I Spent 100 Days Being Stranded on a Raft! [Full Gameplay]

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I found myself sailing into the deep blue sea in the world of raft with my companions Joan and Aisa armed with the dodgy hook and determination we went from a small puny raft to an oversized ship also fighting off the Relentless great white Bruce we have 100 days to explore islands for survival search Oceans and discover the hidden secrets of how the world ended up this way but without further Ado secure your life jacket and prepare to join us in a world of the endless D BLC come on boys I'm in meanwhile I was waiting for them to get in I started by cleaning up the ocean bed for some garbage and enjoying the peaceful View and if you do enjoy this kind of content don't forget to hit that like And subscribe button we would need a copious amount of trash to start building our plastic raft so I made a building Hammer so I could expand the raft a bit Joan was getting a bit claustrophobic so this was kind of necessary let's extend this a bit you know yeah please the barrels I can relin contain a good chunk of trash so those were important to catch I needed all of the plastic and wood to expand the raft so we saw our very first island ahead of us that we were drifting towards like usual youan was slightly annoyed that I managed to catch all of the trash from him oh how did you get both of them Advantage oh unbelievable I can't wait for the ra is big enough so I don't have to stay near you unel I can't wait for the is big enough so I don't while me and Yan were fighting for garbage Aiza was moving towards the island to see what kind of resources she could grab before the raft would Drift Away we didn't have a way to stop the raft so oh youan youan look at this I can't see the plank I'm Miss I hate you I oh my get I'm I'm quitting I'm quitting I'm leaving I honestly thought I made a spear but I accidentally made a second Hammer instead God damn it I made a simple bed whenever any of us would starve to death since we didn't really have any food I throw along a grill with a bed whenever someone feels like they want to make a fishing rod and fish do we need to make an anchor no I'm about to make a sail oh okay finally hit an island so I took the time to grab some stuff in the ocean I also picked up some handy metal and copper that will be used for multiple recipes eventually I decided to make a water purifier since drinking salt water didn't really quench my thirst on day two we had some food cooking now since all of us were starving someone just eat my beat I don't know how but the raft managed to get stuck on the island so we took this time by gathering as much resources as we could Bruce gave me a smacking kiss so that was my time to leave I made it back to the raft just in time since it was starting to move oh guys wind Chang it's raft is going I grabbed a package that gave us the blueprint for a receiver the receiver will be a very important tool for navigating in the ocean but we are nowhere near of making it and like usual I have to be a menace to my friends with my hook cuz I was enjoying it who was that oh of course it's my what unbelievable you only got Lea is this Leaf just stuck here for you guys too yeah it's stuck on you I don't know what the hell it's not doing anything Bruce couldn't give us a break at all a sh's here I couldn't really make out what to do with the blueprints I guess you just throw them away as soon as you pick them up are they the antenna and just throw them away throw the back of the ocean I made one of these research tables which will help us unlock the blueprints by using each of the resources in the table the hunger was annoying to deal with since it would handicap our movement also is there any food cuz I'm super hungry we were really hungry and really desperate so we were going to try killing Bruce for meat oh yes there was some food in the box for me to eat for now and while Bruce was chomping on the shark bait Aisa had laid out me and Joan went out in the ocean to gather all of the stuff from the ocean in the meantime while I was farming in the ocean Jan had killed Bruce so then we would be able to farm without any Interruption oh he's almost dead I got some really good hit oh you you kill the shark yep yep yep I was swimming pretty far out in the water triggering my theophobia but other than that I got the decoration package from one of the barrels back at the raft I made a few wet bricks and I placed them out so they would dry and we could use them to make our first smelter in the midst of doing that I spilled a whole cup of tea over my whole setup do here I spilled tea everywhere put this in the video as well holy sh my whole mouse mat is ruined day three quickly came around the corner like my hunger and I was so hungry and I was patiently waiting for the shark me to cook up that Juan kindly got for us I made a few Nets and I placed them out on the raft that will pick up the trash for US ah I love automation the Kea was putting up the smelter for us now so we could get some ingots made we had a ride at an island and we got stuck on it oddly enough with the raft I went up to the island to grab a bit of planks from the trees and I picked up the beautiful box on top Bruce was slow and I killed them so we could get some meat and gather ocean Loot and peace I was going to cook my shark meat but Thea was cooking up a helpless catfish he'll be done in a second while me and Joan was diving for some resources Aisa was learning a lot of recipes for us like the metal Spear and an upgraded hook a some wanted us to muster up as much scrap and Clay as possible so we could have more than one smelter youan had trust issues with me like usual all I really wanted was to cook the shark meat or did I what are you cooking everyone fish wait did you take it oh okay good I even crafted up a scrap hook for myself which has more durability and is capable of gathering stuff up faster Theiss had placed out the storage box now so we could store some of the random [ __ ] we had us so please give me all of your sand and metals on day four Aisa had to explain to us about the bird's nest and why they're so important now if you make one part of the raft that just goes straight out in one direction for a little bit like maybe by 10 blocks we can put down the um if we have if we have a shell you can make a bird nest and put it out there and then start hunting the bird I spotted another Island 12:00 from us but I could only see it if I looked it from a weird angle I helped Joan extend the raft a bit so he could put up the bird's nest we didn't have any sort of angor yet so Aisa wanted me to angle the sail so we would get stuck on the island try and angle the sail so it's against the I had absolutely no clue how to do that wait how do you angle it grabing an angle it hold to rotate I was so thankful for my companions they always provide me with some fresh cooked food oh thank you for all the food oh juice oh my God it's okay I'll cook more oh yeah potato and beet great fill me up for like 10 seconds we all were really efficient and I farmed everything from the ocean bed and on my way back J notified me that the shark was back it is back oh my God it's back yeah it's swimming towards you right now oh there was finally some birds in the nest but my wooden stick was awful I put up a few more Nets and I rotated a few of them since I didn't realize it before I don't know if it does any difference but whatever Aisa managed to kill one of the seagulls so we got our hands on some KFC and Feathers Aisa was going to explain to us our next step yeah you got to build up the raft enough to be able to actually mic the device to track down the story Islands if you open your notebook which will be T you are a forward Scout is your home and your hook is your friend there's you'll have a little picture that to remind you of what you lost so basically we cannot progress any further until the raft is somewhat bigger the antenna and receiver won't function unless the raft is a decent size on day five I spotted an island nearby but the Kiza didn't want to go there since we had so much metal to cook down and we were in severe need of plastic and such as it was lagging our very first gigantic Island spawned on the horizon oh that's a big island so in the meantime AA put down a proper water water purifier so we're starting to get somewhere for sure hey guys we have a water purifier now finally we had an anchor so all we have to do is poke a hole in the raft and then place it down Yan made a huge discovery that we were out of food like usual since everyone eats like we have a buffet here do I have spare food still I think we had a box for that yeah here probably it's empty great so the main objective here was to grab a everything possible from the island Aisa was fighting off a piggu but baited him over to me while I was shopping down a tree ouch well since Aisa baited the piggy over here I killed it and I claimed its head no no I'm going to need the Pig p that's I don't have anything what there's a deer here jumping back I'm so confused don't want to sure kid me andisa went out deeper into the island looking for stuff and fighting a pig almost had me killed ow oh no what I survived with that oh I have a sliver of Health left Jesus uh if we want to kill this creature we're yeah we're going to need a bow I was incredibly confused where the raft was so I got killed by a creater because of that Aisa found me so she carried me back to the raft I made myself a bow this time so I could destroy that Bird's life obviously I had to make a few arrows as well it was day six and that means it's time for payback I was now ready for the bird I had to wait for it to get close to me so I could try shooting it Joan brought the bacon close to me that almost had me killed again yeah the bird needs to die it really needs to die I timed my arrow and I hit him but he seemed like he was in distress and did some spins in the air hitting the bird was very difficult at time time since I just suck at this Joan came over to assist me with this annoying piece of sh KFC we both missed pretty hard and Joan got touched by a small little rock that was kind of funny to see that sound like it h i got to say I am very impressed by Jan's positivity for this I have two more arrows and then I can't shoot anymore then it's all up to youan don't worry godamn God skill we finally killed it and it gave us a bit of feathers drumsticks and a head trophy in all of these big Islands there will be a shop where we can trade in stuff for resources and such but we weren't anyone near of doing that yet so I went into the ocean to pillage all of this stuff I almost drowned when doing that so I headed back to the raft to drop these things off I was a very thirsty boy so I drank everything we had in the purifier at least it's easy to fill up while I was seing out I was sorting out the box and trying to