I HATE THIS LITTLE GUY SO MUCH... (Trap Adventure 2 #2)

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yeah welcome back to trap adventure to the game that wants you to hurt something I haven't played this for about I don't know I want to say like almost the week so I'm a little bit rusty but I think we can get even even further with this game we just need to take our time remember what happens and not die like that how do I forget there's literally a spike wall at the ends jeez there we go much better and this guy duck hop we're all good here it's this bit that we all love now I think we just do this and then jump oh if we spam them and then jump down that didn't work oh no I don't know how to do this guys I thought I had it all figured out but I I don't I really don't this is gonna be the hardest bit to get past because it literally doesn't even make much sense 1 come on come on come on come on yes no yes okay right we have just oh no lives game over fantastic the best stage that we've got to is stage 9 so I guess I'll see you when I get there which might be never yes okay okay we're good I think I remember this bit just like this go up yes no what I've never done that before in this level ever oh my goodness come on come on up here there we go there we go Oh what what even was that how I'm so confused by this game so confused why do I keep messing it up oh wow come on go on here we go yes it makes me panic because the the breath is so low there we go right let's not do that again take this bit slowly and you can survive no yes yes yeah okay this is the bit we got to before I don't actually know how to do it because you know there's a the submarine dropping bombs I'm not quite sure what to do um any guesses there could be a secret compartment somewhere you never know the problem is as literally sores that kill you after you go down that's the purpose we've got so far can I trigger this yep yep I can okay good bats great we can trigger it and then go around let's see if this works there we go there we go come on get out of that no one more chance though so I'm good yeah okay I'm making progress guys this oh geez I forgot about the wool how can I forget about the rule already there we go that's it that's it to the submarine little man I don't know what to call you you seem like a Mitch maybe a Harry maybe a Duane I don't really know but I need to be super careful not myself up so no mal what if you drop a bomb on these things they're going to kill you I think this way is the best way ha ha ha that was it you just need to not let the bombs touch the spikes and then your goods there we go No why would you do this to me stupid submarine anyway I got one life left already it comes to this okay so I think you need to drop the bomb then go for it drop the bomb here then drop the bomb there yes I made it but still dropping bombs why is this why is this a thing oh my goodness come on stage 10 that's what I'm talking about let's go that's just not fair I was so happy about stage 10 and then he does that to me I don't think that's fair not that this game ever was advertised as being fair I guess so how do you avoid that do you go on the the bottom right is that hit let's find out I need to get back there first though and it says my best stage is 9 when actually it's 10 actually no it's not that's not stage 10 is it that's that's that still stage 9 oh man guys look how many lives I've got this is the run here we go here we go yes yes yes oh my goodness right I think I know how to do this one so you need to wait for the bomb then go around drop one here drop one here and go yes the perfect run okay sweetie three ready ready okay start the beginning it's fine absolutely fine I I see what's going on here I need to not drop the bomb on myself that's gonna be tricky isn't it especially when you get to the bit where it literally falls on you so we go down here there we go no that's definitely it though you just go down why would I not just turn off the bombs why is that not an option I just need to go down this way yeah I'm hurting I'm actually hurting I've got so many lives and it could just all mess up from this point we're going down here and then it comes back up I mean I don't know I think go down the bottom and then it comes all the way up Oh made it no it can't be this hard how is this level so long stage 9 is ridiculous down here all the way up to the top and then we go this way I'm guessing there's there's just no way there's just no way to complete that it just goes I came here with so many lives and now I have you know one now which is fantastic down down up up up boy falls dead then down how how do you do this game that I feel like I made so much progress yet I'm still on stage 9 about to lose my mind guys I have lost so many lives already it's outrageous but at least I know how to do this bit drop the bomb and die yes no a simple mistake causes everything to go wrong I'm literally losing my minds I'm actually losing my mind come on up simple down simple there we go much sped up now my theory is I don't actually have to go down to the far right I can just kind of chill to the side so let no I can't just be losing cheap lives like this stop it I hate this little guy is so much and he's not even doing anything wrong how did he even get in this situation we just hover yeah we can do that okay we go up this way as well nice for now why where can you even go this is unreal over here all the way up to the top he does doesn't move fast enough oh oh I think you need to go down to the bottom right I've got this come on a man if you don't want me to hate you then you need to do this for me come on do it for me do it for the rest of everyone watching and do it more importantly for yourself okay I'm making this work I've got many many lives and I feel like I haven't even got past as bit properly it's unreal how difficult this game is guys how simple this man looks he's not so simple after all to hover in here we're going across there we go and then we're going down oh that was close of a hover over make your way across and then down yes no I let you have no comments just weird noises to be able to display my anger for this thing it's crazy how like how can this be so hard when there's weather like 26 levels there's 26 versions of this it's horrible yes I made it I actually made it now what what do I okay we have to blow that up going going to the one there we go