Linus Rage Quits

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let's talk about the first time that I have Rage Quit a game yeah like ever I actually think this should be somewhat interesting I recently purchased an Apple TV and a an apple arcade subscription for one game talked about it many times on Wan show yeah there's a lot of excitement for this yes uh and it was the follow-up to what it was uh well it's not a follow-up to anything but it's uh very like traditional style RPG uh like jrpg and the the team behind it uh which includes here Nobu sakaguchi uh of Final Fantasy VI Fame sort of like one of my favorite games of all time uh also nobumatza I can't remember how to pronounce this last name I'm sorry but the composer for basically like every Final Fantasy game ever um so they're on it a bunch of other folks from sort of that that era were like okay um uh for for both of the two Headliners they're kind of going this could be our last game um let's let's let's do it traditional style it's called fantasian Uh and it's Apple arcade exclusive I eventually gave up on it ever coming to anything else because I realized holy crap Apple funded the whole thing this wasn't a licensing agreement they actually just funded the game um it's also just for user context uh on the Apple App Store it is rated 4.7 out of five yeah on RPG site I don't know what that is it's rated 9 out of 10 and then Google users have given the game a rating of 94 or 94 of users liked the game I guess it's a Rotten Tomato style and it's absolutely beautiful so the environments are actually done in dioramas so they are these are all Miniatures oh wow and then the characters and elements of the game that you can interact with like chests um like even even uh like the the fight environments are all done in diorama form it is gorgeous it's utterly like is this an actual diorama yeah then you have digital characters but then they Scan they scan it and then digital characters move around with it it's pretty cool yeah it's it's it's beautiful that's a cool idea um it definitely has some problems I wouldn't say that it takes a particularly enlightened approach to its female characters um so For Better or For Worse it's a very traditional jrpg but that's Frankly Speaking not what put me off of it what put me off of it was the fact that it was mobile first now you might be wondering if that was the issue why did I put over 30 hours into it and that's a fair question well you're pretty dedicated right you you bought you were excited for it for a long time and you bought the what I bought Hardware in order to play it yeah but the problem is not anything to do with controls it had full support for controller everything was perfect and I actually spent the vast majority of my time playing it or actually all of my time because that was where the Apple TV is uh in the theater so I was playing like on a big screen no problems but I reached about the midpoint uh I think it's the midpoint of the game it's I think it's late in part one I mean I don't know because I am never going to finish the game I reached the point where the boss fights started to become hideously unfair and the vibe that I'm getting is whether this is because it was designed for mobile to keep you playing endlessly so that you'll keep your Apple arcade subscription or whether it's because it was designed for an all-you-can-eat platform instead of to be sold for 59.99 or 69.99 on a platform like Nintendo switch where they'll actually get like a a an enormous amount of Revenue that's really easily attributable to this game uh or whether it's because Apple just doesn't really understand gaming and didn't invest money in certain critically important aspects of the development process whatever the reason is the game basically falls apart in terms of difficulty curve and it's not just difficulty I don't mind playing a difficult game I don't mind sitting in a boss fight for 45 minutes but what finally made me just put down the controller turn off the system and walk out of the room was this fight with um some spirit wolf thing or something like that that basically I kid you not you can be half an hour 40 minutes into the fight and just with a couple of bad rngs at a non-progression bug essentially uh because what one of its ability okay so it's got a few abilities first of all a problem with the game in general is that your party is three uh which means that if anyone gets knocked it is now two turns to be back to health which is a full cycle of your Buffs wearing out and their debuffs wearing out where you cannot do anything right plus whenever anyone gets knocked not only do they lose any Buffs but they also get knocked in terms of their turn position so they lose a turn you can't just pick them right back up and then go okay but they get a turn now they can heal and you're back in the and you're back in the fight so uh so this particular boss has a a one two where it can knock one of your characters then take another action that other action can be to summon minions those minions then get turns right away before you can pick up that knocked character where they can also summon minions I believe it can summon up to nine total minions and then randomly that uh that boss or not randomly but every once in a while and it does seem to be a little bit RNG it can cast a barrier spell in itself that takes 20 hits to wear down now what's really interesting about this barrier