Being Mean to My Best Friend for 24 Hours and Surprising Her with a Dream Vacation!

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maddie's pulling in right now i surprised you have a coffee wait what is that what is that rebecca what was that for that's what you get for not revealing your secret and telling us that you moved into our house why are you closing the door you'll find out hey maddie i hope you like manure in your face did matt just dump manure i mean that's so mean that's what you get maddie oh why are you guys being so mean because i saw what you wrote on your instagram stories ha ha i moved in and they didn't even know so dumb i never posted that okay you know what you have 24 hours to get your bags pack up and get out of here find a new place to live but you should probably shower first 24 hours maddie there's a hose in the back okay you're not using our shower that's so mean oh my gosh that was so good and so mean yeah did you see the poop did i see it more like did i smell it she smells terrible hey sam fam it is rebecca zamolo and today we are being mean to my cousin maddie for 24 hours but then we are surprising her with her dream of vacation you guys know that maddie is in all of our videos but not all of you guys know that maddie is also a full-time student at ucla going to college and majoring in math who studies math really smart people study math matt which is why maddie deserves this vacation she has been working so hard you guys and i know firsthand that she has been stressed out with finals but guess what those are over and now it is time to finally have some fun but first we're gonna have some fun with her you guys know that maddie had been keeping a secret from us and she moved into our house without telling us which is why we are going to be mean to her before we reveal the big surprise i love being mean to maddie especially since she posted that instagram story actually i was the one that posted that story zam fan so earlier today i snuck in and got her phone and i found a selfie and i posted that on her instagram stories so we would have a reason to be mean to her that was you so sam fam make sure you are subscribed with notifications on give the video a thumbs up and comment below surprising maddie in the comment section if you did all of those things oh wait who's calling you rebecca it's connor connor is maddie's brother and i am about to tell him what is going on he has no idea that we are surprising her hey connor hey lisa thank you for calling i wanted to tell you something okay so you know your sister has been doing school and finals and she's been working really hard we are going to be surprising her with a dream vacation yes but before we surprise her with the vacation we're gonna be mean to your sister for 24 hours yes that sounds amazing i wish i could do that with you poop on her face put poop on her thing yeah a lot of this awesome any other ideas you have for us to be mean to her give us something make it worth it make it worth it zamfam comment below connor come visit if you want connor to come be in some videos soon i'm down and we promised not to put you in a dress i mean i kind of liked you oh i knew it i did it i will let you know how it goes and connor say yes to the dress in the dress yeah all right connor bye okay connor said to make it worth it so i am gonna do the one thing that maddie loves tick tocks i'm gonna go set up a tick tock for you mean to do she's not invited at all oh we're gonna be mean to her that way yes okay i'll be right there okay okay zam fam now that matt is gone i have a secret that i have to reveal to you guys you cannot tell anyone so earlier when i went into maddie's phone and posted that instagram story i also changed my name and her phone to her crush's name obviously i'm not revealing the name of her crush because she wouldn't kill me but what i will be doing is texting her and she's gonna be thinking that it's her crush when in reality it is just me and i have no idea how she's gonna react but this is gonna be funny time to be mean before we surprise her with her dream vacation let's get me and zimbabwe all right i'm going to go set up a tick tock right now i think i'm going to do an outfit change in this one but first we need to talk about maddie's diary i need to get inside that diary because she's holding back i think some secrets so comment down below how you think i can get inside of the diary i can still smell them anywhere oh my gosh is there poop in my eye okay i need to wash my face oh and i hope she gets a chance to wash her face oh okay i think that is it oh my gosh boys are writing on my face and say you you'll glue zebra what does that even mean oh i think it's the perfect time to see what she's hiding from us kissing pam that was so mean i can still smell the poop i promise i did not post that photo to my instagram stories i have no clue how it got there i mean okay yes i did move back in here without telling matt rebecca but it was only because i was studying for finals and i was just like really stressed and i didn't want to have to think about that there's no way that i can find a new place to live in 24 hours damn fam you know what maybe i can convince matt and rebecca to let me stay here a little bit longer i can be like super nice to them and have them forgive me comment down below