think with my singular brain cell I came to the conclusion after a while that we had sear wood and I couldn't make an axe to shop down the trees on the island for it Joan came over with some supplies especially wood thankfully after a bit of struggle the shark was finally beaten easily again well I wasn't able to go down to the ocean floor and grab everything since we didn't have enough stuff for a hook so Juan had to gather it alone on day seven of us just chilling I was cooking up some food and suddenly Yan was discovering some interesting poisonous fish what is that what is that what is that what is that what I got poisoned by something oh my god oh it's a puffer fish oh my heart God damn it oh my God I jumped I made myself a water bottle because I'm tired of drinking from a water cup I was looking through the recipes and I had difficulties deciding what we needed there was a juicy metal pick there though we were literally just waiting for quesa to get back to us so we harvested up everything from the island and then headed off while we were peacefully sailing I finally made a metal spear enough is enough with the spaghetti stick oh look at this you I'm going to get the barrel and this oh yeah look at this big loot God Dam it Goblin is there something we need to work on getting a Giza like do we need a metal for something we're going to need a battery three antennas wait wait you need a battery and three antennas three antennas a battery and a receiver well you get one antenna to start with because making the [ __ ] is kind of expensive okay will likea be our uh Captain then no please y I am the captain now better be good otherwise we Mutiny on day eight we came close to an island but we weren't going to stop here but as soon as I killed Bruce we decided to harvest everything in the water either way this sucks Ione do you like this because what I'm holding is that the fish oh my I'm not even hungry you freaking loot hogging food hogging oh my God shake my head while we were sailing Joan freaked out that he spotted a whale and that's the first one we've ever seen oh that's a whale that's a freaking whale oh that's so big I want to jump down in water oh my God he's making some noise ouch bro if I fell in and that whale was there I would have freaking panicked wow wow using up your freaking charge on your hook for to get something that's going to get to us either way oh my God sh loot hungry Goblin I swear loot hungry Goblin I crafted a receiver now but our second floor wasn't really done yet so I couldn't place it [Music] down can I place it here where I'm standing yeah yeah yeah so we sweds me and youan at least we are not used to port side and starboard and the casa was trying to teach us that not going to lie I'm too stupid to remember that yeah yeah yeah left is the port side and right is starboard what was left again I already forgot Port port and starboard is right I'm never going to remember that I'm telling you right now on day nine we were drifting along nicely towards nowhere but I took this precious time in expanding the raft a bit I was quite annoyed that people who drank water from the purifier didn't fill it up after it was used this was a very common problem for us at least oh you have to fill it honestly having a lot of Nets would be nice it was too bad we didn't have enough stuff to make more to pick up everything from the ocean so AA wanted to be the captain and explain what our next objective was we're staying out on the sea for a while okay we've got enough stuff to process already and we need to focus on raft expansion and getting to the first area so we all went upstairs to look at where our first coordinates are because stats where we're heading for our first destination in the game y we are 1,500 M away and now that we have more space Johan you're going to be the farmer oh hell yeah while we were sailing towards the first destination it was going to take a while so I didn't have too much to do other than extending the raft on day 10 the raft was finally taking a shape we were going to try making it look like an actual ship a Giza had turned a whole raft towards the coordinates we were heading to but they also noticed that the Nets couldn't grab any more trash from the sea we had then finally arrived at our first destination to the story of this godforsaken world so then we just had to search all around the building for story notes and resources so as soon as we reached the oil rig we found found a note from a man called cuu talking about three people with bird code names they were heading for a place called Seline and that the other facilities were under the water and that one of them started to become less talkative than the other two people it was later revealed that the guy named Sparrow had taken their only boat and left the other two stranded on the oil rig for weeks cuu and Al had no idea why Sparrow was so secretive the only information they had was that a team celines were working on a prototype of some kind Al was yelling up in the tower about the distress call from the radio so I guess that's where we should go up to there was a lot of Parkour involved with this but it was kind of fun honestly the group was able to find a blueprint for a headlamp in one of the rooms which will come very handy we found owl's note revealing to us that the distress call was hinting to us about the number of different locations and events that has taken place in the world so according to cuu he believes that Spar had a very good reason for leaving them behind while Al is thinking the opposite and that he betrayed them Kuku still had faith that he made it to selin and finished making the reactor for all of us to save the world we found our very first human named tala in the tower and got their next location and a blueprint for the recycler so basically tala is a playable character and it's not really clear how she ended up here in this Tower so on day 11 we got the coord for our next destination me and Joan made fun out of aisa's pronunciation since raft is made by Swedish developers if you hit T it'll now open your notebook and you'll see we have the radio tower followed by number and vasanta which is going to be our next coordinates to head to you do want to make sure wait can you say it again Aisa nope nope absolutely not you had way too many fun with that way too much fun will say yeah please say it again I said vasanta you can definitely to tell it's a Swedish G one yeah I do all right proper sweds how do you say it V oh my God aissa put down our new coordinates and then we were ready to sail after a bit of reading I made a recycler that will process raw materials into trash cubes we can use as currency while trying to finish up the flooring of the raft we came across another decently sized Island to stop at so we were basically just preparing everything we would need for this entire Expedition we're going to need to get shovels and the trash cubes for this after a bit of preparation we were ready to go into the island and there was a lot to explore and I was so excited for this like everyone else by day 12 I was up at the shop and buying some simple fish bait with the fish bait you can get the special fish that will incre increase the reputation with the shop it gives you access to tier 2 and tier three recipes let's be real how much am I honestly going to fish when I got my two slaves with me while Aisa and Joan were dealing with the bird I did my usual round of shopping up some trees instead oh red berries nice no they're really good ingredients so still don't eat them but we wanted to get an animal but in order to do that we would need a net to capture it and we didn't really have any so yeah Bruce was literally waiting for us to get on the raft just to harass us but Jan cleanly killed him off oh we got him nice I made a net launcher to capture those animals but I realized something odd about it oh my God bro I didn't have any ammo for it so I couldn't really use it I felt like a complete idiot I honestly don't know why we don't have the ammo for it I guess we haven't discovered the ammo yet Aisa told me about the fish that is in the water water it's a very specific one so I went looking for it in the water but I didn't spot any of those special fish I'm not even sure what I was even looking for to be honest at the end of the day AA was cooking up our first proper meal of the journey I think we all were getting tired of bears and cooked fish diets on day 13 I went up to the shop to grab a bit of more bait for you one so we could do some fishing because it was out of things to do we ran into a problem when I wanted to make a scrap hook we were completely out of metal ingots wait we don't have any more metal oh we're completely out of metal but now it was time to leave this island and continue on our journey I think we stayed here for long enough also we had some uncooked metal on the forge we just didn't have any wood until Yan came back with that so I'm not really sure if Yan paid attention last time but we had to explain to him how to cook up his first proper meal I hear something bubbling here doesn't that sound glorious how do you actually like use to cook so you have to basically put the ingredients on the sides yeah and you once it's done you need to make a CL bow to pick out the soup and then you eat both the clay bow and the soup just so you know what okay cuz you don't so we put Jan in charge of the garden he put up a crop lot for his tree so he would be able to get some growing coconut trees yeah now you're going to plant the tree right in the center and then you're going to water it while were we drifting my I spot at the very next area we were heading towards but it wasn't really an island is that the island we're going for yeah it it's not an island though I had to do some cooking in preparation since this could prove to take a while [Music] honestly it seemed to be somewhat of a cruise liner that got Shipwrecked a very long time ago so we are going to have to go and clear every level in the ship you might want to somebody might want to make a battery and research it on the table and then make a headlamp otherwise it's going to be dark as heck in there okay there we go I got everything made you want to see this are you jealous yes whatever is this wait wait do you want to look at this you see this multiple I've been saving Aisa wanted us to go search outside the cruise liner for mechanical part since that is one of the things we were looking for for the quest objective I picked up some scrap while looking for mechanical Parts but I couldn't see any youan managed to find two mechanical Parts but I couldn't still see any oh I found a mechanical part I got the mechanical part in the pool on day 14 we were finally ready to go into the dark Cruise liner yeah you go you go you go first I don't like to sound that I activated the switch and we picked up our first note what there was a note I heard from