I Found Baby Preston's Secret Girlfriend!

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I have a feeling that baby Preston is keeping a secret from me so I think today we need to follow him in unveil his mystery notice anything wrong with this picture other than the fact my infant baby Preston was able to make an entire house by himself hello Oh baby Preston is upstairs question mark you should have known your mom would occasionally visit you you are like zero years old Chloe oh it's Chloe sir oh he sounds embarrassed guys we're gonna call baby Preston cherry because it's weird if baby Preston is looking for a girl he needs to be cherry pie Bree I am your mother you should say hi mother what are you up to I am NOT leaving until you give me an answer I don't know of course you know what you're up to sir I don't know who that is he's acting so suspicious I actually didn't even ask who Chloe is where are you going nope never heard of them are there multiple Chloe's he said them how many Chloe's are we talking about I am her mother and I'm not leaving wait where are you going to so he's gonna leave oh okay boy you're just standing by a table sir yeah sure like a teenager oh my goodness why does he always run so fast excuse me go it's like a golden Jesus cross but in a teleporter form I gotta try this out please buckle up your seat belts and like this video it is happening I have a halo oh I feel aunt Shelli you have so many secrets in magma is floating in the air that is very suspicious No why do you not like me Jerri I am just your mom I'm trying to hang out with you stop following me you'll never get past this sir get back here are you serious I am sent to the start don't get hit there are guards in here whoa what is happening hold on the floor oh there's a guard so many guards what is happening you know what this reminds me of pac-man you turn the floor color by eat in the little circles this is gonna be a little hard and tricky to figure out there are guards literally everywhere we're just gonna cover everything for right now because I just want to cover my bases and it's kind of like following the yellow brick road except it's red he almost got me he almost got me oh no I've been this way before that is unfortunate at least I can tell where I have been and haven't been excuse me sir we are gonna ignore you and go this way you guys I just figured it out I think I literally have to make everything red just like in pac-man you to eat all the little dog things no sir please don't eat me poop casually turn this carpet red there are 25 guards in front of you breathe complete the gate opens what gate Hey what how did you do that are you ready to tell me who Chloe is no should I be shocked mind your business go away for one day only Tuesday may fit we will be celebrating Cinco de Mayo by having free domestic shipping use code free ship Fiesta I have absolutely no idea what we're in front of other than it is a very large Tower is this Chloe's tower is she Rapunzel baby Preston is levitating what is happening well it leaves me no choice I guess I have to somehow get up here status effect change okay I am currently floating is this status affective changed what is this one what is this one a jump boost right that's a long way to boost give it my best shot I'm proud of myself and I'm very afraid of heights oh oh I don't know what's wrong with me but I think the effects are affecting my brain if I'm ever going to find baby Preston I'm gonna need you guys to look under this video and if your subscription button is read make it great for me like these parkour blocks blue oh really good with that I'm literally just rainbow and beautiful right now everything is the same it's changed again isn't another double jump there is more parkour ladies and gentlemen hey pop potatoes hi tamales Oh sugarplums Attis effect has changed again how many different effects are in here I have so far only seen two so I feel like he's trolling me I literally almost died just there I don't know if y'all notice but it was a rough one I am terrified because not only does my life depend on this because if I fall I will die but also I need to find my child and what he's up to oh goodness run jump I almost did not make it out alive what's in here it better be a peanut butter and jelly no it is a white truck a higher work Rockets well I don't mind if I do I look like an angel now or a superhero let's make sure this works I've got him a superhero with rockets and I am flying through a tunnel and aubry take the high trough Bri are you ready to finally tell me what's going on so nosy hey I am your mom I have a right to be hey don't jump off a building oh my goodness water there's a water puddle butcha okay baby Preston where are you going why are you so fast a portal let definitely thought I already looked through one of these this has a lot of decorating going on interesting choice baby Preston he is on his way to be an architect why is it running hey oh my goodness I am having to go to a lot of efforts how am I supposed to get through this is it just a regular Park or status effect changed guy says that could are bad I literally only have lava surrounding me and we have to take a deep breath I feel like I'm walking faster than usual but I could be losing my mind cuz of all the lava fumes oh no where do I go from here I guess I jump we are good we're good status effect changed now I'm gonna jump real high what if I cheat in crouch oh goodness gravy apparently that will not work we're gonna blue that wasn't too bad it's like really athletic people they do those like hurdles that I've never heard on before and wow this is actually like probably a level two jump boost isn't that a thing you guys cuz I'm going very high do I use this again for the spider webs because that is going to be a mess to clean up if I get stuck in there we're gonna get a running start [Music] we're just gonna take a moment to say comment down below that brie should get out of here that wasn't too bad does that hurt you I don't think anything in this situation will hurt me I'm getting a little tripped out if I'm walking on water out there blocks I'm really speedy now I need a jump boost guys like that's poison water isn't it it's bubbly like a bath but it's a bad thing where does that just help boost me up I really wish chuckles from royally P comp was here in this situation because he loves himself a bobble back so I thought this was poisonous water but it's literally helping it's like slime and now that jump is absolutely impossible so if this does become poisonous I'll say I knew you win oh oh oh so far so good three you are killing it sister so now I'm really fast and I have practices in front of me I feel like this is some sort of obstacle course which all probably already caught on to and I just now realized it yep it will breathe no Bree Bree Bree hurry hurry whoo you know what if my status changed why wasn't it fire resistance maybe it was but it didn't work I mean a baby did make this obstacle course so oh this is the biggest this is the big antennas they look like Wheat Thins or is that just me I just hurt myself that looks like a big wheat thin cracker and I need some cheese now we're going to carefully go what what we are on the big diving board surrounded by lava and it is very dark whatever this is I don't