I got SHREDDED in 30 days | Body Transformation (Documentary)

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this is me and right now I'm helping my brother and sister get into the best shapes of their lives ever but I thought I don't want to sit on the sidelines I'm challenging myself as well get as shredded as possible in 30 days together with my family um okay so I made these fixtures on day three of this journey I genuinely wanted to look good for my own brand for London but yeah I'm going to recreate this exact picture on day 30 [Music] seventy eight point four kilograms eleven point six percent body fat and 50.2% muscle mass let the journey begin to motivate myself even more I have blend my first ever photo shoot on day 30 I have to look good let's go [Music] so the plan my plan to get as shredded as possible in 30 days in the first week I'm going to lower my calories and start eating 100% clean and I'm going to up my cardio a bit so I'll burn more calories around week 2 I'm going to up my cardio even more so I'll burn even more calories and stret that fat away around week 3 I'm going to lower my calories even more yeah and the last week is the extremely [Music] [Music] seventy seven point four kilograms eleven point two percent body fat and fifty point four percent muscle mass my cardio consists of football walks outside with my girlfriend the trap male and this monstrous thing this you holy [ __ ] Oh seventy six point eight kilograms ten point nine percent body fat and fifty twenty six percent muscle mass I am almost fully recovered from a shoulder injury that started almost eight months ago and I can finally train more calisthenics and skills but getting back to where I was it's quite frustrating and takes a lot of work [Music] [Music] cardio update football training start again after what happened in the world and this means the start of upping my cardio and burning more calories Oh [Music] seventy seven point five kilograms eleven point two percent body fat oh I was below eleven so I sort of [ __ ] up for a few days and yeah I don't know that's like ten percent of the journey let's get back on [Music] [Music] okay so I I've never had a bicep vein or really like a proper bicep faint I'm going for it I see a bed here clapping let's get a little leaner okay so seventy six point five kilograms ten point eight percent body fat let the extreme week start okay so for the next seven days I will be drinking a [ __ ] ton of water to clean do you do so all that water going through my body constantly except for the day before no water and then on the day of the shoot I will drink whenever I feel like I wanna I want to fill up myself a little more because the water fills up your muscle inside and outside inside really makes you look bigger outside makes you look less shredded because it makes you look less veiny but still drinking plenty of water to fill myself up it's really important and then the second thing carbs I can't eat any carbs the next seven days I'm always gonna eat no carbs on day one around 100 grams day to around 70 grams day 3 around 50 grams day for around 30 grams and day 5 and day 6 no carbs and then the last day an insane amount of carbs to fill up the muscles as well let's do this [Music] [Music] I'm so dead Thank You drinking water I need that drink of water all right so today lists as far as AI lowered the calories even more I'm so dead today's workout is awful send help I'm literally so hungry okay so I feel my productivity going down I don't want to do anything besides focusing on this transformation my shred and not do anything else just work out a little bit do some cardio beside that I'm dead but I need to do so much one more week one more week I'm getting light seventy five point nine kilograms 10.4% body fed 50.8% muscle mass [Music] getting more shredded every single day hopefully I can strut a little more today in tomorrow and at Friday it is there refuel day basically because I'm so so low in calories you can see some good veins there though so low in carbs it just it just hurts almost is I have no energy left I need to finish my workout but I don't want to want to alright lect yet whoa side you hungry alright I still have like two days Oh can't even talk I will not be losing any more weight until right now this is the lowest I will be it's almost like I can't go below 10% seventy five point six and ten point three percent body fat this is not my exact body fat it could be two percent lower come on alright let's shave oh I got EPS guys oh let's go I'm [ __ ] everything off alright everything we done here oh my brother made a shake there's a banana strawberry milk and weight proteins vanilla in here whoa how many 500k subs eh there we go it's my subscribe nicely we did it and now we're going we're going fast it's my sleek subscribe okay so we're gonna do a quick test I'm gonna pump up and let's see if that sugar is already working [Music] [Music] think I feel it start working shoot a body fat [ __ ] so the thing is I can't drink any water today and tomorrow I'm looking better and better and leaner a leaner but I'm not feeling bad or better or whatever but this game is not about feeling better it's about looking better let's see how the pain is doing Oh get in there get in there these thirty days or the craziest days of my life we hit 500,000 subscribers go on update update do it subscribe so much lake add that Bell subscribe oh this is crazy I'm happy let's continue with the video I bought my own studio which will hopefully be finished soon you can help me with that by clicking the first link in description to my patron and I just worked my ass off for my first should ever to look the best I've ever looked okay so I packed my back for tomorrow but shredding is really happening alright you can see obviously the pretty crazy veins their veins on the ABS that means you're pretty shredded right [Music] [Music] now final most important part actually pump a brownie cinematic roll it [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] sorry guys the pictures I I have no clue what to say this is gonna be epic he looked crazy what do you think what do you think I think it was awesome yeah it was it was awesome 30 days let us know if you want to see this on day 90 again and who knows we will do this again why should you shout out to Dennis again make sure to follow me on instagram at Dennis shape oh I'm so excited yo so I probably look like [ __ ] because I've been literally editing here for like a hundred hours straight to get it this epic and I just genuinely hope you enjoyed this video and all I'm asking is if you did smash style like subscribe let's hit 690 thousand subscribers and maybe watching our video enjoy your day oh and share the video with people you think needed want some motivation grandma friends doesn't matter that was it love you guys
Channel: Browney
Views: 4,414,625
Rating: 4.9251637 out of 5
Keywords: 30 day body transformation, 30 days transformation, shredding transformation, body transformation 30 days, 30 days body transformation, fitness transformation, browny, shredded, transformation body, stan browney, my transformation, browney, 30 day transformation, body transformation, browney transformation, Shredded in 30 days, brownie, body, documentaries, best transformation, i tried to get shredded in 30 days, documentary, transformation, 30 day shred, get shredded in 30 days
Id: ty0vbKeCqnE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 10sec (910 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 16 2020
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