Best Euro Winner's Team!

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I am building the best team of Udo winners it's simple we find a nation that won the ud and then choose a player from them the goal is to score the best ever Udo goal with this team at the end of the video or else I will discard one of the players I buy and cry my first nation is going to be the last Champions which is going to be Italy that team had in not great in mea has a great card veratti is not in the game anymore georgino me barela insane card but but I don't quite want that position yet donaruma a good shout but I think I'm getting Baston he goes for 1 million coins and he going to be my Center back Naldo now I want you to know the OS has had some insane Champions like sidan Ronaldo and more so my team will be pretty insane but I am going to use this random Bowl to decide which nation comes next let's pick that Nation now I'm actually kind of nervous for this and the first nation is 2012 Spain and that was pretty stacked it had Casas so I could get a goalkeeper right now arela he's not in the game PK who is not in the game Ramos who actually has a great card your the Alo looks good shvi is an icon B shvy Alonso I really like him that beat Silva not in the game andesta as a Madrid fan I am taking Ramos the best center back of all time time for the next one guys and it's England 2024 now they haven't won the Euros yet but I think they will more like I hope they will that's why me and match Masters are going to give one of you the chance to win tickets flights and hotels for you and a friend to go to the England against eslovenia match on the 25th of June and maybe see some of the players I could choose I can get tomori Kyle Walker Trent Harry Kane rashford Cole Palmer foden Saka or Jude bellingan but I'm not too sure yet in match Masters two players compete head-to-head to match pieces on a board and get the highest score I think the two best players I can get are Jude Bellingham or hurricane cuz I actually need both positions my favorite part about match Masters is that you can either play Life against your friends people from around the world or by yourself just like I'm doing right now by picking Jude Bellingham to be on my team he's by the way at 3 million coins bro every stat is over 90 I just realized welcome to the squad baby to be honest England has one of the best teams right now any these players will be a booster for my team just like in match Masters there are lots of powerful boosters exciting game modes and different ways to strategize and win so if you want to get a chance to win tickets for the England Slovenia game you have to download match Masters using the link in my description and then you need to earn 250 trophies to enter the giveaway but before I need to decide my next team also the winner will receive an notification on the 16th of June good luck be a good squad be a good squad be a good squad and it's 1976 Czechoslovakia Czechoslovakia in their squad actually had n Panka bro that's that might actually be panenka the guy that invented the penalty but he's not in FIFA and neither is any other player from Czechoslovakia in the game so we're just going to go with a player from the current Czechoslovakia wait I know I'm playing from Slovakia Peter check let's go dude Peter Che for 300K joins the team he's actually the worst rated and cheapest player in the squad and he's 93 rated all right next player bro let's go for our next nation and it's 2,000 France France H bz not in the game anymore T not in the game we have his son he plays a striker Desai he's in the game but I don't want that blank I don't need a center back lisu he is in the game but um I don't want a left back not when you have whatever comes after in this team Patrick vaa literally just like that dier the Champs the the current manager that's these guys name I got it first [Music] time this is the greatest me Fielder to ever grace Earth and he's right next to the greatest next me Fielder to ever grace Earth we still have um Ronaldo I think mbappe and I am worried about my fullbacks I should already have chosen for bucks and I don't have any that's not good so yeah next position it's po up and I am getting 1960 sovietic Union who so that is actually the first OS ever won and I am assuming Le Jing was the goalkeeper or something oh no I don't want that to be oh my God no please no no so in the sovietic union the goke keeper was LE Jing no also can you guys have a look at this team bro they played 3 to5 and the other time the other team also played 3 to5 and the problem is jashin is a goalkeeper and as you can tell I already have one the good thing is gashin does have a center back card which I know you're thinking it makes no sense I completely agree but that's the card we're getting this is not good cuz I the plan is to score the Zlatan goal I need Ronaldo or mbappe for that to happen and I I got a goalkeeper so uh jashin joins H the club nice and remember if I don't score the goal I discard a player from that team from this team bro I know I'm going to probably get Spain again Spain won the OS twice and it's going to be 2016 part two you don't understand how happy this makes me wait remember I've been saying mbappe this whole time I'm just seeing the OS right he's never won the udas because the mbappe remember is the one that lost the OS against Portugal so I can't have mppe 2016 final had Cedric Pepe fonte Guerero R Patricio none of these players are actually like any good William Renato Sanchez who doesn't even play football anymore I think Adrien who Jo Mario Nani and crisano Ronald how did that team win the Euros H don't ask me but I'm getting Ronaldo so I don't care wow Ronaldo is very expensive he goes for 4.2 million coins he's almost as expensive as Bingham so 4.1 million for Cristiano Ronaldo I love Ronaldo Ronaldo here is me praying and I get something good because I don't know what's next I am assuming that is still good stuff to come because well if you see my team it's insane we have 97 rers 96 996 96 so hopefully this is something good again if I get Spain again wouldn't be bad and it is 1992 Denmark no no no no no no and Denmark had a psh Michael the problem which Michael is I I I already have to go first I have to play