like it whoo I had the power of Jesus with me and I can fear not because it's just like you're being cool and wearing sunglasses I'm fearless I'm over lava I literally see nothing over there just keep walking just keep walking obstacles complete Phoebe Preston just said this is unreal but here I am I am real please stop running away from me Jerri you need to go away he just went through another portal well oddly we have made it through a twelfth fiftieth a ton of portals and this is kind of creepy I don't really like an all-white room it's kind of eerie okay you want to get me obviously that's why I have followed you constantly hello I promise you I'll talk after you get through this room timed button puzzle round one where are the buttons what oh my gosh oh okay it is it's going it's going this one is green like a traffic light that probably is good right maybe if I cry it'll burn milk these are happening fast so apparently I have to make the buttons go away before they turn right there's another one oh I wasn't expecting that if this is round one I think there's no luck for me to do round two I assume there's gonna be around two could let's just be real it's baby Preston where's the other one who the holy gee willikers that is too tall for me I am 5 2 I can breathe round 1 oh no round 2 I feel like I feel like this round is gonna be even harder I already messed up this is too much exercise oh no oh oh I already missed the first one that's a great start I feel like the time is slowly going quicker and quicker I don't know if slowly going quicker makes sense but uh watch out I rambled enough that I got all the buttons where are they they're hiding from me this round Olly Olly oxen free all your oxen are free I definitely did not expect to make that one in time no I missed it because I'm too short guys that's why I don't normally look up oh oh that was real fast it's again it was in the same place that made my life easier they feel like baby Preston just had pity on me and made that way easier are you through this door I didn't think you'd actually get past it ah psych what have I done what have I done as a parent to make baby Preston so route another portal okay this portal looks very pretty I I think this one is my favorite so far what why are there chickens down there Preston you have to explain yourself if chuckles is down there I am going to hurt you there are lots of chickens they are unable to move there are cows I have no idea what this challenges fishing rod what is this sign say collected 0-1 chicken I don't know if I can ever figure out Preston secret because I can't hurt animals hold on maybe I'll just fish them out and then set them free that's what I'll do let's go sir I'm gonna set you free first oh my gosh he literally exploded and died outs oh no that was not good I don't want to have to do this ever again I'm literally crying right now how many chickens do I have to get guys this is my least favorite challenge I have ever had to do he knows I love chickens and he always says he's gonna make chuckles into a chicken nugget and I don't appreciate that you don't like it here is for chickens or chickens should be plenty I just saw something that said times 10 we need 10 chickens are you kidding me four should have definitely been enough I need to emotionally prepare myself for the rest of this challenge I literally need six more my fishing rod is literally about to give up because he my fishing rod is a he and he doesn't like the challenge either I'm finally done with the worst challenge I've ever had and chuckles were any of these your relatives I need to know they weren't you but I think one of them looks like your brother and I don't really like that at all I hope he still loves me it's acting like it only has nine and I for sure through ten chickens in there I'm sorry rest in peace chicken door has opened baby Preston you have made me almost cry today know what I actually understand him not thinking I would pass this one whatever you still can't catch me why did the wall just explode please tell me he does not have another portal so you guys I finally caught up to Preston and I don't think he's actually thinking that I'm following him he doesn't think I'm fast enough to catch up to him which in this case is actually working in my favor whose houses oh we're back at his house I'm gonna secretly hide behind this wall sorry had to get my mom to leave me alone that's okay baby Chloe wanna make a cake it's a pink baby Preston oh ye cake I just got really mad because I thought of Preston but yet again it's a baby Jerry is eating baby Chloe I get ingredients baby Preston never offers to bake me a cake only Chloe it's okay Jerry want to introduce me to your new friend what why are you so angry I just want to know oh no no no no no this isn't what it looks like please don't set fires are you kidding me are you are you serious she seems nice he literally is running outside well at least I can get to know Chloe hi Chloe she said Princeton and ran I have never been so offended in my entire life two babies ran away from me in terror essentially so baby Preston and Chloe who I'm assuming is his girlfriend literally just ran out of the house but their baby so there's no way they could have ran far if I was a baby I would I saw a nametag I would probably be near the house because I wouldn't think a lot as a baby who is this baby Chloe I feel bad that I found her first but it has to be done maybe Chloe you're so cute but uh dad haha you found me aha maybe she doesn't mind that I found her I hope she goes back inside now where is baby Preston I found Chloe by seeing a name tag so I hope I can see baby Preston's of course he would be harder to find I am NOT shocked by this I got really excited that that was baby Preston just standing in the open but of course it's not it'd be real nice if Chloe would give me a hint as to where Preston went but of course hold on hold your phones that's baby Preston in the grass but I don't see him in the grass what is this is this a secret underwater cave another portal nope it's just him I'm very shocked that you didn't run away found Preston and Chloe bringing them back to the house no no no how Chloe was a lot nicer than that it's okay guys you don't have to hide there is nothing to be ashamed of your cute little babies I support you no no no is that all you can say right now baby Preston no I didn't want you to find out you'll make it weird Chloe run are you kidding me I'm not trying to make it weird I'm just trying to get to know your new friend there's a letter I'm coming with you there's a portal down there I have found baby Preston's girlfriend and she will not even talk to me Chloe's secret house well you betcha I'm definitely going to take a look at that you guys remember if he gets my videos in the first power between posted I will read your comments and feature then down below check out one of these two videos but YouTube is suggesting you and help me find Chloe's secret house
Channel: BriannaPlayz
Views: 12,736,599
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, mcpe, family, family friendly, funny, comedy, preston, brianna, prestonplayz, briannaplayz
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 15sec (1035 seconds)
Published: Mon May 04 2020
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