yes yes no I did pretty way so what is happening what is happening I'm dying over and over again what is happening No okay I need to do that that's fine okay uh yeah this is gonna be super tricky how do I even blow this up without blowing myself up I can't believe it guys this is going to be super difficult and there's spikes what is happening please explain to me what is going on ah so mad how could I hate such a little pixelize demand so much yo what has happened what has happened what was that why is it telling me it's 4:00 p.m. I don't need to know the time that means I spent too long on this game already why did that just happen it properly put me off North I needed any more distractions but it's also telling me what time it is that's so random more importantly it cost me two lives so okay I can't really remember how I did this but I think it's over here and then straight down no I'm dead yes I made it I made it okay right over to the next one I just need to blow up this there we go and then what yep made it made it made it made it made it okay blow up this that's fine but then how do I do this bit blow up that and then blow up this okay this is working this is working this is actually working okay what do I it's okay you're a level 10 you almost made it you know what to do at the ends now okay okay you got this I'm probably gonna die as soon as I press Continue but hey it's fine there we go yes see I know what this game is plan is it's its plan is to just make me rage so much I've just realized I've got one life left literally one life how am I gonna do this how am I gonna do this I'm gonna try I'm gonna try I could do this I can do this yes yes okay move out the way slam No ah another bomb comes out how is that possible I just held my breath so much that my head almost burst but at least I've got one more chance yeah buddy I just did that level first time first time guys right let's do the explosions and it kills me great fantastic I get I get it first time and I kill myself twice this game has me psyched out to the max I am losing it watch this perfection are you ready there we go across then down then we get or saved all right let's not mess this bit up again there we go much better how do you do that fuzz bit without dying and dying again come on come on now right I've got it from here 100% there we go there we go there we go right Oh nope once dropped on myself right we need to time this well and remember it will explode us and if we wait too long you'll probably do something else ridiculous so let's explode let's go down let's go up yes how do you even avoid that I don't understand I just don't yes yes yes voice cracking everything I've done it it's only level 11 guys that is absolutely crazy right let's uh let's see what other nonsense this game has prepared for us I don't like waiting too long because it's obviously going to do something to disrupt us there we go platforming skills maximum and the ice melts at the ends that's great isn't it why does the ice melts how are you supposed to do that so quickly than the ice doesn't melt I'm dead I've lost game over again how I will get back there and I will defeat you I feel like I'm playing a budget subnautica so now now I got to this bit I can't actually do this explosion bit again which is fantastic I just keep blowing myself up go go go go yes okay right pipe banks I don't mind blow myself up there I do when I do it twice though that's a little bit upsetting right here we go to the ice level go drop and then go yes yes yes berm how did I do this one it doesn't seem to melt until you kind of like go I keep just falling off the edge and wasting lives why oh that's what you need to do but way quicker than that there we go over the top I get it I get it I totally get it yes okay right I didn't actually do anything then but I figured it out I have one life to do this here we go let's do it Wow I'm pretty much done pretty much the Sun's up this game doesn't it okay I'm back with many lives so I need to do this the quickest ever used to do that that that's it that's it I need to do it as quickly as I can yes oh there was so close so close oh my goodness no it's that yellow one at the top how does that get me every time my lives go down so fast on this level no that was it that was so it oh my goodness one life left no it's been so long getting back here then dies no mine lives is not gonna get me past this is it like at all I just don't know when to jump this it's so difficult it's like something that looks so simple and then when you try it it just destroys you see I'm already down to five lives this is mental oh no I found a secret passageway and then it kills me kills me Matt you did it that time though pretty much anyway is when the thing is halfway around you need to jump and then get over that it's just I've got it wrong I've done it wrong no I haven't no I did again again there's got to be harder than even getting in the flippin thing I'm dead don't you died again it's so annoying because I feel like I can do it if I didn't just press right again I've got +10 lives that's crazy okay okay this bit is so triggering especially when I do that why would I do that to myself I'm just running out of live so quickly I don't understand I really understand oh my goodness I've done it so many times like just God do it again why why why me why me I'm so bad before my phone suffers I am done here I hate this tiny man I hate the ice level I'd much rather him in his stupid little submarine but no he had to go to the Iceland so guys I hope you enjoyed this video let's leave a big fat thumbs up for getting to level 12 okay it was level 11 let's let's see if I like forget to level 11 and only two levels more than when we started haha if this happens to be the first really seen by me please do consider subscribing to join save till yesterday I'm never gonna see this man again and I'll see you next time yeah fine [Music]
Channel: DanTDM
Views: 3,930,514
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dantdm, dantdm rage, rage dantdm, trap adventure, trap adventure 2, hard app, impossible, thediamondminecart, minecart, no swearing, no cursing, dr trayaurus, tdm, the diamond minecart, trayaurus, grim, app, difficult
Id: sBhxV6eFA6M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 54sec (954 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 06 2018
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