I Got Exclusive Champions League Final Seats

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I got exclusive access to the WEA Champions League final from meeting Legends and getting a VIP experience all the way to playing on the actual pitch by the end of the video on day one I got invited to the PlayStation house they're currently playing the Champions League song which I can't play because of copyright here I can pretend I'm a Formula 1 driver I am just not very good at this as you can see the place was packed with PlayStations where you could play FC 24 and have fun I am playing with Madrid obviously cuz we're going to see them later in the video right behind me are all the Champions League bows from 2001 all the way to 2024 this is the bowl vus Jr is going to score with this place had themed gaming rooms a private Cinema with fc24 and that's not all they even have this panana cage and a Tic Tac tow station right next to it am I the fastest yet yes they even have this football cage right here it's actually super cool the grass is so nice but it's not going to be better than the grass we're going to see later I even get to meet some people that are really good at football you can show me any skill you want oh my God but the coolest part about this place was Champions League winner and Madrid lion Gareth Bale was there not only did I get to see him show his skills I actually met him he signed my shirt and we made some Instagram videos too next day was the Champions League final Miss saos is going to take me to the Champions League final last year it wasn't this Majestic apparently we're going to have a village incredible seats and there's going to be celebrities around us where you can only go if you have this exclusive ticket so let's go we have a full bus and an incredible seat which took us straight to Wembley Stadium I'm not going to lie guys I'm starting to get a lot of pressure I'm seeing a lot of dormund fans I heard $100,000 D fans have come to London I can't lie maybe I did the wrong choice of headband because it's yellow it looks like I'm a dormund fan but today I'm going with Real Madrid I've been advised not to wear this Madrid shirt but I don't care I support Madrid and I need to see us win baby behind me is the entrance to my VIP area and I don't know what it looks like so let's go the first thing I did was to pass security which only took a couple of seconds once inside I realized I had to go up a few floors to find my lounge which actually had a lot of subscribers outside let's go inside the Champions League Village first I was greeted with free juice pineapple juice nice but the surprises did not end there this area is super cool let me show you everything you get they have Champions League bowls these actually the one they Ed in the Women's Champions League final that Barca won we literally have their shirts right here this next area is think about PlayStation games look at that football they have areas themed about Horizon around FC 24 and more this is crazy right behind me there is a photo booth where you can take pictures with random items from both thems the items are super cool too and then they're printed nice in the village you can get bread and you can also get these very fancy plates it's so fancy I don't know what's in it all the food was made by these fancy chefs right on the spot for dinner they had everything like kuri pasta salmon cetes and I was making sure to try everything this has to be Devastation we have my friend right here serving meat I'm his friend see I told you he's my friend long time looks so good then for dessert we had a full table of sweets to choose from or fresh served ice cream can I get chocolate wow thank you time to try the ice cream runs out oh wow it's actually good tastes a little bit like banana for some reason once the time for the match got closer some famous people like Formula 1 driver Lando Norris started to show up and as I was going to check my seat oh shoot Min how are you and I also met Real Madrid Legend Raul behind this door is my seat let's go and check it oh my God this stadium is beautiful now I'm on my way to find my seat I think this is where I'm watching the game from wow it's almost the middle of the pitch there is actually a lot of leg room my seat is patted which is incredible and right behind me is the best part I think Legends are going to be watching the game right there then it was time for the game started with a show by this guy who loved fire and guitars and the fans from both teams made the atmosphere feel crazy m m in the Champions League just started I can't lie I am very scared I want my team to win and I cannot show you any other the footage what you're about to see is a followup of every goal scored sadly the first highlight of the game were some Pitch Invaders delay in the game well first thing of the match is that somebody got tackled in the pitch cuz he invaded and when the game started I almost got a heart attack yes what a save oh my God it actually happened again what is happening MD stop stop in the third time Madrid is playing like we want to lose and Dortmund fans knew it how question but on the second half Madrid started to play better and then we finally scored w W then we did it once [Music] more sadly Tony Cross left the pitch his last ever game for Madrid by Legend but we won the Champions League final baby so madri won the Champions League and tomorrow I'm playing on that same pitch can I score a goal just like Madrid did we will see is the first day after the final and today I have no voice but I'm finding out who my teammates are to play at Wembley and my first teammate is Ean the main man himself oh this entire team so we have oh my God this is another baller put a clip of him up there and my next teammate is gelani let's go hopefully he's going to be running the horrible throw balls I'm going