Building A BEAUTIFUL Cave Base | All The Mods 8 EP6

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buddy I swear man all of these caves just kind of suck like I really just want to find an amazing cave that's just something else you know why are you playing in the water buddy come on now I do want to find a cave with a lot of water I'm not gonna lie I really like caves with water you know maybe this cave is the one maybe we found the one body let's see is this a lush cave body I think this is the one welcome back to another episode of all the mods eight today we finally make ourselves a home if y'all are enjoying this playthrough make sure you hit that like And subscribe button it helps the channel out a ton and you can also come check me out on my twitch Channel at alfredig today we're going to get started actually building out something I've been wanting to do for a very long time and that's making myself a really nice looking cave base and this one looks pretty good to be honest with you it took me a while to find a bunch of caves and to find the right cave but because we have an unbreakable pickaxe it's a whole lot easier right buddy buddy what have you done let's get started so this thing is huge like massive we've got this glowing over here I really actually like the way that looks we've got this massive Lush like a biome over here this is like a lush cave system over here or something I've been playing Vault hunters and that actually kind of looked like Vault Cobblestone I was like what is that a is that a chest just chilling down here it's a mimic chest allows the wearer to walk on fluids while sprinting you know what no more bunny slippers we're going for the we're going for the aqua Dashers we can put the bunny slippers up no more sounding like us like I'm like squeaky but this place is beautiful I always love the look of the grass in the caves like this honestly I really prefer like this Moss block right here I prefer that look over than the Deep slate but this is negative 13. we have a lot of lush going down let's check out over here oh not these guys okay maybe maybe we might not be here body where are they at oh is this it right here this must be them maybe this is a good sign even though it's silverfish and they're annoying now we could just grab the spawner and this above it and look at there a chest oh berserker's Fury I wonder if that's any good look at these spawn eggs what cave spider creeper spawner Enderman silverfish spider actually we're gonna take all of those and uh leave the silverfish silverfish can stay what a great chest this place is loaded with oars too what is this is this like a ravine inside of this right here and it goes all the way down oh this is beautiful this is perfect and it goes down to like this oh we can make this like a river right here this is beautiful oh man this is gonna take a lot of work oh it's gonna take a lot of work oh this is K creeper these guys drop diamonds they drop emeralds what's that sound body what are you doing what is bodies just over here fighting this this skeleton get a body go get him hey and a Teleport back that's some style right there bud the first thing we're gonna need to do while body fights everything is we're going to need to light this whole place up there's not enough light lots of mob spawning we can make two things here that will make this a whole lot easier one of them is the Feral Flare Lantern which is pretty nice and we have the mega torch the mega torch prevents mobs from spawning in a giant radius and the Pharaoh and flare Lantern actually makes it where you place it and it'll Place invisible lights just sliding up the area it's really nice and these are relatively cheap to make so let's set a home here and now that we've set our home let's go ahead and make a couple of these so we can get the whole place lit up we're gonna need some torches some diamonds some logs and it looks like some glowstone and some gold body's just chilling here waiting so this is pretty cool if you put the Pharaoh flare Lantern down I showed this in my Auto mod 7 Series but you put this down and it'll over time place you some lights it's pretty cool it's pretty dope just kind of places it in a giant area which is pretty nice we're gonna also put the mega torch beside it so that way we just don't have to worry about mob spawns there we can do the same thing over here place this down and then let's place a Feral Flare Lantern right there let's light this place up I believe that got most of the light so let's go ahead from here and clear everything okay let's go ahead from here and let's clean up all of the random mob spawners and all that good stuff let's just clear this area out man there's a lot of loot out here we even got a brewing stand [Music] not today cave creeper come on blow up blow up get him buddy oh that's witches okay why do they always just drop a bunch of Bones that's so weird that thing had 37 emeralds in it oh my God all right I think that's pretty much everything right buddy I think we cleaned everything up all nicely you know I've never built a cave base before buddy but I think it'll come out looking pretty good right right we should probably start by building us a little house maybe oh my God he just got up in my face we do need to move all of our stuff from where we're at to out here that's gonna be a pain isn't it yeah it's gonna be a pain but we gotta do that first and that's why we have cardboard boxes because cardboard boxes saves lives all right buddy I'll be right back so these two are empty which is fine by me I'll just break those those are empty enough they're fine this one however has a bunch of stuff in it so if we want to save it you just slap some cardboard boxes on it and pick them up just like that I am going to need a bed thank you sir now these chests are special because if you notice they have some stack upgrades in here I stacked some stuff up so we can have some more room but the problem with these is you can't just slap on a cardboard box and pick it up it doesn't work like that with these because these stack upgrades prevent it so you need something from sophisticated storage called packing tape which just takes