I Had a DIAMOND DATE with PrestonPlayz! - Minecraft

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today everything is diamonds in minecraft so preston decided to take me on an epic diamond date beautiful people today i'm taking brianna on a diamond date in minecraft but what she doesn't know is we are actually robbing a diamond jewelry store wait who's that excuse me okay look pretty i'm not even going to try to hide it anymore you i know i told you we were going to go on this rooftop date but it's actually to rob this diamond jewelry store oh my goodness wait don't touch it why what do you mean listen we've been married for three years it's time to spice up the date night okay okay all right and we're getting real spicy because if any one of us gets caught i'll tell you that i'll bail you out okay let's let's make let's take a little uh little punch square over here husband wife promise wait uh three hold on let's count it down three three two eight three two swear perfect okay i'll bail you out you'll bail me out now bri i want you to only grab uh this that's this guy's kit you're gonna need that to sneak inside this is a bread loaf with glasses don't make fun of the bread loaf okay anyways thank you you have the disguise kit and the gas mask and you also have a price calculator to evaluate the price of the diamond jewelry all right so brie let's listen to me so i am going to be your sniper i have a sleep dart weapon and i also have a diamond gas canister i don't really want to use this cause this is diamond gas you know exactly what it is it's bottled up gas from diamonds and it puts people to sleep so bree listen come here yes i'm i i'm on my way are you proposing again preston no i'm not i'm not i know you want to make that joke but no listen bree yeah you were right at the entrance okay i need you to go you can do this i enter right here no no that's where i enter that's where i enter you go down you go down okay what if i hop down right in front of just go free go please hello adriana good to see you but you're banned you just got out of prison you can't risk coming into the store sorry um wait a second breathe but i didn't know you were in prison what were you in prison hear that larry moe and curly they're just being a little what do you mean you know nothing nothing hold on hold on beautiful viewers we need to know why bree was in prison and if you want to know please leave like on this video because i'm very confused as a husband you know what'll make you more confused what look at me i have never felt this attractive my wife is now aaron okay you look beautiful now please do your job sneak inside i've got you i've got you covered okay okay if any guard tries to look at me look at me indie guard tries to mess with you i'm going to give them the zap oh that was towards me be careful i know was the demonstration shot welcome in valued customer thank you i remember we need to get prices on all that diamond jewelry oh oh yeah yeah i have the price calculator yeah this one is a casual um it's not scanning this one is a casual saw me nobody saw me yeah yeah sorry i was doing my little grappling hook where are you where are you what do you mean i just grappled you i'm saying hello brian you're gonna be super stealthy i'm impressed yeah i'm saying i'm pretty stealthy for a guy wearing tie-dye fire merch you're scaring me i'm testing out okay let's push i'm trying to test out my sleep dart gun it works bree i literally put the guard to sleep with the sleeve oh with a sleeper you found the sleeper where's the z-quilt oh my gosh marie i can't even put the other customers to sleep this is perfect that seems unnecessary wait i saw your little hook free listen we can have no witnesses do you have the full do you have the evaluation of all the diamond jewelry in here right not all of it but a lot of it is very expensive are you ready listen put on the gas bask you know what's coming three two put it on i've never felt more attractive in my life all right let's go boom uh preston i have a bad feeling i have a bad feeling about this get it breathe get the stuff i'm trying i'm trying i'm trying all right we've got one minute until the police arrived bring the guards close i'm gonna get him in the sleep they don't have to get on their way i got okay i can only get so many breathers oh my they're all asleep go go steal everything thanks i bring this while you're taking the jewelry i'm putting even the witnesses to sleep nobody can notice the body and now i am an innocent human being all right i'm even taking some jewelry what is this i don't even know what i don't even know what this is like a diamond ring what is all this stuff dude oh my gosh ivory how's the hall looking uh i'm doing i'm doing pretty good i'm very holistic i will tell you that what do you mean is that holistic pretty dude don't tell me i've got more of these than these guys i definitely do you know what you're just a bad guy preston that's what this is me not i've just almost robbed this entire room i breathe 10 seconds during the battle four items five minutes what do you mean the cops are here our getaway car oh our getaway car preston i didn't bring a getaway car okay breathe here are the dirt bikes you asked for preston wait wait wait wait the tiniest what a romantic date