him on the wing but they have a play a player called Brian loudr is this the loudr that's in FIFA oh no he's Michael loud troops brother are you serious your brother playing you did not you know how sad that is Broski I'm going to have to get Peters Michael now I have an 89 rated I can't believe I've I've done this to myself all right cool we have three positions left and I actually have a seven balls so yeah I don't know what I'm getting next right now my hopes and Spirits are very low and and I got 2004 Greece how did Greece win in 2004 don't ask me they did beat Portugal oh they they also beat Portugal in Portugal in case you're wondering I actually think Cristiano Ronaldo playing that game so let me tell you a Greece team first they had Niko he's not in the game these guys not in the game not in the game not in the game not in the game not in the game in the game and that means that my team will have a player in Portugal let's go so from Portugal kval is a good Center back but I already have three and a go left wing in case you didn't see in Midfield these Cosa and maniche are not in the game Ronaldo unfortunately I already picked for my team that LE me with Deco and fig so whoever has the highest R card I pick oh de is not even in the game yeah well and then I just take luo Figo wait is this his best car bro are you serious right now this is the best fig car bro 90 R bro oh my god oh no all right guys H we have two more positions left and I will allow myself to have one bench player at least just just because we have like we have six balls left in two positions so I still need to score a goal man and if I don't score it I need to discard a player i b this team is already worth around 10 million coins 1988 Netherlands maybe maybe maybe maybe C is in Netherlands maybe maybe maybe so Netherlands had B CH a goalkeeper B Arley rard human B digling thinking B I don't know who that is I don't know who that is another probably his brother P and Bastin oh my goodness this is insane I mean they didn't have C when did why didn't C play 1988 you he was already managing ax by that point so yeah Mak sense that he was not playing footy R card cuman hulet or van Bastin I think I take hulet in it and he's the most expensive card we have purchased it's probably top three most expensive cards in the entire game people literally dream of getting this guy he is well and truly him he goes for 7.5 million points good thing have 34 oh my goodness he's still not better than Bellingham root pullet joint the squad now the uh bad part about this is now he's part of the discard wheel so this team is currently worth like 18 million coins you know nothing crazy you know all right we have a striker to the side and one bench player because why not you know if I can get a nice bench player that would be kind of lit please Spain bro just give me Spain Spain will have one useable player BR you know what I mean like just one useable one 1968 Italy no no no so Italy had sof I think that's arguably the second greatest Italian goalkeeper of all time but he's not in the game by the way what the freak is this formation I thought it was a glitch at first but bro this a right back like a right wing this formation is called like three 1 2112 what the freak is this so yeah to keep story long story short and there is not a single player player in this team that I can put in my squad and the opposition Yugoslavia does not have a single player that I can put in my team also fun fact from Yugoslavia every single player their name ends in a c and that c has like a thing on top of it or but this guy called Dragon H ignore this guy so as we said before what we do is we choose a player that's Italian so the absolute best Italian player in the entire game is bonian we already have it then is a goalkeeper I already have a goalkeeper then is a centac I already have centx then is p wow yeah that's about it really bro you know what I shouldn't complain 1.6 million I I complain bro I complain I need to score an insane goal and my Wingers are 19 89 rated and one of them is a goalkeeper I told you I was going to get one more of these four balls for my bench I'm going to do that now and then at the end of the video I'm going to show you who was left on the balls this team is probably from the very long time ago it's 1984 France that's me realizing there's not a single player from France or the team they face I can pick a player from the current France meaning I could get from my team so 1984 France beat Spain to that's not good bro that Spain is going to have a player Spain always has players so that France had latini and then on the bench they had genini amoros everybody else in this bats b Fernandez vanan I don't know who any of them is I don't know anybody from Spain either I thought they would have Emilio bageno he was on the bench boys meaning I have to get Emilio for my team I was this close to getting mbappe man well bageno we have Bago on the bench and then everybody else I'm just going to put bronze cards now we must play a game and score the greatest Euro goal of all time which is zlatan's sissor kick and if I don't do it then I am discard a player from the team I look like a guy who wants to discard anyone from this team H the goal we're recreating is lattin's Caesar kick against France in the 2012 udas where the balls cross te High to Zlatan and the only way he finds to finish it is lifting himself off the ground and going for a scissor kick and in my first game I almost got it please fig no I then tried Crossing from inside the area that was the first game and I couldn't get it second game started very promising oh that one I know that one was perfect after that I cross from the right from the left but nothing seemed to work until I had this chance oh this is it yes also the three countries that you did not see were 1996 Germany 1972 Germany and 1980 Germany so if you love this video you're going to love the next one make sure to click here to watch it
Channel: MoreCrunch
Views: 1,005,915
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: FC24, FUTCRUNCH
Id: JlpoZhMuTtw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 24sec (804 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 12 2024
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