the captain we're heading for one of the highrises down down south I can only hope you come to your census and follow us you knew the city was a failure Reuben why do you always have to be so stubborn me my first time playing this blissfully unaware of any sort of accent in this game Mike after 2 seconds of being in here they're all sweds what the further into the ship youan an Aisa came across a creature what what the hell is this H oh my God sorry Mike you're CH one bolt cutter yeah I think it's further down managed to find red key in the bathroom and I continued being a loot Goblin the red key however was for the room furthest down the hallway Reuben the yacht is ill prepared for this journey U left space for a dance floor but no space for supplies the B Sure found their way to the bar as a milit I saw a large rat last night nerving you large I tried telling the crew we obviously have an infestation among the lock down supplies they laughed at me I miss you Reuben with the Bol cutter I picked up I was able to get the Locker Unlocked there was also a blue key in there for the next door ahead K keeps complaining about my R if he does it again he will be reprimanded the crew doesn't listen to orders I'm shocked by their undis nature somehow they believe Rank and Prestige disappeared with solid land no they will not be allowed to mingle among my esteemed guests and they will certainly not be allowed further Russians they should be grateful I am the only reason they are alive now Olaf here is a deranged murderer who openly promises death and suffering for nearly everyone around him as we got upstairs Jan found another note from Olaf so basically Olaf talks about the crew being completely incompetent with his crazy plans and ideals the crew was talking about this big rat that had eaten half of their supplies in matter of weeks but Olaf promised them increased rations if they brought one of these lurkers alive but the food shortage still needed to be handled by discussing about which staff member the most suitable as a sacrifice for the rats basically Olaf wants to kill the people for the rats and train them he was also talking about mutations with rats and something about a caravan town I managed to pick up a Green Key from Captain's Quarter some went further up to pick up the lighter which is for a bomb apparently the crew was planning a mutiny against Olaf and he didn't take it well and wanted to use the lurus against humans and then suddenly the ship crashed further up the boat it was a door that required a bomb for me to open it so I went back down again to the workshop to craft the bomb and a carjack ohuh Mike wasowski oh come on I'm strong enough to push that we didn't need that unbelievable why do you I have a rainbow T-shirt oh my God okay I lost half my health nice really oh blueprint engine nice yeah we got a blueprint for an engine and a steering wheel so next one is balua Island right yep Belo Island on day 15 Joan was going to teach me how to set up the coordinates since I couldn't remember exactly how to do that turn on then use this thing to press to the do you have the coordinates yeah well isn't it the number 4866 yeah then you use this lever to switch between and then use the one to decrease her increase and now it's behind it's two islands apparently I played a bit of raft a long time ago but I just can't remember everything since I only have a singular brain cell we now finally had a steering wheel to easily maneuver the raft and we now have a steering wheel boys but that alone won't be enough to head to Balboa Island we need way more stuff we are now ready to go to belbo yet no you want that's your fault I'm going to head us towards the big island so that we can get resources you want you want do you know what we need we need more food can you quick us some food yeah I'm going to do that we need more metal we need more we need more boat we need more we need engines yeah there was a lot of things we actually needed so I can understand the reason why we didn't go to baloa yet Kiza had a good plan for the raft design and that was to turn it into shape of a ship and not a floating Square so I got started with building of course unfortunately we didn't have any great way of stopping Bruce from harassing the raft not until we can fortify the raft with metal get the jerk oh we just rebuild back there then it goes back to expanding the boat a bit I wanted to extend these Corners here I didn't have too much to do since we were drifting mindlessly into the deep blue sea we needed a lot of resources day 16 I was still building the raft well at least attempting it with the kiss's guidance yeah and like I said the floors need to be upgraded to the better floors the solid ones yeah how do you upgrade though yeah you go to the upgrade bottom at the bottom uh at the bottom that hammer with plus then you go over to replace with solid wood ah there we go okay everyone wanted to sleep since it was night but the game clearly told us it was morning you can't fall asleep during daytime shaking my head we quickly formed up nearby random Island so I can continue on building the boat or like what a friend once said bout the keysa has played this game before and she told me that we weren't even through the first chapter there are three chapters in total we are not through the first chapter LOL really I didn't want to have to deal with the KN anymore so every good the slave will have to go to bed right and early into day 17 while I was swimming around collecting loot I accidentally drank sea water without realizing it almost ending it there for me oh wait what did I just drink did they just drink salt water oh my god making the floor fortification would be quite expensive since it would need a quenon of metal and nails and man AA cleared the island while youan was AFK and eating a buffet on day 18 Joan finally came back after being gone for multiple in-game days hello oh welcome bar van blet so I'll just I'll just fix the floors is that better Kiza I'll just focus on floors instead for now good talk you do you remember when you used to say that good talk yeah you got it from him you yeah I did I got it from you one that triers me more than Mike saying good talk to me cuz my brain's floing trying to understand the words that he just threw at me at a billion miles per hour good work good work one last thing we need to do is get all of the metal from the ocean we need the engines badly I found my first puffer fish as well the explosive goo is what we need in order to craft up the nets for capturing the animals uh it's from the puffer fish oh I'm I need to research it okay right yeah that one needs to be researched than on day 19 I noticed how good the solid wood actually looked we were definitely getting somewhere with the boat now but I think it's about time to leave all of these islands are crucial to visit right now since we're lacking on literally everything raise the anchor you on okay I I'll R how andan was getting quite dizzy from all of the spinning uh yeah I don't know how that sh works I'm just getting dizy spinning around like a Beyblade can you stop spitting how oh my God I'm turning around what do you want Jesus Christ it's so oh I see a trespasser coming aboard no stop her I don't know it's a she true true true you're right there why you why you shooting you one you see the AR go through his knee no it was stuck in his knee okay reinforcing the floors has started this was going to be quite expensive especially to cover all of the outer layers that's all we really need to stop Bruce from damaging the boat Joan has been a very good slave he was fat with wood all of that is for the boat okay I have a lot of wood do you want wood Mike yes all of it and plastic all of it more more throw me more that's it wow jeez you had so much on you oh my God we all know that I would never get all of this wood if this was recorded off camera on day 20 the farming and building still continued J has told me that this island was thick with metal and copper so I assisted him with that since we need a lot of it I got back to the boat and I discovered that the Kissa had put up a McDonald's milkshake machine I made you on a set of tools to get in back in the game of farming visiting all of these islands put a lot of stress on our minds and tools we all went to bed since we didn't really want to deal with the Dark Knight so on day 21 we stumbled across more Islands but I didn't do anything special here other than killing Bruce and upgrading the floor where is there an boot next to my farming oh yeah I saw that too I was like what what is that it's so you can plant a flower well Main in case of we're sorting out resources youan went for an island I'm going towards the island M but we forgot one important thing when Jan went for the island we didn't drop the anchor wait are we moving from the island do we have drop anchor oh my God guys come back I was like why are we still getting barrels yeah yeah no one ever dropped anchor it's okay we'll be fine y don't worry we're not that far away I can barely see you anymore oh my God my God I know it's we can all blame aiss we blame sounds good God damn like said you're a captain you're supposed to drop the anchor you're right I got too busy cooking I do apologize captain and CHF what the [ __ ] are we then fish bait I guess I don't another day another day of drifting mindlessly until the boat was constructed a bit more but yeah I was counting how many reinforced floors we would need we were almost done with that at least 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Joan was mortified when a bird was eating a small little flower you want something eating to your plant your plan well he didn't even car us committed to that [ __ ] what the hell we saw our first sea turtles swimming in the ocean and we were curious if we could kill them or not for some food I guess not Jan was a bit confused about what kind of design idea we were going to go for but it seemed like we all had a similar vision for it yeah yeah yeah we we're just going to change the steering and all that yeah yeah we're just going to change the orientation to be an act actual boat wise when we need less materials H interesting so Jan ran into an issue with this game where he got stuck in the inventory I think my game bugged I'm permanently in the box and I can't do anything and then Thea got stuck in the box trying to help you one I'm stuck in there now what if I drag something from there there we go oh no I'm okay this someone remember this chest the only solution we had was that someone just had to reconnect on day 23 I was just melting a lot of resources while everyone was having a lot of issues with the game but I feel like we were nearing it we were getting closer and closer in order to make our engines I say engines as plural since we need more than one in order to reach our next destination sometimes it's very hard to tell the difference