some nice things that i can do hopefully this will work okay here at the door okay i am going to be nice to matt and rebecca wait what are they doing down there okay i think we're good to film it right now yeah you're the best partner i've ever had for a tick tock okay you ready matt yes are they doing tick tock you know what i am gonna do it with them i don't think that they know that i was in the back of their tick tock comment down below if i did all right i think wait is she behind us yeah okay matt you know what you're actually right you're the best to do tick tocks with and to be honest i don't think maddie should be doing tick tock she should be trying to get a boyfriend which she clearly can't seem to do did rebecca just say that i'm never gonna have a boyfriend why is she being so mean or strikes in your out i mean think about it she's had agent r yeah robbie robb halloween hacker fake sean mendez why is he saying that i mean true i've been with a lot of boys but you have to kiss a lot of frogs before you find your prince you know what we should probably just change into the next outfit i think it's working she just ran upstairs i think we need to be more mean that was not even close to being me i mean the beer we are the better the surprise is gonna be at the end of this damn fam she has no idea is this necessary you're the one who picked out these outfits for the tick tock i know i just needed to hear that from you okay okay so now it's the same thing but we have to go even faster and harder i'm just gonna think what maddie does i'm gonna do it ten times better okay zam fam i hope you are going and watching at this tick tock to see how full out we go i'm so glad i'm with matt and not maddie maddie would not be good at this ready oh yeah did she go up there okay just in case we should say some more stuff they had no clue that i was in that tick tock comment down below if you saw me wait you're talking about me you know what matt that was the best tick tock i have ever done and i'm pretty sure it's gonna go viral probably because maddie's not in it yeah exactly and you know what you're a better dancer than maddie i am not the worst tick-tock i mean have you seen matt dance look at him in that one well it's natural talent obviously and plus i have great legs matt doesn't even have great legs like they're being really mean damn plus maddie's not even a good dancer she's literally the worst so it's not hard to beat the word the only reason that it takes more than one take is because rebecca takes so long to learn the dances yeah plus she smells like poop of course i smell like poop matt poured poop all over me i think we should go to the kitchen matt the best room of the house our house that we're kicking out the other person that we don't want living here yeah cause they shouldn't be here in the first place yeah yes i think that worked i know okay i think we could go harder no i think i'm kind of feeling bad what if she's really upset should we like make her a sandwich or something and then i'll eat did they see the kitchen let's just get to the kitchen okay okay i gotta put it behind me i'm gonna be nice to matt and rebecca in the kitchen okay matt kitchen is all ready to go for the next part of being mean to maddie what's with the silly board right here well we're gonna do twin telepathy we have a rebecca maddie challenges but today it's gonna be rebecca matt challenges for just when telepathy okay yes so grab the candy bars in the movie theater what are you still in the silly outfit take it off okay okay zamfam well matt is gone i am about to text maddie and it's gonna look like it's her crush texting her i'm gonna just say hey it's i'm not gonna tell you guys your cousin rebecca gave me your number and said we have a lot in common okay zambia maddie is about to get a text from her crushes hey candy bars i was so fast great well let's set them up for twin telepathy matt and rebecca are in the kitchen right now and i am going to be really nice and make rebecca this green smoothie because you guys know that rebecca is trying to get pregnant right now and she's trying to get extra nutrients so hopefully this will help and then she'll forgive me and i can stay here okay no way my crush just texts me oh rebecca gave him my number okay that is so nice what do i say what do i say i have to play cool but not like too cool what's up oh my gosh i can't believe that my crush text me that's the nicest thing rebecca has done i have to go say thank you ready welcome back to rebecca mack challenges that is right today we are doing a twin to let everything challenge the first item we have are candy bars i'm gonna pick a candy bar and then matt is going to pick the same one as me because we all know him and i have the best twin telepathy okay are you ready matt i'm so ready okay i'm gonna pick my item which is so obvious i know exactly what you want yeah got it seriously rebecca matt challenges it's rebecca maddie challengers they do not have twin telepathy no one knows rebecca then i do but you know what this green smoothie is going to make her day she is going to love this give this video a thumbs up if you think this is going to get rebecca to forgive me racist wait matt everyone knows that rebecca's favorite candy is but anyways she is trying to eat healthy right now i mean rebecca's trying to