12 FASTEST Footballers In The World

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these are the fastest footballers in the world and first off a guy so fast Defenders have to wrestle him down just to stop him ad damat is known in football for only two things pace and power and when he hits his stride he's practically [Music] Unstoppable well unless you're these Defenders to end this endless hugging TR rubs baby oil on his arms so Defenders can't grab him talk about a slippery customer but even a well-oiled machine like TR was only good for number 12 how about a guy so fast he was forced to reveal the secret behind his blistering Pace Chelsea went all out to try to get a goal against Dortmund but from a well- defended Corner this happened damn this guy is quick he ran past the defender at a top speed of 36.5 kmph 3 2 1 and lift off skip past the goenda backflip just to rub it in what the this dude was so fast that the reporter had to ask him his secret tell me what you eat because I want to be as fast as you I eat lot of African food and but I have good genetics for my for my dad so I think it's little bit um um difficult for you to get fast yeah I I know I have some trouble what's the African food called so I can look it up it's called Fufu what's it called Fufu Fufu yes from where is that Nigeria Nigeria okay I'll look up some Fufu to start eating it's also very good no wonder he's that quick maybe I got to try some Fufu but even with a Nigerian secret a Dai is nothing compared to a player so fast he anticipated the future since his breakout year as a wing back at Inter Milan atra aimi has built up a reputation as a player who goes up and down the right flank with devastating pain [Applause] [Music] but perhaps his most impressive show of speed was when it was rumored that his ex-wife didn't get a share of his assets in their divorce case hakeim had earlier on moved fast by Saving everything in his mother's name but even such quick thinking is nothing compared to the guy who was the fastest player of the 2022 2023 UEA champion Champions League season Usman dembele is one of the most talented players in the world even so that Barcelona's president claims he's better than kilan mbappe wait but what makes him stand out is his ridiculous speed dude is so fast he makes other players look like they're running in slow motion despite his speed he hasn't been able to outrun the injuries that have threatened his [Music] career and speaking of careers this next dude was so fast he ended a Legend's career mudri became the most sought after Winger in the world when he announced himself in the UEA Champions League over over the top here for the face of mud Madrid a stretch [Music] mud just look at him rip through the Madrid defense again and again and again but it was on his debut for Chelsea that he took things a notch higher I mean faster yo look at this this dude is dancing around the Liverpool defense like they don't exist it's speed like this that made Milner end his Liverpool career he will not be the last absolutely you will see an awful lot of this but how an even faster guy that can't have enough of football no list of the fastest footballers in the world would be complete without this man Scorpio Al decent part Rooney's got some space to his left here is Wayne Rooney Ronaldo's getting up with him Cristiano Ronaldo scores for the second time on the night tonight by from [Music] Ronaldo into the here comes n again look at the support that he has towards Ronaldo since he burst onto the scene in 2003 Cristiano Ronaldo has built a reputation as a fast a very fast and ruthless footballer but you would expect that after over 800 goals 2 60 assists and five balandor he would probably be on a beach somewhere relaxing but this dude said nah you guys can't be having all the fun without me in a match against Newcastle in 2021 Ronaldo ran at a crazy top speed of 32.5 km an hour at the age of 36 36 not read the script sure he's got 40 yards he finds Ral [Applause] Ronaldo Ronaldo again at this rate the man's Breaking All the laws of physics but don't get me wrong the players up to this point are crazy fast but even one of the greatest footballers of all time couldn't break into our top six here's the point we turn on the afterburners because this next guy Sprints like he's running from Death itself all the players on this list so far have all been attackers because everyone seems to forget the guys who chased them down we all know Antonio rudiger for his hard tackles short temper and silly antics but what most of us don't know is that this dude is crazy [Music] fast [Music] granding for rudo will see that one [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] out [Music] when chasing down attackers this dude can hit Top speeds of 36.7 km per [Applause] [Music] hour and with these Galloping runs he's sure got some extra horsepower in his legs but even a guy like rudiger is nothing compared to the next guy who's so fast he was nicknamed a Road Runner they have to buy Road Runner if you're a fan of Looney Tunes then you probably remember the Road Runner show but did you know there's an actual bird named Road Runner yes a bird and that thing is crazy fast these birds are capable of hitting a top speed of 40 km an hour and Alonso Davies is capable of giving them a run for their money just look at this man gave earling Holland a 50m head and still caught up with him just before he could take a [Music] [Music] shot simply wow and speaking of head starts this dude made Defenders look like they were running backwards perhaps the most accurate description of a player with pace and power Gareth Bale will go down in history as one of the fastest players of all time he completely destroyed Mike in the Champions League tie against in Milan but his most iconic show of speed looking to use his well he was taken out of it by bartra or tried to but the referee's played a good Advantage fa using that pace can he finish was when he did this against Mark batra he left him chasing Shadows but even a player like Bale couldn't crack our top three fasten your seat belts hold on to something cuz we're entering hyp speed ladies and Gent gentlemen fasten your seat [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] belts starting off with this insane acceleration and speed if you were actively watching football between 2010 and 2017 then you remember Arian Robin as one of the the best footballers in the world he terrorized defenses with his speed dribbling and accurate shooting and was well known for the famous partnership with Frank ryber known as robbery but perhaps his most famous Heist was when he did this in the 2014 World [Music] [Music] Cup [Music] oh my God how did he do that man just turned on the nitrous boost to pick a ball he was never meant to get this goal was so epic that he had the Spain coach rethinking his life choices but even a speed monk like this is nothing compared to our next player who gives Defenders only one choice foul him or watch him ride into the I mean run into the distance since Muhammad Salah signed for Liverpool he became the most important player in the team and having become the club's all-time Premier League top scorer he'll go down as one of the greatest Premier League players of this generation but the key to his success has not been his skills and dribbling but his frightening pace with the ability to hit speeds of 37 km an hour there's no way that Defender is stopping [Music] him unless you're Sergio Ramos but even Salah was only good for number two beaten to that by MPP watching go Mas get him so now the moment we've all been waiting for not only football's fastest player but a guy many claim could beat Usain Bolt in a race during a match against as Monaco in 2019 some people claimed Killian mbappe had run faster than you same bolt [Music] perfect he clocked a mindblowing 38 km an hour which was identified as being faster than Bolt's average speed from his 100 meter world record in 2009 this sounds crazy but oh my god when you see mbapp run you find it hard to doubt that look at his long strides and the instant acceleration from a standing stop this guy eats up space and is never full to think of an mbappe versus bolt race that would literally break the internet but still all these guys might have been fast but not on the level of this referee who dished out a record eight red cards in 2 minutes and don't you wonder just click on the next video and see things for yourself
Channel: Football ALL STARS
Views: 645,570
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 3:0, fastest football players, fastest players, futbol, football skills, facts, football news, messi, lionel messi, cristiano ronaldo, lloris, goalkeeper, messi skills, ronaldo, al nassr, inter miami, mbappe speed, davies speed, dembele speed, top speed, football players, fastest speed, goals, football history, run in football, barcelona, juventus, real madrid, liverpool, everton, messi speed, ronaldo speed, speed, fastest, fast, soccer, football, sporting, football goals
Id: ezMMZjpQKN0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 2sec (842 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 23 2024
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