some paper and some kind of slime ball so this packing tape you just right click them and it'll pack it up like this see it's even got a durability so that's important then you can put cardboard boxes on there and he got him thank you they can grab it all cool thing about drawers is you could just break them straight out they don't actually need to have any kind of cardboard box on them and they'll they'll work just like that what you can also do is if you have a bunch of backpacks like I do you can just shove all your stuff in here and then carry the backpacks instead um this guy wants air for emeralds what Goodbye old house you served me well pajamas are tired of living here these people were annoying I did not like any of them all these villagers and kept coming to my house sticking just I didn't oh I did not like any other villagers that kept coming in my house though so I'm kind of glad it's gone all right I'm Gonna Leave y'all the nether portal and uh have at it right y'all got this right you don't got to worry about nothing oh y'all gonna have that portal too because I gotta work you gotta just y'all just chill out here don't worry about it I'll just have a good time all right buddy we kind of gotta get a little set up here just a little bit I want some grass to grow here eventually y'all think I got enough backpacks I almost set these Farms back up real quick because they kind of need to be set up it is rather important that we you know get our power set back up right place this down right here all right so there's our power set up very simple now I will say just to let you guys know this latest update 1.0.7 this was actually nerfed a little bit so by a little bit I mean like 50 so it no longer generates 72 or 73 000 it's somewhere around the 40 000 range which doesn't really matter because these things are so easy to make and this setup that I have right here with all of these melons can pretty much power like a lot of them I would need a couple of more reaction Chambers and everything but this is so easy to make and it's so easy to make this power that it doesn't really matter even if it is forty thousand this is still insane so this little setup is fine for now now we can place our chest down and we have the packaging tape I think to get rid of the packaging tape you have to break this with an ax yep that's what it is Jesus is so loud guess I didn't even need to use the cardboard boxes okay cool oh hell no not in my house he dropped a milk bucket what our new hole I'm just kidding this is ugly okay this is just getting unpacked okay y'all ever move and then be like man we gotta do something with all these boxes that's where I'm at right now we just had to do the moving part and body is just being so good over there sitting and I love it not going anywhere it's great all right so now I want to actually make this place feel a little bit more like home and right now I don't really like the way that this is all deep slate and oars I don't like that and I kind of want to just make a mix of grass and Moss which apparently a moss block is a crop I guess we're gonna set that up too all right we're gonna place this here we're gonna Place one Moss Block in here looks like we need some more item pipes we're gonna run this back like this and then boop boop boop boop boop and then we're gonna grow this on Cobblestone I uh I don't know how I feel about this that's okay cause we can replace a lot of this with dirt and actually turn it into grass too and get that started but I don't have silk touch I probably could get silk touch easily but instead we're just gonna make grass by infusing dirt with blood bodies favorite we're gonna need to make this this promise of tenacity here which is gonna take a bowl of promises an iron promise acceptor and a spider eye looks like we're gonna have to crush a couple of dark gems to make this bowl and we're gonna need some more dark gems for this do we have enough dark gems Bonnie we got two dark gems we gotta go find some more dark gems listen up buddy I didn't get Fortune for nothing let's see if we can hunt for some more dark gems it wouldn't hurt for us to go ahead and clean these oars up too right this is gonna look real ugly when it's done maybe we'll find some dark juice like this though buddy did you just stop me are they what body our inventory is getting full kind of fast you know what we should start using some of our uh backpacks I think that would be smart don't you so I'm gonna show you guys something which in my opinion is probably one of the best parts about sophisticated backpacks they're absolutely amazing let me tell you is that the sound of a fish out of water is that what I'm hearing so I'm gonna grab this iron backpack right here and then as you see I have this magnet upgrade I want to use this and I want to use this now I've saved it for now but we could also upgrade this backpack to Gold that'll give us another slot and we could probably go ahead and upgrade it to Diamond as well sweet Diamond backpack and with this backpack we're actually going to put a bunch of different upgrades in here and they're amazing actually so if we type in backpack in the type and upgrade these are all the upgrades that you can get for your backpack now I know you've seen me have a couple of like the feeding upgrade which Auto feeds me which is really nice but there's a lot of really good ones like this Advanced magnet upgrade I think I've talked about this before this Advanced magnet upgrade is really nice the feeding upgrade of course is also really nice the compacting upgrade is pretty cool the void upgrade is probably one of my favorites I think that one's like one of the best and of course you have the standard stack upgrades which those are really nice too to make this you are going to need some leather and some strings so it's important to have these we're also going to need a lot of different materials for this emeralds diamonds you name it for starters let's upgrade this magnet upgrade just make it a little bit better so we have an advanced magnet upgrade that one's a freebie and we're going to go ahead and put this in here and then we have four more slots I want one of these to