get pregnant so what are you talking about i made you a green smoothie i would never want a smoothie from you maddie you know what actually i will have a drink of this smoothie i'm sure it's really gross because someone made it it's actually really good it's like the smoothie that you have everything no did you just ruin my sweatshirt i cannot believe it maddie that is so insensitive and you totally ruined our video rebecca matt challenges maybe you should just leave i'm sorry i didn't mean yeah my gosh i feel so bad i don't think we can be mean to her anymore let's just reveal this secret you're getting off track so fast right now why be more mean rebecca more mean why don't we just tell her the surprise now i mean i think we've done enough i think she's still back there actually let's just keep going with this twin telepathy challenge okay rebecca challenges round number two rebecca just spit on me you know what i have to continue to be nice to mountain rebecca because it's not they're kicking me out in less than 24 hours and i don't have a place to live i'm going to be homeless you have to stick with them be extra nice you guys i need more ideas for nice things that i can do for them okay damn fam it is round two of the twin telepathy rebecca challenges okay so we have three items right here matt hey you know before we do this right now shouldn't we be talking about what's going on with daniel i know he took that ghost out of here which is great it's gone from our house oh ghosts i mean only babies are scared of goats and you know what daniel is the best hacker i would never want to be a hacker next to daniel like the first worst we should probably move on to the twin telepathy challenge okay so matt there are three items a blow dryer a curling iron and a hair straightener i'm thinking of the item that i used to curl my hair every morning are you ready to reveal it yes i am thinking about the right item over here any mini money mode ticket tiger pass two yep got the tiger reveal it in three two one are you kidding me mad hair strainer everyone knows that rebecca uses a curling iron her hair is never strange and then she never uses a blow dryer because she never washes her hair she's right though how did you get that wrong like are you serious yeah i'm serious right now it's rebecca matt challenges yeah actually he's really great and i like that he loses it's way more fun losing with your husband on a twin telepathy challenge because he clearly doesn't watch you i put my wife on a pedestal so hot that's why i lost on purpose life hack right there okay well you know what i'm going to go see what daniel is up to okay zamfam i think it is working maddie is getting so mad matt i think we need to stop though she's going to help us see what daniel's up to are you kidding me right now we are so close the worst right now but we're doing this so that when we reveal the surprise that we are taking her on her dream vacation she is going to flip out everything is booked and there's a huge surprise oh my gosh this is all going to be worth it just hope that stain comes out of my sweatshirt that's your favorite sweatshirt neon of course i love it i am all changed out of the smoothie sweater i am just so glad that that wasn't mine but i need to continue to be nice to rebecca and that so that way they don't kick me out because i don't have anywhere else to live they were asking about where daniel is so i think i can hack in to find out where daniel is and help them and then they will let me stay hey now what is your plan next for being mean to maddie first we have to make sure she's in her room where could daniel be comment down below where you think he is yeah she's definitely in there okay now what what is maddie's biggest fear i mean everyone knows that it's ghosts exactly exactly what what do you want to do use the ghost app on her no no what are you doing with that ladder i'm gonna set this up did this to you what am i supposed to do with this we're gonna go upstairs and scream like you're in trouble when she goes up there to try to save you you're going to pretend you're a ghost with that megaphone matt that's her biggest fear that's so mean that's not even the meanest part once you guys are upstairs i'm going to trap you up there she's going to freak out damn fam this is not a good idea i mean i want to be mean to maddie because i want the surprise to be really big but sounds like she's talking about daniel or something listen damn fam i was just able to hack into daniel's search history you can find out what he's been searching maybe it has to do with the location wait this is weird it looks like daniel's been searching for venues there's like an outdoor location a barnyard beach front and a church what do you think these venues mean do you think daniel's at one of these venues yeah she's talking about like a venue or something that reminds me damn fam what are you doing uh nothing okay it's my crush he said chill in oh that's because i asked what's up do you have any tattoos why is he asking if i have any tattoos i think she's talking about a crush oh she just said why do you like tattoos why do you like tattoos i heard it too okay hold on he tucks it back right away he loves girls with tattoos especially with piercings but the actually same thing that reminds me i found a tattoo on the back of my