between smoothie mixer or a bruise chomping on the flooring well at least the Shipe was done with the reinforcements so now we can work on other things after all of these days just farming we might have enough metal and copper for engines on day 24 I was melting up a lot of sand for glass so we could get some more smoothies going so this is kind of interesting though with every smooth or cooked meal you eat you eat the dish wear as well will definitely add a lot of texture to our drinks and meals we drifted off to the next Island to quickly join of its SES for our boat like usual youan seems to have some sort of trust issues with us oh God who's going into the chest all the time that is not me I'm just staring wait is no one in the Box wait that was weird I make my own boxes you know how you can you don't have to be connected to the raft right what if I just to do that with my own little ref behind oh I hope the shark gets you I decided to make a few nets for the gun since we were ready to get our first animal suddenly something really bad happened I got stuck in the inventory of a box which prevented me from doing absolutely anything it's really bad if I get stuck in my inventory since I can't save the world then uh-oh I'm stuck now oh no how do you get out of this oh my God I got out yep and now I'm stuck in it oh my God why do we have so much problems with this I think it's because I think it's registering one of us is still in the box when somebody else goes in the Box even though they're not really in the Box on day 25 we were looking for a clocker but I saw a llama instead so I captured it and I named it Gary Jan really liked Gary I could tell by the cheerful excitement of his voice he llama oh God that looks so silly I brought Gary back to the boat to keep him safe but we still didn't have a cluer yet AA was also scaring me a bit that Gary wasn't in his pants since she couldn't see him neither me or youan couldn't confirm since we were out looking for a clucker oh wait where'd you put the Llama it's in the the thingy something feels really off I dropped him in there like in the fence area right yeah I don't see him though we found a goat on the top of the island that I captured Joan wanted me to pick up a crate but that turned out to be a big mistake real fast can you carry this carry this one uh where is it what oh no where did he go here he is um this is weird oh okay I can't let him go g was still inside his pen so we were all good it's just a game issue for Kisa I think also Mike can you turn this way I just I have to share something with you and I need you to turn around and look at me to do that no I'm about to I'm about to post a picture of what's currently going on no really that's on my screen right now Mike you doing unhand that llama will you Joan had a name idea for the goat since our brains were kind of scrambled after what we witnessed from before so let's name it Betsy memory of C his old either way I went to the deep sea Gathering up the rest of the metal and I got away with almost 20 that was a really good run I was cleaning up the ocean of all the trash for Bruce but he was being very ungrateful for that on Day 26 we were completely stuck on the island and we had problems getting out of this beach with the boat we had no paddle and we were continuously getting dizzy for no reason youan uh do you have the paddle thingy I don't have the freaking paddle oh my God I'm getting so dizzy oh my God on day 27 I was trying to Shar the animal since we need the fur for making backpacks eventually Jan was confused and didn't think we had a single amount of dirt I was talking about it all of the time oh well we have dirt no we don't oh we do okay I'm blind I'm blind I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry it was about time to make the engines Jan wanted that Swedish Volvo engine ASAP Volvo engine Volvo engine okay so I need to make how many engines do you want TOA uh we're going to need four okay so four circuit boards it took a lot of time and effort for this but we finally had enough resources for the four engines I was lacking a bit of wood but that's so easy to get Aisa opened up the base here so we could place the end there so here let me show the controls right now there's a directional lever so this one we're going to want forward and we're going to want this one also in the forward position so that they'll both go that way you need to put planks in them and then it's this lever that activates the engine there we go I made the rest of the engines I placed one down but I couldn't place the other one down yet I was lacking out on a bit of wooder for the flooring but Jan was going to put some wood in the box but then suddenly I'm stuck in the books now yeah I should have wared you maybe all right Johan it's your turn to take one for the team wait I got out thank you you're [Music] welcome and there we go now we have all of the four engines to progress to the next Island but we had to get some of this Nets moving now since we were going to change the orientation of the boat so now we're not going to go sideways now the boat was basically ready to travel to the next story Island but we're having issues with game Joan had over a th000 ping okay I got a massive lag there what did you say you I have 1.3k ping right now oh well we decided to explore an island because we were in dire need of wood on day 28 we were still on the island and youan had to find a clucker so I ran out to him W I don't want to waste the shot oh God I missed oh no oh well I only had one try to try to capture that clock but I had to run back to the boat to make a new net and like usual this box issue was very problematic for us but funny oh no have fun are you good now M yeah yeah like if I get stuck in there I don't know what to do like can I save the game then I have to save the game somehow yeah what are you doing all differing you're back Joan decided to reconnect but for some odd reason when Joan reconnected he was under the island I'm under the island what where are you what um what are you doing under the island you are I don't know I guess just swim out to sea you should be able to pop out of it how you're under the island oh yes perfect so we went diving looking for fish since we didn't have an explosive powder left for making the net and we really needed that clucker the clucker will drop an egg from time to time which are used to make the healing paste day 29 I was back at the boat making a new set of weapons and the net then I had to head back to the island to catch that clucker after walking around confused for a bit on the island I spotted the clucker and I captured it finally you made it back with Mother hello now we were finally off to the next story island with our new Volvo engines all right turn on the engines yikes a have told us we put in the wrong cordinates but the recording doesn't lie did you guys put in the right coordinates I haven't touched it yet we're at the we're at the radio tower again and you guys are the ones that remember Johan you showed him the tutorial on how to enter the we took 4866 now you put in 41 53 which is the radio tower so this is kind of odd but let's go back to see what I actually typed in I was pretty sure I pressed the right chords do you have the coordinates yeah well isn't it the number 4866 easy so what I think really happened is when Aisa moved the instruments the coordinates reset somehow well since we were back at the old area again we decied decided to harvest up all of the resources because they had respawned by now and then head out to the new right coordinates we have now finally arrived at our next story Island man this island was massive since my game froze for a while when generating the world getting here without engines is impossible and that's why it took us so many days to even get to this point but we were going to need a lot of water and food for exploring the whole island because it's massive and would take us a very long time to clear up everything it was now day 31 and it had to cook up a lot of food for us so I took the time of upgrading the floor while I was waiting finally we had some backpacks that a Kea made for each one of us and healing cves and food oh there so there's a backpack for you as well as two healing cves for emergency purposes all right and now I'm out of the box so now give it a few moments then go in the Box I'm waiting waiting waiting waiting waiting going for it okay so on day 32 I was all prepared and I swam to shore with the Kisa Joan was a real Slowpoke here come on further up the hill there was a sign warning us of bear Dan ahead I was quite worried about it Bears there was a container up here that required five wild berries five wild is this like a trap for the be bear like a yeah we need to find beares so that she'll come over here so we can go in her cave and take her stuff wait oh my God run fur up the forest we came to realize that we needed a sweeping net because there's going to be a lot of Beast that we can capture for H after we grabbed the stuff of the sweeping net we went back up to assist the scared cat Jan but before we did that he quickly skidadle down to the beach yeah I ain't going up there alone after getting to the beehives we had to take care of bear nearby but he didn't stand a chance against us so the reason why we needed the bees is obviously because they make honey but it will be late to use for making the bof fuel to power the engines instead of using the wood ah we were lost and walking aimlessly in the forest until we came across the signpost we were heading towards the Rangers station out of all of the choices oh my God there's a bear behind us oh it was so silent he didn't make any noise oh my God a bit further up there was a bit of acidic water that we had to carefully avoid wait they disappear after you jump on them okay mik be careful and the first house we run into we found the biofuel refiner for making the biofuel so this Machinery right here will process all of the honey and raw materials into biofuel there was a wall of tools missing that we had to retrieve as well we had a tower we had to climb and once we got up there I found the very first note so it's basically about the guy who was put in charge of the reinder station here with his sister ASD and their job was to handle the bear population and keep the real Towers operational there was supposed to be a new shift starting a few weeks back but no Replacements ever showed up so a guy called Henry suggested that he started writing things down after asterid disappeared so I activated a switch and now one out of three relay stations were activated so I guess we have to go and find the two other ones and activate them too there was still a lot of bears lingering around bear sorry I was not being Bear Aware wow we were barely focusing we came across more bees to capture as well and while I was grabbing bees I let Jan and Aisa deal with the bear Aisa