i'll never forget you okay so i feel really bad that brie um what happened with the tiny police and bree was not okay so i built this entire diamond zoo filled with diamond llamas why are you dining llamas because they're because they're cheap um that's all hey well wait wait it's not ready yet it's not ready on a date why did you believe me because listen some dates need some what are you doing over here you're just gonna spoil the surprise get back no don't do it no stop it oh you weren't supposed to see this yet okay fine you can you can you can go in okay okay you can go am i gonna get tricked no go listen listen you go inside uh it's real i worked very hard on this all right because i felt bad about the tiny police situation wait guys i think we can only go in if you hit that subscription button okay if you haven't then we can't see the surprise are you ready go okay go okay listen pretty what do you think wait are you pretty sick they're just unruly llamas bree okay hold on they're just getting here buffalo bill how do you make a diamond lava llama how do you make a tiny llama listen bree with a lot of diamonds and a lot of breeding okay i don't want to get into the details this one likes me get in the freaking garden i don't think llamas can fit okay anyways bree uh welcome so i also decided to build individual little biomes this is like a little mushroom biome for the diamond line cute love it i'm glad i'm glad you like it and then also um there's this area very cute right really cute preston what does this lover do are you gonna tell me is that for later look bree we don't listen that was going to be for a different part of the video i'm not going to show you what that does so follow me please please please back away something no i'm not just i'm going to just remove this for now nobody can do that they're walking towards the ladder listen bri come over here i know how much you like to name your creature so there's an anvil with three name tags damaged and full and name tags okay i only gave you i only gave you three name tags because i know you could name every single llama in this zoo and i didn't want that to be a situation yes i could and you're also a noob so i'm gonna set you to game mode zero because you're trying to place anvil down in game mode two that's right i did it i did it okay so first we have luna um isn't that the wait isn't that the goddess of the moon i'm pretty sure preston so the first name is luna would you like to name one uh yes give me one just one like at least give me a name tag okay i have the first one made all right yeah so you just okay do you know how to name llamas the right i do here you go all right you're not you're not ready for this name oh yes oh no i'm scared all right behold brianna this llama right here chanel be known as lord voldemort no we must kill him he's you voldemort he's trying to kill mr ponto don't look what's happening over here listen brie it's not my fault voldemort snuck out don't worry uh he stopped you killed him no no no he just he's in the gulag dill pickle literally my least favorite food all right listen we've had enough fun here in the diamond zoo it's time to move on to the next course of the day we have to move on please probably not anymore that makes total sense preston this place is amazing have you heard about it no but it looks sick i can't believe we couldn't get one diamond worst honeymoon ever no no that's so sad preston come back i mean we're still on a date remember yes yes this is beautiful this is an award-winning resort um that's not where you're supposed to go don't listen i don't like to get punched on the date i'm just saying so this is home to the diamond couples resort so what they do very beautiful is if you finish puzzles you get an award never seen before i actually don't know if anyone's actually completed this before are you ready i am ready baby okay so pick the flowers that are not in the appropriate flower bed okay okay that's the only way we can do this all right hold on hold on listen i'm gonna have to get some tools here chief oh we have a flower picker here preston i'll give you one all right thank you for the flower picker welcome i'm pretty sure this i'm pretty sure this is named something else but i'm not gonna talk about it okay oh i get the red no preston that was incorrect what do you mean you don't even know what that was so wrong this was orange are these all orange is that how you're supposed to do it yes what do you mean i was doing it right dude no you weren't oh my gosh okay guys if you've ever done an escape room with your girlfriend or boyfriend or whomever you understand my frustration right now free you've got the last white flower can you please put it down i was like why are you you're telling me you're telling me i don't know how to do it and i'm the one doing it okay that ding sound effect that's how you know that's how you know that you can now go into the mansion because we couldn't go in before until we pass the first puzzle preston where is the concierge that's all i'm saying like this is it's like uh it's kind of like one of those self-service resorts you know it's spooky a little bit oh wait a second hold on hold on okay we got picture pieces we got eight missing and this kind of looks like the edge of a diamond or