I have an Arson problem..

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so by clicking on this Matchbox I get the tools I need to cause mass arson and I can even buy a matchbox turret which will start to let me not even need to click the matchbox eventually I'm still going to because it's fun but still and I think every one of these little rotating wood pylons that dives I start to get more experience which I can then use to buy little upgrades or in this case increase to production of matches per click twice so looks like I'm getting 2.25 matches every time I click now which is pretty good I'm not even using an auto clicker maybe that means I should increase the max amount of targets on screen I'm now realizing that's kind of a moot point considering I only have one turret going but I can increase his rate of fire by just spending some matches and it looks like I need to save up 6,000 matches for my next little crossbow why is math so tough why can't I ever just bring a gun to something very American way of thinking I understand but still wait what does this do unlocks a new turret Target buy it would that give me anything at all no well really glad we had this talk oh there it is it's the Apple it looks like these guys might have a little bit more HP but hopefully they you know give me more XP when they die from 17 to 20 sure all right let's crank this rate of fire up a little bit more and I guess getting auto click might not be a bad idea I mean one happens every what 5 seconds I mean over the course of this video that could be worth millions all right time to just get more production up to level six how much do I get from 332 to 347 no it's 362 to 370 it's eight matches per click now click like crazy for long enough and you might be able to no I wanted to go to level 10 and one Fell Swoop that's fine I can get 1.28 really quickly there we go level 10 38 matches per click this is really starting to add up makes me think that I should just keep clicking for a bit until I get something good everybody always told me growing up that patience was a virtue and I always thought man those are big words let me just keep setting fire to stuff until I can buy a crossbow this thing does a lot of damage I think its rate of fire also seems to be um how do you say a lot better let's bring out the boss it's a very scary looking skull what is that it's dead but oh what was that all right I'll unlock a new turret Target and will increase the spawn rate of my like XP getting items I actually almost just decreased it by a second which is pretty good increased turret rate of fire by 5% honestly yeah what's it mean by new stage in 19 you think it seems like every time I upgrade something that stage keeps going up my match turret damage now is three though so that's good this one also has a new stage in 4 maybe it'd be easier to just save up like 15,000 matches than it would all that experience we'll upgrade that twice and that was all for not it gets real real expensive after clicking and saving up enough I can get this upgrade to take it to stage two oh it's got like a little golden little bit now I guess that means it's just better right probably all right well increase the spawn rate even more and now I feel like I should maybe just save up like $20,000 and then just dump it all into Mass match production which is a very fun sentence to say wait that gave me like an extra 21 matches per click dude I think it's time to start um how do you say uh it's it's cheating yeah so with the auto clicker the number go up faster and that make brain happy smile from 57 to 86 129 194 I feel like if we can see like 500 somewhere in there that's probably a good sign to then start upgrading other things right now though I just want these targets to spawn in more frequently oh hey wait can I do another boss fight I'm fighting scary pumpkin guy I don't really do that much damage to you do I buddy that's fine I mean you're like just kind of hanging out which is Chill oh 437 656 yep there we go might as well just upgrade my Max Targets on screen while I can and all right well one boss is dead I guess increasing that rate of fire from my Matchbox is kind of the next best thing I can do right now actually wait a second which one of you cheap oh yeah it's only 60,000 for the double T we can just let all these matches come flying out of the box then here you go buddy purchase you and then let's get your rate of fire down by a second I get a new match stage here soon and but why is that number blue that give me like triple experience I don't know but let's increase my match's damage and then going into the new stage I don't really know what it gets aside from a new design but either way it's up to 22 damage and I want to get it to where it's firing one match a second it's just going to take me I think like 300,000 so in that case increase the spawn rate some and here we go 50 damage on my crossbow I can start juicing this thing's damage it's now 122 wow I just like doubled it this should start helping more and more targets keep popping up so that feels like it's probably pretty good to me here let's increase the spawn rate more also time to start this boss fight oh scary skull again he's so gross looking he's got like 5,000 Health on him though I mean drinks vitamin D milk I guess he sure is taking a while to kill though can't help but notice that here while we fight him level up my matches now I get 1.4k every click uh I I click real quick by the way