had found an next clue to this island but we lost her in the woods oh oh I found something guys come this way where is this way where is she uh um I don't see where she is you on you on where yeah I don't know God oh right here this way oh my God how why couldn't you just jump down for us oh oh it's a bike I have no clue what the bike signifies to be honest maybe bear that can ride a bicycle yeah who knows honestly the island has so much to it we spent quite a long time running about in the forest and came across some notes on the ground oh here's some notes betrayal father trusts the murderers not he would leave us behind we can't have that why does this s so freaking creepy father has to make a decision know it won't be me so I will be spared I don't like this the guilty lay Restless we must be punished if we are to rest not enough boat for all of us I am sorry Aro got a light bulb okay give her the wild bear John wait I have to and now we going into a cave the next blueprint was for the machete I was quite confused why the blueprint was telling us of a Swedish Street machete oh my God it said oh my God IIT further up I found Bruno's chainsaw in a locker that we needed previously at the ranger station oh God we were helping each other by carrying stuff someone already held I was laughing internally when doing this does anybody else have mushrooms I can carry the mushrooms Meanwhile my inventory is kind of clean everyone's else inventory is probably super full ah I have so much space in my inventory I bet Mike is lying is like freaking sitting there with like barely anything holding oh I wasn't lying I said the truth I barely have anything in my inventory piece of [ __ ] okay so we got the SAU we got one of the tools and we got the light bulb so now we just need two more tools and they activate two more more Towers oh my God donkey to huh we came across on bees again before heading up the mountains where we got blocked by a bunch of wines it was only breakable with machete Aisa found in a cave from before Bruna had a couple of notes leading up to the tower where there was a guy waiting for us our first human uh second sorry so apparently AOL has been missing all night and Bruno tried to add asking Miranda or Henry but they didn't want to tell him anything they were incredibly suspicious maybe they figured out there was only space for two of them on the boat so Bruno decided to leave the children in charge of the relay stations while Bob was going to take care of the Bears not the vice's choice in my opinion but du do you Bruno I also found a blueprint for a fuel tank finally we are getting somewhere with the ship activate the tower activate the tower also Mike look we found your character to be honest it kind of looks like Mike shut your stupid on day 34 we had to walk back up into the tunnel we went through there was another relay station we walked past before now this one proved to be quite a task since we needed a way to lower the bridge I gave Jan the challenge to figure it out oh wait wait wait wait wait oh in the next station we found a blueprint for the few pipes and Bruno's Hammer so now we had to head back to the ranger station to put up the light bulb and tools if as were still around she would have known how to make the kid stop fighting Bruno managed to find ASD rench out by the clearing and has been calling her out on the radio but to know a whale SC Joan wanted to navigate our way back to the range station yeah guys gu what you learn okay okay and me and Aisa lost Jan suddenly and and completely went the wrong way too we got to the reindeer station and we put the things away and got a new note for the Caravan town our next destination I filled up the engines with wood and we were ready to head off I used the bees I acquired to research the Beehive so we could have some fresh honey the next day I was expanding the raft a little bit to place out more Nets so we could get more trash picked up we have to hit all of the islands now now again for every bit of resource especially bees if those were possible finding I was casually as forming up some trees while I got ambushed by a bear oh God I'm hungry no I'm out of food going to die from the bear yeah I died I came back for some revenge and then I proceeded to clear the island it was the shop on the island and we managed to hit reputation level three we reach tier three boys we reach tier three but that means we were going to get way better items from the store by the end of the night I finished up the island by capturing some beast and collecting some Honeycombs the next day the Nets were fully extended so now we wouldn't miss any garbage coming our way but despite that we made it to Caravan town now which is the beginning of chapter 2 so we didn't want to deal with the night so we all went to bed all right Johan are you ready to be the lest Goblin that ever Goblin oh place one things just so you know I thought you never ask Caravan town is known for having a lot of random stuff hidden inside each trailer that we could loot so this was going to take a really long time to do we had a puzzle as well to do it was quite easy all we have to do was make the pipes line up against each other and make the water go downwards into a well we need more water you want and once the water well got filled we got the zipline Parts which we needed for our next step a little bit further up we found a batter battery charger part and a note it was from detto it was something about that the Villager were getting sick and that Olaf was here ordering people around Dr Henrik reminded detto and Sanji not to get close to the pigs and Sanji was apparently very scared of the situation we found another note from some unknown narrator going on about how the raft Town started in Indonesia and then in Jakarta due to depressing rise of water people started to band together in large rafts together raising concerns the coastal authorities they were pretty much just trying to make Sanctuary towers of some sort in the southern hemisphere across the bridge in this Caravan I managed to spot Olaf snowe and a workshop for the zine parts that we would be able to make as soon as we had three pieces the note from Olaf was basically that he was practicing a speech essentially lying to the people that he escaped a corrupt city because they wouldn't let regular working class folk on board he went on about how the rich should share their luxuous which is kind of weird when he had control over that big ship that was stranded he tried to make the people Riot against them and take over tangaroa pressing on it was now time to go down into the very deepest part of the ocean and follow a pipe leading somewhere I got down into a container which had the key to the infirmary another zipline part and a blueprint for a metal detector ooh then I managed to find another note from detto that talks about the monster investigation related to Olaf again so apparently sanj and detto sneaked onto Olaf's boat at night in hopes of finding medicine for their mommy but Olaf's boat were just filled with a lot of cages with big rats and a very large hyena they found later a note about how ferocious they are and that Olaf was basically training them into his personal Army so if you can tell by now Olaf is the bad guy in this entire story I had made the metal detector so then before follow the keys are around looking for bu Treasures when we run into some sort of rocket that requires some explosive powder to activate right here after we picked up the pile of trash we quickly stop by our boat to pick up the explosive powder and back at the rocket we go oh no not our okay I thought it was heading towards our boat we went up on a small island nearby and got our last zipline part required now we have the zipline tool so we can get to these other locked areas that was scary the very a lot of aggressive pigs to take care of meanwhile Aisa was searching through the Caravan until she found a note it was a note from Henrik specifically saying that the pigs were infected and were causing a lot of sickness in the town he couldn't treat anyone in his condition and asked everyone to leave him here due to the infection and this all started when Olaf arrived here and while we were dealing with deceased pigs Aisa got the keys to the Major's place we ZL over to the Major's Caravan and I found the major hat and next to that a workshop that requires three pieces of battery chargers in the Major's personal chest I found the blueprint for the engine controls and the location for our next story Island to wrap things up we had to find three battery charge parts so we all split up looking for it I picked up the last cable we needed and I got the blueprint for the battery charger W so instead of heading to our next area we decided to drift in the ocean to collect some more wood and build a bit day 40 we were still drifting in the Endless Ocean aiss had put down a biofuel tank and hooked it up to the engine so they would grab the biofuel as soon as they were empty way more convenient than manually feeding the engines fuel we quickly stopped by an island and we got our hands on the first titanium ores we needed they are super important for making our battery charger we used one of the titanium bars to unlock some recipes but we noticed we needed four titanium ingots to craft a battery charger yikes and by end of the night I went around the boat to do a quick update on how far we made it we went through the chapter one and this is basically how much we have built we have the crop Lots obviously for the trees and then we have the Scarecrow the beehives the beds the forges here's a trash compactor research table we don't have everything here's the storage area water purifier trash bin here's the engines now with pipes for the biofuel tanks it's still in con heavy construction we still have to work on a second floor there's a lot we have to do the next stage Jan was having some serious issues connecting to the server spent like a good 10 minutes trying to figure out what was going on trying to connect to host to oh I'm in I'm dead what the oh great he's floating away oh nice not to bore you guys but we spent a whole day 41 just drifting since youan had connection issues we didn't want to do anything major except just build on day 42 aiss explained to Yuan how to make the biofuel since Yuan was our gardener he has to make the biofuel as well um but basically your honey plus food will be processed into biofuel like usual I was quite enjoying you on suffering with this super high ping okay 3,000 P oh my God bro God you won okay I'm going to click plant here let's see how long it takes now it okay bro that was like was it instant no that was not instant that was Jan didn't want to do any treasure hunting with me so I went alone I got some titanium though so now we're able to get the battery charger yeah I was literally dying from this moment this was quite enjoyable for me okay