I Got Proposed to on a Unicorn for Prom! - Rebecca Zamolo

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oh is that a real life unicorn you got this unicorn for me we can have your potential dates come here oh my god is that you will you go to prom with me hello hi is this rebecca zamolo this is who is this this is j15 magazine j15 magazine the one that throws the most epic proms that's one are your best friends with you oh yeah they can't be let me just put you on hold for one second maddie matt daniel rick noah you guys sorry there's so much going on with the motherboard j15 is on hold right now on the phone they want to talk to all of us play it cool hey uh we're all here congratulations you just won an exclusive diy prom for this saturday we will provide all the decor and activities you each will be able to bring at plus one so start planning those proposals okay cool that sounds so fun and awesome we're we're down right right yeah okay bye oh my gosh did you hear that we just got invited to prom not only invited though we are having a prom at our house this saturday which means we gotta find you a date oh yeah i'll be honest you almost scared the poop out of me when you guys scream like that and speaking of this is the nutella prank happening right yeah oh my god seriously it's a nutella prank seriously okay damn fam well you heard what they said they said that we have a diy prom here and we each get a plus one who are you guys gonna bring don't really have anyone to bring right now you know maddie you've been writing in that diary a lot i'm sure there's some boys names in the mix okay hey i thought you burnt that anyways rick noah who are you bringing to prom i mean you have to do a promposal for someone i definitely have my eye on someone oh okay you know what i'm just glad that i don't have to go through the prom puzzle thing i'm married it's built in i know exactly what you mean hold on first stop danielle you're not married yeah or is he twin we're married besides that even if you're married you still have to try you stop to do a promposal you can't just expect me to go to prom with you i mean it is built in we're married we have to go to prom together even if i look old and ugly you gotta go with me it doesn't work that way for you but you know what i'm talking about what problem rules what no no no no no no it's written in stone somewhere i'm sure just because we're marrying doesn't mean you don't have to try i mean i want a promposal too you really want a promposal yeah okay yeah here you go oh seriously poop pranking your face no we are going upstairs i'm gonna find maddie a date because they're gonna be way better at promposals than you'll ever be i don't think she liked that matt well you don't understand girls like i do and that is what you have to look forward to when you get married so you're not gonna go to prom with him this is j15 magazine i need a proper promposal even if it is from my husband we need to focus on you getting a date for this prom okay okay well how am i supposed to find a prom date in time i actually have an idea online dating we sign you up for an online dating site online dating are you sure that's a good idea of course it's a great idea there's gotta be some great perfect boyfriends for you if you say so okay well first we need to set you up with a dating profile where's your phone oh right here who's been in the relationship the longest here this guy yeah and who's married oh yeah daniel so i don't need help on doing a promposal but you guys definitely do so i'm gonna show you how it's done right this way okay maddie looks like the first thing we need is a profile photo oh okay but wait wait wait what are you doing it's like the trending tick tock face whoa whoa not for a dating app we have got to give you a full makeover before we post the photo on the dating app okay just hang tight zoom fame do you think that this is a good idea i mean using a dating app to find a prom date so what are you gonna do for rebecca's promposal what i'm doing right now absolutely nothing what no don't girls like if you do something no they don't daniel i know women okay i'm experienced speaking of who are you asking i'm gonna take my wife or is he twin yeah daniel you're not married you keep saying that i don't know what that means but my promposal is gonna be epic i'm gonna build it inside of minecraft the best minecraft promposal ever for rc twin rick no what are you doing and who you asking i've got my eye on someone really special you may know her you may not know her but the way that she looks at me i know she likes me deep down inside she's just playing hard again you know what i'm gonna show you guys how to do it right now wait i thought you weren't going to do anything at all no no no i'm not doing this promposal for rebecca i'm doing it for you guys stay right here be back in one minute okay zamfam we have to find maddie a prom date for this saturday and i am confident that this dating app is going to work so on the app it looks like there's three places for pictures which means we need to get maddie into three different outfits which brings me to outfit number one zamfam you guys know that i have a zamfam gaming well this could be the casual outfit that maddie wears for a photo