to give him I'm going to get him a goal bro if you do I would love you forever and can I yes why not I'm about to go inside the the boss to go to Wembley and play in the Champions League pitch this is my first ever 11 aside game in 9 months in fact before that I probably didn't play an 11 aside game for eight months so maybe my first game in a year and a half my goal is to just play good most people want to score a goal I just don't want to let my team down and so with the pressure high we made it to wimbley again and this is the area the players walked yesterday venicius was here what I'm about to walk into the changing room and I think I got the door mo one I'm sad cuz I want a Madrid but let me show you what a Champions League final dressing room looks like oh my God this changing room is insane this is where the players were yesterday that's like a water thing I don't know what you do there bro benus was probably here yesterday the place had more than 20 lockers and chairs also massage rooms with beds and tables this is everything you get in your chaining room my own shirt little puns socks and a brand new pair of [Music] boots and I'm ready for the game I'm now changed in the other steam Captain is here you can see him right there it's Quan Mata X baller oh he's still fit and in the other locer room I didn't get is where Madrid is this is the local room Bellingham was at yesterday we have B ver and this is beanie's one oh my God literally Madrid's changing room has photos of all the Madrid players and moments all right before the game I'm going to ask my teammates if they think they're going to score are you going to score today the man's in go but look yeah he's not scoring are you scoring today I am and you're going to assist me we're hoping I'm right here with my themes L and it's actually Lando Norris do you think you're going to score today I don't know what position I'm in you don't know no but you can score from any position okay uh I'll score one I'll score one I hope I hope I do you have a celebration in mind um I'm just going to B I'm right here with my opponent Mata you're going to well they have you so I'm very scared I think you have another one so let's see who you have oh I don't know who it is thank you nice to meet you man nice to meet you once we all got changed it was time to meet our captain and Legend Theo Walcott and after a team talk from him we're going to win it was time to check the pitch for the very first time we're about to walk into Wembley 9 months in the making here I was finally able to see the carpet the trophy and the stadium just like the players do oh my God this is incredible from there the team started to warm up which got me very nervous because of my knee injury so I asked the Legends for some advice so I've been rehabbing from this injury for 9 months by now okay and I tore my ACL you took that 3 years ago I kept playing and then I got surgery 9 months ago and then today is my first 11 outside game since my injury take it easy I mean I've done my ACL yeah so I know you're feeling I had to push a little bit for this but I did good good rehab really good 5 days a week 3 hours a day good that's dedication I guess that's what you did too no yeah yeah I've did every day every day so yeah and even now to this day I still look after it so look after that knat do you think you're going to score I yes I'm going to score I mean he's our Legend So if he doesn't score we're in a bad place you know David do you think you're scoring today I'm going to be tough but we'll try you also came back from an injury right I had an injury myself I had an ACL I just came back from in ACL this is my third game third game what about you second second game I play on Friday but okay nice then it was time for the game where we walked out of the tunnel listened to the WEA Champions League Anthem and shook hands just like the pros do to face one mat Steam and he wasn't going to make it easy for us I even had to chase him down the pitch multiple times oh my God that was so much fun defending mat was but I wasn't here to defend I was here to help my team score some goals and I did so when I saved this ball and passed it to my guy London movements who scored this great goal I got an assist I assist assist assist but my team wouldn't stop there and the goals kept coming for everyone but me that's when I decided to change my position Iman do you mind if I go Striker as a striker I was going to be closer to the goal and have more chances to score but the other team wasn't going to make it easy for me but it was right on this play where Theo got a penalty for our for team could this be it could this be the moment I finally scored a [Music] goal oh my God I couldn't believe it my team packed with Ballers had decided they would let me take this penalty so I couldn't let them down even if the other team was trying to intimidate me you want to be on my mind where do you want me to shoot think you're proba going to go down the middle make it's youro Pi strong with it yeah I've takeen many pants in my life I'm scoring this I'm not going to lie guys this penalty meant so much to me I've been dreaming of this moment for the past 9 months ever since I got a knee surgery I've Been Working Day and Night to have a chance to do it for you and me oh my God I oh my God I scor the worst goal of my life what I score
Channel: MoreCrunch
Views: 457,796
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ucl, futbol, ucl final, ucl final 2024, champions league seats, vip champions league seats, futcrunch champions league final, futcrunch, champions league final 2024, real madrid, real madrid seats, real madrid vip experience
Id: VxJPSp1ecp0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 31sec (811 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 18 2024
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