in case you've been missing that auto clicker abuses the game now you're caught up oh unlock a new turret Target yes there's 13 of these things and it looks like the more Health these guys have the more experience I get which means I can keep cranking this spawn rate down but it also means I can keep cranking damages up now my matches do 85 just cuz got to get my turret to yep That's 100 on the crossbow and increase the speed faster on my Double T here and how much does it cost for the next thing oh only 400,000 shoots fire fire stays on the screen and Deals more damage Auto clicker do you mind doing that thing that I love so much when you do it thank you actually wait increase Max Targets on the screen see now it's going to cost a million for me to get my next one but the more targets are on the screen the less time I can actually break them all meaning I'm constantly gaining experience at a better rate now which is good especially whenever a guy buys the flame T this does um practically no damage we can fix that there you go now it's up to 89 pretty much if something hits the fire uh it kind of dies what you want to do is make it fire a lot faster pretty much twice as fast and then you know crank the damage even more this thing's about to just be an eviscerator essentially so I'm assuming this number DPM is like damage per minute my crossbows at 6,000 My Double T is at 2.9 Matchbox at 3.5 and my flame T is only at 3.79 what if I like bought one damage upgrade 4.7 5.9 that feels good all right let's get that spawn rate down and it's honestly extremely cheap to keep buying this Auto clicker I might as well it's clicking at 2.8 times a second well 2.8 seconds once you get it all right bring on the boss fight which dude the flame T just shreds this guy I wish I could get the fire to stick for even longer however this one stupid little pumpkin he's uh he's not making it out now I can unlock this silly Little Rock I don't know how much xp that's going to have on it but I can't wait to find out also let's just keep upgrading my matchbook production for like the next I don't know 10 minutes I get the feeling that's going to come in handy real real quick cuz I go from 2.2 to buying it once to 3.3 it's just an extra thousand matches a second oh hey I can buy the next level of turret Target too that was a lot of Ts in that one sentence like the average British conversation all right that's 2.5 million just going into production twice put me at 11,000 pretty good I want to increase the spawn rate to get this below 2 seconds each and then I've gotten my matchbooks DPM up to 10,000 I think now I should try and do that for everyone else crossbow easy enough my turret took a lot of experience but we're there my flamethrower now at 11,000 there we go this is this is good this is good guys yeah it's working out nice Everything Burns you know the fire the Flames whatever that Guitar Hero song was what happens if I call the boss oh it wants to show me an ad no I still got plenty of things I can do here like upgrading this to be 1,000 damage I could probably get my matchbook to be 1,000 yeah oh even my crossbow up to 1,000 damage yep oh and new stage in one might as well just buy it I don't even know what the new stage is oh it's got little bombs on it now its DPM is also 75,000 that seems a little crazy I welcome it with my whole heart it just seems a little crazy and now we're ready for the boss fight bring it out oh I'm fighting Dracula what is this it's a creepy little bat am I about to get 400,000 experience off this though hang on also increase this Auto clicker also use my own auto clicker while I do this boss fight all right little bat if you just want to go into the Afterlife I think that is for the good of mankind we would all appreciate it if you would leave us alone thank you that's it okay I'm at 2.4 million experience now we're going to buy the next little Target and oh I only needed 1.2 million matches to buy this minigun yeah get that buddy here let's upgrade your rate of fire to be whatever I can get it 0.8 you've already got a 6,000 DPM do you want 2 million in experience damage upgrades ah save it I know you do here you go you've had a laser on you now and you deal 8,000 damage per shot this is still really good um I still think the Everlasting fire damage that comes from my flame tea works out a little better I mean look it just takes out like 40,000 HP every time it fires which is why I will be increasing the maximum amount of targets on the screen and the spawn rate of these guys even faster in an Ideal World all these random objects are orbiting me like I am the Sun and now we can just upgrade this turret fire even more fires one fire every 2 seconds now that's pretty good we can go go ahead and unlock our next little turret Target and so now this minigun is supposed to be a real hard hitter so I'm just going to let this run until I have like $30 million and then I'm just going to dump it all into its fire rate my mother always told me if you didn't want to have any worries in life just spend $20 million on a giant minigun and no one will want to mess with you I often responded Mom that's great advice but I'm in second grade and I just got pushed over I think she just worried for my safety and now get upgraded that was like only four I mean I'm firing one of these darts every half second now which is pretty good but wow starting to think maybe I should just increase my fire damage now cuz now my DPM on this guy is 