Greatest Hoarder House EVER! So much money stacked to the ceiling! You never seen anything like this

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oh [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] classic quarter right there my house was clean last week sorry you missed it what does a hoarder have liked in the closet or black in the closet [Music] apartment that's right horror apartment you won't believe this if you haven't subscribed what are you waiting for subscribe hit that bell get all your notifications oh all right everybody we're here the family contacted us their grandmother passed away or the mother and she was a hoarder the apartment has been paid on until next year but they said that she cannot have this much stuff in the apartment so they called us up and this lady bought all kinds of stuff and wait till you see you never know what people are going to hoard and that's one of the things i love about my job is i go and i help out people this family needs us cleared out we're going to take all the stuff that we can sell for them and get them as much money as possible and who knows what we're going to find we're going to start right up here chat first thing i see is this it's a bridge remote control brand new in the box probably so this is the first thing i mean i have no clue let's look oh my gosh you see this it's a brand new sound bar broth sub-zero sound bar don't know what it's worth what's this another sound bar brand new so right now we got two sound bars right off the roof brand new dial oh my gosh i don't know what's in there but it's heavy oh this is cool you know that's the sound of strategy change sound of money that's right sound of money ladies and gentlemen so what is this it's a harley davidson boot or something but one boot one booth i don't know how much one boots look at this little play belts from broadway so this house is gonna be full of surprises who knows how much stuff we're gonna find i just want to see what's inside this big red trunk there's seats up here brand new movies we have white noise brand new or not online is more set so this whole thing might be filled oh my god we got an xbox game right here halo 2. this could be a good sign we might have walk right here speaker speaker speakers and that is a 60 inch tv holy smoke okay so i mean we found a shovel brand new we got all the stuff we're gonna keep going through i wanna move a couple things that way let's see what we find next i mean there's a whole other piece up here chad who knows what's all in there hitachi i don't know what this is some kind of adapter standard dock with audio outlet oh all-in-one professional recording system for vocals blue but this is a brand new blue speaker blue a microphone these are worth mine look at that shots brand new in the box wireless camera indoor it just goes on and on it's like who knows there's clean axes yamaha drum machine you think anybody's gonna be in this house i'm talking about stuff brand new this is crazy what do you think's inside here look at all that toshiba six little carousel changer sony laserdisc pioneer laserdisc sony vcr look at all these dvds there's a dvd right here old bible what's in the box [Music] oh my gosh look at these old pins police pretenders oh man the clash hearts police there's little punches in here that's money right there josh wow this whole thing is just oh manhandling the police just more pins mindtail for her for now that's funny so this is just like a little time capsule headphones man those look nice huh yeah i put those on you'll have to listen to you since you talk so much look at that three knife set get one for my son one for my wife one for me man that's nice ladies and gentlemen a lot of people don't like hoarders but hoarders like to spend money if you get the right ones a lot of times you find brand new stuff this house i mean we're only right in the door and we're already in thousands of dollars worth of stuff i mean i don't know what this is the x-files here x-files t-shirt and the x-files watch feels like another set of headphones and guess what i always said i have some things that's filled with all kinds of stuff up here a little electronics little speakers some jewelry challenge and this is the thing about you're just going to find all kind of crazy stuff there's dhs tapes oh my gosh dude it's all this is like there's some vhs but there's all dvds this is all dvds it's loaded with dvds this is this one cable so i want to see what's in this closet here i haven't even been able to get into this closet no one has there's this brand new tv and all these speakers charging we're gonna have to move it aside we're gonna see what's in this closet the whole house has loaded chats he's only been in this part he's very impressed and let's take a look over here judge real quick all right so look at this cabinet oh my gosh sony selling shiva all electronic stuff electronics electronics these are all prices cool dvds or cds okay no money to us we'll probably leave all that stuff here the new testament on tape so man i just loaded though oh yes look at this it's like a dreamcast right there with the generator thing in there man guys this is like the opportunities i love this is one of the ways i make big time money family lives out of state they can't do anything with it they need someone to clean it out i'm the person they called and they're speakers flat screen tvs look at okay sunglasses more electronics everywhere there's look at these leather horses unbelievable and there's look at all the buddhas marilyn monroe on the wall things just loaded let's see what's in these kind of things so we see pills we see some electronics it looks like they hoarded pills brand new insta pots grinders coffee grinders yogurt maker pots pans brand new speakers jbl and we have so much more to go through i can't wait to see what else we find guys you got to keep watching unbelievable