I Hired Roberto Carlos to Rate My Football Ability

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ladies and gentlemen I am here with the legend himself Roberto Carlos hey this is my guy bro this is my guy and today the legend Roberto Carlos will give me an honest opinion on my footballing ability there's a few challenges I must complete so let's see how I do the first St we have is Pace I've brought my boy x to go up against me look Roberto Carlos is over there he's going to be deciding what I get here so look just make me look FAS right I got my speed shoes on so you're going to see speeds so I might beat you and embarrass you I'm sorry for this challenge me and Alfie will Sprint from one side of the 18 y box to the other and Roberto caros will give me a rating at the end 3 2 1 zero quick hey even spectacular spacular it's quick I told you spectacular there we go 100 100 100 hey rever he's at 650 so if we was playing see what I'm saying I'm ready all right guys First St Pace that's 100 out of 100 that's 100 out of 100 dribbling is the next stat and Roberto Carlos has played against some of the best dribblers in the world I have a few attempts to get past Alfie and Roberto will give me a rating let's go you got do all the skills you need to do all the skills now he's good he Brazilian player now yeah he's just strong as F yeah he's strong F what skills do you want to see me do you want to step over whatever ask for that's what I give him so I'm going to try give him the step overs guys let's see how I do let's go 3 2 1 go all right good beat him beat him beat him nice oh 70 it could have been better could have better more tricks no no go even say he us to see a finish it was good but we see see your goal as well strong pass strong pass punch it punch it English pass you have to score you have to score ohce oh take five five 8 8 8 88 850 I need to score goal I need to get one goal that was nice that was nice that was nice ooh zero zero zero that was Zero no penalty no penalty no penalty ah up up up up up my friend hey I'm not doing good in for Roberto bro Rob's not rating my team hey dve hey hey no penalty tackle tackle no penalty no no he take the ball good defending good defending so after a poor dribbling performance it was time to bring out the eeman special good nice step over step over perfect hey what you doing zero he strong but no no finish man you know one more time slow down you gave me the tips and advice and I score thank you it makes sense that's a great tip it makes sense 90 on the last one0 overall 80 80 he does look 0 0 80 80 because you fell over good so after taking part in the dribbling test Roberto caros has given me a rating of 80 for my dribbling next up we have my favorite thing shooting I'm shooting now do you have any advice or tips for me the goalkeeper y take the ball for you goalkeeper for a ball good control shoot shoot know good control goal go go okay no no no no 100 okay okay cool good luck my bra thank you let's go look now look difficult pass English pass English pass hey I'm stressed no no good pass good pass good pass good pass he says good pass a z z z z z okay hundred 100 hundred M we stay calm bom B is hard for the goalkeeper to get it right in the corner can't get it it's fine youed it fine hey nice conne ni good he good good shoot good good shoot good he says good yeah 60 60 it's good I got special now no no no no no no no One Touch One Touch Roberto Roberto it's easy easy wait wait wait wait no no look look English PA he said he said English PA look no no it's all right he said the B you control I shoot yeah let's go combination hey what did Drake say combination combination Roberto pass to Roberto I finish oh vol [Music] see this this Brotherhood right here that's my guy what did I say what I say and after scoring that goal with Roberto Carlos my confidence was skyh high and the goals are flying in and you know what if you guys want good luck hit the like button right now B go go B but I say shooting locked KN I'm there bro I'm there bro now before Roberto caros gives me my shooting rating there's one more test and Roberto caros specializes in this one okay so guys here we go this is the defending stat let's see how I do to test my defend in we want to see how many times I can tackle the ball 3 2 1 let's go of O ah ah all right defending zero no no 20 20 20 at least you see this good good touch okay now him 100 100 100 help you 100 now forget him it's me it's me you need to help her but Eman you need to aggressive aggressive aggressive look the ball look at the ball no look at them look at the ball the the got it now now defend come on come on yeah nice that was a CO though 100 next time for one next time for one though come on good 100 100 100 he's good good defense what you want to see SL tackle SL tle SL tack want to see big let's go come on no good finish good finish good finish good finish good finish no he's still there even oh my God him him no zero he's his attack he come his ATT zero he knows you're a striker he can tell you're sh sh you just tell he's giving me a zero now although Roberto Carlos gave me a zero for defending I had a chance to get bonus points now as I told you guys before I didn't get my shooting stat and the reason why is because Roberto caros wanted me to try the KL King if I can score this next shot I get 10 points added on to whatever he gives me for my shooting yep good luck good luck let's [Music] go oh my God Mama Mia 90 90 90 he that was nice though you can't get any more top that I can't believe that hey overall all the stats passing dribbling shooting defending into one out of 100 80 or 85 85 85 first team thank you so much thank you so much if you enjoy this video with Roberto Carlos smash the like button and comment down below chicken wing and click the video on screen to see me go head-to-head against Jack relish
Channel: SV2
Views: 3,483,280
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: nhPSPVwholk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 35sec (635 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 15 2023
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