1 Long Shot Goal = Spend $100

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for every long that I score I will spend $100 improving my fc24 team the goal is to have a 91 R team by the end of the video or else I will discard one random player from my final team and complete a for fate for the first goal I just need to score a long shot oh this could be my long shot boys we're through yes now I spend my first $100 first we're going to open a $15 pack so if we get anything good is that Messi wait did I just B Messi my first ever what for the rest $85 I got an icon twice a special card but not much else really and after spending the full $100 this is my new theme the previous one was easy but the next long shots will become a lot harder the next goal I got to score is a finish shot outside of the box of course for me to get the finish I got to curve the ball when I shoot it like this oh what the freak I got it first time that was super supposed to be a lot harder okay that was another goal but this time I'm going to increase my chances of spending by letting this will decide my budget I could get a lot of money like $300 or a lot less like $1 I hope to get $300 cuz my team is currently 86 rated and I need 91 rated so let's spin it baby $300 please 300 300 300 oh $200 for $200 $1 you get a lot more packs but I got this girl who is 90 rated an icon I hadn't got before and you get enough cards to complete this icon Pig we're going to start with the middle one this time H oh my goodness that is horrendous I need like a 93 rated icon if I want to accomplish anything okay French that's great news oh beus bro let's reild it from the top this time let's try and see who it is oh the only sad part right if I don't get this team to 91 rated I lose this guy we literally have 800,000 coins with those coins I'm going to upgrade my left Center mid and my right center back I bought 91 rated Sawa and completed canav so far so good we have a 93 rated a 91 and a 91 and the team is 89 rated it may sound like everything is perfect but believe me upgrading from now on is going to become a lot more expensive and for my next goal I need to score a weak foot long shot I'm going to do it with Gara cuz he's right footed and I can do a finot with his left like this that was the first attempt of probably a million cuz it's not easy to score with your weak fo at all okay next attempt oh my goodness that didn't even go close to the goal man that is a Time number two of a million so I kept trying and failing over and over sometimes I wouldn't even hit a player the goalkeeper wouldn't even try but after a while and on my next game I got this chance bro are you joking J the Alva scored that way he's right for hey I'm gas though now we spend more money thank God going to go hard boom I'm screwed here is the $1 pack wait what is this wait wait what is this is that an inform a man what is this thing well let's hope I can get this goal quicker than the previous one because my team did not improve at all this time I need to score a trivella goal meaning I score with the outside of my foot then you shoot from here and oh that's a tri that is probably the worst trlla known to humankind maybe she can score the first trll she shoots okay I think the only way I score these trllas is if I shoot them from the right side of the goal oh oh no the goalkeeper was away tras were very hard especially cuz getting the technique right was almost impossible and in the first game I couldn't even get it then for my second one I tried many different things shooting with a center back shooting from very far away but the closer I got the better my chances were yeah I really really need to upgrade and my right Striker the good thing is because I already W $1 I'll probably not get it again I hope so three 2 1 $300 please woo no and this is the other $1 pack wow I got two very high redit cards since I had money saved from previous packs I was still able to upgrade the squad with pkas but as you can see even buying him didn't improve my theme rating I really don't know how I'm going to get the extra two ratings if that will is not helping me now I have no money by the way for this next challenge I need to score a long shot from the very far left or right Lally the idea is you go far left like this and then you shoot okay that's okay I need to get closer to the goal like this boom this might be a little harder than I expected you know what finish from here counts maybe if I do like a little bit chill I can get a good one I'm going to go with my heart oh 200 oh thank you this is a $45 pack that guarantees an icon and that's the first one we're getting no it's a goalkeeper no go huh who is a Danish right back icon oh there is another icon oh for the next $155 I pack great stuff but nothing that truly improved my team and just as I was about to run out of money I had enough cards to complete Mele then added him into my team and after adding every single upgrade into my team this is a new Squad it's 90 rated you may think oh yeah you're very close to 91 well I still have 1 2 three and four players to upgrade and I can't lie there is a lot of players in this team I wish we a lot better so I really need that roulette to help me for this one I have to score a power shot long shot to perform a PO shot I have to make my player do this animation and then shoot as you can see takes quite a while so this one's going to be pretty hard my power shot the idea is to shoot from here and oh my goodness I literally sent that ball to Mars because this is a power shot it's going to take me a while and the only thing that can help me keep going with these challenges for for so long while staying hydrated it's Arab let's try again with the same player with a little bit less power okay he got stoed bro Ed up flavors water just through scent another player then oh my goodness it didn't even go on go with these bottles very easy to stay hydrated without stopping to play I think the best way to score these pow Sho is if we shoot from around this area maybe this one even the best part is that their new bottle has a simple design where you no longer need to activate the pod which is very useful when your hands are busy trying to complete this challenge please