spell is that when it casts it it casts it on itself and all minions at the same time now you have your attacks like cleave everything you have multi-hit attacks the most you can do is eight but in that fight one of the characters is locked so normally you can actually cycle your characters during a fight there's so many cool game mechanics like the ability to use your entire RPG party in one fight is super cool and there isn't like a turn weight penalty to it or anything like that you can just use your entire party in any combination you want in any battle which is kind of awesome if one of them gets knocked no you can't swap you have to raise them and then swap them yeah um and so I can see why they make you wait after someone's res because otherwise that would be a super jump or whatever else but honestly the boss fights are like so long that you know I don't know I'm pretty sure they could have balanced it if they really wanted to anyway the point is that um you have one character that can hit for eight and that character is not the one that you are locked to in that fight so you must have at least these two and then you can essentially swap out the other one and then the most you can do with anyone else is maybe three or four in one go and that would be to sometimes multiple targets sometimes to a single Target but that eight one is a single Target now you can only do that obviously if you haven't been that haven't had someone one-hitted and then have to spend a cycle picking how often does this one shot happen and is it avoidable pretty often no it's not avoidable and you were asking about cleaving the barrier the answer is no you cannot eliminate the barrier you can cast barrier that'll absorb up to five hits but most enemy attacks other than just like a basic strike will will eliminate your barrier it'll absorb some damage but it'll be gone so it's it's an imbalanced barrier mechanic it can cast it as far as I can tell whenever it wants on its entire supporting party and so what happened was I knew about the barrier thing I knew that it could hit itself and the other wolves around it but I had pretty good luck clearing out the crowd and making sure that it couldn't hit a large enough crowd with this barrier thing and then finally I like I lost this I lost it a couple of times even though I am at the recommended level and finally I had one where it actually cast Barry I should have taken a picture of it because it would have been kind of funny to show you but it's this entire Army of completely invulnerable opponents until I can hit them each 20 times and I'm just sitting here going if they play tested this at all that's not fun that's not fair there are strategies you can use like I looked it up old school style right okay how do I beat this boss and it's like oh okay this one character has an ability that if you happen to invest in that branch in the tech tree and you've played around with it you'll know it can be useful for this and it's like uh like a vacuum it's like a suction ability that takes all the enemies and puts them in one place so that your um so that essentially you can hit them all in one go except even that didn't solve it because I cheesed it I looked it up and I was like okay I'm going to use vacuum but now I must have a fixed party I have to have the guy that's locked right the guy that can actually hit for multiple hits and then I have to have vacuum buddy um who's essentially a chemist which is like fine um but not great DPS and oh yeah did I mention the boss has like a ton of health so it's going to be a long fight no matter what you do so you can so you can cheese it with this but guess what vacuum doesn't have 100 hit rate so even when I cheesed it I I missed like three of them on a vacuum and then a cast barrier and at that point it's unbeatable I'm sitting here going well okay then um there's another cheese you can do Apparently one of the guys has like a payback type ability so if he takes a bunch of damage he can pay it back but that just counts on you managing to crowd control and stay alive long enough now the obvious solution to this grind a few levels once again that's why you think it feels like it was incentivizing staying on the subscription oh it gets worse than that once again the mobile subscription nature of the game rears its ugly head but this time because it was intended as a multi-part release right like I waited I'm like I'm not playing part one then part whatever I want to know how many parts there are and I want to sit down and I want to play it in one go but because I'm apparently getting close to the end of part one what happens is the leveling curve changes and the experience that you gain for fighting sort of this tier in this version of the world this part enemies goes dramatically down so if I was to try to grind it I could be playing for hours and hours and hours just to do a little bit more damage against this thing when the problem isn't even that I'm not doing enough damage like that might help with crowd control a little bit and okay it could make it beatable but the real problem is that this is an utterly imbalanced fight and that's it's not fair guys he didn't mean cheesing because he was using characters abilities he meant cheesing because he looked up how to do it on yeah yeah that's cheesy I I like figuring things out like there's one okay there's one boss that also was pretty um pretty gross uh it gets to cast poison on