I Played URF For 24 Hours Straight! (BEST OF 100+ GAMES)

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here's the plan everyone we are gonna be playing 24 hours of earth and i'm only gonna be uploading the best of the best and i am beyond excited to get this project started with you guys this is quite the cluster to say the least in the beginning oh my goodness can we even kill this guy oh my god oh hot diggity dog there's a kill can we take it i can't reach it oh my goodness we'll say whatever knows so like i said um this is actually the fourth time doing this intro for me because the games i've been getting are just not good enough okay they're not gonna cut it they're not where i want them to be okay let's hope we go over some somewhat easy matchup in the mid lane considering uh viego is actually not even the strongest champion so uh wish us luck and we'll see how it goes alrighty uh not the strongest champion until level six forgot to include that part because once we hit that i just missed a cs okay here we go a-o-a-o hopefully no one comes mid so we can get many plates here this is going to be the best viego game yet i honestly like to get two early plates mid and then we roam that's the best way to make money if possible oh hello welcome aboard my friend got the stun get over here he doesn't have his dash which is good for us come on how is that tower not hit me dude i'm actually hacking it right now let's go top though i think we can team i'm coming let's get this party started alrighty um i'm actually so hyped for all of this let's dance got the stun got the flash oh this is actually going kind of bad oh this is going real bad thank you [Laughter] we might be getting ganked and flanked and spanked right now i'm not sure if dine is behind us or not but i cannot wait to become vayne come late game oh my goodness that is gonna be beautiful are you kidding me that is going to be beautiful let's see lots of cs here to snag and they're afraid of me they don't have to be though i'm honestly not even that strong right now let's get out of here let's get out of here all right not sure if mid lane or top lane is going to be our safe haven honestly i think back to mid for a little bit and then rome city once we hit six that sounds best to me diana how you doing we're catching a wave beautiful baby very nice i really don't get poked down by this dude just keep going right best thing you can do versus this diana oh my goodness this person hates us this guy really hates us come on let's part get over here maybe we just push and get as much exp as possible i honestly think that might be our best bet just keep on juking down buns keep on juking down oh my goodness i think i barely got the stun off dude this guy's actually juking the crap out of me oh these autos they slip in so clean like i love it i think that might have been lethal tempo carrying us as well i'm not sure but here comes this and here comes more plating gold keep it coming alright i just love staying live in fights so that's probably the build we're going to be focusing on oh boy oh boy oh my goodness can we go on this are you kidding me you know what you guys didn't see that you saw none of that here we are now we're level six now this is where things get groovy okay this is where our strength actually comes from i am so hyped to show you guys this so beyond the hype let's see let's go down this way and get things rolling [Music] they might be screen peeking right now so it's uh our stream sniping so we gotta be quick on our flank ganks and spanx oh my goodness that was actually so close get over here dude this dude is hard to kill my goodness get over here thank goodness he did not press on us my oh my freaking star weave guardian ergot i've been trying to get a game of oh gosh this person scares me i don't think i can kill him as dumb as that sounds hello all right we've got this we've got this gotcha very nice now i feel as annoying as you get over here oh my goodness i wanted to go on that so badly but we need plates more than anything we only have a minute left to get them come on we should be groovy i'm a little spooked about the situation but you know what here goes nothing leona is going to destroy my guts right now dude fighting her under tower is a death sentence it might be better off just trying to get the heck out of here it sucks that we can't get plates even top is pushed up big time let's think you know what we got this merc treads i'll easily call that a win now it's time to go around the map destroying everyone and everything baby get over here this dude's done so this dude's done so surprising surprise my dude oh that's a shut down i wanted to get nice the skin's so peaceful and like i said them getting more fed not the end of the world for us because if they get items we get items okay we'll see if i keep lethal tempo once i become them we'll see what that looks like but opening up towers will be huge for us that's for sure oh my goodness you best bet we're going on this oh my goodness how did you not take that now he's taken oh that was not worth it coming through coming through we're gonna need something to rip through these tanks oh my goodness okay we're not okay natalia's appreciate the hell buddy oh my goodness that q actually saved my booty dude beautiful [Music] now we're talking all right let's see here are you kidding me we can't use his gorge drinker dude that's probably half the benefits about taking over their bodies using their legendaries that'd be so nice all right well hopefully we get over there in time to do