Mekanism Melon Power Tutorial For Beginners! | ATM8

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all right guys today I'm going to be showing you how to set up one of the most OP power options that you can get in all the mods a you've probably seen this in the early parts of my playthrough and you can do this very early game if you'd like to this pretty much Works in any pack that also has mechanism as far as I know I could be absolutely wrong but that's perfectly okay because I know for a fact that it works in all the mods a also if you like these sort of guides make sure to hit that like And subscribe button and let me know what guides you would specifically like to see from my channel and thank you for watching so I'm going to start by giving you an overview of exactly how all of this works first to give you a general rundown of what happens first off everything here is powered by melons they're relatively easy in the early game to get a bunch of melons and essentially we just convert them into melon slices and then they get piped into a mechanism Crusher the crusher will then turn the melon slices into biofuel the biofuel will get broken down in a pressurized reaction chamber and turn it into substrates with a byproduct of ethylene ethylene then gets pumped into a gas burning generator to produce us power and lots of it this is a very simple setup to make but it is very confusing in the beginning and I'm going to break it down and we're going to build it together just to show you exactly how to do it and how to configure the sides and everything and on top of that I'm going to teach you how to upgrade this how many gas burning generators per PRC all that good stuff so that you can scale this well into the mid game even in the late game if you really like melons that much so let's do that the first thing we got to do is set up growing melons and automating it now the easiest way to do this is making yourself some Hopper botany pots these are very easy to get you just basically need some Clays melted into terracotta you need a flower pot and you need some Hoppers very simple you're also going to need a compacting drawer from the mod functional storage if you're on a different mod pack and it has something like storage yours that works exactly the same there's a compacting drawer with it as well so to start with we want to place down our compacting drawer and then we want to take a convey figuration tool and we want to lock the drawer this is important because since we will be pulling melons out of this we don't want to get to a point where it pulls it all out of it and our Hopper botany pots don't output into this anymore so we want to make sure that it's locked the next thing you want to do is you want to get yourself a melon slice now if you don't have a way to get a melon slice the easiest way to do that is actually to make yourself a cutting board and take any kind of knife and you can cut a melon into melon slices but once you have yourself a melon slice you put it in this bottom right slot and now we are done setting up this drawer you'll take your Hopper botany pot and you'll put it directly on top of it and then this is where you'll want to grow your melons now you could just use dirt if you want to it is a type of soil item if you want to use that but in the early game you can make Farmland just as easy just by combining it with a hoe and you get Farmland it does actually increase the speed at which it grows so it's about a five percent increase something like that I could be percentage wrong here but you could also upgrade this into inferium Farmland which is 1 0.1 times faster than regular dirt that's important to note too so I'm going to use some inferium Farmland here and then I'm gonna put my melon seeds and that's it this one hopper botany pot is set up it will now output whatever it gets into here into this drawer but it will automatically convert everything into melon slices but we're not going to stop here we're going to take some item pipes and we're gonna run about four cables back and this way we'll have five Hopper botany pots across the back here if we put them on top now before we move this let's go ahead and shift right click with our wrench so that way we can pull things out of here now you can use any kind of item pipe that you want to any kind of Transport pipe for items with the item pipes if you use the pipes mod you have to make sure that anytime that you want something to extract from something that you have to shift right click it to give it that little Notch there to show that it's actually pulling from this item so now we just put in our farmland and our melon seeds and now all of these should grow and then output everything into this drawer which is good one thing to note is that you will produce extra seeds so what I would do is I would play something right here like a drawer and then put my melon seeds inside of here so that way that any kind of extra seeds that don't get to go into here will output into here eventually and this should do it for our setup for our melons and as you see we're already growing some melons and we got some extra melon slices going which is good you could always double check whenever it finishes if it's empty that means it pulled it into here which we got more sweet the next thing we're gonna do is we're going to go ahead and put an item pipe beside this and then a Crusher and from this side right here we're going to go ahead and shift click so that way we can tell this to extract the melons out of here and if we look inside we have melon slices now we'll say to make Crushers and everything like that you are going to need some mechanism items like the basic control circuit and stuff like that so you will need to go into mechanism a tiny bit but spoiler alert you really just need a metal allergic infuser to make most of these basic pieces