oh he hit the post so if you want to give edop a try click the link in my description and use my code fc10 for a 10% off and after trying for so long I got this chance no I got it that goalkeeping from Alison was horrendous but the ball was moving crazy time to spin the roulette let's spin it no oh that's oh that is horrendous how have I got $1 three times let's go with the $1 pack brother I got Bryce Mendes 81 rated I need him to be 10 ratings higher bro the good thing is I have 400,000 coins so with that money I bought ginola for this next long shot I need to score with my Center back I just realized buying ginola will make no difference I think I have the higher chance with Bandai for sure cuz I can do this and then shoot see one thing that could help me too is just getting closer to the goal oh my goodness this could be it this could be it no you know what canav I haven't shot a single time with you just do it man okay that was is that canav or ginola canav now let's spend some money three two one this time I'm just going to close my [Music] eyes if it's $1 again I will cry 200 and my first pack was a $20 one moala Bala running down the wing okay no we go pul H that is clearly not what I wanted is there one more here is it just him keep B oh he's only 89 no oh with a lot of the cards we got from that first pack I completed an icon pack oh there is one that's already owned let's just get rid of that one first oh Casas is good cuz I already own him yes but I haven't packed him in this video goodbye Allison welcome Casas then goodbye vanj welcome Kim pmbe still a 90 rated dude ah bro $200 got me almost nothing I got recel for the h 100th time and was so unlucky that I closed my eyes for the last pack it better be a good card because if not I'll be EA you are going to be in trouble I spent $200 for absolutely nothing the best card I got was a random pack he goes for one minut bro what he is incredible L got to go we put milit into the team and the team didn't change much really because we upgraded a 90 rated for that 0 rated I think this next Long Shot might be the hardest I need to score a one touch bully meaning I must hit the volley as soon as it gets to me you see how hard that is so the absolute best way to do this is to get a corner right then change to a player hit the ball like this go to cross and then get the player into that position you go to cross it and then you hit it first time like this oh he hit the post all right we basically just do the exact same again really cross it to him and then boom I thought it would be a lot harder this is probably one of the greatest goals I've ever scored in my life by the way don't worry the next one will probably take me a couple hours or days okay with how hard it is to upgrade my team now I'm in desperate needit for a good spin it seems like every time I close my eyes and then open them we do good so I'm going to do that again all right oh no I didn't even go hard that might have stopped at 10 or 50 bro three two one oh my goodness 300 bro I'm going to go broke well we have this $50 pack we may as well do it already right like it warrantees an incredible icon if I can get one over 91 rated we are sorted for Life bro is that for tellas oh Bon MTI oh my God please please over 9 one rated please please please please please please please please wait wait wait wait wait I don't know whether to be excited or not wasn't I supposed to get a warrantied icon and then inside oh we got rud Bal nistroy 92 rated B nroy of there we get this girl out of the main 11 and then our new center mid Big Boy s em we're still 90 rated I don't know how we can top that previous pack but hey this is a $30 one that warranties a lot of cards so let's open it too and let's see what we get raum okay not very exciting who is the next guy is it J the AL bro raspadori the amount of times I got raspador we just got sanetti oh no that might that actually might be this challenge done for us I mean the only card we were missing to upgrade was Jord the Alva now Jordy ala go deer comes in Creer is is gone forever and our big boy left bike is going to be sanetti 3 2 1 91 rated obviously this is a foot crunch video we reached 91 rated but we still have three more challenges so I think we should make the new goal 92 so if I don't reach 92 I will just discard a random player I am safe from the forfeit for the rest of my $300 I didn't get much and I could hear but we were packing pretty much the same which didn't help me get any closer to a 9 two rated team and this is the last pack for the $300 please be decent man it's the same lad again come on bro I've ped this guy about a 100 times oh my goodness time for the next challenge for this one I need to score a long shot with my goalkeeper bear in mind 92 rated cases has 28 long shots now there is multiple ways to score with your goalie you could just pass it to him and try to run the entire pitch and then score but uh well I just considered the goal so that is not a great way to do it another way would be passing the ball to him and then passing it to someone passing it back to him and then continue running and then little by little trying to get further but as you can see he always goes back so it doesn't matter how much progress you make brother will find a way to just go backwards the second way which is actually the one I think we're going to use is getting a free kick or a Corner Gas is left footed we bring up player short pass it to him hold the ball a little bit go with Casas and then we do a finish from here that didn't quite work as I expected it to work after that I tried again and failed did two free kicks and failed too until I changed my strategy oh oh oh oh what that might genuinely be the best goal I've scored today now let's spin that wheel I needed to land on 300 or 200 that was the sudden realization that I have to spend $300 on this game when I've already spent 900 so that makes the total 1,200 I spent oh my goodness we got so many packs again all right we have $50 packs again $40 ones $40 ones $30 ones $20 ones well we have a little bit of everything I can't lie let's just start with a $20 pack and build our way up to the $50 one costage I think is his name and then just don't be Jordy Alva