be an advanced void upgrade absolutely needs to be an advanced void upgrade and then we're gonna have some stacking upgrades and that's pretty nice too so for this void upgrade we're just going to need the template here I'm gonna go ahead and make myself four of these templates and then we could just easily make the void upgrade and then the advanced void upgrade the first upgrade is usually the one that's more expensive like the very first tier right here so we have the obsidian and stuff the next upgrade is just diamond and gold it's not really that big of a deal they're not really that expensive but these stack upgrades for backpacks are actually rather Hefty they're they're a little thick I'm not gonna lie you need eight blocks of whatever it is per upgrade that you want so right now I can only make myself well I guess I can make myself more let's see if I can make my myself at least ah I can I think I'm only gonna make three for now this works one two three we can save the rest of our iron now I can already tell you I don't have enough gold so that's gonna be okay but for now we'll just work with the three stack upgrades and then we're gonna also put the void upgrade in here now there are really cool settings that you can do here that I actually really enjoy but it just depends on your style of play and how you're doing basically this is like the Dank the Dank is really really nice but this thing can work as if your backpack gets too full if you don't want certain things to be picked up in here it's just really nice overall so one thing is is I don't actually know how this works specifically with the Dank upgrade or the Dank itself so like if I break this is it going to go into this backpack or is it going to go into my dank it went into my backpack so what we'll do is we'll come over here and we'll block anything like this to going into my backpack and make sure that it'll go into my dank instead and we can just pretty much set anything that's in our dank we don't want to come in here into our backpack and that way our dank will take care of everything and void everything that we don't want we can set that up in here too but I really like to have this magnet upgrade just so I can pull all of the oars directly into my backpack it's a nice little addition we need to get back to it buddy we need to get back to finding some dark gems I never thought I would be doing evil craft like this never thought it would the day would come now just a little bit of digging and now you see we've got a bunch of stuff in our backpack already and I don't have to worry about it cluttering up my inventory but I do have to worry about body getting my guys it's going to take forever to replace all this let's go let's go on some dark gyms I never got to kill one of these Turtles to see what they got where did he drop I guess we'll never know buddy that was kind of weird that's it buddy we're going to the mining world you cannot oh well we'll just find it might as well bust out of oh my God there's so much all the modium everywhere buddy I'm starting to think there's no dark gems in the mining world oh 108 all the money I'm not bad I didn't even get a stack of diamonds though oof buddy let's go back home for whatever reason I'm not getting power oh because it's not chunk loaded that probably explains it you know maybe there's some down here nope these places just suck if I remember correctly every time I saw a dark gem it was towards the bottom like way down here like almost lava level like this see found it just like that how much does that give us with one hit let's see 13 we're gonna need a little bit more so maybe we just weren't deep enough well that's not good hell now maybe we're 2D ah sweet honestly I think 44 is good I think it's all we need let's go back home oh wait this is the wrong home hey gold would you look at that let's go ahead and make another platinum or a hammer because that one's about to break and then we can double all of our all the modium even more and let's go ahead and double our gold as well and whatever else we just do for iron now I can get all this smelting down look at how much we already got beautiful now that we got our dark gems we're gonna need our blood extractor which is right here which has 5 000 blood in it which is a what like five buckets worth let's go ahead and Harden some of this we're gonna need to collect some more blood too which is gonna be nice because we're gonna need that to make this bowl of uh empty promises right here because we gotta have three of those dark gems and we can just Infuse right here we could just Infuse some of our dark gems straight into did that okay now where do we put our blood infuser is it over here oh there it is got some blood in it too cool I never thought I'd say those words blood infuser all right let's go ahead and fuse a couple of these dark gems I'm gonna need about three right off the top that is so annoying that they keep spawning all right put some blood in here get these things infusing and then we're gonna need a promise of tenacity one so we will need a spider eye and we're gonna need a block of iron and some more blood body you were in the way I had to move you I'm sorry all right that makes us some dark power gems cool go ahead and hit this here with a bowl of empty promises easy enough we need to go to our Crusher over here in this mix wherever it's at right here we're gonna take this out oh we got to turn this thing off on the side too wherever I have the oh God I have it right here underneath this we're gonna go ahead and turn this off right now so that way I can pull this out and make myself some crushed dark gems let that work for a minute let me just put these melons back up and well that's loading buddy I'm gonna go with some more blood I'll be back which this is perfect over here in the dark side of the cave where there's a bunch of them kill 50 zombies dang I'm already that far ahead we gotta have about ten thousand blood you know let's just go to the end I forgot we didn't open the end here and we have a bunch of Enderman we could kill real toast decree the dark where is that guy at oh he spawned over here what is he oh I just looked at three