what we need to do oh gosh oh gosh not a good idea get me out of here we might have to flash leonard if it comes to it hey there big guy oh money get over here we're okay no siree they're coming after us oh my goodness we need a backup now give me that freaking leona oh we are okay we are a-okay do i dare i'm scared dodger got old then kill sounds like a plan to me baby oh my goodness that still hit me we're getting heals and we're making it happen baby here comes the ergot baby what the heck i feel like i became vain so fast there did you see that that was crazy i was not done being vain what the heck was that i thought i had more time for sure get over here leona is beyond annoying but we're gonna be okay oh my goodness okay we have 4k gold we should probably send it out of here i think oh my goodness what when the heck did that become a thing coming back over oh that was a sick ulti dude oh my goodness gracious yeah let's get out of there oh my gosh alrighty so this is something we want and we can buy a full bt yes please no we can't my math is wrong all right well i'm an idiot i'm an idiot but hey you know what i'd say so far the game's going okay i just love me some diego you know what i'm saying oh my goodness oh my goodness get over here big dog i can't wait to see what the heck i'm playing like 24 hours from now it's probably gonna be horrible honestly it's probably gonna be horrible but we're only uploading the best the best so who knows what the heck it's gonna look like get over here come on she hold it in the wall that was funny honestly the way this is looking i might want a hydra oh goodness [Music] come on holy that vein's gonna become a problem real fast we're coming we're coming i have ghosts for this too once we get i.e then we'll be doing some real damage that's for sure oh my goodness no i missed out on the vein cash in body that's what i really wanted but you know what that works for us baby i feel like we grabbed that leona so fast get over here this dude is so freaking dunzo oh or not we got a runner all right listen buddy you're gonna need to die now ready oh no if i got the buff in that form what would have happened all right analysis on base duty that's good for us inferno dragon complete baby okay this is where we need to make our push we have to make this work this push bot if it fails we are in such trouble we got our attack speed here oh goodness money oh ho got him baby that guy is so fed it's beyond scary hey there oh my god he melts people i cannot wait to team fight when that's on our side how you doing big guy oh we got ziggs that's even better i freaking w too soon i'm an idiot literally one second later we had the tower kill nice we'll w tank this while we can leona doesn't take any damage oh my goodness if they can keep bringing them one at a time to us that would be lovely oh oh my gosh that was scary [Music] what's up ziggy's oh my goodness not bad oh wow this champion's insane literally craziness oh my goodness that's hilarious all right we need to get some of these towers now oh gosh no that guy actually killed me that's not good here goes nothing folks oh this is so scary uh oh spaghetti oh nice nice give me this vein wait that's the ga what do you mean okay i'm coming in hot oh my goodness i kind of wanted to stay as vain but you know what this works let's get some damage out shall we very nice the game is saved oh wowzer wowser wowser wowzer is now the time to baron or what i think it might be hmm you know what screw it i didn't want to ult over that wall like that but it's better than wasting a whole bunch of time i feel like pushing top would be a really safe smart play but i'm gravitating towards mid you know what this is slow pushing maybe this isn't so bad maybe it's not so shabby oh i'm coming um this is bad this is bad this is bad this is bad we almost lost the game ladies and gentlemen i repeat we almost lost the game let's scare him i think doing random ease like that is actually super good they think i'm over there and they're big scared oh hello oh my goodness get over here oh wow vayne's dead too vayne's dead too oh my gosh yes i killed her what just happened are you kidding me [Music] no seriously how am i not dead that ga is beyond clutch oh my goodness we would have lost that was literally the game right there dude this is such a close one now elder drag is going to help us out a bit just a bit oh my goodness thank goodness for this ie dude this is the damage i need sorry seraphine sorry sorry sorry all right maybe we won't actually lose if we're just pushed up like this who knows oh i like that ow that still hit me seraphine's healing and we gotta get out nice no no dude i didn't pick up the vein can i still get it it's gone oh my goodness digs made a freaking play dude he altered then hourglass oh my gosh that was a good good good play we're dead for 50 we'll see how this goes turns out elder drag op and uh team for the win baby let's get that we are still in the game coming through nice nice we actually have to put the nail in the coffin one bad play and we're literally done so if we can get all three inhibs there's hope oh we lost the horse it's a 45 but we might be able to open up inhibs like crazy right about now dude this is such a banger to start it off with i love it come on come on this amount of creeps will be huge for us we're okay we're okay let's think here all we have to do is not lose then we'll win something a plan because it sounds like a plan to me their base is honestly in a lot of trouble i think they're going back i feel like they