ear i have no clue how i got it it's almost like it just appeared but i need to get tattoos now show time show time get me up here yep go go go okay everything is all set gonna hide right over here in the laundry room same thing what rebecca does not know is that while they're upstairs i'm gonna take maddie's clothes pack him in her suitcase and throw it in the pool give this video a thumbs up if you think this is a good idea it's gonna be so epic okay sam fam so i am up in the attic i'm about to pretend to be a ghost to scare maddie you guys know it's her biggest fear this is definitely mean we trapped the ghost there's no more ghosts in here okay i've gotta get down and then become a ghost i also wanted to quickly shout out you guys in the zamfem all of you that pre-ordered our game master summer school book we are so excited for it to come out in june there are going to be a ton of clues that will help everyone in the game master network rebecca cole maddie you thought we're back are you okay rebecca rebecca where are you are you okay who knows was that a ghost i'm trapped i'm trapped let me out let me out there's some ghosts did a ghost just trap me in the attic who is that obviously i'm a ghost i'm here to spend the next 24 hours with you no no no i do not want to be trapped in the attic with a ghost and i'm coming closer and closer this isn't real closer you can't touch me this isn't real this isn't real go away that was supposed to be a prank on maddie but something was definitely up there did you see something in a red hood wait what is maddie's suitcase doing here what's he doing with this these are maddie's clothes no no i don't know what matt is doing with that suitcase but if he is being mean i'm gonna be mean to him oh look matt looks like some clothes of yours is in the laundry let's just do that okay don't tell blackjack whatever matt planned he's gonna be doing to himself maddie maddie hey you okay okay man it's not real come on there was a ghost it wasn't a real ghost come on wait get me out it's not safe it's not good gotta save her yeah i'm sorry maddie you know what are you doing i gotta do this what are you doing maddie i have enough what are you doing matt no what are you doing what are you doing oh no no no no no i gotta see this oh yeah no no don't those are my only clean clothes left i hope you have a good dryer where you're going hey uh matt i wouldn't do that if i were you what do this yes go in the pool that was so mean you guys are the worst i'm the meanest i won today actually matt did you look at the clothes that are in the pool yeah they're terrible clothes are they oh man mandy's got some guys clothes in there actually those aren't maddie's clothes those are your clothes i had those on a super long cycle i think we need to just let matty know about the surprise ending this 24 hour challenge done don't be mean you don't need me you don't i went close i have been nothing but nice to them all day and all they've done to me is be mean well you know what if they're gonna be mean to me two can play at this game no more miss nice cousin and i hope that matt likes fire ants in his pants maddie hey we just wanted to apologize throwing your clothes into the pool was obviously very mean but don't worry they weren't your clothes they were matt's clothes okay are we okay then maddie oh we're good good because i need to get all my clothes out of the pool that thing's a mess we're good right mm-hmm you're not mad no okay good good matt is out at the pool so it's time for prank number one he has fire ants in the pants he deserves that now it's time to prank rebecca i am going to put nutella on the seat and then ask her for help for hacking which obviously i don't need and she's gonna sit down and get nutella all over her pants oh hey rebecca i need your help with something what do you need my help with i'm trying to hack into this thing and it's not letting me just here take a seat you want me to help you hack yeah yeah i think okay do this what do i do just reset all of these numbers into those numbers and then convert the two okay um i guess i'll try numbers one two three four five six seven i use that on all my passwords so i don't forget it just kidding i wouldn't do that well you know what i this isn't working you're not a good hacker maddie that's kind of mean you can just go you're not mad right about earlier not at all all right i'm sorry i'm not a hacker yeah obviously because no idea that she has nutella on her pants and i just recorded it on her iphone i am gonna post this on her social media do not let rebecca know that i'm doing this okay perfect she has no idea now it is time for the last and final prank and let's just say they are not gonna be happy about this one okay damn fam i obviously could not help maddie i mean i'm not a hacker i just hope that maddie is not mad at us she said she's not but it kind of feels like she is did we take it too far do i smell like chocolate sandpaper this is the last and final prank i'm gonna make matt and rebecca think that i have snuck a boy into my bedroom and we are in bed together they are gonna get so mad at this prank but they deserve it because they have been being so mean to me all day same thing does this look believable wait i think i hear them coming okay rebecca hey hey hey i thought we said we weren't pranking each