Best Copa America Goals of All Time!

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this is Messi scoring a Copa America golaso young Neymar dribbling past everyone and today we are reacting to the best Copa America goals and moments you're going to be insane let's start Brazil wins the 2019 Copa America wait is this a bro oh my God he's taking with it I think the guy that score is Everton do you have that player in your bingo no neither do I which is not good because me and my brother have different Bingo cards of players we think are going to appear in this video and whoever has the most players by the end of the video wins this mystery prize please God give me this one my brother has lost every single time we've played and now Pao Guerrero shooting a penalty would you guess who I have on my list Guerrero I did not add Guerrero into my list because of this goal I'm telling you that okay so the game is TI 111 what is that defense bro it was Peru I'm surprised Peru was there don't this our Peruvian Watchers wait wait my brother is laughing about Peru but last time we faced Peru in Copa America I'm from Venezuela we got rinsed I respect where respects you they destroyed us now we have Alexander Gonzalez outside of the box go M the goalkeeper didn't even know that was going not even him knew it was going hey that's Ang do we count that my brother is saying this because he has juango in his list that might be the last goal we have ever scored in a cop America and I would come on we still qualified every single time no qualify for those of you watching and don't understand my jokes my team has never made it to the World Cup I am from Venezuela we suck at football lately we have been better in in European equivalents we would be like careful what you're saying I don't know Luxembourg they have never done anything but lately we are more like Iceland or something like that we continue with the list Leonel Messi shines against Ecuador oh this is the entire game he played why am I watching this in like 160 that used to be the resolution back then bro that is 2 years ago 3 years ago this is 2021 yo Messi wait what outside is that not how do you miss that oh what a pass what the I did put Messi so I'm going to include Messi in mine well the thing say Messi nasand crushes neyar Jun oh you have Namar oh my goodness ah ah bro it wasn't that bad it was just a very strong hit I do have neigh on my list do you yes hey we're not that bad you are three and I'm three too I'm too bra oh my God clao bra oh clo bra I have him on my list four for two bro you're really bad at this genuinely did you not think one of the greatest Latin American goalkeepers to ever play in the Copa America wouldn't be here too many options so I'm for and you too you suck at this that safe is outrageous by the way next clip Luis Diaz wasn't on the list I know that was a did you never see that one no no no my brother is from Venezuela he does not care about the Copa America not that I don't care I don't follow it as much brother this is one of the greatest cop America gos of all time and you haven't seen it you don't care this is Colombian Heritage oh my God maybe I don't playay the most attention to cup America as I should R crazy bro we love our Venezuelan Clips the thing is boys the reason why we love Venezuelan Clips again is fact that we don't have many Clips either like maybe every clip you're about to see in this video that's from venezuel is is literally it you see four Clips that's it literally 10 years we have five [Applause] Clips n bro nah it's an incredible goal bro how am I supposed to think he's about to miss maybe he is the reason why they didn't call him up for the Copa America maybe because he's 2024 and it's been 8 years so he has has number 10 bro there is levels to this Argentina has 10 Messi we have RTO who misses this but he he has incredible free kicks in fact my dad loves ruloo Diego forland do you have forland bro I was going to ride forland cuz I assume for bro this clip this clip I love forland man his shot was insane it was incredible that he only played like one season for Manchester ah well I mean he had his difference with the manager Neymar junor loses but plays insane that's kind of like his life oh this might have been the cup America is it the final didn't he he lose in the final against ad Maria gold what a finish by the way how good is Neymar playing it's so sad that Neymar's not going to play the next Copa America sorry guys I love Neymar big Neymar super fun Messi scores insane is it top right if it if this goes on the right side of the goal that's crazy Messi there's nothing you can do about it I can't this is the fastest fre kick I have ever seen messy shoot like look look at the speed on that shot I would have saved it this is a hul Baptista go against [Applause] Argentina oh if you didn't tell me that's Julio Baptista I thought it was flipping R9 by the way he's an absolute unit this guy had incredible quads incredible legs why you keep looking down he said legs bro because I look at legs man legs is just wow what part of the legs Juan Carlos Lita's bicycle kick you have Juan Carlo Lita if you know who he is and you have him oh my