Remove Tool - Photoshop for Beginners | Lesson 7

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if I were creating this series even a few months ago I would never consider including the remove tool but looking at how versatile it has been how well it works it would be criminal of me to not include it let me show you a few examples first of all let us take the Clone stamp tool right here now the way the Clone stamp tool works is that it's just a simple copy and paste in a brush and it's important to learn we'll get to it later but for right now if you choose the Clone stamp tool which is this tool right here let's select that and let's say we want to remove this chain that he's wearing if we take a sample here's how we take a sample we hold the ALT key or the option key click to take a sample and we try to align it right here and if we paint the alignment goes Haywire yes there is a way you can rotate the sample and then paint it there are shortcuts we have made a video about it many years ago but still This is complicated then you also have something like the spot healing brush tool let's select and let's try to paint it this is automatic but it doesn't work that well let's paint like this see it creates this breakpoint and in complicated areas it absolutely messes up if we try to paint like this look at the weird shape it has created but it's still better but then comes the remove tool which changes everything now I know I heard this in a rap song but I think it's important and it goes like if you don't evolve you will evaporate and I don't want you to evaporate we have to move with the times we have to move with the technological advancements and the introduction of these tools not only entirely change the way we work with Photoshop but also changes the way we learn Photoshop so it's important that we learn it in the beginning stages so first off we have to remove tool let's do some housekeeping how do you see the two you want to make sure that you have updated to the latest version of Photoshop let's go to help about Photoshop make sure your version is 24.5 or higher now keep in mind this is the regular version of Photoshop not the beta apps so just update your Photoshop and you'll be good to go now how do you see the remove tool even after updating if you don't see the remove tool right here it probably means that it's hidden so if you click on the three dots right here there you have the remove tool if you still don't see it go to edit toolbar and inside of that in extra tools section you will see the remove tool if you don't see it yet right here or somewhere here you will see it now you can arrange tools the way you want so I'm going to go to this section which is the spot healing and you can keep it in any order you want I want to keep it absolutely at the top click on done and now you have to remove tool at the top now have a look at the magic of remove two first of all I would always create a new layer by clicking on this button so that we are working non-destructively and we are filling areas on a brand new layer then you want to make sure sample all layers is checked otherwise the current layer is empty and it's not going to sample anything and then simply paint now it's not removing those because remove after each stroke is unchecked so let's check it from right here and have a look at it it's much better now you can check this we'll look at these settings later but have a look at the difference between this and the spot healing so let's do the same right here we're gonna paint over the chain all throughout and take a look at the difference look at how good this is this is way better everything is joined properly in this lesson we'll dive deep into how to use the remove tool and I can guarantee that you'll be a master of remove tool by the end of this video If you practice along now before we move forward let's see how it does in this area this is a tricky area let's paint wow look at it this is amazing and if you feel that a line is not straight just dab right there it straightens the line that's so cool let's start from square one so what is the remove tool in Photoshop it's simply a Photoshop tool now keep in mind it's a tool it's not something like content aware fill it's not a function it's a tool Photoshop 2 to remove stuff that's all there is to it now it can do more we'll get to it later but it's a great removal tool it does not fill an area with something else like The Sensational generative film it is just for removing stuff take a look at this example first of all always create a new layer by clicking on the new layer button right there make sure sample all layers and remove after each stroke is checked now just like the brush you can adjust the size here as well with the bracket keys so I can decrease the size increase the size it's up to you now let me share with you a trick let's say you want to remove this line so what do you do you can hold the shift key and if you draw it will draw a straight line so cool isn't it now I can go forward and first of all let me remove this all right we can go forward even go inside little bit like that and it takes care of the hand Edge and everything and if this area looks a little awkward don't worry about it just paint over it like this there you go it joins the line let's do it one more time right here perfect let's do it right here as well it improves that let's try a couple times once right here as well and there you go a perfect Edge now let me share with you one more trick when you're holding the shift key it will only let you draw like this horizontal or like this all right it won't let you draw straight lines unless they are horizontal or vertical so how do we get around that first of all uncheck remove after each stroke because we will need several dabs here what do I mean by that let's say we have to remove this line right here and it's not absolutely straight let's say this line it's not straight so here's what we do we dab once hold the shift key and dab at the other corner it draws a line between point a and point B and then you can check it to remove it cool similarly let me do that one more time for you just dab once all right point a hold the shift key dab at point B and it draws a line between those two points and by the way this works with the brush to anything with a brush on it now now check it there you go gone now as I told you the remove tool as the name suggests can definitely remove things but it also can join things attach things create lines and