should be yep there's the vein oh hello we're good get out of there i love how fast we are we're hitting blast cones for days coming through that actually stun me get the heck over here i don't care about the vein oh my goodness he's dead right after me that's hilarious no my god he got me dude please kill him hecarim did nice hecarim killed him too and he's dead as well that my friends is a rapper to the first game and like i said 24 hours of the best possible earth content that i get in the next 24 hours so expect greatness already and maybe a little bit of sleepiness at the end next one here we go to continue this 24-hour shenanigans i got me some israel dude yes please oh my goodness we have to play well this game because it has to make the video i love ezreal that much i wonder if not going lethal tempo was a mistake all right i guess we shall soon find on out get over here gotcha big guy god she gotcha oh this guy's done so so is that guy so was that guy oh that was a uh pretty quick pen to kill and i think it's safe to say we're playing pretty well so hopefully this one will make guys again if you drop a thumbs up on this video 24 hours it's a long time all right and i would appreciate the love if you feel free to show it all right let's snag this let's go say hello to ash catching mid lane probably should have bought some more pots because i'm getting poked out of my mind early game no problem no doubt about it oh my goodness i wanna hit level two so badly oh yeah yay come on i gotta push with creeps that's how this works oh he's pissed he is pissed dude that dude is gonna afk so fast i should keep my attack speed alive i'm an idiot keep it coming oh i thought that last one hit him alright we're keeping the passive alive got it oh no it wore out oh yeah got him got the gold that's good i've seen a little bit more i honestly really really like you'll see the first pie i make it's it's gonna be good okay not bad not bad i like it i like it i like it if we can get this i think we can get every single plating honestly my favorite champion for a reason when it's pick earth i literally only want to play this champion and that's a fact ruski ah yeah yeah dude we got the tower that's all that matters sanguine blade is exactly what i want to try i'm leaning towards honestly i think we need to get one of these not shield bow uh is it really this i don't think it is all right maybe it is yep it is it probably is i was thinking dustblade i was thinking about it and prowler's claw just for the straight lethality but we're in a fine spot oh hello dude two of these and they're gonna die oh my goodness oh they're in big freaking trouble yeah you better run away from us come on you're gonna have to do a little better than that my guy got that okay get off of my tower platings nice nice nice got him he's dead he's dead he said he's dead oh come on oh i thought that asher was mine for a second we're dead all right we're heading down bob we have five plates to snag hopefully someone can save top nice lose on the case bye bye big guy oh my goodness dude we're taking over the planet right now come on oh my gosh that scared me too many tower platings for our own good all right we're headed back up top but if this guy wants to dance i'm more than down w barely missed i was funny um this would be good this would be really good i'm down for it i just failed at life and some more okay you saw nothing oh jeez i'm just getting a little pump and dump sorry lulu get over here coming through not bad but not good enough we have a minute left to get these plates we're gonna get all of them baby oh heck freaking yes now we're talking all right they might go drag oh boy not even close baby not even freaking close get over here nice we're literally lasered in right now now is this the right move turn up lady will soon fall we've got all of them oh did we hit anyone else okay you know what good effort good luck not good enough what the heck are you doing here oh the best offense is a good defense oh i got this i got this i don't got this that would have been a dope pendant not gonna lie really conserve our energy for the 24 hours oh my god i freaking suck dude oh my maybe flashing in on them is the best we'll grab this sell this and something else we're back alive let's see how much damage this does with my hatred i hope we do oh gin okay who else we got anyone nope all right got our gold that's all we care about we need to start taking down some towers now though because uh i don't want to lose any games i'm making my goal this video not to lose any but you know what could happen don't think it will okay it probably will duskblade ash huh oh my goodness we just nailed her it almost killed ash oh they're coordinating a strike ow nice shot big guy come on uh-oh what are you doing we kill him i'm gonna laugh oh we actually nailed him too don't do any stupid buns holy my he just did a lot what's happening get over here dude we've got him spooked and scared at the same time i'm stuck get me out of here i'm trying to juke the tower that's where you know it's bad oh we're good we are good in the hood baby got him too got him too where are you going big guy where the heck are you go what the let's see if we kill the gin okay just kidding the ff next one here we go welcome to summoners releasing okay um we're putting a lot of time into these games oh my goodness this is just the beginning this is just beginning oh my goodness i can't imagine if that seems like a lot by the end of this video i'm going to be dead that guy walked into a spot he did not want