so with our Crusher we're going to go ahead and set this up first so let me explain why you use melon slices so if we look at the crusher recipes here for melon slices we see that we're going to get four biofuel per melon slice if we take a look at some of the recipes within the crusher we can see that it does take some organic materials like leaves seeds all that good stuff and turns it into biofuel now you can use any kind of biofuel materials any kind of organic materials like saplings and stuff but we're going to do a key takeaway here so a melon just a melon by itself will produce five biofuels just a solid melon but the melon slices produce four a piece so one melon produces five which you can take that one Millet break it down into nine slices and you get four per slice you're making 36 biofuel from one melon if you break it down into slices first this makes it op and the biofuel is then sent into a different machine called the pressurized reaction chamber to produce ethylene as a byproduct this is where we get our power but we'll get to this in a second let's go ahead and configure the crusher while we're here so when you right click you can go to the side config at the top left and we're just going to make this very simple and I'm going to go ahead and click on clear side config this just clears all of the current settings so that way we could easily go through it together so you want to figure out which side that you're inputting your items from so for me it is this left side and I'm just going to left click once and I'm going to set that to input then I'm gonna figure figure out where I'm going to Output my items from this so my biofuel and I'm going to go ahead and shove this to the right so I'm going to click this twice and now it's at output now before I click out of here make sure you click on this button in the top right called Auto eject so that way it auto ejects the biofuel and if you don't have this set up it just the machine won't do it so make sure that that's set like this and now we are done with our Crusher so next up we have the pressurized reaction chamber this is a much more complicated machine so it takes an input of an item it takes one input for a liquid and one input for a gas and then it outputs one item and a gas byproduct and then you're also going to need power which is great speaking of which we're going to power all of this at the end so don't worry about it so let's go ahead and configure the pressurized reaction chamber the way we're going to set this up so again I'm going to go ahead and click clear here and then I'm going to go ahead and click on the auto eject on the top I want to pull in from the left so input from the left and then on the top I'm going to Output my items the byproduct for the Press pressurized reaction chamber that we're going to be making is called substrate so we want to make sure we output that in the top before we close this out we're going to go over to gases and we're going to do the same exact thing I'm going to click clear on this side right here on the bottom part and then I want to input from the back and I'm going to output on the right side here and that should be everything to configure for the pressurized reaction chamber so simple enough we can actually just connect these two with an item pipe or if you want to you can actually just place it right beside it and it'll work the same but I'm giving some space here so that way I can show you exactly how this works now out of the back I'm going to be using something called a universal pipe and I'm just going to go three out here so that I can show you how this works and exactly what we're going to do with it so this thing needs water and hydrogen and to get hydrogen we need an electrolytic separator this sounds really complicated it's really not that bad I promise we're going to place this down right here and then we're going to shift click right here with our pipe wrench so that way it pulls out of the front here the separator takes liquids and breaks them down into their component so water is hydrogen and oxygen so that means we need some form of water but the pressurized reaction chamber also needs water so what I'm going to do here is I'm going to place a sink right here and then outside of the back of this I'm going to place a fluid pipe we're going to do the same thing here and we're going to pull from this and then pull from this so that way it pulls water out of this back side and it pulls water into this Universal pot if you're wondering why I'm using a universal pipe I would have to run a gas pipe and a fluid pipe alongside each other into this input intersection right here and I don't really want to do that if you're using mechanism pipes you'll want to pipe out the gas here with the pressurized pipes back into this machine and then you'll want to put a pump in water using a mechanical pipe straight into it but I'm using Universal pipe so it makes it just one long pipe which I like with the electrolytic separator here we are going to configure this we see that we already have water inside which is good but we want to come down here in the bottom right and make sure we set this right side to dumping excess so the right side here will be oxygen we don't need oxygen now if you want to pump out oxygen somewhere else go for it but dumping excess makes it where if this fills it will automatically start dumping it and deleting it so that way it doesn't stop the machine if the that isn't set to dumping excess it will stop the whole process as soon as it gets too much oxygen we don't want that now for hydrogen that's okay because this whole system is run off of hydrogen if hydrogen fails it just means the machines don't need it and it's not going to stop the whole process so I leave this to idle if you want to you can set this to dumping excess but it's not really going to matter we're gonna