guys love gamers especially girl gamers unicorn onesie this will be perfect look at this damn fam i think maddie will look super cute with this i think this will be the perfect outfit for her nathan did you hear that okay zamfam i have been hearing things but whenever i bring anyone in here they don't hear anything and they think that i am crazy if you want me to go up and explore there i need you guys to subscribe turn on notifications and comment below that you want me to explore up there in my closet outfit outfit number two outfit number three cool i almost forgot sam fam this is a surprise that i have for maddie you guys know that the boys went through her diary and she was super upset about it but i saw something in the diary that i thought she might want and i have it in here it might be perfect for her to have at prom okay you guys don't tell her okay now to get some makeup i now have everything i need to turn maddie into a dating icon oh my god okay maddie i am back with all the supplies you need to get a boyfriend before you get dressed we gotta do your hair and your makeup are you really still mad at matt honestly maddie that was really rude what he did it's not just about asking me just because we're married doesn't mean that i don't like to feel special sometimes flowers would be nice what about like a dress or some type of surprise that would be completely unexpected you know i don't want the same thing over and over again you remember when he did the roses in the pool oh yeah that was like one of the best days of my life what if he does that again the chances of that are like me seeing a unicorn in real life who would you go to prom with if you didn't go with him i have no idea but if someone were to show me that they cared a little bit mal would have a run for his money okay maddie you are all set now go get dressed because we have to take some pictures okay okay maddie are you ready on the count of three three two one okay guys call rebecca over i'm ready hey rebecca the boys what do they want meet me downstairs okay at the dining table okay what do the boys want you guys seriously i'm trying to find maddie a date right now is he there she's right there she's here here i go mad here what is going on what is that okay rebecca you know how i'm already serving this life sentence with this ball and chain right here it's you so you should go to prom with me seriously that's it that i'm your ball and chains life sentence yeah full life oh like together like we said in our vows what about this oh what are you doing oh here's a life sentence staying here away from your wife i am not going to prom with you what's going on over there there's a lot of noise i'm sorry i just met dressed up like he was in jail and then he had a ball and chain and he said being married to me was like wearing a ball and chains he said that yeah so rude so i handcuffed him to the tunnel door that didn't go so well matt or did it that was just step one rick noah can you go into the tunnel and give me the key to the handcuffs yeah i can do that so getting locked to furniture was step one of your promposal process yes it's all part of the plan okay what's step two i'm sorry maddie enough about me let's move on and focus on you and finding you a boyfriend did you finish setting up your dating profile yep just did all right maddie let's take a look at these options for boys to bring to prom kyle just a boy looking for the beauty to his beast oh my gosh zamfam i mean swipe right what's this next one just an actor who's scared of ghosts looking for someone who is smart and funny wait todd doesn't that name sound kind of familiar todd i don't think so zamfam i don't know i think he's kind of cute really yeah and he's scared of ghosts too okay i guess swipe right on todd remember this is just step one i mean they have to like respond back and if they do we're gonna bring them here we're gonna bring them to the house yes are you sure that's a good idea yes we need to test them in real life what if they don't actually look like their profile pic and that's how you make the best cappuccino in the world welcome back to the good side daniel good to have you back it's time for promposal number two here's a phone right here have the security camera set all up in the bathroom just watch how this is doing wait he's gonna ask her in the bathroom promposal in the bathroom show us how it's done hey rebecca matt's calling me i shouldn't go i'm not going what if it's a proposal it better be an apology first okay fine just keep scrolling through guys we have to find three i'm gonna go talk to matt okay good luck what do you want can i speak with you in private are you gonna apologize yeah come on in fine i'm glad you're apologizing okay here comes the feed really you deserve to give me an apology i mean you said a ball and chain yeah like marriage is a life sentence that's not cool at all matt okay so yeah i just wanted to bring you in here so do this okay oh he just trapped her in there with fart spray this is perfect it's going so well right now oh it's so bad what is going on time for the note she's got a mask rebecca's gonna be so mad when she gets out of this hey there's a note in there read it what if you want to escape to prom with me circle yes