I HATE Power Scaling, kinda

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I hate power scaling but not in the way you might think power scaling or more accurately my dad can beat up your dad is a form of discussion in most anime manga movie comic book video game you get the idea it is a really really nerdy Endeavor that involves taking Feats and statements from said media in order to find out how hard a character can hit or how tanky they are and maybe how fast they fight or travel these stats tend to be the most important usually but every verse is different with unique abilities so other factors like intelligence hacks or equipment also have to be taken into consideration for example because of Gojo's Limitless he would be a tougher matchup for say the Naruto verse than sukuna even though Gojo and sukuna should be relative to each other still following along ultimately I do understand the appeal of power scaling it's a fun way to go through a fictitious series apply real world logic and get real world results it's like watching those science channels except you know instead of watching styro pyro use 100 car batteries to generate 50,000 amps worth of electricity you're watching Seth the program oh yeah I've been gone for a while let's try that again you're watching I don't know no op and broken Ronin calculate pixels to see that Yugi's faster than Mack 400 the logic in the videos is usually sound and you know the math checks out but I don't think these stories are meant to be looked at this way my issue with power scaling has less to do with trying to figure out who's stronger between two different verses say Goku versus jordo Goku slams by the way rather it has more so to do with scaling characters within their own series especially one as complex like jiujitsu k that also just isn't finished yet the late Stan Lee once said this who would win in a fight who would win in a fight if Gus fought the Hulk the person who' win in a fight is the person that the scrip writer wants to win if I'm writing a story about the thing from the Fantastic Four and he gets into a big fight with Spider-Man and millions of people out there say who would win well it depends on who I want to win if I'm writing the script these are fictitious characters the writer can do whatever he wants with them so stop asking those bonad questions cuz I've had it with that honestly with all due respect I think that is a load of BS and it misses the entire point and appeal of power scaling readers aren't stupid readers realize that whoever is writing whatever story is in charge and they get to choose which character is stronger which character wins and ultimately that kind of sucks because when every author has their own idea for how strong they want a certain character or verse to be where's the consistency where is that answer that we want so badly because of this as far as I'm concerned using Feats statements stuff like this it is the most logical and objective way to do it in that case I think the will of the author should should just be completely thrown out the window and shouldn't be paid much attention with that being said however there is some truth to what Stan is saying ultimately the author does matter but for kind of a different reason in the case of jiujitsu kaisen I think G akutami has a Clear Vision for how strong they want their characters to be and I don't think we need to calculate pixels to find out some of these answers in my opinion I think gig has divided his characters into different categories at the Pinnacle you have sukuna and Gojo standing way above everyone else The Narrative makes this clear gay makes this clear in fan books and everyone in the show makes this clear by us just being shown how far behind they are whenever they do fight these two Titans below them you'd have the strong category special grades like Utah Yuki Ghetto by extension fake ghetto special great Cur Spirits like Mahi toad or Joo and then anomalies like toi these characters are consistently considered to be stronger by not only the narrative but characters within the verse as well nabito is able to completely destroy dog on pre- domain but he shits himself when Jo goat shows up even though he's severely wounded him and nanami have the exact same thought that Joo is on an entirely different level to that of dogon then you've got the mid to high tier characters characters like Yuji choso megumi kusakabe mayay Toto generally grade one Sorcerers fit this tier and everyone below would fall into this sort of weaker category you know think of panda inumaki ma or even just Momo I believe that gig has made it a point to have characters split into these categories because I think it helps him write a more coherent battle shown Yuji is weaker and in a lower category than Hanami and would lose that fight 10 out of 10 times on his own but with Toto's help the two are able to overwhelm Hanami and just almost exercise him G has even stated that he regrets not letting eugi and Toto exercise Hanami during Goodwill which makes me think that he puts a lot of value and emphasis on things like matchups and team ups team ups like eugi and Toto would not work if the character was too strong it doesn't matter if you throw 100 Goku at whis they're still going to lose why am I mentioning this well Hanami gets clapped up never to be seen again using power scaling we can take host Shibuya Yuji and reasonably scale him to a much higher level than Goodwill and at this point you could logically have him fight Hanami right now as he is and you could say that he wins but the story just isn't structured like that minor spoiler warning for non- Monga readers I will be using very very vague names I won't show the panels but if you want absolutely nothing skip ahead in this point in the video should be somewhere on the screen in sakurajima noritoshi fights a special grade Cur Spirit who is incredibly fast during the fight K makes an observation that the curs spirit is faster than anything he'd ever seen however when describing its durability he say that it is referable to that of Hanami what does this mean it means that even a 100 chapters later a disaster curse is still comparable to a new and shiny Pokémon that by all logic in other Shonen should be way stronger fact that GGA considers Hanami even worthy of comparison is what's important he doesn't have K