She Showed us REAL Speed

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Hey everyone! Very special episode today. We are joined with none other than the winner, first prize of the junior division of the Menuhin Violin Competition. That's right. Yes. Everyone, please meet... Keila. Hi! Eddy: Keila, congratulations! How does it feel to live out... ...our dreams? Yeah. It's really overwhelming. I mean, it's so exciting as well. And I'm so honored that, you know, I've won. And, I mean, it's important where we go from here. 'Cause I'm still learning, I'm still growing. But yeah, I'm so excited to see what's gonna come next. So, you may have won the Menuhin Competition... Eddy: That's pretty pretty good for you, but... Today is when the real deal starts, right? So we'll be challenging you to... the Ling Ling Workout. But for those of you that may be new to our channel, the Ling Ling Workout is... this kind of sacred challenge where... great violinists come to attempt playing violin pieces, but with difficult challenges because... you know, in case violin playing wasn't hard enough as it is already, - we're gonna make it even more hard. - Yes. So Keila, what pieces do you have- prepared for us today? I have the full concerto of the Wieniawski Concerto No. 2. 1st, 2nd, 3rd. The Sarabande and Gigue from Bach 2nd Partita, and Nigun by Bloch. All right, so the six challenges will be... Switching around. That's really good- hard for the balance. And the last one is... Oh my god! Eddy: All right. So, Keila, you should have two pouches there, right? Yes. Basket. Eddy: You can draw them out, - and we'll provide the drumroll service. - Yes, we'll do the drumroll. Eddy: What is it? - Nice, nice! - Starting with the concerto! All right, here goes the challenge! Ooh...! That's the very first one! - Here we go. - That's a hard one to start. Good luck to you. Okay. *chuckles* Whoa...! - Brett: That was pretty good. - I've never practiced like that before. That's Ling Ling's way of asking you to master all the shifts. Yeah. I feel like... Her vibrato, even with just using 1st finger, - is more consistent than my vibrato... - Yeah. - Eddy: when I have 4 fingers. - Brett: Yeah...! Next one! Okay. - Ooh, I love that piece. - Sarabande... Okay. Ooh! - That's a good- - That's hard for Sarabande 'cause all the chords... and string crossings! Whoa...! You don't even need the other fingers! Wow... That's, that's- Whoa! Ling Ling's like, "Whoa-" I can even hear Ling Ling go, "Whoa..." Eddy: Dude... Eddy: Wow, that bow control. Yeah, that's amazing. I love the sound. - That was impressive. - Eddy: All right. Next one! Oh, I got the challenge. Uh-oh... - Ooh...! That will be an interesting one! - Ooh... Here we go! That'd be interesting. Should I keep going or? Yeah, play a little bit more. I think so, yeah. Brett: Ooh... Eddy: Ooh! Brett: Ha ha ha..! Wait, I can't- *laughter* I forgot the original melody. - You did it better than I could have done it. - Yeah! I love at that moment you're just like... At that moment, you realised... "Oh, crap." "Oh, crap... major 2nd..." What's the original note there? - Eddy: E flat. - Brett: Yeah. - Wow... - I'm just enjoying your playing at this point, so um... Yeah. Keila: Thank you. You made it sound like... that's how Wieniawski wrote it. Yeah! Usually, it's like, if you're transposing, it's different than what you've practiced, so you'd expect like, some awkward intonation or shifts. But nah, you just played it as if- Yeah, I was convinced that was the key. I was like... - "That's right!" - Yeah. Me with no perfect pitch: "Oh yeah, that sounds about right." "Yeah, that's definitely the Wieniawski." All right, next one! - Oh... - Ay...! Oh...! Double speed! Here we go! I don't know if that's even possible for the 3rd movement. Brett: I live for this moment. Eddy: How does the 3rd movement go again? Drrdrrdrr.... Oh, no way! Yeah. - Oh no, that's gonna- Dude! - Wait, can you- Can you play it first how it's meant to sound, like, the normal speed first? - Wait- - Wait, is it meant to be that fast? - 'Cause when I played it, - Is that normal speed? - I played it not that fast. - Yes! Wait, that's normal speed?! I thought that was double speed already. Oh, really? I don't know if I can do this at double speed, I don't know... The brrrrrrrrr... *laughter* Eddy: Dude, it sounds like you're just like... - "Drrrrrrr!" - "Drrrrrrr!" I don't think it's possible! Eddy: Dude! You did it! Oh ****! Holy s***! A HA HA HA!! Eddy fell off his chair! - I didn't even play all the notes! - Eddy: Holy sh**! You did it! You did it! - What the- - Dude... No way! Okay, let's get to the next part. The next part?! I don't know! Dude! All right, look, I've learnt this piece before. - And your normal tempo is already double my normal tempo. - Yeah! And then you just