it's like a fart escape room this is horrible there's a pin inside if you want to circle one i am so mad right now hey you better let me out cause he's not funny if you ever want to see peanut again you will let me out right now seriously so are we going i know hopefully everything is going good with rebecca rebecca did you go to the bathroom yeah but matt used bart spray and then tried to trap me like an escape room so that i would agree to go to prom with him that's his prom proposal maddie did you say yes of course not he's gotta try a little bit harder i don't want to fart spray promposal so i think we're gonna move on to prom postal number three how do you think that one went we're getting close getting close yeah this is gonna be amazing watch this guys so we have two boys so far sawyer is he wearing a cowboy hat are you into cowboys not really come on we gotta find somebody randy hacker boy looking for a hacker girl oh i don't know if i really want to date a hacker can they really be trusted you just swept left okay maddie you're getting really picky keep going are you guys ready for prom puzzle number three i'm ready daniel daniel sorry i'm working on my promposal in minecraft right now for rz twin okay take a break from the blocks i'm about to do the most epic thing ever i'm gonna dress up in a clown outfit what that's a bad idea doesn't rebecca hate clowns i always say the best way to get somebody to make an easy decision is to give them a hard one to face her biggest fears and then to say yes to the dress say yes to the dress i'm pretty sure this is not a wedding oh caleb i think he's cute he looks friendly he says i love going to the beach and hiking you love hiking and going to the beach okay it says looking for someone who loves the outdoors as much as i do you love being outdoors it's you damn fam smash the thumbs up if you think maddie should swipe to the right this could be the third guy okay i'm gonna do it i'm gonna do it so now all we have to do is wait for them to respond when they do we're gonna ask them to come over here oh you know what is that time of day i'll be back okay just let me know if they respond same time this might be a while insider secret here rebecca uses the bathroom at the same time every single day you guys are about to witness the most epic prom proposal of all time rebecca's coming up the stairs right now hide behind the cops this is not going to work this is a terrible idea here she comes of the day seriously what up seriously matt matt i can see your matlay shirt clown is my biggest fear why would you do that you should quit clowning around and go to prom with me i'm sorry was that a promposal you tried to scare me with my biggest fear and you think that's going to make me want to go oh yeah okay you know what she's looking over here daniel rick noah what are you guys doing that's it i'm done i'm trying to help maddie find a date for this prom you know what get out of here out now you guys get out get out seriously no i'll see you never because you're not going to come back here without a good prom proposal yeah zamfam i'm so not sure if this whole dating thing was like wait i just got a match oh my gosh wait another imagine no way a third match why are all the boys leaving right now what's going on you're joking get out did rebecca just throw a pillow at them that worked out a little from that thought definitely learned what not to do all i want him to do is do something nice for me is that too much to ask what did matt do this time seriously first he was a prisoner secondly he put fart spray on me and third he pranked me as a clown why would he do that i have no idea but it doesn't matter because right now the boys are gone and the only way matt is getting back into this house is if he figures out a way to apologize and say sorry for everything he did how's it going with you did anyone respond good news what three of them responded actually this is perfect the guys are gone we can have your potential dates come here so let's set it up so we give them five minute increments and the boys won't know that the other guys are here you're sure they're not gonna figure out not at all we're gonna do it like speed dating we'll put one in the movie theater one in that room and one in this room and we'll put it five minutes apart they'll never cross each other okay okay so let's see if that guy can come at one that guy at 105 okay that guy at 10. okay it looks like they're all gonna come the first one will be here i want to go wait a minute it's 2 55. that's in five minutes yeah how am i supposed to be ready in time don't change your clothes what's wrong with my clothes they look great this is gonna be awesome you guys okay maddie so the boys are almost here just remember to be yourself don't talk about any of your ex-boyfriends okay what trust me the first guy's here come on come on hey what flowers what they're to me says you're the rose to my thorn maybe that's not apologizing matt has never got me flowers this beautiful so he's gonna be your prom date i'm not saying yes yet but this is definitely a step in the right direction i mean these are gorgeous i'm gonna go put these in the kitchen your date should be here any minute stay cool stay cool don't talk about your exes no matter