I'm just going to make a regular plastic hook cuz I can't be up all the materials where are you I'm swimming towards the island no get back on the boat we're going oh my God what do you I'm is going to be a ship made or some [ __ ] why did you go over there you guys Oh Land AO but yeah yeah we're not going we're we're just we're literally metal detecting get as much as scrap as we can from the water as quick as we can and then like leaving oh my God I'm too slow oh God dying over here let me out of the box oh my God okay I think I'm actually like stuck stuck now I'm really oh my God I don't know what to say okay now I'm free that took like a minute what the oh my God I'm losing hope the next day I stopped by an island to metal detect for some titanium a case out had to also show me around the base she put a lot of stuff down when I wasn't aware uh so these are these make biofuel we put food in the top then honey and a little jar on the side and it'll slowly drip biofuel into there and then we can take that biofuel back to our engines uh to our fuel tanks and uh those will power both the engines as well as the um the battery charger which uh we just slap a new battery in there or rather a depleted battery and it'll charge it up she was working on a switch for the engines but we needed a lot of titanium still then I was casually farming the island and I got a toy and a canvas from the buried treasure H wow why did someone bury that on day 44 AA was finally able to make the engine switch it took a few days and a bunch of islands just to make that she wanted to show me around how to line up the pipe for the engine since I don't really want to mess around with that stuff we cleared up a pretty big desert Island it had a lot of good we needed there was a shop here too so I guess I spent our cubes to buy some fishing baits so we could get some coins and a canteen recipe I made myself a canteen now so no more water bottle for me The Canteen can basically hold double the amount than the bottle next day I kiss I put up a refrigerator for our food then I put up a Viking horn to alert everyone when we spot an island we wanted to gather and build the raft a bit because our next heading is tangaroa we wanted to be somewhat more prepared for it and our ship the next day the construction of the second floor was still being worked on WE quickly stopped by some islands to gather up a lot of sh like usual though I also managed to find this Tiki piece here it was kind of cool so for the next 10 days here we honestly didn't do anything special except repeating Island after Island and I honestly didn't want to bore you guys with this so this will be fast forward Ed but yeah it is day 59 and we're finally off towards tangaroa the next story Island but we were like 2,000 M away from it so it's going to take a while to get there we had to re explain to Juan how to make the biofuel since like it's his job on day 60 I could finally see tangaroa in the distance it looked like it was a huge Looking Glass Dome even this far away as we got closer the more intimidating it started to look this place looks like it would take a hot minute to clear and such after we got super close to the Dome I had to start looking for an entrance so we decided to circle around the Dome until we saw some kind of opening prepare to drop anchor so on day 61 we had prepared a picnic and then we went inside oh okay I jumped on top of the shark he was at the entrance for some reason welcome to tangaroa thank you okay it's important that we very thoroughly roaches explore everything because there's a lot of notes and there's like a lot of hidden areas after aa's quick debrief we went down a tunnel here that was leading down to the cafeteria W okay what is that the cafeteria was quite big and it had a lot of loot inside it so obviously we started being loot goblins here inside the cafeteria Aisa managed to find a note from Reuben apparently the captain was pushing the engines to their absolute limit in order to outrun a fleet of rafts but despite that it will overheat the reactor he tried sending a message to the captain but he didn't care about it at all after Reuben was done talking I picked up a generator part for something I spotted another generator part behind some iron bars so I went down the tunnel to see if I could pick it up I still didn't know what to use it for then we went into the storage room where there is apparently a crane game the crane game oh it's my favorite mic Aisa managed to find the third generator part and as soon as I climbed this ladder here I saw where the generator parts needed to go so all Aisa was going to do for us was to make a path so we could get to the other room which leads to the surface but before that Thea wanted to get into secret room first to grab a lot of the Titanium Ore on day 62 the path was finally cleared and we could walk into the next room where we found a waterpipe blueprint and another note from Reuben the captain had basically total the engines and that the people were upset over the extreme rationing so now they were at the mercy of the waves with those Rats on their tail Reuben decided to seal up the reactor despite whatever the captain said we walked into locked room but there was a l leading up to the surface but as soon as I opened the hatch it started to flood in water but that locked door opened up somehow so I'm guessing we couldn't go that way but there was a plantation room to go into instead through the storage area and up here we managed to find another note from Reuben stating that there was a lot of screaming people due to the captain opening fire on incoming Rafters which led to a riot amongst the people a small raft made its way to the end but there was only a kid on board it the kid wasn't really saying much and due to the unexpected turns tangaroa is a lost car so it's about time to leave the plantation room was a bit sparkly but not too difficult at all to avoid there was some strawberries and banana trees here to harvest as well I found another note from a guy named Joan stating that the plantation was failing and he wasn't allowed to speak about it publicly so they were basically on the verge of star by the end of the year so while Yan was talking we picked up three pieces of duct tape to use on an electrical box that open up a new room ran not the other one uh found another note from Reuben saying that it's all chaotic up there with the guards the rafter who made it let lose some of those humanoid rats and that they strapped tasers on some Butler Bots but despite that they were doing everything in their power to get out of here after walking in a very long tunnel we find finally made it to the surface where there was another note apparently the kid Reuben was talking about was deathto and that they were trying to gather up more survivors to leave this area for a sanctuary called Utopia we quickly found out that the robots were a tad bit aggressive who just wanted to greet us in their Sparky way okay it attacks careful but when we kill the bot they will drop key cards for unlocking the apartment doors I'm for you me and Joan decided to go clear a building together while Aisa wanted to do it alone there are also these vending machine tokens scatter all over the town which can be used to trade in for items washing machine Tok vending machine token we did a bit of Parkour also but Jan fell and he almost died oh this a robot as well I'm going to die to a robot I hate my life yeah he hurt me I I landed on him got taste all right Johan charge taking notes okay what tower did you and Mike go into Aisa told youan to take notes of the buildings we went into since it has to do with some sort of a clue I can take a look give me a second I'll I'll I'll take a look I don't know which house it is it doesn't say in a number outside oh building three I was so full of trash so I had to head back to the boat to dump stuff off so me and Joan went around the town opening doors until we could see the boat and after after I dumped everything off and went to clear another house for resources there are so many rooms to look through for loot it's crazy how all of these buildings are still standing after the whole planet got covered in water is there anything in the office I Cas said that's important us to grab uh yeah one of those one one part of the office I think gives you access to progression I think I found a hidden path to the rooftop through a broken window kind of sketchy though there wasn't anything particularly important up here it must be a different window I think we found access to another rooftop though I think this was the one Aisa was referring to no oh nice catch what happened well I'm on he CAU himself on a window my god well I window your way down mister oh there's a broken window here you on you you got to loot at the so I blame the ping on that jump yeah I'm going to play the Ping yes so Jan got a job from Aisa and that was to take notes of building numbers we went into and such but he didn't do that okay I need you to put down Chili's Burgers number eight um I haven't written anything down what but I remember building five window uh okay what did I say about the swirly swirlies um a so while I was trying to find the gang Aisa ran around and typed down the numbers instead after we were done with the houses we had to go down to the plantation to tape up the electrical boxes so after Aisa fixed the electrifying water it opened up a new room which led us to the electric water purifier blueprint after we picked up the blueprint Aisa led us to a mysterious elevator there's a secret button right here I don't see any button oh how's do you guys inventory space empty clogged minus 20 oh my 20 floors down there should have been a CD in here I require that please give me a cassette so then we all had to find a way to the rooftop which then led to a zip line again which youan has PTSD from I can't do that with my P oh there was another zipline in this building here leading onto the tower okay I hate seines what did I bounce off oh God but as soon as we got to the tower we all went around it to look for an entrance but there wasn't any other way in the tower except climbing all the way to the top there was an elevator here leading us to blueprint for a large storage container and a nuclear launch keypad okay so let's get down to the whole reason why youan should have taken notes for the buildings it's because it basically corresponds to to the launch code that we can see in our notes 48 13 so as soon as I pressed the numbers something was launching off from the top of the tower Landing in the ocean but before we were heading over there Aisa wanted to unlock the door on the first floor first oh God what oh you oh my god y head what are you doing is go back down you guys better come down here I swear to God we all saw The Silo just floating in the water so we all had to swim over to it and once we entered I managed to find a