head over to the side config and it doesn't matter about the items we're going to go straight over here to the gases and we're going to go ahead and clear this and the way I have this set up is that I want to output on the front so we want to make sure that we set this to Output one so that way it outputs hydrogen and not oxygen whatever is in the left slide is one whatever's in the right slot is two and just to make sure eject is on so just to double check you want to make sure that this pipe has got that little extract version right there and then it's going to go straight into this pressurized reaction chamber along with the water from the sink you can go ahead and slap yourself some pipe upgrades in here if you'd like to to make it pull more water from the sink that works too matter of fact I'm just going to upgrade all of them just because I can before we put down our gas burning generator we have one last step with our pressurized reaction chamber and that is sticking one drawer right on top remember how I said that I want to Output the substrates to the top well this will automatically take the substrates if the substrates back up in here it shuts the whole system down and we don't want that so to make sure that this doesn't ever stop everything go ahead and on this Outer Edge right click with a void upgrade so that way it voids anything over whenever it's full whenever this gets too full this will just void the excess and then you won't have to worry about it stopping your system and now for the final part of the system we want to put down our gas burning generator the gas burning generator only outputs power from the front but it can input everything else from the sides typically what I like to do is I like to go ahead and smack a plug right on the front of this if you're using flux networks for wireless power this this is my preferred method of powering everything it just depends on how you set this up but you would need a point for the rest of the system but instead what I'm going to do just for demonstration purposes is we're going to go ahead and pipe power into all of these from this front side I'm going to use the energy pipe here from pipes and then I'm going to just go down and under just like all the rest we want to shift click right here to make sure that we pull power out of here again anytime it's set to extract it needs to be shift clicked here so now if we want to get this whole thing up and running we're going to need to give it some kind of starter power we just need to give it a kick starting power so either hook it up to your previous power system or you can just take a call generator smack it down give it some coal make sure you extract from this side and now that should power the system the crusher will take our melons break it down into biofuel then the biofuel will come into the pressurized reaction chamber and then it will break it down into substrate and into ethylene it will output the substrates to the top here and this all comes from the hydrogen that is produced by this separator in the back once the ethylene gets to the gas burning generator the gas burning generator will then start stocking up on ethylene one important note absolutely important note the gas burning generator only Burns what it needs it won't burn more than what it needs okay so with that being said if you're not drawing enough power from it it's just going to stock up on ethylene what this means is that it might be confusing to some of how much power that this thing generates in all the mods ate there was a recent update that did Nerf the burn time of ethylene and what this basically means is it's not producing as much power as it did and a basic setup like this will add Max be able to consistently pull two point eight thousand Fe per tick which is pretty good in my opinion this means a consistent pool which means if your system needs 2.8 000 it will always pull 2.8 000. if your system needs three thousand it's only going to Output at Max 2.8 after it burns through all the ethylene so let me show you an example of what I mean so the gas burning generally like I said will pull as much as it possibly can to be able to keep up whatever the pull is so even though I had more ethylene in here this is how we would test to show it so right now I have this set up to an Ultimate Energy Cube and an energy trash can the energy trash can Will basically dump anything from this Ultimate Energy Cube so that way we can see that there's nothing going into this or being pulled out and the gas burning generator will try its hardest to burn as fast as it can to keep up but it will adjust the burn rate down low enough so where it can keep up with the pool so with this basic setup here we have no speed upgrades or no nothing this should go down to about 2.8 000 Fe per tick as it slowly boils down now again if you're not using 2.8 000 consistently the ethylene will build up and you can also bypass this by putting the ethylene into its own tank just so that way if you have extra ethylene production versus how much you're burning for your power you can store that for later burning if you're going to need it later on down the road to upgrade this to make this setup a little bit better the first step that you can take is just by getting some basic speed upgrades for all of your machines this is the recipe for the speed upgrade it just takes some glass some osmium dust and two infused Alloys each machine can hold eight upgrades total so my suggestion would be to just make enough for the crusher the pressurized reaction chamber and of course the electrolytic separator that is so hard to say so you can shift right click these in the world just to give them the upgrades I know I'm in Creative so it automatically just keeps it for me since it's in my inventory but this will increase the speed of each one of these now you might need energy