we did a video about it which you can watch right here just a short preview for example you want to make the beard sharper you want to make it come in a line so let's create a new layer and just paint like this there you go it's now in a line let's paint a little bit right there let's paint in this missing area that was weird let's try one more time that's better so there you go let's take a look at the before and after so here's the before here's the after you see that now there's a detailed video on it of course you can watch it right here now the remove tool keep in mind it's a tool and just like every other tool remove tool has its own options where in the options bar let me give you a refresher from the first lesson any tool you select for example the brush tool the options for the brush tool will be at at the top in the options bar and that is why it is called the options bar and this option corresponds to the tool that you have selected or is activated at the moment so right now if we select the remove tool right here first we have the size which we can easily control with the bracket Keys we can increase the size or decrease the size now here we have the option for pen pressure if that is activated the size of the brush will be controlled by the pressure in your pen if you are using a graphic tablet so if I press softly have a look the size is small but if I press harder and harder the size is bigger as soon as I start pressing softly the size gets smaller and smaller all right I usually keep it unchecked we don't really need that all right let's deactivate it now this checkbox is very important that is sample all layers it allows you to create a different layer for the fill areas so let's say in this case I'm going to remove this distraction right here of course I can remove it in the background layer in the image layer just like this but now I want to get it back or now I want to decrease the opacity I just cannot I'm stuck it's gone however if I create a new layer and then if this is unchecked and if we try to do that there is nothing to sample from right this is an empty layer so how do we make the remove tool consider everything that's on the canvas just make sure sample all layers is checked now when you try to do that it will remove it and that replaced area will be on a new lab you can then decrease the opacity increase the opacity that's up to you you have all the freedom you want you can turn it off and on this is non-destructive the next option is super important that is remove after each stroke unless you are super professional acrobat with your pen or Mouse this is a very important option so let's say this is checked and you want to remove the scar you want to be careful with it you only want to remove the car let's say you painted my like this and then you want to paint on the inside and you want to lift your pen or Mouse but when you lift it it's gonna go crazy now you have to deal with all of these artifacts so oftentimes you need to paint a couple times you need to lift your pen paint again or lift the mouse button and paint again to make sure that the entire object is covered and then apply the removal and for those situations let's go back for those situations you want to make sure that this is unchecked so that you can apply it lift your hand apply it again lift your hand and you can take your time with this you want to make sure just the car gets affected and then you can take your time to fill the car you don't have to worry about getting your mouse button or pin get lifted accidentally and once you're done you can just click on check right here and it removes that beautifully now after that we have to clean up now in this situation it would be very time consuming if I painted just a little bit and then clicked on check painted one more time and clicked on check and for those situations again let's go back just check remove after each stroke and it will automatically remove after each stroke just paint right here fixed just paint right here to continue this line and it should hopefully there you go and paint right here again that is nicer so sometimes you need it on sometimes you need it off and there you have the car removed let's take a look here's the before here's the after if you see any discrepancy like I'm seeing now just paint over it and it's gone now one of the things this tool does incredible when it comes to retouching is removing FlyAway hair or Crosshair much better than the spot healing brush tool so now if you zoom in let's say there's a hair going through a lot of things let's choose to remove tool and sometimes if we work with the spot healing brush tool let me share that with you let's choose the spot healing brush tool make sure you create a new layer make sure sample all layers is checked and then if I paint like this all throughout somewhere it will break have a look at it here's the before here's the after there's a break point right here now if you take the remove tool let us choose the remove tool from right here and now if we do the same thing make sure remove after each stroke is checked does it create a break point yes it does but it's much better than before now if I paint one more time it fixes the breakpoint paint one more time it fixes that line and there you go you cannot even see what the problem was so removing Fly Away here that was a very complicated one have a look right here as well if I continue see it joined the line which is so good similarly you can remove FlyAway hair Crosshair and this is into high end retouching now in moments like these you wouldn't be using something like the generator fill because it just doesn't make sense now just by doing nothing much we have removed a lot before after before after and such a clean job it has done similarly you can use the same technique to move wrinkles or blemishes just zoom in paint over the blemishes and it's gone and it does a pretty good job wrinkles as well just paint over them and it goes away pretty good now the reason I recommend doing it on a separate layer is because we can control the opacity sometimes you want to keep it a little natural but a little removed too so let's create a new layer I just clicked on this button to create a new layer let's say you're creating a layer for wrinkles and in here you removed the wrinkles that you didn't want but removing all of them would make it look unnatural and take all the smile lines away we don't want that we want her to be happy so we can keep a little bit of it so let's