of them oh no hold on I gotta go fight is that a voker he's just chilling there it's an evoker how hard is he hit hopefully not hard oh God he's got a Shield too why are you running oh my God he had knocked me back pretty far am I even doing any damage to this guy I'm not even doing any damage to this guy he just heals it back what do you have do you have read I can't look at your stats that's dumb is that a dark gym okay I was about to say that's dumb but at least I got all the blood I needed man I just wanted to kill that guy buddy it was that wasn't fun all right this has a thousand blood in it let's fill it up now it's got ten thousands that will make me this iron promise here so with this like I was saying we're slowly working our way up here the whole goal of this okay the whole goal of this is for us to be able to make this right here this grass block it takes 350 blood per dirt and I only need a couple because once I start making the dirt and start placing it I can get some grass put some light down and then I'll just be able to spread the grass everywhere and we're also making all this Moss but that takes that takes a while apparently all right I promise acceptor we gotta make our dusted bowl of promises which is uh we gotta come over here at our Crusher and then now we can turn this back on and then that should yep okay cool we can make our dusted bowl of promises here and with some blood we can turn this into a dusted bowl of promises tier zero so that's easy enough right because we still got enough blood yep so shove some more blood in there and there we go you know there's a whole lot just to put some dirt down right some dirt and some grass we could literally just make ourselves you know I don't want to be that guy but we're committing now we're committing we're already here you know we're already at this point I could just go make myself a silk touch shovel you know from brass silent gear and then just dig up as much grass you know that'd probably be smarter let's go ahead and get this set up because we need it for the star anyway you know it's not the worst thing in the world there's our bowl of promises tier zero and now we can combine these together to make ourselves the tier one promise of tenacity so you can put this in the top left slot up here and it increases the amount of blood it can hold and then this is where I would take the dirt stick it in here fill the rest of this with blood here and it will turn into grass but you know what let's let's smelt this brass and use it so starting off we're gonna make ourselves a shovel template we're gonna put this piece of brass here put a stick down and that will give us a brass shovel with silky on it now I am going to need my repair kit because with the brass we are going to actually need to use that and you know could have just done this the whole time it's been a whole lot faster because now I can just grass grass block all right I don't think that's enough grass now I know what you're thinking it's gonna take me forever to replace all of this and you're right if I do it by hand but that's what the building Gadget stuff is for if we come over here to building gadgets we're gonna make ourselves several gadgets here we're gonna need the building Gadget we're gonna need the exchanging Gadget we're gonna go ahead and make the copy paste and the destruction Gadget I like them all some of these are actually rather expensive like this one the exchanging Gadget needs an all the modium Nugget but the rest are fairly simple all right now let's make these now this is like the core the building Gadget is like what most people make to begin with and it's a really good really good item overall I love this thing the exchanging Gadget is my favorite for changing any kind of terrain anything like that I absolutely love it now the copy paste Gadget you don't actually have to have but it's good if you have structures that you want to repeat say if you wanted to make something like a bee house and you like the design and you want to repeat that for each little beehive that you have it's really nice to have and the destruction Gadget which is going to take some ender pearls the destruction Gadget is probably my favorite for one saving time and two for basically making it where you can just void an entire space out easily now I'm going to put everything up except for the building Gadget and the exchanging Gadget so if we put these in my hot bar you see they automatically filled up that's because we have the wireless power from flux networks which is nice but check this out I want to replace all of this ground right here with a grass block so what I'm going to do is I'm going to place my first one down and then I'm going to shift click with this gadget and now you see we get this little overlay I have my settings this is the keybind for me is set to four but you can change it whatever you want to just to show you how to do that you go into your controls go to keybinds and then under category you can type in building if you hit enter it'll automatically uncheck it or whatever but right here you can see you're looking for these settings menu you set it to whatever you want to but four works for me so in four I'm gonna come over here and then you could do fuzzy connected surface Ray Trace fluid and then you could change the range that you want to now fuzzy pretty much makes it where it's like okay right here you see how it's only going to change the blocks that I'm clicking at if I change it to fuzzy it's actually going to take and make it where it'll change everything in that surface so instead of just changing just the Deep slate blocks it will change everything so if I right click there we go we have grass down here now I'm gonna do this for most everything down here now you might be wondering if I use this over oars where do they go well they actually go into whatever like for me they go into my backpack here which is really nice they don't actually delete them which is dope but this way I can just easily replace all of this into grass but now you see we're out of grass that was all the grass that I had but we got a decent little amount of grass in here and now I want to fill