upgrades if you start running out of energy it depends on how much energy you're making from the system energy upgrades are the same exact recipe as speed upgrades but you just need some gold dust in the middle again each machine takes eight of these now with just adding those speed upgrades into each one of these this will actually transform how much power that you can actually get out of this setup before we were only producing about 2.8 thousand with this system it's going to balance out probably around 7 000 ml buckets of ethylene at a constant draw and we're going to be producing around 28 000 Fe per tick which is pretty nice it makes sense because each one of these speed upgrades increases it up to 10 times the normal effect so 10 times the power is pretty nice for just speed upgrades so how would you upgrade this further now this is what a system would look like if you are upgrading it a little bit further what I've done here this is an entangled Block it's essentially just if you don't know what entangle blocks they're amazing they just basically say hey I want to look at another Block in the world and you can interact with it like as if you had two of them this is actually connected to my other melon farm that we have over here in this first compact setup is actually connected to it which is pretty cool so here we have the same exact setup except for this time we have three prcs is what I'm gonna call it from here and out so what's basically what's happening is is we've upgraded our Crusher to a crushing Factory and for us to keep up with all of the production of biofuel here we actually need three prcs here in other mod packs that it's actually a little bit different because depending on the speed or whatever of each one of these you might need like five for one Crusher or whatever for this basic one mechanism has these basic tier installers that you can use on several machines but if you use this on a basic Crusher it will turn it into a basic crushing Factory which now gives us three slots instead of just one and coupled with the speed upgrades we're talking about 30 times the speed make sure that when you do upgrade that you come over here and you turn on auto sort this is like one of the first things that you want to make sure you do so now we all need three prcs for our one Crusher and again the only thing that I haven't done in this setup is actually make it where the substrates come out of it so we want to make sure we do that simplest way to do that stick this on top here and I'm just going to go ahead and pipe on the sides and then set these to all output the items off the top that way it frees up the machines so we can actually use them so now this will produce a ton of ethylene which outputs into the back with these gas pipes I need to make sure that if you output them like this that you use your pipe wrench to change them to extract we're going to stick a pipe upgrade in each one of them and then here we have our single gas burning generator in the back which it is completely full it is also pulling as much as it possibly can out of the back here it is producing 39.76 000 Fe per tick with this setup right here this is filled this gas burning generator up so we want to add some more gas burning generators I have these connected with a gas pipe in the back here and these should automatically input over here then I'm going to Output the energy in the front so that way we can test how much and how full these guys get something interesting you'll find is that instead of filling one now they will separate out and fill up into three different ones like for example since we have three here it's just gonna go ahead and balance out between all three of them and instead we get this kind of like half section here which each of these are producing about anywhere from 28 000 to almost twenty nine thousand let's just say twenty eight thousand interesting to note here that these two as they pile up it doesn't go any higher than that thirty nine thousand even though it's over the half mark So if these are going over the half mark here and they get enough to that third tick if they can fill enough up to that third tick it's actually better for you to go ahead and make another gas burning generator the reason why is because above that line it's not going to produce any more than thirty nine thousand once it gets Above This middle line it's already burning at the max tick rate so it's better for you to get as close as you can in multiple so that way you produce more power now again this is all if you're pulling exactly the amount of power that it eats which is why we have the trash can here once these three mellow out we'll see exactly how much power that an upgraded version can make so now after a little bit of time these three have meld out to about six well it looks like it's mellowing out at about seven thousand Milli buckets which in turn is about 28 let's say an average of 28.4 000 Fe per tick and with these three producing that much we get about 85 000 Fe per tick which is pretty nice if we were to shrink this down to two we would only be getting about 79 000 ish Fe per tick which is not as good obviously but this is a basic setup this is nothing that crazy it's kind of nice it's kind of easy but what if we made the Mac setup so aside from having to generate more melons which by the way I suggest on eventually upgrading your method of farming botany pods work but you need a ton of them eventually so it's either you make a bunch of them or you just go to a different method like the phytogenic insulator from thermal that's a pretty decent setup as we see here we have nine rows for our crushing Factory these all output into nine prcs here which are all outputting their substrates into the middle this kind of looks pretty doesn't it all of the Power and everything is coming from these Universal pipes here just