say that Hanami is a step below the cursed Spirit or konomy is stronger weaker whatever he simply Compares and contrasts two different stats which means that they are in that same relative tier I think this is a clear indication from gig that he does not want to scale up his verse because he realizes it would cause issues that other manga like Dragon Ball and even Naruto have had it makes more sense to have this Cur Spirit be relative or even downright less durable than the likes of Hanami than to upscale the verse itself KL has gotten a little stronger but he still struggles against this curse the exact same way he did against Hanam this makes much more sense than having him pull out some you know unnatural growth from his ass in a series where 80% of your strength and potential is decided at Birth this is logical and it follows the story that gig has set out also before we quickly move on this cursed spirit's fastest attack is mock 3 an attack that a super duper strong character who's also incredibly fast is unable to block at this point in the series because Mo 3 is just too fast for them however using power scaling we can go back all all the way to Goodwill and take a character like maky who is a lot weaker at this point and see her catch a bullet midair when it's like centimet from her face I'm pretty sure if you calc this it is like actually in the like I don't know I think it's genuinely mock 400 and that is a insane speed feet yet they top at Mack 3 how does that make sense well it doesn't because even gay says it was a little much having her catch that bullet I think this shows that he does have a more concrete vision for the strength of his verse and in the moment he's thinking about what's cool rather than what logically makes the most sense navito is stated to be the fastest sorcerer dogon comments on his speed and even says he's probably faster than jogo and prior to his death the narrator tells us that he is the fastest sorcerer however that was when he had both of his arms these statements are this specific for a reason and to me it's clear that gig puts a lot of thought into keeping these characters in these relative categories because what he values is interesting fights where handicaps and matchups play a much much more vital role here he writes that Joo is only technically stronger than Hanami not due to speed or strength but rather the matchup of the techniques fire beats grass Pokémon style in your standard Shonen you'd expect the big bad villains to just be leagues above everyone else and while sukuna fits that bill fake ghetto in the fan book is stated to have had trouble if he were to fight mahito or Joo even though he is the central villain of the series this is just another way in which gig is trying to write a more non-standard Shonen and this is why I don't think power scaling really applies in this sort of sense Jutsu Kai just doesn't structure his power system that way it's more akin to Hunter Hunter where weaker characters can compete with stronger ones as long as their abilities have a favorable interaction I think Yuji is a prime example of this and I'm going to use Pokemon terms to describe this if Yuji were a normal fighting type Pokemon mahito would be a ghost type Pokemon with three ghost type moves and one dark type move effectively he only has one move that he can do damage to Yuji with that being the dark type move but that dark type move just is not effective it does reduce damage so even though he out levels Yuji by 10 to 15 levels when he can't use Idol Transfiguration and by extension his domain well a big part of what makes mahito so strong and threatening just completely gets thrown out the window I'm pretty confident in this analogy because Gigi has talked about creating some of these characters based off of Pokémon but also as we showed earlier deciding which one is stronger because of sort of that Pokemon analogy if I had to include sukuna and Gojo in this analogy I guess it would be something like this sukuna and Gojo are level 100 legendaries that Brute Force everything regardless of matchup either through pure just stats or abilities that no one can counter no matter what they typing is this isn't even unique to jjk in Dragon Ball people have been able to logically scale Goku above beerus ever since the universe 6 Arc yet somehow after every single Arc beerus is casually beating both Goku and Vegeta and still telling them you know what guys you're thousands of years too early to surpass me the narrative requires beerus to be this strong so he's going to be stronger than the two of them up until the very end of the series people get mad at this and say that Dragon Ball is inconsistent or that beerus is probably trading in secret and the goalpost is just ever moving we essentially have to make up a lot of head Cannon for this line of reasoning to work and make sense and sorry but some of these authors just do not care so why is any of this important I mean it isn't go outside touch some grass do something else you're watching a video about grown ass man telling you which cartoon character is stronger than another one oh God I'm the one making the video I think it's important because a lot of discussion around characters inevitably devolves into the my dad can beat up your dad TR instead of discussing the actual character in character Joo being weaker than toi somehow makes Joo a lesser character ultimately a lot of these inner series discussions are also based on flawed logic that contradicts what the author himself is telling you beyond that JK is an ongoing Series where things can change every single chapter completely uprooting previous conclusions I enjoy the occasional power scaling video I just don't like how it's done in regards to jutu guys but my opinion can always change so let me know in the comments what you think hope you enjoyed the video and I'll see you all next time
Channel: Orion
Views: 277,149
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: power scaling, dragon ball super, dragon ball z, jjk, jujutsu kaisen, gojo vs sukuna, gojo vs naruto, naruto uzumaki, son goku, power scaling 101, what is power scaling, power scaling anime
Id: hoG4V9c1yCQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 4sec (664 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 27 2023
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