blueprint for the water tank and a new note we found Thea's character Elaine who was basically complaining about us launching her into the ocean but after her speech we had the court for our next story Island maruna Point all right after clearing every building and doing all of the clues we could we used our vending tokens to buy some interesting items I bought myself a [Music] piano by the end of the day I made electric water purifier and then two water tanks on day 65 I placed out a new water purifier and a water tank I had to hook them up to the pipes place a battery and let that sucker filter the water it was really scuffed how I placed it though we had a bunch of wood now so we can continue building the floor there was still a lot of wood left to harvest up in this town so we couldn't really leave yet before we grabbed it all now finally it was time to leave the area we were going to drift for a while to gather up more trash I gave the piano a try as well that's some good music to my ears for sure the next day we came across the huge island to clear up metal detect shop down trees and kill some bears and then we're off drifting in the ocean on day 68 we started the day by Farming Farming and farming and then some more farming Johan was really enjoying the music that was playing on the cassette player we got kind of Bamboozled by it though are we listening to metal I think so yeah that's not metal I for sound like a okay this is not metal I could finally see it we are definitely making some good progress on the ship by the end of day 69 nice we're slowly arriving into our next story area for this new area we would need to make ourself a SCUBA tank and flippers but I discovered we didn't have any seaweed so the flippers were out of the question to make AIS Was preparing a lot of food for us in the meantime then we headed into the buildings looking for Clues I managed to find a construction helmet that must be for something I think we found our first note from someone named Grabber who was basically talking about how good of a thief he was since veruna point was so open oh God I want Tob kill it you I'm trying to oh my God after I killed anglerfish I found a spotlight part which I didn't know what to use for yet there was another Spotlight in this room here but it was being guarded by an anglerfish that was quickly disposed of so I quickly swam back to the boat to drop off all of the items I found well I discovered that the construction helmet wasn't for anything it was all but a cosmetic item when I was going to swim back to the building Jan found a note from the Grabber guy again talking about the man that arrived with his dolls he's basically talking about Bruno the guy from tangaroa Bruno climbed up on the crane with a sandite dish trying to reach ASD but with zero success the Grabber stole one of Bruno's dolls Miranda Bruno freaked out and then left I then found a third Spotlight part with the note again he was just talking about him being proud of people recognizing him and that he hid his cash under their noses Aisa found a note from the Grabber saying that the people come and go and that day Reuben and deathto had arrived since they got caught in a storm and needed supplies but when they fell asleep Grabber nicked a whole set of tools so they freaked out in the morning and left hilarious yeah hilarious on day 71 there was a spotlight that I put parts into and it lit up a broken tunnel so that's our next way to go through I believe as we got familiar with the traps the guy grabber started talking again and that the people basically left this place for a new project that was taken over by Rafters which was called Utopia you want you go first okay ouch ow I took damage you I I stepped into plank as well I guess youan didn't pay attention at all to any of the booby traps and he was on the verge of dying okay I'm actually dead in one hit freck do you guys have meds luckily Aisa came clutch and gave us some healing [Music] salves I didn't not hit that this game is broken I made it oh God movement God movement in this room I found the mother load key along with another note and a blueprint for an advanced headlamp gra was talking about that the water stole motherload from him and it was being guarded by a big shark one shark I was a bit confused where to go to for the next room but apparently it was past the tube even deeper down I used the motherload key and we swam through some unfinished construction until we got to Glass Bridge with another door and as soon as we reached the motherload a shark basically opened up the door is that a okay we we didn't have any other choice so we just swam in and he started charging us well I no he pushed me away from the oxygen I'm going to die I have here shy shy shy he's going after you on can he stop charging go behind the pillar we discovered that the pillars were breakable so I guess we have to make him Ram into the pillars when the shark broke a pillar the floor above us opened up good job Yan yeah good gamer good gamer okay choke Mery please oh he's here now it's behind me he's sa it you mik nice nice oh this one looks really reinforced yeah oh wait wait wait wait oh good good good good oh he's out oh sh eated your ass he again okay there's an explosive Barrel up here now nice nice so is oh there he is he's coming he's coming okay on the last pillar he destroyed he basically fell [Music] asleep it let us into the Next Room leading us to the next key and a wind turbine blueprint all we had left to do was go through the tubes and up to the crane up at the crane we used the key to drop something onto the other building after zip lining over to the broken building we dropped down a big massive hole and we found a blueprint for the Advanced Battery and the coordinates for the next location I set the coordinates and then it was time to raise the anchor and leave for the next destination Aisa was researching a lot of the blueprints so we can finally make them also it's kind of crazy how our boat exactly fits through these buildings here finally we had a proper battery charger ooh yep so now we don't have to use our biofield to charge batteries so by day 73 we finally arrived at Hance the cold winters of the north me and Joan were finally ready to go oh boy we found a tower with a power cable we could collect electrical cables from there seems to be a few of them I also spotted a snowmobile so we didn't have to wander on foot anymore okay oh thank God this is second spot I'm not going to act surprise since we are in Antarctica but there are a few polar bears around Mike don't drive away okay you want got him I'm I kill him what a kill steal what a freaking kill steal I literally worked so hard for that I can't believe it I went back to pick up Aisa to give her a ride and then we spotted that Jan had crashed into a rock and got stuck is that youan crashing no find me give me a little push guys don't look at me help me oh my I can't help you dude David Mike do me a favor come R this I tried nothing happened ah thank you okay hey my you you're welcome that one is completely fed ow Crist immediately look at her back we got to make the jump through the hole that Johan missed okay I didn't miss it I intentionally avoided it cuz I hesitated okay which one a few moments later you On's going for it okay stuff so back at the Village we had a puzzle to solve and that was to power up all of the small houses leading up to the big one Jan managed to get the door open and found a note from Bruno apparently detto and Henry showed him some abandoned eag and that the boy opened them up by filling with the cables the later introduced Reuben that was hurt from a bear attack so Bruno patched him up it reminded him of his sister ASD that he was still missing you s the homes were quite fabulous I took a big interest in these penguin and fish bed sheets apparently Bruno was attacked by bears when they were going to leave but detto saved them with an air horn he was still unsure of the trust of detto Bruno thinks detto is really smart since he patched up their boat and Reuben was feeling a bit better but they still didn't want to talk especially around Henry in the main house there was a couple of wending machines and an advanced biofuel refiner blueprint and a blowtorch for the next puzzle we were all pretty stacked so we had to go back to the boat to drop things off after we sorted out all of the stuff we were off to the next part I followed the keys as and she was leading us to the next area we got into an observatory that seemed to have a lot of pictures with numbers on them I managed to find another note from Bruno basically saying that they were ready to go but Henry wanted to stay behind death was giving Bruno some hope about his sister ASD but speaking of a place with lots of people and that she might be there so back to the pictures we think the numbers has something to do with the Vault so after a bit of thinking we believe that we are supposed to figure out how many stars each one of these pictures on the notebook has and type it on the Vault here's the planet thing I think how many 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 N9 that's the hook hook hook hook two four five six no no the second number is nine is that the one we're looking for you on this one uh that's the shape of it yeah yeah that's it I think yeah uh so that's number wait hold on let's see many three four five okay so five and then the last one should be the we have to find wait I think we found a ref before it was like the three dot I think that was four of them that that's one yeah 1 2 three four yeah I'm a God we solved the puzzle and got seline's key and a blueprint for the advanced stationary anchor so now we will be able to Anchor from the steering controls that's the first puzzle I probably finished my to life that's in the game record this put this in oh I'm s happy the next day it was time to go towards the light I used the blow torch from before and seline's key to open up the facility door as we got down the stairwell we saw some sort of reactor that was malfunctioning there was also a note from a person named Sparrow she explains that she cared about humanity and that she was sent to Seline with two colleagues one of them was a mole and if Al was allowed to come here this unlimited green energy would be monopolized by the same people who caused this mess the third colleague Sparrow left behind because she couldn't trust anyone at that point okay we needed three control rods and I saw that the laboratory 2 was open and next to it was some hmut oh well time to go solve this mess Aisa explained that we have to figure out what numbers the letters are and then press them into the database we have a time limit to type the codes in as well so we got to find out what the codes are on the wall see I was uh what was it again it's 17 17 okay 17 done he I'm done we got the codes correctly typed in and a new door opened up Zan found