so much cool stuff i just looked over here and look at it's john lennon it's only rock and roll pitcher i've never seen anything like it very cool frame print man now you know what this thing is it's brand in the box whatever it is it says distiller cno2 all right oh and then look all the way up there's like toaches full of stuff here ew looks like food yep battlestar galactica speakers oh my gosh just dvd players look at this knife what is it this is a tape player it's got the handle harley davis and that will sell all day huh what's this box right here looks like a guitar let's go okay bam brand new and i might not know how to play guitar but i know how to make money and that's money all day so we found video game systems electronics we found jewelry guitars this cabinet here this cabinet here who knows what it's filled with we got all these totes to go through let's see what's in here screws or something there's a spoon in there a bunch of drops grapefruit that's kind of cool hello kitty kiss i see something down here keys there's another set those are some small keys but who knows maybe we'll find a small lock huh just to see what's in there and we gotta see what's in that closet um i guess we're gonna move some stuff we're gonna see what's in that closet i can't wait i'm so excited there's so much more over here to look at there's going to be multiple videos there's rooms back there we haven't gone to yet i know chachi's excited i'm excited we keep finding awesome awesome stuff this house is loaded with so much amazing stuff i'm like right here looks like a vintage cozy speaker bow speaker there's brand new speakers right here i don't even know what this is oh man i think that might be that's gonna be big big big let's see if i can pull it out nope everything's gonna fall it looks like it's a line six amplifier brand new it's got a sticker on there let me show you right there line six nice nice nice more brand new speakers and look up here where it was okay guys here's a remote hd dvd player toshiba one that crown that's brand new we got a yamaha natural surround sound right here what is this thing what is this oh a shoemaker right there battery charger that is nice man i mean this place is all over the gambit guitar amps speakers vintage electronics knifes who knows what else we're gonna find i mean it goes on and on on tons of cash and we're gonna go through all this next episode we gotta go in the kitchen let's go in the kitchen let's see what the what does a hoarder have in their kitchen looks like we've got a brand new coffee iq ball mason jars paul mason jars i see elvis oh my gosh that it's just packed stacked got some flask in there oh man all right everything in cover is packed full you see that this one person was here well if you're hungry chad you got lunch tommy you know that's crazy who knows what's up here what does she put up here brand new knife spoon four sets two of them so so much more stuff we gotta go check out what's in that closet i can't wait to see what's in the closet a 60-inch tv with brand new speakers are black in the closet so there's got to be something good in there classic quarter right there my house was clean last week sorry you missed it so remove the tv over 60 inch looks like brand new in the box you want to see what's in here challenge yeah but what does a hoarder have liked in the closet they're black in the closet oh my gosh oh my gosh oh we barely got that door open medical stuff see more pills jeans they're i see some kind of speaker over here oh i don't know if that's a speaker holy smokes man it's back all right let's see what this is if i can't see it extension core 25 foot more shoes brand new amplifier that's a generator right there brand new there's another one right here powermate pm2200i this one down here is a one brand new generators we've got a brand new amplifier and who knows what else is in there this feels like on cable this is lidocaine patches oh my gosh it's heavy he says something pharmaceutical i know what's in there some chinese pharmaceutical company there's another thing cool here the clash that's pretty cool single stitch vintage tee oh look at up here oh no they're laserdisc for the laserdisc players there's brand sluggers dracula oh my gosh we got clothes clothes the police true blue madonna this is crazy duran duran tony bennett the pretenders heart [Applause] whole cd collection [Applause] it's a wii chord here's a xbox 360 chord i'm assuming we're gonna find all those blue ridge silver collidal syrup silver more you can drink that stuff supposedly supposed to cheers all the hails you hibiscus flower power powder relish mushroom extract it all seems like it's all herbs and then there's this huge piece of international silver company this is a brand new tea set so i mean we got between the generators the amplifier cd collection laser does collection that's an expensive closet guys so man we got so much more to show you i can't wait else to what else we see once again if you haven't subscribed subscribe you guys want to hit the bell get your notifications there's gonna be more videos coming from this amazing amazing hoarder honey hole paradise whatever you want to call it appreciate you all watching have a wonderful day
Channel: 2nd Cents, Inc Cleveland Auction House
Views: 128,221
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Greatest Hoarder House EVER! So much money stacked to the ceiling! You never seen anything like this, 2nd Cents Auctions, how to make money buying and selling, Hoarder house honey hole, money hidden everywhere, Guitars amplifiers acoustic electric, new generator wen, @what the Hales, @treasure hunting with Jebus, @curiosity inc, @Stevensteph Resale Killers
Id: Y0bRyHmUyns
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 14sec (1694 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 17 2021
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