I just want somebody that's not Jordy Alva oh he's not Jordy Alva he's who now that we did a $20 pack we do a $30 one I just don't know how to react anymore because I don't know who I can get but I haven't slatan oh Larson wow wait I should me Gast I just got an icon why why am I not ghast and then I go Herberger Herberger he's actually quite pricey after that I spent $100 saying got nothing what a pack could this be mppe did I just B A are you serious right now I really thought I had packed M dude now we literally just have the $50 pack left that's all I can afford now every single one is over 85 and three of them are going to be over 89 there is warranteed to be an icon inside of this pack please bro I need this for my 92 rated Canada Striker okay not a good start but don't worry we have an icon oh wow that's not a bad start okay 91 and then he's he do he did look very good wait who is the icon thur oh but I already had Casas and with every single card I completed Frank rivi he's currently the most expensive player on the team because he's worth 1.5 million coins it's going to be incredible welcome to the club r ah we're still 91 rated now I can buy a left back I could buy Philip lamb Roberto Carlos or bastor but for this next challenge I think Roberto Carlos is going to be the perfect player he goes for 1 million coins but we have 2.5 will he be enough to get my team to a 92 rated let's go in three two one oh no oh no oh no so for this next challenge I have to score a free kick goal that's going to be pretty rough I don't think you understand how hard that is because first of all I actually need to get a free kick like that's the actual hardest part of getting a free kick goal like just getting a free kick cuz he has to foul me you know oh he might foul me right now oh he just did we got our first ever free kick I'm not going to lie I I I have no faith that I'm going to score this cuz I don't know how to take them so I'm just going to aim at these guy head and do like two and a half bars of power and then pray brother I didn't do anything I I respectfully did not anything okay we got another free kick thinking something like maybe this since I can see where the ball's going and then two and a half bars maybe bro oh my goodness let's try this Angle now yo come on give me one give me one tackle me bro nice nice we get another one I didn't know it was this easy to get a free kick out of somebody if you ever want a freak kick just do what I'm just doing people are going to be very annoy oh this could be it I think this could be it boys two and a half bars of power I did it this is a goal I scored the free cake I can't believe I've done that this is the second to last time I'll get money if I get any so I better get something this time I want to start from like 50 to see if I just get 300 again but I'm going to do a very hard spin oh my goodness $100 I would be lying if I I told you I wasn't scared at all that I wouldn't get any money because I need to be smart with these $100 I think I'm going for the best packs available well I wasn't really smart and got the worst set of packs of the entire video that pack so bad it got me depressed now the last $30 pack it's an icon [Laughter] yeah there is not a single good Argentinian St oh a center back 92 rated let's go dude that is exactly what I wanted yes let's see if this takes us to a 92 rated Squad three two one it does not takes us to a 92 rated Squad just to make this more dramatic let's score my last and hard hardest goal and then let's see if we have enough coins to get to a 92 rated Squad also in case you're wondering my team is currently worth about 7.5 million coins we started at zero all right for my last goal I must score a rainbow flick volley meaning I need to do a rainbow flick and then hit it as a volley and score why is it hard because Bullies Are Hard already then you have the rainbow flick to it all right bro let me show show you how this is done you first do a rainbow flick and then you hit the volley obviously I did that pretty far away so first of all I need to get a lot closer okay let's try with him oh this is R okay this could work oh I don't think you dip how hard this is going to be the reason why it's going to be hard is because yes I can get the volley but the hard part is not the volley the hard part it's actually getting it past the goalkeeper before I was struggling with the volley though boom what have I just [Music] done you don't understand how much is on the line with this last spit This Is The Moment of Truth entire video came up to this oh that's it's only $10 I don't know if I'm going to have enough comes down to this pck $10 Canada Striker Le okay I got somebody else 91 rated maybe I have an icon inside you never know ah oh that hurts wow that hurts let's see where that leaves us my team is currently 91 rated I have bought every pack I could buy I need to get it to 92 now I got to upgrade this guy right here and I currently have 3 million coins to do so I think I need one 93 rated card to go here as you can see I don't have any of that on my bench one player that we never packed and I always wanted is Frankie the J he only costs 1.8 million maybe he's enough the good thing is if he's not enough then I still have 1.5 million to upgrade another position I like that 1.5 million coins for Frankie the young that's half of our budget will this team be 9 to raed after we put him on no oh my god oh wow one card that could change everything is cedin sidan he is 94 rated and he goes for 1.3 million coins if after this is done I I don't have the rating then I retire there is nothing I can do okay 1.3 million coins now I have no choice I cannot buy anybody else I literally have two cards over 93 then 1 2 3 4 5 six players 92 rated only two 91s and now I'm having a 94 rated it must now be a 92 rated team yes if you love this videoos you love the next one make sure to click here to watch it please this G is incredible bro
Channel: MoreCrunch
Views: 3,599,430
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: A36g42ehLjo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 3sec (1443 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 26 2024
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