I Got PREGNANT From SWIMMING (Animated Story Time)

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hello friends it's me and this is a true story about a girl who got pregnant swimming in the sea I had gotten pregnant from swimming in a pool heart was pounding like it was going to jump out of my chest I tried to strangle me for being so stupid my name's Felicia bye Felicia I mean hi I know what you're thinking I must be so stupid well I was my parents aren't like extreme Mormons or anything but they might as well be if you're Mormon and you get pregnant from swimming in a pool yeah your life was over first time you went swimming with the fishes they got you pregnant second time you're dead I was raised to be quiet not to ask questions and to basically be an innocent uncompetitive doormat to everyone in my life what else that man no Harry Potter no pokemons no TV shows I was growing up we couldn't watch ICarly my dad will walk in and be like that boy talking trouble that's illegal turn this garbage off but anime was okay video games are okay but no TV I know she even has a phone what are you supposed to do knit a hat because everything my parents did you'd think I would be ready for what happened to me in the fifth grade I mean you'd think that please don't tell me you got pregnant in the fifth grade ah the talk happened at our school you know that god-awful day where they separate the kids and shove the girls in a dark room to watch a video about periods and get handed pads by the sweaty creepy gym teacher much like if you remember I remember they don't even tell you where you're going there just like girls here boys here and then take you a jewel room and that was like a fuse like what are we doing what's going on here the next thing you know there's a big old coochie diagram on the projector are we doing I was scared maybe he's not so bad for kids like these days but like me before I know absolutely nothing it was time for that nightmare little old dumb educated me funneled into the classroom bright-eyed and unaware of the horror that was about to ruin my life forever as soon as the video started the giggles began the word breasts was said the girl beside me shot milk out of her nose I get gold to join in because for some reason I thought maybe I wouldn't be the weird girl if I laugh hey honest the hour smash like if you laughed I was just as immature then as I am now the door at the classroom launched open like the Hulk himself had business to take care of a million little prepubescent head snapped to face the intruder and guess who it was you know she's already in the classroom denim dress cross and turtlenecks right ovarian fury my mother slammed the door open no that's embarrassing I was literally died right that I would just like this woman did not breath me in that moment I wanted to die no casket no funeral I wanted to be heated into a hole covered in dirt and succumb to death by embarrassment what did you just say you didn't I wanted to be heated into a hole here let me do it for you I wanted to be eaten into a hole just put embarrassment on my team's oh man I know this feeling all too well I saw it all happen in slow motion my mom bolting across the room like she was heading for the finish line of the Olympics her grabbing my wrists like it was the last TV on Black Friday y'all don't even have a TV on top of this she's yelling about the teacher poisoning her minds I don't know what's so poisonous about boobs and fallopian tubes mom be like how dare you poison my child's brain teaching her how to procreate that's illegal you really want her to be a doormat huh from what I know there was somebody in my class who chose to opt out of this I don't know man I'd be like hate school you take care okay no one would talk to me I was the girl with a crazy mom when I actually got my period I was about nine hundred percent sure I was dying I didn't know why it was happening I didn't know how to talk about it so the years asked i got ignored by everyone in class I got shoved into lockers yada yada who shoves people into lockers is that a real bullying tactic I have never seen that happen okay actually somebody's pushed me against the locker but nobody's like try to shove me into a locker like can't put a human in there wasn't very small you could put a child in there shiny glowing beacon of light erupted into my life during my freshman year of high school that shiny glowing beacon the other nerds in the a/v class specifically miles miles was the Rost to my Rachel the aunt Elena to my Brad shut ahh bra you about as relatable as your tucked-in shirt okay just stop her straight is really bugging me I can't believe this high school student looking like a desperate housewife it was the jack to my Jill Shia don't you like the guy what I'm trying to say is I wanted him bad kind of desperately bad but I didn't have moves I had anti moves I had oops I accidentally spit on you while I was talking oops I just handed you my phone and you're my friggin lock screens are about to stop you there it is so uncomfortable to watch and that's coming from me when I have a crush it's the most disgusting thing in the world and she just like does it like times 10 girls untuck your shirt and go when I got invited to a pool party with the a/v Club I knew it was my time to shine I had to do it I had to make a move so after practicing kissing on the mirror and pillow and yeah I'm gonna stop myself there if you have to do that do it on your hand like the back of your hand is that weird it's better than a pillow and it's better than the mirror ain't nobody want to see a crusty must be hot breath all over the mirror I decided it was my time to shine I showed up to the pool in my one-piece bathing suit and that's when I realized