Massad Ayoob - Is .380 Enough for Self-Defense? Selecting the correct ammunition. Critical Mas EP 59
Video Statistics and Information
Channel: Wilson Combat
Views: 967,032
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Wilson Combat, EDC, X9, SFX9, AR15, Gun, WilsonCombat, Wilscon, Massad, Ayoob, Mas, Mass, MA, Massod, Mossod, Mossad, Bill Wilson, Ken Hackathorn, Hackathorn, Hack, Mike, Seeklander, 1911, Supergrade, Custom, Combat, Handgun, slide, barrell, weapon, AR-10, Ar-9, Grip, Module, LightRail, Optics, Machined, quality, service, 1977, classic, safety, serrated, model, premium, wc, retro, fudd, fudds, holster, hammer, commander, bullet, lehigh, lehigh defense, nula, armor-tuff, finish, cosmetics, pistol, revolver, shotgun, shattergun, scattergun, technology
Id: XBhyLtlPCuQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 55sec (475 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 26 2023
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