처음 만들어본 양배추요리가 너무 맛있어서 소개해드려요! Cabbage Recipe

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180g Cabbage Slice it thinly Let's go~ Soak it in water with a little vinegar for 10 minute 1/4 Onion Chop the onion Sausage Cut into round shape Soak in hot water to remove food additives Drain the water after 2 minute Wash the cabbage several times and drain the water 2 eggs A pinch of salt Mix it well It's time for cabbage and eggs to meet Back and forth Vegetable oil When preheated to medium-low heat, add cabbage Flat And you make it round shape, it's perfect Now cover with lid and wait 4 minute Turn it over using a plate That's easy, right? Cook on low heat 3 tbsp Tomato sauce Draw a circle Time to put the prepared toppings 70g Mozzarella cheese Put oil on the edge Cover with lid and wait for cheese to melt Wow, it tastes much better than I expected The taste and texture of cabbage and cheese go really well together It's still hot, so I brought my fork I think this is the best cabbage dish I've ever had See you again in my next video!
Channel: 하음쿠킹 Haeum Cooking
Views: 11,248,623
Rating: 4.8474698 out of 5
Keywords: 양배추요리, 양배추피자, 양배추계란, cabbagerecipe, キャベツのレシピ, สูตรกะหล่ำปลี, Recetarepollo, howtomakecabbage, 양배추레시피, 간단요리
Id: IgzRlO295YU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 21sec (201 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 03 2021
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