Turning this trashed room into an awesome craft room!

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hi so I've cleaned this room once before and for those of you who haven't seen it it was in much worse condition than this and in fact I'll put this in a playlist with that other video so that it's a little easier to find but the original video had just an absolute ton of dog hair and the vacuuming in that one is really crazy which may be the oldest weirdest thing I've ever said because of all the crazy things I've seen in life vacuuming isn't really one of them so one thing that I found out with this room is that if a room doesn't have an intention or a purpose it can very quickly become the junk room the room where you just throw all your crap into it and shut the door and that's just where it stays until you hit a manic episode or whatever so whenever I clean this the first time I cleaned it out entirely but I did not set it up as a craft room or art room which is the intention of the room but I just didn't put everything back together this time I am because if the room has an intention or a purpose it's much easier to keep that room in its intended condition so I'm going to start off by picking up trash and vacuuming and some of you may say why are you vacuuming the floor now when you're just going to have to vacuum it later after traipsing across this thing over and over again and the reason is because I do what I want I'm crazy son they calls me to vacuum Johnny back in Milwaukee which is weird because my name is not Johnny and I've never been to Milwaukee so once I get all the stuff picked up I'm going to move those couple of shelves to sort of bookend the table and then I'm going to take everything off of it and wipe those down I don't need to use any chemicals for anything in this room because the only thing that's on any of the surfaces is just dust and in fact I just would have used a Swiffer Duster but I I'm out of the little duster pad thing so if you can just use a microfiber towel or really anything you can use your bare hand if you want if you're like super crazy gangster style everything that's just decorative and has no like practical purpose I'm putting into one big box and then she can go through that and figure out which decoration she wants to keep and what she wants to throw away or which one she wants to use in the room because this is a very small room and she has so many craft things in here there's not going to be much room for any decoration at all because everything in this room has to have a practical purpose like you have to be able to do something with everything in this room because there's not enough area to support both the the craft equipment and decorations foreign foreign I'm going to try to separate a bunch of her stuff into some sort of organized pile so for instance she does a lot of resin pouring and she's got just an absolute ton of molds so I'm going to put all the molds in one box then I'm going to put like she's got these jars of glitter like like 50 to 100 jars of glitter all those little glitter jars are going to go in another box and then all of her stuff that she uses to mix and pour the resin will go into another I want her to be able to look at each one of these boxes and know exactly which one contains the thing that she needs now in the process of doing this I'm going to be going through each of the boxes that I had packed up during the first cleaning so that I can figure out what's useful and what's not and get those things out into the open rather than just packed away in boxes and shoved into a closet now I'm not going to show every one of those boxes because there's I don't even know how many 50 to 75 and so I'm just going through the ones that are a little bit more interesting or the ones that have useful items in them then I'll put those things where they go and then move on to the next now another thing that I'm doing here is I'm trying to leave the middle of the floor as open as possible and that's for a couple reasons one she needs a secondary flat surface in order to put her resin stuff on and we've got a table that we can move in and out of the room or just later moving into the room and leave it like out in the middle of the floor two the more open the floor the better she can practice her wrestling moves so there's plenty of room to like drop a figure four on a mofo she'd never be able to do it on me because I would hit her with a DDT and then if she happened to get me in a figure four I would roll over in order to reverse the pressure until she tapped also if she needs a little extra room to worship herself Some Devil there's plenty of room to do that now look I may not agree with it but it's her life it's her craft room if she wants to worship Some Devil that's her choice foreign now we picked some of her favorite yarn and we did not put all the yarn in here she has probably five times more than this so I'm just separating out the first of her like favorite yarn and then packing away the rest of this extra stuff like spray paint cans and and stuff like that and then I'm going to put the yarn in a little hangy down closet thing I think that's what they call them and then I've got another shelf that I'm going to stack with yarn to I tried to keep most of the yarn that looked the same together so that if she decides she wants to to crochet like a full Jedi robe and not have it look you know patchworky then the the yarn that matches is still together yarn now at some point we will bring in all of her yarn but before I do that I want to build some shelves that attach directly to the walls and just Mount them on the walls so she can have shelf after shelf after shelf that's got her yarn organized in whatever way she wants foreign foreign foreign because it's off camera but I rubbed each of these little balls of yarn on my butt before I put it up there so now she has butt yarn so if she uses that she is a disgusting pervert look you you may blame me for that but I'm not the one who's crocheting with butt yarn foreign every time I thought I was done with this I'd turn around and find another bag of yarn and like out in the garage there is a bag that's like one of those lawn type of garbage bags that's completely filled there's another giant TV stand sort of deal downstairs that's also filled there's just you know like half of the houses is yarn like we may have to build another room that just contains yarn like that would be the yarn room foreign I like those little white basket thingies I I didn't find a use for them so I just stacked them inside of each other and put them on the table and then she can find a use for those but I really like those I wish I could have found a better practical use for them than just sitting out here waiting for things to be put in them all right now that I got all this done I'm just going to gather up the empty boxes and trash take those out to the garage so they can be ready to go to the dump or recycling or whatever happens to boxes foreign once I have room I'm going to bring in the loom it's not full of Gloom much like a mushroom I'm I'm sorry I'll quit I'll stop that now so I just slap this together again and it definitely went as easy as you see it here and didn't take far much more time than I ever intended I did not get angry and I did not curse at the loom it was smooth exactly the way you're seeing it on this video now I'm putting all this back together but after I finished all this I stepped back and was almost ready to take after photos and then I realized that everything looked too I don't know how to explain it clumpy it was all in just like this weird L-shaped line around the room and I didn't like it so I went back and moved both shelves and that little TV sort of stand thing that you saw me working on a second ago and lined those up a little bit better to make a little bit more room and to make it a little bit more symmetrical foreign I like the way they're diagonal in the corner but it just didn't it was too cramped also that one on the left ended up blocking part of the cabinet so I had to do some weird stuff in order to open it this way once I move this she can get in and out of that cabinet way way easier and I don't think I show it on camera but I move that other stand and you'll see it in the after shots I moved it right underneath the window so that she's basically got this big wall of all the material that she needs to do whatever crafts she wants to do so suck it and before we see the before and after shots if you haven't subscribed that would be awesome because we are closing in on actually getting a YouTube plaque I think we're a little bit more than 40 000 subscribers away but it looks like it's like genuinely in sight we can actually get a YouTube plaque and then I will also rub that on my butt this weekend I've got another hoarder house to clean so keep your eyes out for that on probably Sunday night and if you don't I don't want to tell you man don't be a tool watch the video later
Channel: Midwest Magic Cleaning
Views: 129,452
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Housekeeping, cleaning, satisfying, timelapse, time lapse, house cleaning, organization, organizing, free, free cleaning, depression cleaning, depression help, kindness, help, autistic, autistic cleaning, hoarder, hoarder cleanup, extreme clean, extreme cleaning, hoarder cleaning, makeover, make over, room makeover, transformation
Id: cS3RqLDHUzc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 5sec (905 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 27 2022
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