doubled it again. Holy moly! I... I'm sweating... - listening to that. - Me too! I'm sweating! I'm sweating! - I can imagine. Dude, you're like... - Wow... I want to hear the next part. - Can we hear the next part? - Yeah, I wanna hear a bit more. Okay. Oh sh**! Oh my god! I don't know if that's not even possible! That's impressive! - Dude, seriously, that's... - Dude, I'm, I'm... Eddy: ****! Oh my god! ...that Eddy fell off his chair. Oh sh**! A HA HA HA! No one has made Eddy fall off his chair before. - The first person in this channel to make me fall. - Yeah, he was hanging onto me. - The first person in this channel to make me fall. - He was like, "I'm falling!" That was so nerve-wracking! Oh my god. Okay. Wow... - That actually blew my mind. - Brett: Yeah. My heart rate is like, pretty fast right now. Did you expect yourself to be able to play that? No. - Eddy: Wow... - I've never practiced at double speed before, so... I think you just unlocked something new today. - It's like some next level chakra or something. - Yeah, it's like... You know, it's like, main characters in like, anime, they just evolve. - They just power up on the spot. - And power up. Yeah, they're like... Eddy: Yeah. Last two. Oh! Nigun by Bloch. I remember playing this piece. - Mm! It's your turn. - I wasn't very good at it, but- Oh. Brett: Yes! - Wait, so like... - Good luck! this way? - Keila: I hold... Ah... - Eddy: It's getting harder and harder. - Brett: Yeah, yeah, like, swap hands. Okay. I'm re-learning... Oh my god! I'm loving your bow hold! - Your bow hold is so funny! - It's evolving. Yeah! Wow... I mean, I hear Nigun. I think that counts. - I think that counts. - I think that counts. - Ooh wow! Okay. - I could recognise the melody. That's already... - ...freaking epic. - That's pretty good, yeah. Last one! - I love the concentration. - Oh, I broke it. Table drumroll! I broke the drum. Brett: Uh-huh. - Oh, last one. - Last one. - Oh... okay, here we go. - Ooh... Oh, so I hold like this way? - Yes. - Yep. Okay. *phone rings* - Okay. - "Hello?" - "Ling Ling calling, just to signify that..." - Yeah, Ling Ling- "you have officially aced the Ling Ling Workout." "That's right. Wow! Congratulations!" "We don't even need to finish now." "You don't need to keep playing." "You clearly can do everything on the violin." Yeah, woo-hoo-hoo! Sorry, Ling Ling just got a bit excited. Calm down, Ling Ling. We haven't finished yet. One more to go. Okay, let me try one more time. Oh my god! Whoa...! - Dude, the bow... Dude, the- - Oh wow! Even your bow wanted to do some pizzicato at the end to show off. Eddy: Is your bow okay? Yeah, it's fine. I've just never done that before. Dude... I expected it to sound really heavy because, you know, the frog is really heavy at the tip. Right? And we're not used to that, - but you made it sound so elegant and... - Nice. lively and... Mm... I enjoyed it a lot! I can understand why Ling Ling called just then. Yeah, yeah, Ling Ling was like... - "Look, we got another one." - Yeah. All right. Thank you so much, Keila! - Thank you for having me! - Eddy: ...for... ...taking part in the Ling Ling Workout. And again, once again, congratulations. Hope to be able to hear you play live one day, - and we look forward to that. - I'd like that. - Yes. - Yeah. And... Is there anything else that you'd like to say to everyone? Or to us? Or any- I don't know. I'll probably remember doing that forever. I mean, I've never done this before. - That was quite a ride. - Yay! And yeah, that was really exciting, and, you know, thank you for having me, and... thank you for being part of the Menuhin Competition. It's so fun seeing you - on the livestream all the time. It's great. - Yeah. It makes everything exciting. - Thank you. - That's awesome. Is there any words of wisdom that you'd love to share to everyone watching this right now? Just enjoy yourself, you know, when playing music. Just enjoy what you're doing. And as long as you enjoy it, you'll go somewhere 'cause that's the first step in everything. - That's right. Basically, she... - That's very well said. Basically, she meant "go practice." So um... That's how Brett interprets everything in life. "Just go practice." Go practice. Step 1: enjoy. Step 2: practice. Brett: Yeah. There you go. And... Oh, I'll add a step 3. Make sure to check out Keila's stuff, and subscribe if you like this video. Thank you! - Eddy: All right, Bye! - Bye!
Channel: TwoSetViolin
Views: 592,425
Rating: 4.9889154 out of 5
Keywords: twoset violin, violin, viola, cello, music, classical music, opera, education, learn, orchestra, piano, singing, public, funny, jazz, guitar, bass
Id: sanI35RLPu8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 46sec (946 seconds)
Published: Thu May 27 2021
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