a diamond piece of armor makes sense this is a diamond date wait a second hold on hold on to mother teresa wait does that look like it no no no no like male 1 that looks good right hey listen brie how about you judge whenever you find some of the pieces i wasn't judging i am encouraging you you know what they say woman who have thighs lies don't all women have thighs yes so they all lie okay i have found one piece preston just so you know i am trying to impress you right now i am going to squeak you what what preston you're making me feel uncomfortable i'm finding them how many pieces do you have i have three pieces i have one piece i have four fudging pieces brief what are you doing i don't want to talk about it okay oh you don't just dress that means i've found six oh brittany i'm pretty sure i am the smartest man alive because i have put all of these in the right order yeah have you well i found the hardest puzzle piece to find it's floating up here and i can't get to him you need to show you how to get it yes wait what the hardest puzzle piece to get ladies and gentlemen wow oh wait hold on we got a stick that says destroy torches no it's it's destroying torches oh okay oh wait preston i think we have to get the red ones those aren't right get them out of here i know well because they are redstone torches which only do other things they don't torch they red you know what beautiful people if you subscribe to the brianna plays channel right now i'll give you free laundry for a year you don't even do our laundry exactly no but for real if you're subscribed to the channel and you get here in the first hour i will feature your comments on my real forehead oh wait was sharpie no no no like taking pictures of the comments you brutal woman no you gotta you gotta put them on your on your on your head how many torches you got i've got i've got two right now and i'm looking outside aubry oh preston what do you think is in there maybe it is my green merch because it is currently 15 off if you use this code yo this resort better be paying out some workman's comp because i almost broke my ankles with that i haven't even met anyone named workers do you have two i do preston you don't know what's about to happen you are literally a bot how did you miss that thank you mean what do you mean you're literally a bot dude wait did i give it to you yeah of course it did because it looks like let me see what it looks like i can't take it out of your hand oh it's a freaking diamond kitty okay it says a key for the water fountain brie i think this is the fountain for the key would you please plug it in i'm inside the fountain on this side inside the fountain put it put it in there put it put in there there we go yeah diamonds are everywhere oh look at this okay okay listen man i'm kind of oh oh give me that yes i got the trophy that's freaky yes since you you tried to do a picnic earlier and you tricked me whoa whoa okay first of all it was okay this is oh oh what the heck what what even was that i didn't even get to defend myself before that happened bri um was that a diamond ferret bri what this uh what the heck uh did it go through there did you see it yeah yes it went through here bree are you sure here you go first all right listen breathe no no no hold my hand come hold my hand no breathe how could you do this to me oh oh this is sick what is this bree i've never seen diamond grass in my entire life oh me either i want why is there like it's like one piece of diamond grass i don't know oh it's the ferret is looking at us i don't think it's a fair i think it's a fox hi ferret oh i'm totally sorry for stealing your lunch i didn't know any other way to get humans to my dimension does that mean like all humans are fat you see my village is empty because of scary diamond eating monsters if you kill the diamond eater king you can keep the diamonds just tell them yes bri we'll do whatever it takes to get our lunch back finkelstein the fox please help us i don't like how he jumps like he's just a weird looking don't talk about finkelstein that way oh now free yeah okay so oh he's got a sword in his hand bree here oh thank you i've never seen a ferret with a sword okay first of all bree it's not a fair it's a fox let's get that straight i breathe just oh bribry i don't want to take it to your gate i'll take the first one okay let's divide and conquer yeah are you sure okay all right it's like a golem oh we didn't oh that was actually easy let's keep it going baby girl i helped you there's a lot of these i know these guys are kind of big and chunky but they don't do a whole lot of brand so i think it's going to be easy we also have to defeat the king okay what is this what is this oh my god this one deals so much damage bree oh my gosh watch out y'all watch out for these guys fighting the boss by yourself run that one's like the boss dude that one does so much damage he's like a diamond slime block wait listen yeah yeah help me kill these okay kill the little peons first that guy deals so much damage though i think he was offended by us killing his peons well okay that's the personal problem wait there's one more oh he's in the oh he's killed what he just killed his own guy watch out watch out breathe be careful be careful i'm gonna die oh yeah if you get i got you i