these holes in so I can do the same thing with the building Gadget and I can do either build me or Surface and what this will do is if we set this to a higher range this will fill in the holes if we click so like this it'll fill in our holes here just like that and this will kind of even out the the land here for us we have to go back through here and kind of make it look a little bit more natural sometimes you miss click and that's okay that Nemo and now we have plenty of food for body to eat right body body can eat all of this now see he's already working on some of it see this looks a ton better it makes the cave look a whole lot more natural feeling to me well I wouldn't say natural but it makes it feel like that there's just some kind of style here and I like that now we can have style all day long but if we have like know where to live no house to live it's not really going to work well I kind of like the idea of not really having a house but more so just having fences and paths and everything that kind of line this up and and make it feel a little bit better so maybe that's what we do we make some fences we put some walls up and uh yeah it'll look nice right and for right now this looks okay but you know what it's missing that really gives it that kind of lush feel we're missing some texture and the best way I like to give texture especially in areas like this is to just come and hit it with some bone meal and now this just kind of looks overgrown so let me finish this pathing over here and now what I'm going to do to make this look a little bit better is take all of these Tall Grass The Tall Grass that's everywhere and I'm gonna get a rid of all of it because the tall grass is ugly I can kind of leave it up here because I like the way this looks up here but I especially don't like the way it looks down here we're gonna need some more color so I really would like to add some more flowers because apparently it only grew wildflax plants which is not what I needed uh [Music] uh what happened here now I'm gonna continue this path out a little bit until about right here because this I feel like we need some more water coming down so I really like this water but I want this water to actually go all the way over here and then make a river out of this I think that would look amazing so what we're going to want to do is we want to clear this out to where the water will flow out here and now I kind of want to make myself like a water infinite water source over here and then just that way I can just continuously fill this up and that way that way I can just go ahead and make myself like a river coming down gonna need to place a bunch besides fixing the water I think I need to widen it up at the end so let's do that all right now let me see if I can make this a little bit more like a waterfall up here we got one block of water up here just one now we've got a problem I want more than a single string coming down and now I think looks a whole lot better I like this I still think it needs to be wind up at the end but I think this is good I think this looks kind of kind of nice and and kind of pretty I think it's not too bad right don't look too bad oh maybe we're definitely gonna need some more color and a little bit more uh stuff added because these flowers are just kind of dull and nothing really happens here and I think we do have a lot of green but that's okay we'll fix that a little bit later I think we need to change this a little bit I really like the way the Moss carpet looks if I place this on top of this this gives a much better feel in terms of pathing here right like this looks like it feels a little bit better for some paths like if I come and look at it like this just make sure that we randomize a little bit more I like this though I like the way this looks a little bit of texture not too bad just placing some random stuff in places it makes it look a little bit better I mean if we look at it from over here this doesn't look too bad at all I think this is a good little start to be honest with you I like it we got some nice little waterfall here and that eventually what we're going to do is we're going to make this entire thing a river that's going to take forever we'll have to get a builder for that because the Builder will be able to put all the fluid here yeah this is kind of cool I like it body what do you think about this do you like this do you think this is pretty you think we did a good job for this yeah me too I think it looks great got a nice little place for you there's a couple things that I got to fix but overall I think this looks pretty good we get a little bit more movement a little bit more variety and I think it'll look great guys I think that'll do it for this episode of all the mods eight if you guys enjoyed it make sure to hit that like subscribe button this is the start of our home I like it so far I think it looks really good probably gonna end up doing a little bit more decoration in my own time but I wanted to do a little bit of a design just so I can show you guys a little bit how I would like to build and what I would like to do and I think we transform this place nicely next up we'll have to get a lot more Tech I'd like to get into refined storage and then we could get started with some infinite materials using several really cool things with all the mods a thank you guys so much for watching and as always I'll see you on the next episode [Music]
Channel: AlfredGGMC
Views: 15,793
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: all the mods 8, all the mods 8 playthrough, all the mods 8 ep, all the mods 8 lets play, all the mods 8 tips, all the mods 8 getting started, how to get started in all the mods 8, modded minecraft lets play, modded minecraft playthrough, atm8, minecraft modpack, minecraft all the mods 8, minecraft modpack 1.19, allthemods 8, minecraft, minecraft modded, atm 8, modded minecraft series, alfredgg, all the mods 8 guide, atm8 lets play, minecraft cave base, atm8 minecraft
Id: lefF4zafzZM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 5sec (1865 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 06 2023
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