goodness who's this bro Peru oh my god brother this is Peru bro you're not watching Brazil you're watching Peru this might be the greatest Peru clip of all time what happened what happened can somebody tell me what happened to your talent there's not a single player in Peru today that could do that Juan Carlos oblitas Juan Carlos oblitas you are him Fernando no wait what was the foul bro bro oh my God Ah that's nothing bro you can walk it off and some cabani ciss C going kabani yes yo 2019 cop America just looks so lit like all the foolish is so nice how many do you have three coming back ah well I have four Maradona Maradona Mar he was doing a Crossbar Challenge so boys I have Maradona on my list second of all let's enjoy some Maradona Clips I don't know why when I watch Maradona I just get very happy it's like just look how sexy these clips are oh my God I love him oh hey he learned that one from Ronaldo so Maradona Lear there from he learned it from Cristiano Ronaldo thank you Cristiano for teaching Maradona how to play Neymar struggles against Venezuela I don't think so bro he destroyed us oh wow he's struggling actually by he's more like actually just having a bad game himself look at that touch bro he was just scared to play football overall we had a solid defense bro look he's so scared it was us though is this batch man well this is the new batch the batch they had back then it was the older nicer one Argentina destroy Brazil please I wi a score if I wi to scores I'm I'm a happy man n that's an edit that's an edit that that is that is an edit look look at that shot that that is not true that that's not true right look at how the ball move wait he edit no I I want a score bro for those of you watching at home I think Brazil bat Argentina in this one but the argentinians or somebody made this clip to make it look like Argentina won that game that's why you see the actual score is like behind but you can't see it you can just see this madeup one this is not the TV broadcast guys but whoever edited this he is him oh what a free kick did you put Musa no you I was going to put Musa but I didn't know what save he [Music] had oh double save oh he had nine the guy just said he had nine saves in the game and then he just saved that one that's 11 Argentina makes history and loses against Chile is it is that what it said so that's one in one bro did he just in the final ice of Steel Man what is this yeah Argentina lost twice against Chile Chile won it in two finals and one year apart yeah so do I count b or not I think so I mean in that case then I get a wiow and that's fine what how many do you have four do you imine being from Chile the amount of happiness you most feel that you eliminate Argentina twice two years in a row I think it was three times in a row this is a clip of Messi crying after it man I feel bad for Messi cop America 1987 final crazy fouls do you have that player on your list if I know the name maybe oh my God the amount of legs that were lost that day were crazy oh my God yo back then playing football would be a literal like is abult this guy was not going for the ball I can tell you that much you sure I think it was a clean tackle bro bro he didn't even look at the Ballo that that football right there before is what English men love that's proper brexit football there is a minute and 30 left I have six players you have a grand total of four R n's master class do you have R9 no wait said master class and he just missed twice is he going to be a master or disaster class bro he just passed it backwards oh oh my God give that Manor oh what a God oh my God he is him I love you R9 R9 the greatest Striker to ever grace football there has not been a better one than him wait does this SC again could we acknowledge the fight that ARA and just tried to do a Roberto Carlos freaky bro that thing went to the tiest roof that thing left the the stadium are you sure Di Maria has not scored a single time I reckon we got Di Maria once I think this might be it cuz Messi won his cop America from a Di Maria gold from the cop America yeah he won a cop America with a Di Maria gold against Brazil I think it's this one I told you I am him I am him my football knowledge is just different this mine they created this in a laboratory lot so you have five wait we haven't finished maybe there's a clip after there's not a clip after this bro want to finish oh mer mer got yes what a [Music] g well that means that I win the mystery prize let's see what it is and it's a venicius junior shirt the yours funny enough it wasn't on a single clip and if you love this video you're going to love the next one I'm recording that one my brother brother one I upset my fate it's okay click on his face please just oh my God
Channel: MoreCrunch
Views: 100,868
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: neymar, copa america, copa america 2024, copa america highlights, copa america 2024 highlights, messi best goals, brazil copa america 2024, messi argentina copa america
Id: abnlHjuTncw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 5sec (725 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 22 2024
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