everyone else was wearing stupid hot bikinis this is stupid and when I was a kid I felt very bad about this okay like every time I would go to the beach every time I would go to the pool or something I would have to wear a one-piece or shorts or something everybody else would be wearing a two-piece and it made me feel bad and now I okay like that's stupid if I want to show up to the pool or the waterpark and a t-shirt and shorts which I did like that's totally fine like who cares like just be comfortable it's like once you'd like stop caring what people think your life gets so much better and one pieces are really cute I managed to make it through most of the party without embarrassing myself but miles and I had barely talked as the day went on I felt my chances start to dwindle that's when it happened spin the bottle when it was time to spin the bottle I looked around at my options it was either miles or the other two guys from my AV class I was above kissing those two guys okay I still had standards I spun that little floating bottle and bingo the bottle landed on miles and I was on my way to makeout City my crush the dude I've been obsessed with for weeks now I finally get like a free kiss pass I've already waited patiently for this pregnancy to commence I licked my lips his lips met mine I kissed him I repeat I kissed him it wasn't a pact either I may be a nerd but that doesn't mean I was gonna stop it a little pact I kissed him kissed him my lips where my tongue went on an adventure my hands wrapped around him I was two steps away from heaven Oh No Potts was she's actually Medusa and you're gonna die when I left the party I cast a sassy little glance over my back and told miles I would see him later my life felt great Myles and I were getting our flirt on for a couple of weeks I was feeling more confident about myself I was trying out new styles I was talking to friends more I hadn't had to deal with any drama I hadn't had my period I hadn't had my period my head was spinning and I wanted to puke my brain kept screaming that's the morning sickness Teen Mom yeah Teen Mom how could you do this I would just be like wait how did I get pregnant if didn't do the deed oh wait she didn't learn about that in school I completely forgot I didn't know exactly how babies are made I had a general idea guy girl swimmers and an egg nobody told her literally nobody told her you didn't google it on the school computer she has no idea I've been talking to this guy and I just said I did a little more than kissed a pregnant was gone dr. Phil ma'am how had this happened whose was it that's when memories of the pool came flooding back miles and I had made out in a pool I realized I had to tell him we have to do something about this wait so did they commence operation baby-making her no there's something you're not telling us Felicia the moment came and he and I were sitting on the grass I tried to focus on talking to him I must have looked stupid or sick or something because he put his hand on mine I took a deep breath I had to be tough I had to be casual about this I had to be cool I'm pretty sure people in Australia heard me wait are there actually high schoolers that don't know how to get pregnant come on now much like if you know how don't do it but you need to know these things you know the first time I found out this before I learned about it in school somebody told me how babies were made I didn't believe her wow that is disgusting your parents might have done that but not mine I pulled myself together and calmly said that the pool party that's when that boy that stupid stupid boy started laughing at me why are you laughing at me miles went on to explain how babies are made I wanted to spontaneously combust but he put his hand on mom and for a bit I felt a little less embarrassed all right that's really dumb is this in the Middle Ages a school nurse if I wasn't knocked up then what the heck was going on but don't worry I didn't have to wait too long to answer that question that very night I woke up puking my guts out then I felt the throbbing in my abdomen it felt like something popped I screamed for my mom I didn't want her help but I knew I wasn't going to have a choice what'd she think I was pregnant was I gonna make it to the hospital oh no we got surprised baby coming through luckily the crazy old that drove me to the ER there I found out I had a super fun thing happened to my body you know who I found this out from an extremely hot doctor whoa calm your ovaries you're like 15 let's do like 3040 songs okay shut up the hot hot doctor told me I had had a cyst on my ovary that busted it wasn't pregnant but I was lucky to be alive my mom tried to stop him from discussing the details but he quickly told her it was important I was informed mother's like don't you dare talk about what's down there she's not to learn about the baby-making devices any of them until she is married I hope you liked my embarrassing a story Wow so she wasn't pregnant also fun fact you can't get pregnant in a pool I mean like by swimming in it so hope you guys enjoyed this video I hope you learned something if you did make sure that that like my number make sure you turn off notifications today click Add subscribe join the Wolfpack I love you guys so much thanks rastering bye guys
Channel: SSSniperWolf
Views: 12,147,259
Rating: 4.9283133 out of 5
Keywords: sssniperwolf, sniper wolf, reacting, reaction, funny, true stories, animation, actually happened, animation short film, story time, share my story, animated story, my animated story, animated story time, storytime
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 20sec (740 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 28 2020
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