746,000 basic math tells me that the minigun's doing more but my eyesight tells me that my flamethrower definitely carrying the team I think it would be nice though to try and get all these guys up to at least a million DPM which I did all right let's do the boss fight according to math it's going to take me 4 minutes to beat this guy I think maybe it'll take me a minute I can't really trust this game's math anymore but I will be clicking these matches like crazy actually increase the production that gave me an extra 12,000 matches per click so I think I'll be able to increase the production again I've doubled my match production from whenever I started this boss fight just from being in the boss fight this is like an anime protagonist level of unfair but it's working for me so I like it and can this Bruce Wayne knock off like die now please you're both ugly and stupid and you've been murdered thank you let me get a beer as my next little experience Target and then spend the rest of this on my damage for you 140,000 now wow I think scientists will continue to debate whether or not going into pure flamethrower was the right move but I don't care I think it's working out great also we're at 127,000 matches per click now when do you think I'm going to be able to reach a million per click I don't know I'm just going to go into match production though I'm at 287,000 now quarter of a million so at least we're kind of on our way I also just realized I still need to buy this thing what is this a boomerang purchase it what do you do you shoot a boomerang I okay I guess you told me that that's my bad I'll put 19 levels into your speed and then I'll just I don't know give you all the experience I have in that I mean you're you're doing damage but I don't know if it's like a lot like an okay amount like the amount that I like would be a little bit embarrassed to tell somebody but like still like you know I wouldn't be picked last you know also I'm now at 431,000 match production I'm starting to wonder if it just doubles itself I feel like that would make sense from 431,000 647 okay so I think it's a quarter of whatever it was before on top which through my genius amount of mental math that I've just done this means now we it a million 970,000 man that's practically a million here I tell you what I'll just save up for a second and then buy it 1.4 million now oh yeah also I got the new little Rings all right bring it on boss fight what do you got buddy almost 500 million Health wow that's fair let's increase this flame damage and fire speed a little bit more we're up to half a million damage every time they're in the fire that feels pretty good actually just go away you stupid skull when do I know I've beaten it how many bosses do I need to beat how much more do I have to do luckily that guy died extremely quick also skull oh I've maxed out the little targets that'll float around me now huh well cool I feel like that means I pretty much got an experience farm at the ready also the apples are just now like spawning in like 40 million experience Health Point things dude what's this next boss fight about to be like okay so I just kind of let the game Run for a bit and I'm at uh 1.6 billion matches I've got one final Cannon I can buy down here who I'll just feed $1.5 billion and faster fire rate he still fires pretty slow but then we'll feed him 10 billion in experience upgrades what's his DPM 1.27 billion now that feels like it's pretty good I think maybe I'll just let my auto clicker run until I get to the next boss fight cuz then I I just want to see one thing I'm at 3.3 billion I'm just going to upgrade this turrets rate of fire to be under a second and then just get its damage up to 7 million per flame now these guys have started to get 1 billion in health so it's pretty you know high up there on the list but then same for the boomerang just get its damage up it's got a DPM of 1 billion I got my Double T up to a DPM of 1 billion my normal matchbook also at 1.56 billion now I guess maybe I could have been focusing on my Minigun a lot too that's level 65 that's level 68 that's level 69 nice the only thing left is like this crossbow which I can actually get that to fire at 0.55 a second wow let me just eat a bunch of matches real quick get that to 0.46 cool have some damage buddy now it's at 3.8 DPM all right seems like we're set for the boss fight 26 billion Health bat seems to be taking a decent amount of damage I can't imagine he's hanging on super strongly he's down to 15 billion go go go all the way more more keep killing him keep killing him this is a very weird chant to do now that I've done it out loud oh this guy is just being eviscerated I got to say my God he's doing his best it's just not enough like at all like really really sad and bad now he's just murdered forever in that case Cannon get a faster fire rate you're kind of locked now all right fire get a bunch more DPM I feel like I've kind of proved my point and nothing's really going to kill me anymore I guess I'll just Prestige now I get to do it all over again but that'll be all for me for now as always thanks so much for watching I'll see you
Channel: ImCade
Views: 84,779
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cade, imcade, iamcade, indie, pc, funny, gameplay
Id: SdwBoZoSn_g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 12sec (852 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 11 2024
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