other i'm not pranking you what are you talking about somebody put fire ants in my pants i didn't do it smell like chocolate appeared focus why don't we just finally reveal the surprise to maddie she's saying she's not mad at us but i feel like she might be watching quit phone mom is he following you around so much right now no come on okay zamfam now is the time that we are finally going to reveal the big surprise to maddie that we're gonna take her on her dream vacation okay i can't believe that you snuck in but you just can't let them know that you're here wait what who is that is that robbie rob she smelled a guy in here and they're in bed okay it's like a sleepover not calm down i'm sure it's just like a friend that she has kids but we we've already had our first kiss i mean okay no one's here first kiss excuse me no it's not her first kiss she said she's been kissing him but i don't think that's her crush i'm going for another kiss i gotta go i gotta go in here oh that was pretty good wait were you the one who did the fire ants on that too uh yeah you did the fire hands on the pants oh maddie did two pranks on you she did none of me cause we are cousins oh we are i think i know why blackjack's been following you around right now you want to tell her oh man just don't sit anywhere do you do this to me yeah i did why would you put nutella on my shorts i'm just hoping i didn't sit on anything else well you guys have been mean to me all day after all i've done is be nice to you guys so you guys deserve it you're the one that moved in and didn't tell us i was going to talk about that stop stop maddie it is true we have been mean to you for the last 24 hours it was because we have a big surprise for you is this another mean thing no no maddie meet me downstairs two minutes hurry i'm serious okay same thing what is she talking about i might have nutella on my shorts but that doesn't matter i have to get changed and it's finally time to reveal to maddie this whole surprise i just hope she likes this surprise you guys comment below do you think she's gonna cry okay maddie we are all dressed and ready to go and i just wanted to let you know before i tell you where we are going that i appreciate how hard you work i know you go to school full time and i know how stressful it can get with finals and all the videos that we're filming and i just appreciate it you work really hard and you can stay here as long as you want wait really of course right matt maybe pat yes okay yes we planned a dream vacation for you are you being for real right now i'm 100 real so we're gonna get in the car i'm not gonna tell you anything until we get there but you're just gonna have to have your eyes closed so just come on this way this way okay maddie so we are here at the airport i want you to turn around okay and open your eyes are you serious all right maddie our own jet all right maddie i know we haven't really been able to travel because of everything going on but now we are taking a trip this whole plane is us and our family we're going to combo no way yes oh we are going to cabo and i cannot wait all right damn fam so stay tuned because the next time you see us we're gonna be in mexico [Music] okay maddie so we are at our hotel and i booked the presidential suite in cabo are you ready to see it yes okay come on in oh my gosh yes maddie we have our private beach we have a swimming pool we have hammock we have giant rooms go get your swimsuit on because we have a ton of activities planned for this weekend for you okay oh my gosh we [Music] hey maddie what are you doing oh hey just writing something in my diary best vacation ever so you're having fun yes are you yeah of course it's like paradise but we have more to do so after you're done riding let's do more fun things okay [Music] oh [Music] maddie i will give you a hundred dollars if you can get everybody on the boat to yell at you really yeah ready do it maddie go go good guys maddie you got one more shot here you go all right damn fam so sadly this trip is coming to an end we have to go back you have school right i know yeah school starts again you know what we saw your secret so maybe now we can look and see what's in the diary no yes no we're not looking for my diary matt no no one is looking through maddie's diary that is personal give him smash a thumbs up if you thought maddie deserved this vacation because she worked so hard via all the videos and go to school full time and make sure you're subscribed with notifications on and stay tuned because we're gonna see what's inside of that diary
Channel: Rebecca Zamolo
Views: 1,842,845
Rating: 4.844523 out of 5
Keywords: mean, being, dream, vacation, ignoring, maddie, 24 hours, surprising, car, rebecca, zamolo, tiktok, tik tok, dream car, secret, prank, ignor, unspeakable, first, found, hide & seek, woohoo, short, vs, tall, troom troom, underwater, challenge, minecraft, pregnancy belly, matt and rebecca, daniel, tricking, 123 go, hacks, sssniperwolf, sorry, princess, tea party, mrbeast, giving, lucas and marcus, funny, norris nuts, sisvsbro, rebecca zamolo tiktok, spy, ninja, royalty family, gaming, vlog, 2020, youtube
Id: peE9wtFE708
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 30sec (1530 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 14 2021
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