you every single turn not its turn every turn it gets to cast poison on you so unless unless you happened to get a bunch of like poison resist stones that you can equip or whatever else you are poisoned literally the entire time um and there are other things you might want to equip that aren't poison and at that stage in the game you can only have one of these gems for each of your characters um but you know I I figured it out I figured out uh that you can block poison with that barrier uh spell it'll block poison so at least my entire party wouldn't be poisoned all the time just whoever got their barrier knocked down like okay fine you know I can work around that but when there's a one hit that is and it's like a way Overkill one hit like there's no amount of leveling up that would make it not a one hit anymore it's just not fun I don't want to just sit and res and just use Phoenix Downs I find completely random one hit mechanics to be very lazy game design in my opinion unless there's you know things that you can do yes then it's fine and there isn't yeah like there there's another one where I had to look this one up too where you can blind it um and there's like some gaze move that it uses but at least there were hints like I I looked it up and I was like okay that kind of makes sense or something yes like so so if you blind it it can't use its gaze ability but this one as far as I can tell it's just immune to everything and one hits you and casts barrier um on everything um kuzan chick says honestly it feels like Linus doesn't play many Japanese games the problem is not the difficulty the problem is the unfundness of the way that the fight is balanced and what's really frustrating is I feel like they were almost a victim of their own ambition here because a lot of the game is really creative uh they've done an incredible job of making boss fights not just feel like a grind in a lot of cases um and even the random battles they've got this awesome mechanic where random battles do hit you randomly but you can enable this uh device that you carry called a dimension that will absorb anywhere from 10 to 5 Random Encounters and then you fight them all at once piles them all up it's only about that that actually sounds super cool yeah so you get way more time to just experience the environments and then the fight is probably like really epic and the fight is actually way more fun especially because so many of the abilities can be chained or uh can Pierce or can be curved and arced and stuff like it's actually really fun when it's really fun it's just that it's obvious that it didn't get proper QA because when you when you reach a a a non-progress I consider a non-progression point if you're if your whole party is up and all that happened was you you know had an ability that RNG didn't grab enough of those guys and it just can RNG cast this ability that completely ends it and you're like half an hour into a stupid fight lots of bad game design and Korean games expect you to farm sure but I can't even perform because the curve is so low at that point that's the core problem yeah so I can't I can't just grind yeah because the curve's so low okay like I don't even I don't even mind grinding once in a while like that okay so that's another issue is there was another one I ran into which is in this place for those of you who have played it as far as I can tell not many people have there's not a lot of discussion about it but there's a section called the triangle of Calamity that I accidentally like wandered into at some point sounds cool I didn't think there was a way to get out of it so I had to look that up as well because I ran into a boss fight there where Even after spending like an hour or two just just grinding just leveling up because the issue there was that um my one of my characters who I really needed uh because their abilities are the weakness of the boss or whatever uh was way lower because I rescued her way later in the time when the party splits up anyway the point is I did a bunch of grinding there and that was when I figured out that the higher level ones were like basically not moving anymore these lower ones were leveling up yeah yeah but I went into this fight and I also couldn't win that one even with grinding because it also had a cheap mechanic where it splits into three of itself and it's it's randomized which ones do what and so if you happen to hit it with an ability that like marks it so you can taunt them if you happen to hit it before it splits then you can tell which one is real but if you don't and you hit them they hit you super hard to the point where it's like one or two turns wasted in order to like pick up a guy again it's like it's just ridiculous so I went straight from that one over to the other one and the the this barrier thing I was looking at nine wolves with 20 hit barriers on it I'm just like I don't even want to play anymore yeah I don't even want to but you might be able to get through this but it's just like oh man yeah why why am I bothering this isn't this isn't Fun and it's one of the reasons why I actually like FTL so much is the the final boss fight it's very satisfying because like there's there's three stages to it and in between every stage it's a spaceship game in between every stage the the boss will like warp away so you kind of have a second to like lick your wounds and get everything kind of back in order uh but you you can't like travel