how much you want to where are they were oh oh the first boy is here i'm rebecca the first boy is here this is not a drill okay okay okay first boy remember play it cool go answer it i'll just be right here got this hi hi i'm maddie hi i'm kyle kyle okay um come on in yeah don't mind me i'm just a chaperone thanks for stopping by of course do you want to go to the to the movie theater yes yeah i'd love to okay let's move quickly definitely wow look at this so we're going to watch a movie yeah we thought it'd be good for you guys to get to know each other i'm going to leave you two alone but just have a seat right over here do you like movies yeah especially disney movies those are my jam maddie seems nervous i need to help her out so she starts asking the right questions i mean we have to figure out if this is the right guy to bring to prom eddie play a little more what was that that's my seat um what else do you like to do for fun well i like playing basketball tennis so you like dennis too you like to hit some balls sometimes i like tennis too yeah i'd love to hit some balls sometime oh okay so uh how long have you been single for well i mean okay it's kind of been a while i've had a couple crushes like here and there like this one guy who he actually didn't have a crush on me with my cousin texting me oh um not that long what about you yeah i have this just terrible axe but that's so relatable oh no boy number two is here okay i gotta tell matty i'm gonna get the door rebecca's gonna grab the door it's probably nothing okay damn fam potential date number one is okay but i can't wait to see number two boy number two hello hi maddie mommy oh you do you look a little different oh maddie is my cousin oh okay yeah she told me to have you come to the kitchen because she wanted to get to know you better okay let's do that yeah wow that's a really nice place thanks yeah we love it but you know what we love even more a boy that's gonna be nice to maddie yeah i think i could be that boy okay okay have a seat right over here okay yeah get comfy maddie will be right back ah man she had a little bit too much energy hopefully matt is a little more chill you like the beach do you like to like surf hey maddie don't you have to use the bathroom not really all that water you drank earlier i mean i think you should probably go to the bathroom near the kitchen you know what i mean oh actually i really have to go to the bathroom just sit here don't swipe right on anyone while i'm not looking okay she's kidding you don't slide though and this hi this is maddie hi maddie nice to meet you hi caleb nice to meet you i know i this is kind of weird but caleb is not really my real name what i mean i just feel kind of weird like using my real name on the dating apps yeah who does that yeah right like nobody does that yeah no one maddie's not my real name what's your real name madison madison yeah oh madison's real name my name is oh i like that so what do you like to do for fun i like meeting new people i like traveling i like playing sports what about you well i like to travel too actually and play sports also you know um let's see what else did rebecca just go in the cupboard peanut oh it's doing that quick check up on you you made a mess okay so right now your auntie maddie is on a date with two boys and fam who do you think maddie is going to pick so far we have two we have one more coming you like to travel like what's the coolest place you've traveled to i've been to europe a couple times what about you have you traveled anywhere cool peanut stomach is upset again well i've been to europe too actually and also australia she's chill here you know what hold on just have a snack okay we'll be right back just hang tight there's a banana this is weird open it it's not for me hi hello you got a package outside rebecca oh me hi um i'm maddie hi i'm uh todd this house looks kind of familiar really you've been here no okay anyways just come over here we can sit and talk so todd what do you like to do for fun i like to play sports i play cricket cricket okay do you have like a biggest fear crickets play cricket but crickets look look something about this house reminds me of this job i just had really it's different vibes though it's dark i don't think this is the house so okay so you play cricket do you have like a favorite animal i like dogs oh okay i like dogs too they actually have two little dogs here they're really cute wait two little dogs the other house had two little dogs okay damn fam maddie is on her date with boy number three comment below which boy you think is the right person for maddie to take to prom you guys i just get something from matt she says to rebecca heart stop sam fam this is so sweet okay i am mad at matt but this is a beautiful crown i love it so much you guys but all you need now is an apology but this definitely helps you guys comment below do you think matt is doing good and do you think i should actually forgive him so do you have any exes oh no maddie's talking about her exes i didn't want to have to use the fart spray but she's left me no choice oh hey guys hello hey just wanted to make sure everything's going good yeah it is he was just about to tell me about his ex his exes i feel like we should just avoid