got you oh look at my handsome man ah you know i thought you'd never notice i breathe battle battle uh battle to the death bound to the okay you're ready to just okay yeah beat the diamond dangler bow to the death breed battle to the death oh i'm trying i'm trying to kill you for all the marbles for the finale of our date i bought us something you've always wanted ah do you know what it is no how about you use these to tell everybody who's watching here at home okay fine i know what this is we are going to test our marriage with a date night of opening our very first diamond restaurant it's gonna go really well it doesn't even have to be a test i mean listen people always say how stressful just be married but like how stressful can it be to run your own restaurant right like probably like really easy like picking daisies okay okay being married is not stressful well i need a private moment oh never mind the restaurant's starting oh no oh no it's dinner rush where's the kitchen where's the kitchen oh look okay but he followed me i found the kitchen i don't know what i'm doing where'd you go i have what do you mean what are you orders i'm down here okay i'm i'm cooking okay well first of all luke needs diamond crusted salmon um okay uh where are we wait wait wait wait wait uh brie oh shoot okay i made the diamond mushroom stew what does he need diamond crusted salmon okay hold on i think you know how to make that limes asparagus two of them two of them i'm cracking under pressure you can do this you wait do you need this here okay here's diamond mushroom stew in case you need it okay i probably will there's probably one vegan who wants it i got it i've got it diamond crusted salmon here preston we just have like 12 people walk out angry at us okay well i'm sorry i've got the diamond crush like george liked it look at that george is happy bree i've got i've got okay whenever you're ready chief i got your diamond samoon make like make like five of every single thing you can how many people want the diamond crusted salmon here i got two two diamonds not enough but i appreciate sorry that's oh my gosh i can't handle this this is too much pressure in the kitchen three people are walking out go and serve them he wasn't allowed to be in the quarters down there we have what else do they want what else do you want diamond filet mignon with diamond dust okay i've got this okay i've got a filet mignon i i need i need mushrooms too again i need oh god dude i don't even brown i made them i need like four fillets in uh okay one fillet one fillet down there i'm gonna make some more oh the ingredients are really coming in slowly oh my gosh okay we have 12 people fed this could be worse nice nice okay i'm making some more i'll make it okay you can't even read there's so many people up here okay i got it floyd has been made play has been made what else do they need more fillets more fish okay more okay but do i do people the filet is mad popular right now i know right we have to feed nine more press nine more people press it all right twenty minutes later one more customer i think we're good okay no we're not oh no but you have to serve one more customer we don't even have one more customer oh what's gonna happen we closed we closed too early i have no fillets and salmon in my inventory oh no we're good hold on jordan don't feed them i want to feed them i need okay mushrooms too i had both salmon in i can fix this i'm sorry george i didn't want it to end this way he only has 27 seconds preston listen i'm crying yes i'm on my way chief don't worry i got you diamond mushrooms turn to me feeding the last person okay don't throw it take a break thank you thank you oh no okay you can't that's it i'm just feeding them oh that was all right can we can we agree that we will never we did open a coffee shop called fire cup coffee but i will never open a traditional restaurant no it's too hard of work i don't it's too stressful honestly close the shop boys close the shop hold on no it's closed for the night no we're closing permanently too much stress you did say we were closing up shop but we were featured in cookery magazine when i first heard of brandon preston's diamond cuisine i was a skeptic i arrived not expecting much knowing the pear wow but i was surprised to be served spectacular diamond crusted salmon i must say i never had such a fantastic diamond crust in salmon since my childhood 10 out of 10 reviews bree listen yes come over here with me okay okay this is a big moment for us this is a big moment we might listen yes if this gets 150 000 likes we will permanently open up the preston and brianna diamond restaurant in real life the entire store will be out of what i'm saying in minecraft let's just calm down cookery magazine gave the state a 10 out of 10. so you guys comment down below what you think we got on this date and what type of date preston should take me on next
Channel: BriannaPlayz
Views: 2,416,066
Rating: 4.9366875 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, mcpe, family, family friendly, funny, comedy, preston, brianna, prestonplayz, briannaplayz
Id: fBvqPi2hil8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 21sec (1281 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 12 2021
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