one of the control rods as well our next room was down a pipe where there was some roaches to kill and a lever we had to spin to open the next door I found a second control rod in the room along with the next puzzle in this room here it seemed to be some sort of a laser beam that we have to use to destroy a door lock you could have warned me oh my God I thought it would be more fun if I didn't perfect nice good job you one what good job you it was kind of the same thing in the Next Room just it had bigger this puzzle was so easy with three people okay let's do this perfect okay we found the third control rod along with another note from Sparrow she's basically talking about the seline's facility was built to power the floating cities it wasn't an easy task but it has been done in theory and all they needed was people she heard that the people from Utopia would help but then all of wistrom took control over the community and it all stopped so then we inserted the control rods activated the switch and we got the key to the reactor in the reactor room we have to insert the control rods by rotating a lever and deal with the bugs at the same time and as soon as we fixed the core the radiation disappeared and the core was happy again in the Next Room ahead was a cry storage for humans oh dear it had a location to our next story Island and an electric smelter blueprint that should come very handy to us one of the humans got cry swor and he was so thankful to be rescued this guy is one of the playable characters in the game so all there was to do now was to drift for a bit Farm up some stuff and build the boat a bit we were going to hit some islands and farm for its resources and not to bore you guys with this stuff let me tell you guys what I think of this game so far I have enjoyed playing raft every minute it's been a wonderful experience with my companions exploring surviving and discovering new stuff it's a super cute game and I would highly recommend playing this with a couple of friends I didn't have anything to do and I was going to give the fishing a try and I must say it wasn't as bad as I thought ays had finally made electric smelter which is a huge upgrade we ran into an interesting issue where both Yan and Aisa crashed out of the game game as soon as we hit the border wall of this world so we spent the next few days just [Music] drifting we went back to tangaroa to harvest up some wood since it had respawn so we could try finishing up the build so for day 82 to 84 we has farmed a lot of islands I just want to know 84 the next day me and Joan were trying out to Tic Tac Toe I got from the shop while we were sailing back to tangaroa I wanted to try out a new biofuel refiner many watermelons I don't know how many exactly but quite a bit I think it can carry a lot oh my God you're going ham on this even like restaurant theme oh my God wait why are the tabl so low finally by day 89 we're back at tangaroa and I could see that the trees had respawned so by day 90 Aisa wanted to build the ship a bit I was going to give Aisa three more days to try building the ship and then was time to hit the last story Island I honestly didn't notice it until now but the Kisa had the same character as Joan I wonder how long she has been playing with that one why are you same character as you one good choice what am I the same character as you I don't know what I am so well am I an old lady or am I a young lady young lady with a basketball t-shirt I think okay for some reason I was surprised we had so many recipes now and I wanted to make some proper food because I was hungry this was going to be our last day to farm before heading to Utopia our last destination well it took us until Day 94 to farm up the place but now we're officially heading for Utopia oh my God what what is this fancy spot for the birds yeah it's like a bird hotel by day 95 I could finally see Utopia all nicely parked up next to Utopia so by the end of the day I started by picking up a lot of the trash here and I noticed that there was so many things to do on day 96 I found a note from detto after a bit of exploration he was explaining that he was excited to try out his science but then Olaf appeared and promised to help everyone with his army he was referring that he upped the security on his raft and only only the smartest people were allowed to enterer I didn't get any of that to be honest I went to the other part of the area to figure out how to get the electricity up and running there was some sort of puzzle here but when I was trying to line up some boxes I got caught by a Hy I'm guessing I had to try climbing my way to the roof with the boxes there was another one of these cable thingies up here to drag again I was still missing a few cables so I couldn't line up all of them just yet Juan came over to assist me with electrical cabling how nice of him so now the pump was finally working so me and Juan could do this next step yeah this one is working yeah it needs to be it needs the water needs to come over this way as you can see yeah so the world is starting here yeah oh oh my god oh another one really oh my God water need to come no water needs to come where I'm standing okay um oh here we go oh do you see this one doesn't have a host oh oh okay I guess that somehow works this is confusing my brain too a had prepared a lot of food for us since this will take a while for us to complete well time to get to shoveling I wasn't sure what we were looking for all I got was death's code okay so I managed to get three of deo's code which were used to open a locked door there was a blueprint for a big backpack and Harpoon for the weapon on top of the building ooh big backpack we were still missing out on one item I was quite confused about what we were missing out on but do you guys remember the waterpipe thingy me and Joan were puzzling together before well the pipe leads up to the very item oh I found it what it wasn't the water tank so Jan found the carbon dioxide tanks so now we can fire the Harpoon that's aiming towards the building we had one of the keys down but we were still missing out on one of them Jan managed to find the entrance key and a note the notes was from Hy warning people that Olaf came here to do bad stuff and then locked up the people Olaf was apparently up at the marketplace with his beasts set free this next part here is all about parkour this is my kind of jam honestly I've got about 1,000 hours in Apex Legends so I kind of know movements I picked up a hammer next to a broken elevator it was basically missing its Cog wheel I was going to go help Aisa with the next puzzle where we have to balance the weight so the elevator would stop at the right floor it was definitely easy doing this as two people I can't believe how ungrateful I can't believe I can't believe this is a catastrophe oh that was it that was easy now we all had to go back to the elevator and put the Cog wheel back as day 98 approached we had finally brought the Cog wheel to the elevator we all completely scrambled our brains with a parkour that was not the way we were supposed to go you guys are you I don't know what to sayable the whole time it was now time to survive this boss fight we had to try making it up to all of somehow and Zan was making fun out of his Swedish English accent pieces oh my God I know he's violent okay he stop just Swedish L one I mean he's doing it he started it he started it one box one more box please ow we managed to get to Olaf but he ran away there was also a blueprint for an electric zip line tool and a warehouse key so time to kill Olaf I fell into the pen of hyenas it was the same kind of puzzle here just stacking up some boxes there can we eat now y whoa what is this buffed up I'm not there we go good it was finally time for the final boss battle the worst part about this fight here was that my spear was about to break War a surv you see the weak are singled out uh we're switching teams after seeing him y yep Greetings oh is it the felb ow Juke when the boss glows he's not vulnerable so I wasn't sure if we have to keep on hitting him or just wait it out maybe use that to throw at the gate or something oh [Music] Jesus okay I'm I'm one hit away from dying oh I'm going to back off oh my God don't die you one we can't rest you here I can't die I'm a good gamer okay I'm already regening oh he's he's immune okay now I need to chill a bit again ow Alpha oh God okay I don't need okay I'm dead oh God how are we supposed to rest what oh he's dead now so with the alpha dead and Jo went on my shoulders we went to confront Olaf all of this is [Music] mine oh I fell Now where's the boat we got the Master's key and now we had to bring Joan back to the rap so he could be for this part as well after 3 months of hard recording this has led us to this very moment youone wants to do speech we have traveled many na miles for this moment o [Music] Pete when the ocean itself broke civilization the survivors were left with nothing yet they persisted the forid scouts rose up from the wreckage defied our flooded world and brought back hope Now Utopia stands free once again thanks to their actions with this final chance we can begin this slow and difficult road to recovery from today on we are all forward Scout ready to discover the next step for [Music] Humanity [Music] beautiful feels good man [Music] ooh we had finally freed all of the people from Olaf's tyranny there was a lot of people to talk to there was even aan around Vanessa Johan oh where is he I found youan you found Yan not what I expected but I'm so unlucky I what unlucky you're lucky to be you we all took a look through the notes admiring how much we have accomplished the gang wanted to spend two last days trying to finish up the boat and their private rooms I also did some fine tuming of my room and after all of the frustration and hard work and dedication I felt like it was time to just relax and making my room memorable I even helped out Jan with his room of course he had trouble choosing what trophy wanted on the [Music] wall and now he has need a proper text for it day 100 woo we had made it to day 100 what a journey it has been aissa wanted to do one last tour through the entire boat for people who wanted to see that in the meantime I just wanted to let you guys know that I appreciate each and every one of you out there it's a bit different from the ones I usually do but my recent Arc videos have been doing pretty bad recently and I felt like doing something different for once but I hope you guys enjoyed the video so please consider subscribing and liking the video so I can continue releasing good content for you guys and maybe consider checking out the rest of my videos if you made it this far [Music]
Channel: Paper
Views: 3,252
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 106min 3sec (6363 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 19 2024
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