to be in and guys i hope you are all so freaking excited for the craziest vain shenanigans you quite possibly have ever seen before in your life what's going on right now what's going on right now oh we're good what is that vision dude he's really just scattered my ward are you kidding oh man singed get your booty over here buddy get your booty over here nice that actually stun me very nice oh my goodness we're going on this get over here oh wow we have eight kills level one i am so freaking hyped for this dude so beyond hypes right now this game is going to be the best game of all we're conserving energy to create the best 24 hours of content imaginable okay the best and it's gonna be good oh oh my gosh oh my gosh did these guys all mess around is he is he not dead he's not dead we're gonna kill him we're boosted let's see honestly i think mark treads might be our best bet for this mercury i think those will actually be the best we're gonna need lifesteal tankiness and here comes a pissed off warwick get in there buddy get in there nice oh beautiful very nice oh dude this game is gonna be sick this game is gonna be so sick all right here we go i'm killing the tower for the faster resets guy's gonna hate us here comes warwick okay we can work with that oh my goodness what just happened i think we're good i think we're good keep them coming oh man i want this plating so badly that's good that's good that's good these guys are melee we can take advantage of them i honestly think i'm like hmm oh oh my gosh that was almost very bad very not good very bad let's do this i think this is actually a decent spot for us shield bow pd come to papa our move speed is going to be craziness that guy just didn't die what in the heck oh we're diving baby we're diving level six oh my goodness we're good wow he got a stun off this is where merc treads will help and hmm is it bt i think it might be honestly lots of life still equals happy happy vayne all right let's pop off time folks it is pop off time very nice here we go here we go nice nice nice we're trying to get as many tower plates as we possibly can right now oh my goodness i thought it was gonna die for a second that actually would have been really close here we go here we go all right so next up last but not least top lane turrets you guys know how it goes are they good i hope they're good oh my goodness where you going big guy nice nice nice more tower damage baby i'm so happy to see what the heck lethal tempo looks like oh my goodness gracious i rolled into that one uh what the heck does his our old look like he goes invisible after a q that's so cool that is so freaking cool come on got it baby just in the nick of time lethal tempo is nuts wait what um how do i have 8 000 gold what um oh my goodness that is craziness absolute craziness let's see what do we want to buy that gives attack speed may we roll with it and go mega damage i think this is probably the best build we can get behind honestly well ie's is supposed to be included in here but it's currently not considering we didn't have enough gold but collector with level this level of stuff is going to be scary i almost want to go more attack speed because i think it's just really fun but this is definitely best utilizing the q invisibility to its fullest okay you'll see what i'm talking about in fights once we start fully utilizing it we are going to limit test to the max right now run cinch run here we go um okay yeah vayne's quite strong just a little bit all right we can hide here and come in for the kilaruski hello come on this guy's tripping me out right now oh no dude that slows brutal oh my gosh no i didn't get it off um we're in trouble and we're dead okay you know what we need more damage here we go coming on through folks coming on through like i said these towers i want them to go but what the are you stupid these towers i wanted to go bye-bye oh boy oh i don't get stunned oh we're good the tumbling and rumbling and tumbling come on buddy oh no not my shield boat oh wow okay that's really not good oh god we're going right into the thick of it yep but we have so much true damage that everything is a okay thank you for that hit the stupid oh my goodness i almost messed that up i wanted to hit the ken and not the dragon and that almost went poor real quick but uh hey zillion come to get you buddy all right you know what i'm trolling trying to hit this eat no need we're good i think we take bot in him right now probably safest let's snag it oh god he still oh my gosh silas scares me big time that dude is not a joke all right we have ghost and our old as long as we're not under tower we should be good oh yes put this thing in line there we go we got the minion here to go along with it easy money hello they don't know where i'm at i don't know when i'm gonna strike oh my gosh dude i'm so bad um not good we're buying a ga red pot check did they get the dragon no we're good we're good we're good what's up silas how the heck did he know i was coming all right with ghost who needs boots oh my goodness dude i was at 4.17 attack speed that's what i like to see get over here two autos andy's get on listen buddy all right listen i was gonna have a good time with you i didn't know you wanted a scrap why does he not die i feel like that happens every single time with kennen and i'm not sure why all right um two more inhibs for us to yoink and ghost is back up right about now all right someone's here they have baron i'm not worried yet here goes nothing here goes nothing oh gosh oh my goodness you're kidding me right dude