Unique Features Of People On Tik Tok

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hello friends it's me and today we're going to be checking out some people with some very cool unique features not me thinking that i could actually do it because this is a special talent where you can pull your cheeks and kiss yourself y'all see that y'all see the two sets of lips they just like so who was your first kiss me girls be like omg i am so flat chested [Music] girl you fine i am actually president of the company they were fake of course they were fake this dude can't drink anything one goal my dude went full-on tight so he doesn't actually have to swallow it just like goes down the hole literally a hole so she got a tooth growing out of the roof of her mouth like a dang chandelier the audacity of the dentist to even put the braces on it like is it a tooth oh it's gone now her teeth look good but like i ain't never seen somebody grow a tube from the roof of their mouth and the weight is just chilling there like a dang light fixture you ever bite your tongue with it what's a really weird thing that your body does that you're not sure anybody else's body does so i could be wrong i could be wrong but most people when they put their heads back it goes like blue mine just like oh god i thought she done cracked her neck like i mean she did but usually for regular people that would mean death but she was like oh good stretch yeah that that was a good neck crack imagine going to the chiropractor and you're just he's like i wasn't supposed to go back that far did i kill her crazy when people say there's nothing special about you are you sure are you sure are you what i don't know whether to be afraid or impressed hair tie i got like 50 for a dollar but no we're gonna use our ears all right what's wrong with your trousers look at the size of them you told me that's a one-year-old that extra extra large toddler but as a baby that's a one-year-old are you going grow up to be digital next one-year-old almost as big as his mother more than half the length you ain't a child anymore two years old you gotta find a job you gotta start paying rent your thumbs are perfect for smoking cigarettes oh we ain't smoking though we eating wafers oh wait i didn't even realize her thumb's a fork fork or is it a fumble you see the way it just like split it's like having two fingers at the top of your thumb she's evolved quicker than the rest of the human species nature's fork can you do a tick-tock dance with your tongue oh what it moves in different directions so as the tongue just like cut in half or like i'm surprised it has such a wide range of movements like this crisscross applesauce it can go like opposite like i don't know you some clarifications about my eyes what's wrong with your eyes oh do they hurt nah will it get stuck no can you see no are the contacts no and so her eye wise she's just like boop yeah usually i gotta like pull my face down and do that off and i believe they can't get stuck that way like when i was in school i actually like roll my eyes at the teachers they're like don't do that or they'll get stuck i never don't roll my eyes again children are very gullible or can they get stuck i still don't know 35 percent of people can leak but only one percent of people can do it on command you know and you go like and it spews liquid like that yes like that oh so they're part of that one percent found each other through tick tock wait look she got two streams going two what is leaking like it's not saliva you know it always happens when i don't want it to happen what's like a weird genetic mutation that you have so i have no cartilage in my nose it's pretty typical nose just from looking at it but squish it down pops right back up can't break it you can't break it but you can like smoosh it but like look at it from the side i mean when she pushed it and she pushed it all the way like there ain't nothing inside it like all i can imagine is how nicely the air must flow through nothing to obstruct the flow of air immaculate breathing capabilities bro you're not even a person well you mean he's not a person he personally he just got a special ability be able to clap them shoulders together like what an honor like most people we give you the hand clap you know if he thoroughly enjoys your performance he won't give you the good ol shoulder clap okay but can you bend it the other way too like get a good like back crack in it what's something super weird that you can do that you've never seen anyone else be able to do you know when you go like but she doing it without the finger like with the force like why do i even like attempt these they are unique for a reason i saw a girl saying she had a big forehead and i had to one-up her sorry tell you i don't think you went up her that's a four-opt her like when she slid it off it just kept going just kept going scalp for days her eyebrow to her hairline that's a 10 uber ride respectfully weird undiagnosed sickness check so she gets random bruises she just pinched her skin and wham bam a bruise appears ma'am yo i ain't no doctor i don't know what to tell you but that's pretty scary bro were you born with