because it's going to come right back and you're trying to defend this base right so you have enough time to like if there's literally like fires and holes on or in your ship you can like patch it up yeah the uh fantasian has a boss that's like that it's running away from you and you can kind of take if you wait too long to start attacking it and like catching up to it then it like gets away yeah but if you don't wait too long you you do have a little bit of time take care of yourself for a second then re-engage yeah I think that's really cool and like the ways that the the the fight evolves over time as you fight it is is interesting um I I have always wanted like an ftl2 to come out uh instead they worked on another game called into the breach which was cool I'm not particularly super into it but it's cool um I I do hope that they make another another iteration of it at some point I've always wanted it to uh there's if I remember correctly there's eight zones in the game the eighth Zone being where the boss is and I kind of wish it at the end of every Zone there was like a mini boss of some sort right I think that would be cool um but yeah I don't know CW says LTT is the only Channel I've ever seen that claims they can't read Super Chat sounds like a loadable to me uh We've shown screenshots of it lots of times without the dashboard didn't work it actually does work now but we're I'm just over it yep at this point um yep there you go if you Super Chat it'll show up at the top thing for people that are watching on YouTube yeah so that'll be cool um it feels really well balanced yeah there's I mean lake with pretty much any game there's things that are stronger and there's things that are weaker but I I personally find the balance in f2l to be fantastic and I I really like how with all the different ships and stuff you can have these really interesting different feels to to the run that you take okay here we go citizen Bean posts on float plane straight from Reddit like excuse me 20 barriers question mark question mark a basically guaranteed instant death attack 10 plus allies on the battlefield at once that can all receive 20 barriers this fight is a total cluster and even with Aero rain plus samidare to try to handle the barriers it is still ridiculous yeah those those mechanics don't sound fun to me um like I I I tried every possible combination of things to try to break the barrier if you could break the barrier no problem let's go but an unbreakable 20 hit barrier is just stupid I always say if you're if you're playing like some type of MMO or even just like uh there's a bunch of these like like four player RPGs and there's a boss fight and the boss has an ability where it just like targets one of your party members at random and it's like you're dead in 10 seconds it's like okay I guess I'll do what I can for 10 seconds and then just not be able to play the game like this isn't a fun mechanic like it please like try to find some other way to add difficulty to this fight I don't know what it is yeah you can split the party like there's interesting things that you can do to reduce the amount of party members but when you take two one or two party members don't just kill them put them in like a different scenario make it so that there's like some hallway they have to they get like teleported back or something I have to solo fight through this hallway and to regain with the party or whatever it is I don't know there's other things that you can do but like twitch chat's having a pretty good moment over here asking if I tried uh suplexing the boss or casting vanish in Doom um uh you know what yeah sure there might be like a bugged way to beat it but I'd rather not play a game than do that quite honestly yeah yeah so yeah it just I don't know it made me really sad because it was a game I really wanted to play and I feel like it was it was doomed to not be as good as it could be because of what it is and because of how it was funded if okay so I was gonna say if you had to pick one or the other do you think it's more the funding lack of time lack of QA absolutely so you you don't think it's more of a mobile design no the creativity was so high the mobile issue is well they're they're part and parcel right it's built for the subscription model where Revenue cannot be easily attributed to that title right so yes you can see play time but that doesn't necessarily tell you and and like I don't know how many people are subscribed to Apple arcade right I suspect that it's a lot less than this would have sold if it had come out as a dedicated release for switch oh yeah in terms of Revenue I mean these are these are industry Legends and the demand for you know traditional style jrpgs warts and all is pretty high like you look at the number of kind of smaller indie games that are that are sort of chasing that uh that older sort of SNES era style right like there's a couple that are on my to playlist that I am super excited about but it was it was an utter it was an utter disappointment this one that is sad game Vellum it's hard um it was just it had so many good ideas yeah like really I was really enjoying it music's so good like just everything about it was awesome I know you sort of already answered this but if you had some way to just delete that boss would you do it and then keep pushing forward yeah I'd like to keep playing it but I'm just worried that it's just not going to get any better because