got okay hey who took that who took where did you just take all of the diamond blocks no jelly this is all i got okay well i'm taking this one in there okay guys look at all this icon check this out oh thank you crater thank you very much we're ready to have it see you later guys you got back here all right i'm out of here bye crainer and you're diamonds this is what you oh oh my god i'll take yourself [Laughter] i don't like submarines thanks for watching the video that was uh that didn't quite go as well as i expected to be honest um yeah but hey i think we've got most of the diamonds if you want to check out another video there are videos on the screen and if you want some merch is where you need to go enjoy
Channel: Slogo
Views: 609,742
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: slogoman, gaming, slogo, Minecraft, Mod, Submarine, New vehicle, Jelly, Crainer, Treasure
Id: WfxC0eW3Fkc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 9sec (609 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 27 2021
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