Career Ending Football Mistakes

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this mistake costed liverpool a champions league and this one was completely the player's fault so today we're gonna be looking at the worst football mistakes so first we have manchester united and it is wait what oh come on no no you're telling me christiana literally stole that from mina gold now funnily enough this is the first team for the bingo we're gonna be running a bingo and every time i get one of the teams in it i have to cross the team if i get bingo after the challenge the first one is gonna be having a spoon of mustard it's disgusting but they will get worse with two secret ones next oh my god is that buyer no i already have no friend that's two already bro i have united empire that's two teams already like come on bro and what was this mueller that's not your goal mate i don't know if he realized but that is not his goal lad i knew he had great attacking positioning but i didn't know he had it on the wrong side oh no what is the gold i don't remember i think it wasn't a gold was it was it a gold it was a miss it was a mess how do you miss an open goal like mine having that chance of missing it i'll miss it let's be honest with each other that was very far away oh oh okay hey oh my god i thought i was going in a hundred percent had that been inside your mouth or benzema that would have been a goal because benzema actually achieved a goal like this before but that is disgusting what are you doing henderson bro jesus christ heather's audi why does liverpool has another team and that is man city nah bro that is four teams already bro i am literally one team away from mustard are you taking the piss i am dormant western leicester argentina or brazil away from having this graceful stuff okay what is this caddis is that cuddles why was that really a mistake how does that even come to fruition okay so it's a known goal from the atletico madrid play bro imagine how unlucky you have to be in life for that to happen to you imagine it is your football debut yeah and that is the first thing that happens that literally sets up your career for great for failure sorry i was gonna say for greatness wait what is this isaac what happened hey wait i don't get it what is the mistake ref yo wait what oh oh no he didn't use the p he didn't do the pdt let's hear it let's hear it did he do the pin oh he never did the p now he did the pig so he got a yellow card but did he get allowed to take it again i guess we'll never know oh james watch sproul [ __ ] hey what was that pass he just passed it to burn no chance vernon finishes this as a gold by the way but it's okay oh no he actually that might have been the first goal i've ever seen from bernard in premier league for sterlat wait do you guys remember there's a show called mention foster right is we like a blue thing look look look look look look look mention foster you reckon that's where he got his name from look at this how can you miss that how like honestly bro that was served to you in a plate actually in a golden plate bro cornet i know his left foot and he has like a one star weak figure please how can you miss that i think the odds of me missing that were like one percent he had a higher chance of scoring the music wow can we take a moment to appreciate courtney nearly making out with the post look at that passion oh my god after nine months that flipping pokes had children they had baby posts see the activation on his muscles while he's like grabbing the post like oh it's fine i know you missed but you you don't need to get the post pregnant oh come on rashi right wait is that leicester that's tooth hoodie isn't it this is leicester right we're about to tell if he's less or not let me see that yeah leicester wait i thought it was a foul and now i just realized elanga was here langa whose fault is this i think they're trying to do an anime i don't remember the show they shot two people at the ball at the same time like what i just don't understand right i'm going to get the mustard if i get western dormant argentina or brazil uh to do another challenge the next one that we unlocked is very spicy chili it's called ghost pepper and it's very bad here's the mustard oh my god oh no it went all over my desk oh it smells like garbage too oh my god oh my god okay oh my god it's coming all over he's coming all over stop coming all over oh my bro what the [ __ ] aye aye that's a spoonful right three two [Music] yes i had to do this and he actually sent me to the toilet hello it was so bad who is this against wait wait wait wait wait can somebody explain what was he going to keep her doing wait wait wait wait wait wait wait man booted the ball inside his goal are you taking the piss you do know there's a goal behind ya i think you could have at least grab the ball and make like an indirect kick maybe or if you really wanted to score you could become a striker in real life no bro imagine that oh no who is this now that looks like moscow is that actually a goal or no let me see is that a gold oh my god what a finish but what happened in that clip oh no i just understood it's a loose ball and the two players from the same team tried to go for it bro look at them they're looking at each other in their heads what's going through is we screwed up and how did number nine know that that was gonna happen look at him he was just waiting for that look at the keeper he's touching his leg bro you hit your head with the other blade you didn't hit your flipping leg why are you touching your leg for oh my bro united against leicester and mistakes and harry my wider mistakes is like best friends in it look at that what are you doing man what oh oh my do you reckon he actually meant that i don't think dilemma is saying if i hit the ball from this angle first time i'm gonna hit it top [ __ ] i think that man say it okay cool i'm here there is one two three four people sorry minus one there is one two three people defending me there is a player there let's cross it there look what happens nice oh okay great first touch nah nah that's gotta be some sort of sick joke dude i blame the weather it's the weather's fault that day was raining and and and the wall was very slippery oh my god you see her legs see it was raining very slippery that's why oh my god i can't wait what are they they look like they're having a conversation he's like hey hey mate should i keep the ball and then he's like no no no bro i keep the ball and then the goalkeeper is like bro somebody get the phone and then number nine he's like hey i'm just gonna take that in it like thank you very much lad what look look now they're looking at each other like oh we screwed up nope oh okay thank you very much no he misses zoni who misses bro bro you know that's their number nine these are strikers he's the man supposed to be scoring look at this i get it i get it i get it he was playing crossbar challenge lads [Music] okay all good all good all good it's fine don't worry mate oh no don't tell me now he is he's telling me like leave leave leave and then okay cool i'll leave then and he literally goes right there by the way this is like the sixth time we see united but if it's me yeah and i'm this player i'm telling him i told you and i'm telling him i told you until the day he dies oh my god bro i think for this one didn't spain know what to do this is so funny bro roman is like no you're not supposed to do that you're not supposed to do that you're not supposed to do that oh he's like hey you're not oh is that is that brazil that was brazil wasn't it i thought it was pain that's bingo i'm gonna bring lettuce lettuce ghost pepper that's enough to kill a cow by the way i i made research about that i don't have milk i only have one no no i hate my life no no i've got juice oh that feels so much better oh wow wow okay oh my god okay listen i can't do this anymore love me reacting to this you're gonna love me doing something similar again i need to go to the toilet now ciao
Channel: MoreCrunch
Views: 6,863,822
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: jmPr9fg8dEU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 59sec (539 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 21 2022
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