it's just such an obvious QA problem if they had had enough people play through this they would have found this error it's it's an error like it is how their development path went they might have had to Crunch really super hard to get that First Act out and had bad QA because of it yeah that's what I suspect and then but they they might not have had to Crunch as hard for the further acts yeah maybe uh thunderclash says some of the bosses are ridiculously hard to the point that hironobosakaguchi had to release videos in his Channel showing how to beat some bosses oh wow I mean as long as there are hints you know in the gameplay that tell you then fine you know okay I had to look it up I don't mind I I would rather like if I can't figure out how to beat something in a game which happens yeah and I have to look it up I would rather I look it up and go like oh yeah I'm stupid yeah instead of I look it up and I go there's no possible way no way I ever forget that you were supposed to look at the symbol in the bottom left-hand corner on the bottom of the physical box when you took it home like no I don't screw off I looked up two things in breath of the wild um in like some in the cult uh headquarters I looked up how to get through this wall I was stuck in this room there's this like stealth section and did you play breath of the wild you know you've never part of it you didn't finish it I I adopted it as my I'm gonna play this on Planes game and then travel stopped I get it yes cool uh okay so anyway um there's this like stealth section and I would get to the end room I'm like this has to be this has to be where I couldn't figure out where to go and then I so I finally asked I felt like an idiot because you just have to switch to like your Chic uh something something anyway one of the walls is magnetic and you can like move it or something or you can throw things there I can't remember you can blow it up I don't remember but if you if I had just turned on like it's like it would be like playing Batman Arkham Asylum not being able to figure out what to do and not using detective Vision or whatever right like just felt like an idiot I don't mind stuff like that it's way easier to absorb because I can deal with just me being dumb but the second thing I love is fine in breath of the wild is like some uh it was some Quest or something where you have to find the thing between the thing that looks like a thing and I found somewhere in the game that matched the description perfectly and you know how big that game world is and so I spent all this time like wandering around their uh just like fighting things and looking for I forget if it was a chest or it never actually played this game either but I do know all the things you're talking about so far because I had to Benchmark it right and I had to find like a benchmarking section and eventually there was this like room that you could fight in that would spawn exactly consistent enemies in exactly consistent positions you could do the exact set of moves against them every time it worked fine so I I remember that but from breath of the wild no uh Arkham Asylum oh oh Arkham Asylum okay yeah no no I'm not talking about breath of the wild again oh okay yeah so there's this like Quest you have to you have to be like on a mountain and it has to be night and it has to be this and it has to be that or something and I found a spot that actually matches the description so I had to look that one up and I was like I wasn't even mad about that one I was mad at myself about the stupid Hideout though yeah super mad yeah Giga Clan Hideout or whatever it is try the demo see what you think I've put if you're talking about breath of the wild I've played a decent amount of it and I enjoyed it I just I don't know my brain never shifted to like hey I guess we should play this not on planes because my whole thing was like I'm enjoying this but I don't want to like Sprint through the game I'm just gonna play it when I'm on planes and then we're good because I would notice like oh I have an eight-hour flight start playing breath of the wild feel like I've still just barely started playing and I land and I'm like oh this is great I want to keep this superpower I don't want to finish it I'm curious because I think I know what you're talking about is it the one from a crossover with another game I think so I think it is oh that's kind of annoying yeah this is a really good comment from uh cornosey and over on floatplane if you could delete the boss if the game gets to the point where the only way to advance is to actually cheat the game instantly stops being fun for me because I know if it gets inconvenient again I'll just cheat again I don't want to cheat I want to play the game I want to play the game right I don't want to just put in cheat codes that's not fun for me right it's kind of like uh oh man I mean it's like anything it's like in sports right like if if it's if the only way to continue to play is to just cheat are are you playing are you competing are you what's the point even anymore then
Channel: LMG Clips
Views: 258,456
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: linus, tech, tips, wan, luke, podcast, clip, snippet, opinion, technology, gaming, pc, hardware, fantasian
Id: 05VL6KBR0Jo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 5sec (1625 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 28 2023
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