to double check that I set up all of this correctly we're gonna see that each one of these should be outputting and inputting the biofuel which it is and it's all working which is good editing Alfred here I wanted to go back one more time just to go over this and make sure that I show you guys all of the important parts of this final setup I found that I've had to put a point on the electrolytic separator so that way it keeps with enough power going so that it provides enough hydrogen to all of these machines I've also added a point right here onto the crushing Factory for the same reason I think it has something to do with the pipes themselves not being able to have as much power so if you guys replace this with the mechanism pipes I think it'll actually work the same but otherwise I just put a point on the crusher and on the separator so that way they keep up all of these keep up which is perfectly fine otherwise here we have them come coming out of the back pulling into eight gas burning generators I found that if you do any more than eight or any less than eight you're actually going to yourself with power because what ends up happening is each one of these guys produce about 32 000 Fe per tick consistently again with the draw because of the energy trash can because of the way how close they get to that that line right there so at eight these perfectly mellow out to about 32 000 a piece and that comes out to about 256 000 Fe per tick if you add a ninth one it actually produces less power because of it being further away from that middle spot as you see these are already mellowing out because it's mellowing out it's going to produce less over time but 32 seems to be the right amount so this would be something that you'd be looking at for a Max setup for just one Crusher so essentially if you wanted to make this better if you wanted to do more of this because this is 256 000 Fe per tick consistently this right here this setup if you wanted to duplicate this or if you wanted to replicate this and another way all you would have to do is just copy the same setup again you would need a lot more melons being produced but otherwise this is probably the furthest that I would go with a setup like this because 256 000 Fe per tick is actually a lot of power and there's not really much need for much power outside of that except for when you start getting into mechanisms fission and fusion reactor the fusion reactor will basically replace all of this and I wouldn't even attempt to keep this or to make more of these because the fusion reactor can easily produce about 30 million Fe per tick it's it's probably more than that with a turbine and it's insane it's easy to make once you have the fission reactor set up and everything so I wouldn't expand this much further than this this will get you pretty far but important takeaways just so you guys can send this home and know how to do it in your own playthroughs if you're playing all the mods eight for every one of your crushing slots that you have you want to have a PRC for so that way each one of them can keep up you see how this is staying at 58 that means it's keeping up with each one of these these right here are producing enough and pulling in enough to be able to keep up with each one of these Lanes which is good the conversions for all the mods 8 is a little bit different normally you would have multiple prcs per Crusher and then you would have multiple gas burning generators per Crusher and per PRC but in this case because the tick rate was nerfed down to 10 per tick what ends up happening are the burn time is 10 ticks for per millibucket what's going to end up happening is that you're going to produce less power in all the mods eight in my opinion that's actually a need to change because honestly it just makes all of the other power options almost useless to do like bigger reactors and stuff like that so this balances it out well and I think this is actually still probably one of the best if not the best power setups especially in the early game these things are super easy to make so typically you could just get by by saying one one one Crusher one POC one gas burning generator but you also want to play with it like I've done so that way you can test out what really produces the most power and one last thing you only need one electrolytic separator for all of these machines this one thing right here can keep up with all of it if it's got enough power and it has the speed upgrades so keep that in mind you never have to have more than one separator but this is the power of melons baby guys if you enjoy it and you're looking kind of like this let me know which ones you're looking for for your playthrough and maybe I'll cover it maybe I can figure it out maybe I can show you guys how to do it better if you haven't been following my playthrough with me and my buddy body go check us out go check the video out right now I've got a lot of exciting things that I'm really excited to do so go check it out maybe you'll learn to think of two from that until then thank you guys so much for watching and go watch that episode and bye [Music] thank you
Channel: AlfredGG
Views: 124,154
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: all the mods 8, modded minecraft, atm 8, all the mods 8 guide, mekanism power generation, gas burning generator, minecraft mods 1.19.2, all the mods 8 power generation, gas burning generator mekanism setup, gas burning generator setup, mek gas burning generator, mekanism tutorial, mekanism gas burning generator setup, mekanism gas burning gen tutorial, allthemods 8 tutorial, allthemods 8 guide, allthemods 8 melon power, melon power setup, melon power tutorial
Id: tFbF_Ck6mkE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 39sec (1539 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 04 2023
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