paper skin and glass bones by any chance when someone complains about having a big nose [Music] i am actually president of the company you gotta look like a pixlr character you could sneeze yourself a hurricane very powerful even thanos is jealous it's like a cactus look at the cactus arm so they have a thumb four fingers and then this is just like a little appendage the sixth little piggy leave them alone you're just chilling there like i wanna be a finger too oh five five friends for comparison that's about how tall i am right average female height and then coming in at six ten wowie looking like a whole entire toddler you know i think it's very cool to be like crazy tall like the air must taste better up there you know when you at the grocery stores you basically like look over the aisles i see the entire store i can't even imagine meanwhile me chilling at your belly buttons height everyone makes fun of the fact that i never blank and i didn't understand it until i was trying to get my eyes to water to cry for a new video and like i'll just stop there she didn't blame this whole time i've already blinked like five times i gotta ever go up against her in a staring contest i already know i lost surrendered no bling nothing why don't you blink she did it didn't she like at the end like was that a blink no i thought it was a blanket she didn't like like bro how hard is it like literally just blank you're freaking me out tutorial on how to do that thing with your tongue here's how you do it stick out your tongue as far out as it can go okay just far out try to make it go upwards instead of outwards okay trying to make it like mommy oh right just tense them all up just did you see that did that ain't i am not sticking my tongue on my teeth that is not how this works so this is a tutorial for how to do this you just like no no no no no you see that the way he just like inflated his tongue right just tense them all up just am i doing it this is weird but also looks squishy perhaps a snack for later forgot i had this in my wallet [Music] oh i had you to go through it's not supposed to go through all the way but it was a barrier unless you got like a piercing like a septum piercing do they just like pierce it through here and then you could just put things through the hole that's the only explanation i saw a girl saying she had a big forehead and i had to one-up her let's see it [Music] and it keeps going and it keeps going oh there it is i see a hairline hair i don't know why i was expecting her to be bald even though i saw the hairline six one dad five nine mom me giraffe she's almost as tall as the door wait six one and five nine you're taller than your parents i mean you're usually gonna end up taller than your parents i've been picked on three times today oh because of my trousers what's wrong with your trousers look what the size of the blue are you all the dude on tick tock with the neck that just goes like very well could be part giraffe does it only go in one direction can you like i don't know reach into a tree and eat a leaf because that's the kind of content i want to see your arms don't even look that long photoshop or real life whoa it actually looks like it's photoshopped oh are they so long you know this is a flex like you don't even have to be that tall but you can still like reach like even if you five four you got that six foot reach your boyfriend gets mad at you put your phone on the top of the fridge joke's not him elastigirl so i actually have three rows of eyelashes um maybe even more than that but yeah apparently it's rare to even have like two of them but um a makeup artist once told me that i have three that is a flex ma'am yeah i got three rolls of eyelashes bro i barely got one do it dude i'm gonna kind of make it i wish i had double it's just swinging like both ways it's like a door that opens both ways double hinge brain cannot comprehend an elbow going both ways i never seen a tongue that needs chapstick before does it just look like that or is it actually dry it looks crusty this is what i feel like when i eat pineapple like you get that weird feeling on your tongue like your tongue feels like it's like fizzling so magnet on the nerve sword okay rods in my back okay look at this no way that was pretty cool he got metal in his back literally snap it on like it's an attachment rpg ready very cool bro imagine being ticklish in your knee in your knee the way she just squealed i must try i ain't feeling nothing but my knee skin weird but anyways that's all for today i hope you guys enjoyed this video if you did make sure that like button in the face a comment below let me know if you have any unique features and make sure you turn on notifications click click and make sure you subscribe to the wolf pack i love you guys so much thanks for watching bye guys
Channel: SSSniperWolf
Views: 7,383,964
Rating: 4.9407206 out of 5
Keywords: sssniperwolf, sniper wolf, reacting, reaction, funny, tiktok, tik tok, features, people
Id: dt9MaLtnEUg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 33sec (693 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 17 2021
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