that oh my god was that you no no no that was not me it's portsmouth i mean it's okay but i mean i do it a lot but they're usually silent like oh my god that smells so bad i gotta go i gotta go to the bathroom what was that oh my god that smells terrible i need some plates for you guys what are you guys doing here are you guys brothers or something what is this no i'm on a date with maddie no i'm on a date with maddie i'm on a date with maggie i'm on a date with matt i thought i was on a date with it wait no i'm on a date with matt you guys aren't on a date with that what are you talking about are you guys joking i'm gonna take my girl okay okay okay we brought you all here because maddie is looking for a prom date and we weren't sure that online dating was the way to go so we wanted to see you guys in real life so we have to speed things up could you guys just line up right here real quick here okay so now that they're in a line maddie you can choose the first person you want to eliminate this is a really hard choice but i'm sorry you gotta go yeah no problem okay well maddie didn't want to date you anyways by the way let me go check on that maybe ask them a few more questions before you make your final decision for a prom date okay okay zamfian what is this oh my goodness it says rebecca put this on and come to the backyard samfam look at this maybe those promposals were just to prank me but matt has a big surprise for me this is so special i am so excited okay i've gotta let maddie know so do you guys prefer a mask or glasses neither glasses i guess interesting do either of you have naturally red hair and be honest i have a little bit of a red tint no i have to get dressed upstairs just pick your pick and i'll see you at prom possibly in this dress huh this is a really big decision and i'm not ready to make it so i need you guys to sneak upstairs and hide in the first bedroom on the right and do not tell anyone okay okay and don't let anyone see you okay zamfam i am so excited right now i'm about to change into this beautiful dress i have a crown and matt sent me flowers you know he really messed up earlier but i am so excited to see what he has planned in the backyard you guys this is gonna be the best promposal ever okay zamfam i am all dressed and i seriously feel like a prom queen right now i'm so excited smash the thumbs up if you are excited and comment below what you think the surprise is i can't wait okay zamfam this is it i'm really nervous but so excited time to get out to the backyard is that a real-life unicorn wait hello rebecca you're not mad it's me your knight in shining armor jon jon my ex-boyfriend you look a lot different than i remember you but i guess it's been a few years rebecca have you ever ridden a unicorn no but i have always wanted to ride a unicorn is that what you wanted me to do yeah obviously yes this is so cool zamfam i have never ridden a unicorn before so john how did you know where i lived i moved a year ago and we haven't been keeping in touch i know where you live i know your dress size i know everything about you are you the one who sent this dressing crown that's right john why would you do all this rebecca i just want you to feel special that's actually really nice john oh my gosh matt you really outdid yourself a unicorn wait you're not matt this is my ex-boyfriend john maddie drawing like tattoo forehead john yep exactly it's been a while i didn't recognize him but he's the one who also got me this crown and dress rebecca i have a very important question to ask you will you do me the honor of accompanying me accompanied will you go to prom with me what is going on right now why are you on a unicorn this is my ex-boyfriend john this is a promposal he sent me a dress he sent me a crown and he just brought me a majestic unicorn in the backyard sounds like a stalker would a stalker videotape you while you're in the kitchen yes that's exactly what a stalker would do what is good john is not a stalker he is my ex-boyfriend you know what he has asked me to prom and made me feel very special which is a lot more than you've done he couldn't even say accompanying me i think we've all had enough what can you please get off the unicorn you know what no yes no jon i'm saying yes what i am saying yes to go to prom with john you just said that you were gonna go to prom with your ex-boyfriend he's not even your husband yes sam fam you heard me right i am going to prom with my ex-boyfriend
Channel: Rebecca Zamolo
Views: 5,640,087
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: proposed, unicorn, prom, rebecca zamolo, surprise, giant, promposal, i said yes, yes, proposal, rebecca, matt and rebecca, matt, maddie, date, tinder, in real life, dating app, secret, boys, i do, brent rivera, lexi rivera, ben azelart, lizzy capri, sml, 123 go, preston, brianna, jelly, mrbeast, sssniperwolf, faze rug, ssundee, battle royale, final battle, ending, defeat, defeated, finale, lazarbeam, trying, viral, 24 hour, camping, challenge, aphmau, cheat, cameras, sneak, fun, funny, comedy, mystery, dream, friends
Id: pf5dwVHy7I4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 57sec (1437 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 28 2021
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