This is the MOST DELICIOUS I've ever eaten! No yeast No oven! Everyone can make this at home!

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Today I'll be sharing a very quick recipe No yeast! No oven! super easy and delicious! 95ml water 1.5g salt Mix well 150g flour Pour the flour into the water Mix well Knead the dough with your hands until it forms a dough Cover and rest for 10 minutes After 10 minutes Divide the dough into 4 pieces Shape each piece of dough like this If you like my videos don't forget to subscribe! It only takes a couple seconds for you to subscribe to my channel but it helps my channel grow Thank you for your support! What country are you from? Leave a comment down below! Have you any questions about this recipe? Leave a comment down below! I will read every one of your comments Cover and rest for 5-10 minutes I cut some fresh green onions from my garden to use for this recipe! Wash then chop the green onions Put the chopped green onions in a bowl Add a pinch of baking soda to the green onions Why add baking soda? You'll see later Prepare some cheese and take out the green onions 1/4 cup flour and 1/4 cup corn starch Mix well Sprinkle some flour and corn starch mix Take a piece of dough Flatten the dough with your hand Roll out the dough with a rolling pin The diameter of the dough is about 18 cm After rolling out the dough spread some flour and corn starch mix on top of the dough Repeat with the other pieces of dough Put the dough on top of the first dough Spread some more flour and corn starch mix It's very important to spread the flour and corn starch mix so it doesn't stick Repeat with the remaining pieces of dough Roll out the dough more Flip the dough over while rolling it The diameter of the dough is about 28 cm now Peel the dough pieces apart gently Since I used the mixture of flour and corn starch the dough doesn't stick 20g salted butter Microwave the salted butter for 15 seconds Brush the melted butter on the dough Sprinkle the green onions on top of the butter Sprinkle some cheese This is the first method to fold it Brush some butter Done! This is the second method to fold it Same steps as before Cut the dough like this Fold the dough like this Done! Medium heat pour some oil and fry them Brush some oil on top Fry for 2 minutes Fry for another 2 minutes on the other side or until both sides are golden brown Done! The outside is crispy and the inside is soft. It's super delicious! This is the most delicious pancake I've eaten Because baking soda is added, the green onion is still green! Subscribe, like, comment and share! Thank you for watching!
Channel: Helly's Simple Recipe
Views: 16,673,817
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 麵包, 免揉, no knead, bread, how to, recipe, 咸面包, 主食面包, easy bread, quickly bread, simple bread, 早餐面包, 面包, bread recipe, breakfast, nokneadbread, quickbread, sandwichbread, whitebread, white bread, simple recipe, helly美食, garlicbread, 葱油饼, 奶酪饼, cheese pancakes
Id: oa-W3d0IKS8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 46sec (526 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 28 2021
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