I hated music.

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I started secondary school in a different country to this one I was in the United Arab Emirates where Dubai is for instance I went to school in Dubai and I had quite a sheltered life while I was there my life consisted of basically school and video games at that point I worked really hard and doing the best I could at my homework an average day for me would have been wake up at 5 a.m. in the morning two hours bus journey to school which was not pleasant school through until 3:00 p.m. two hours back then at least two hours of homework before I video games and then slept and that was about it and the vast majority was just work and during that period I hated music I despised it on the bus every day there would be some kid that would come up to the front and ask the driver are can we put on a tape and he'd be like yes weekend and not really racist that's actually his accent so they put on this fricking tape every time and it would be loads of different types of music which I think might attribute to why I have such a variety of music tastes at the moment but at the time I just despised it the fact that I would have to endure a lot of rap like it's quite funny that I'm a rapper now but I would have to endure a lot of rap like I remembered a lot of dr. Dre on there I didn't know who was I actually heard a lot of Eminem and thought he was black so that was quite interesting and I always used to think like why is there so much swearing there's no point in this these guys are just they're unintelligent they can't think of any interesting words to use they have to resort to that that was that was the bite that was it I remember coming home from school one day and hearing on the bus song - bye blur and thinking I came home and complained to my mom specifically ah they have this one line where they say it isn't easy but nothing it is well that doesn't even rhyme I was quite sheltered and worked really hard on my academia doing really well in school getting high grades I remember getting 97.5% in a history test and being disappointed with that I felt I deserved 100% so that was how pedantic I got that's 12 year old Dave and I remember thinking that these kind of artistic pursuits like music and art were pointless there were a waste of time and humanity should be focusing its efforts on science and on business and doing things that are worthwhile says the kid that was playing a ton of video at the time but recognizing hypocrisy isn't particularly the strong suit of a 12 year old so I'm going to let that one slide hating music loving science and I wanted to be some kind of a scientist or billionaire or something like this that would change the world in a grand way through things that mattered and then I came back to England where things got real I was a little bit more naive than the kids that were in my school in quite a few ways like my friend from primary school Alex showed me around the school quad and he was saying oh this is where everyone plays pokemon cards and I was like ah yeah that's my kind of thing we kind of gave me that look I was like yeah that's more for year 7s you know the lowest year and so I was like oh like I was doing quite well like for instance of this science test where the teacher was like aw it doesn't matter if you don't do too well I know you've just joined the school and you know we'll see how you do and I got the gayest mark in the test that kind of got this reputation for being the smart kid so when I had the French lesson and the teacher asked me a word what what it was in French and I replied and I got it wrong one of the kids being a bit jovial was like oh not so smart how are you and it wasn't actually mean and which is quite surprising because kids can be pretty mean at that age he's just being friendly and I cried at that I cried because I was the smart kid if I didn't have that what did I have you know that was the only thing that mattered to me and that was the kind of a growing up period those next few years where I started to become a bit more worldly wise not massively but a little bit and there was this one point around the middle of my school life throughout year 9 year 10 I had this Eureka moment where I was sitting in the quad and I sing at this bench and I look to my left and look to all of these kids and I thought I don't care about any of them and it was kind of a nihilist moment and quite selfish but it wasn't really an emo kind of thing like I never had a proper emo phase I am disappointingly thin on the ground when it comes to embarrassing myspace photos actually there's a few but it was more logical like I felt everything was entirely pointless and I was a kind of a reset point and since then I've gained more of an appreciation for other people I'm not quite that selfish anymore but that kind of led me on to thinking that maybe there was no things that were better than other things like intrinsically like art was not below science or anything like that it was around that time that my friends and I would stay in the library and go on the computers and just look at these silly internet animations flash animations by people like Joe veidt's who run rust or runs I think rather good calm and mr. Weebl who I've done a song with now he did a badger badger badger and weebleandbob than those kinds of things yeah did a song with him which is frickin cool as hell childhood hero link at the description or there we used to really get inspired by this if we started making our own I stole flash from school and installed it on my computer at home and I started teaching myself through the help files and what I found on the internet and trial and error really lots of terrible terrible things made I could have started me off being a bit more creative rather than purely academic and as always ignoring school I would have way more time to just make things and try new ideas and teach myself things importantly which i think is the most important lesson that you can learn and it was around then around the final year of school that I remember having this very strong feeling of potential like I was thinking about music creation because I just joined a band and we had made songs and we wanted to record them and I thought like I can do this I can go home and I can get a sound card and I can figure this out and that's what I did I did my research I did it on my own and I was just thinking to myself like this whole institution I've spent the last five god ten years in was entirely pointless maybe the first five were useful in like learning to speak and do basic maths but the there were so many irrelevant things being told to me that I I've never had useful beyond general trivia I could have been spending that time figuring out what I wanted to do and learning things that were relevant to me into my career that's one thing I despise about school and how no one seems to have figured out like in government that it's so irrelevant to the vast majority of people the only people I think the vast majority of it is relevant to our teachers which is just a bit pointless I have this very distinctive feeling of potential that I could go out and I could teach myself things and I could figure it out on my own do whatever I wanted and I was so frustrated that this was lesson there was never taught to me in school so that's why I was like in school I asked on Facebook what I should blog about my new lens I'm probably moving in and out of the blurriness haven't quite got the hang of it yet very shallow so thanks to this film slice for suggesting that oh and a lot on the last video I had a bunch of you guys asking where you could get these t-shirts and you can get them in the description on my boiler man store we've just got some new ones as well and let me know if you had any similar you record color moments in school or if you're still in school let me know what it's like if things have changed or anything like that quite interesting just for watching and have a nice day so Larry Chris
Channel: Boyinaband
Views: 750,396
Rating: 4.9534078 out of 5
Keywords: boyinaband, music, school, united arab emirates, dubai, education, i hate music, pointless, lesson, musician, dave, dubstep is dead, a to z of genres, 26 genre
Id: z5hshHK0gWo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 26sec (446 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 30 2013
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