remove these for example and now all of that is gone now what we can do is simply decrease the opacity so have a little bit of those lines but not too much of it let's say at 50 percent so here's the before the groove is too deep here's the after now it's settled now let me share with you one more hidden use case now this is not so much known but we covered it in this video it's similar to that so if you zoom in let's say the teeth is not straight if you want it to be absolutely straight let's say we create a new layer now in this case her teeth is amazing but for some reason if you want straight teeth just paint right here it creates a straight line just paint there you go look at that right if this is not straight just paint right here now this is amazing I'm just sharing with you an example there you go it's done when someone has applied a thick lipstick and it is straight but the model says Hey I want it absolutely perfectly straight here's how you do it let's say this is the lipstick and it's looking amazing let's create a new layer first but there are these little break points these are nothing but you want to make it straight so you can paint there you go that is fixed there we go that is fixed similarly you can paint in this area to connect the line it connects so little connections like that remove tool can be absolutely essential now one of my favorite things about the remove tool is that it creates edges and lines perfectly so in this example I was at Adobe offices in San Francisco let's say you have to remove this of course it will do a fantastic job of it there's no rocket science here but have a look there's lots of lines right here this wooden pattern let's see how it performs when it comes to removing that it did a good job there if I remove this and again this one as well it did a perfectly amazing job if something is not connecting you can paint to join that line and it does an okay job there you go it's better now now similarly right here as well just paint the whole thing there you go such a straight line I have to remove this railing from right here let's do that let's paint all over it now there are lots of lines and floor mats involved but let's see how it does that it continues the floor mat which is good but it kind of messed up right over here so first let's remove it then let's paint to continue this line see it continued that line similarly just paint right here to continue that line it did not continue for some reason there you go pin one more time and there you go that line is continued if you want to remove this plant and you want to create a line right here that's the magic we can do just paint a couple times and it will do the magic for you so there you go like that now didn't do a perfectly awesome job but just paint over the lines just paint a few times let it continue the line and it did continue the line let's paint a little bit right here make the wall smoother and if you want there's this Shadow right here which shouldn't be there there you go that is removed too and that's how you can create Lines by using the remove tool all you have to do just paint a couple times there you'll get a hang of it now there's something you should be careful about when using the remove tool try not to use it in large areas at one time little by little is fine especially when it comes to retouching so in this case this hair might be distracting you so we can paint over it no problem at all all right but if I painted a large portion like this it will create this AI pattern it didn't do now let me do that one more time one time it looks okay but if you zoom in you see this pattern created by AI if I faint again and again and again see this pattern that is created that looks unnatural and you will see this pattern if you use the remove tool over an area many times especially if it's skin so let's say I wanted to remove this and I painted all over the eye bag it did a good job but if I keep on doing it more and more you keep on seeing this pattern right here like somebody has woven this area so use little by little like this it's fine use once in an area subtly don't repeat over the same area again and again and just be careful be mindful of it so that's all about the remove tool in Photoshop and just like the batteries in my candles yes that's an electric handle uh this lesson comes to an end and I'll see you in the next lesson all you have to keep in mind is that the remove tool is a tool to remove stuff but it's not just limited to that it does more than that it creates lines joins lines create smooth edges and there are many applications of it you have to be careful of one thing that is if you paint over large areas especially when you're working with the skin it creates a pattern not only in the skin even if you're removing something in nature and you paint a lot over an area over a large area many times you may likely see that pattern so be careful with the remove tool whenever you're working with the remove tool make sure you're working on a separate layer and make sure sample all layers is checked so that you're working non-destructively also according to your needs you can check on and off remove after each stroke I hope this video helped you and if it did make sure to give us a like and also don't forget to subscribe and not just subscribe ring the bell so that you my friend don't miss any other future tips tricks our tutorials I would like to take this moment to thank all of these nice and amazing people for supporting piximper effect on patreon and helping keep Vixen perfect free for everybody forever thank you so much for watching this lesson you can access all of the lessons of this course right here at or some link I'll leave it on the screen thank you so much for watching I'll see you in the next one till then stay tuned and make sure that you keep creating [Music] and somehow we get it right every time cause these days we're Upon Us in crime and I like it like that foreign [Music]
Channel: PiXimperfect
Views: 172,758
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: remove tool, content-aware fill, spot healing brush tool, remove anything in photoshop, remove distractions, photoshop new feature, adobe, photoshop tutorial, remove objects in photoshop, photoshop for beginners, retouching, piximperfect, unmesh dinda
Id: JCwBxVvyL9s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 43sec (1183 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 12 2023
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