this silas is nuts no more mr nice guy did we just lose okay two inhibitors honestly if we group we should be okay keyword should here comes the old there goes warwick oh why hello there zillion how are you my friend oh we're face checking oh thank you kale thank you kale that was not fun for them oh my gosh that was juicy all right we can shove this up and get dargone that's gonna help us get the tankiness we desperately need all righty i'm talking desperately get over here come on mr dragon come on oh my goodness kale died for our sins that fight oh this shield is sick dude bt shield yumi shield along with uh dragon shield that's money kill come with us oh she's here ghost is up away we go they're mad come on that's one way to do it where you at warwick where are you at dude not even freaking close oh we got this it's penta city okay i thought for a second there i was gonna die i was going full turret mode just because i knew i wouldn't and here we are that was fun dude that was the vain game i was wanting 50 kills not bad let's add on some more shall we plus 50 gold how about that okay sarah feeney pepper cheney game i'm trying to think um let's do this build i was considering something else but here goes nothing oh gosh save me please oh we're money we're good we're chilling we are super chilling baby where did you just come from what in the world hello goodbye i'm popping ghosts for this they probably don't want to go this way just kidding they do dude we deal so much damage oh hello coming through oh my goodness get your booty over here get your booty over here no pen to kill for us i'm mad i'm very mad sorry worse than the recording studio sound proofing on dude she's got the cheap soundproofing we got the good stuff i'll have to show it to you guys sometimes it's right in front of us um let's see here let's do this setup right here looks good sounds good to me we're off to a good freaking start excited for the uh sarafini it sucks we're not gonna utilize our passive to the fullest until later on until we start grouping like crazy oh hello hello dude that's slow is ridiculous oh my gosh actually craziness let's do this come on cannon what's up baby all right i miss everything sounds good to me just kidding no we don't yo that's slow is insanity oh my gosh i should have known if he went on me i could have killed him if he didn't he's dead my q i'm an idiot i'm an idiot oh i should have auto trying to charge up my passive this guy also really run ghost no way i think i can reach that i can i wait until the very end so he would actually feel a little more safe recalling and he'd be less tempted to cancel it sooner a little pro strat if you're trying to catch some people uh with a cheeky kill that's for sure oh my gosh seraphine's insane this slow feels so strong oh dude i wasn't even trying to hit that one and almost killed him get over here oh my gosh if that hit that would have been literally the cherry on top come on come on he actually has ghost too that's too funny get out of here but this champion definitely exceeding my expectations right now i knew she'd be good but definitely not this good come on gotta be more careful than that cannon you gotta be a little more careful than that we're playing jams right now so we can get more fruity pebbles into our kills on these towers or damage on these towers just say in between every auto we gotta launch something at him come on no this champ's impossible to play against look at this crap come on [Music] oh if that q hit you is dead oh goodness that's kind of scary let's go this way does he really not have flash or what what that was uh unsettling to say the least anyways this check magic pen boots check deathcap roosky is that going to be the move an hourglass sounds pretty enticing versus team that was good flash out all right literally just being around allies is gonna be the dream for us let's get this tower and call it a day shall we come on very nice there's the gold we gotta head up top on my way to side lane i gotta look i gotta look this looks juicy oh my gosh they both look juicy we're going sriracha we're coming to save you she dead oh just barely miss that kill i'm boosted coming on through fellers coming on through so here's the plan we get a lot of damage on towers and profit oh my gosh what am i watching dude sarah feed is incredible she is so scary i wish we had a little more attacks maybe brush it look at nashers i don't even know but i'll tell you what nobody wants to come out down here and i do not blame them am i getting mega flight yes i am i know how to get out of this oh god both of them oh my gosh i'm so freaking not dead oh that was the good offense is a good defense strategy dude seraphine is going at the top of the food chain on earth to your list right now she is shooting up that's ridiculous i want this old that sounds nice soraka appreciate heals i got your back but i gotta focus on this a wee bit more oh my gosh i thought my w is about to come up that sucks here's the plan folks oh heck no heck no heck no heck no no that sucks a lot sup mundo we got the krabby crab as well oh my gosh what's happening this guy thinks he can survive is he crazy oh no you don't oh no you don't so we have a rapid fire cannon now which is going to be game changer for us mainly because it's going to pair extremely well with our passive and then go berserk mode oh what the heck do you think you're doing my friend melody you know it's scary when we're melting a mundo [Music] oh my gosh get me the heck out of here i'm okay i'm gonna die i'm not gonna die how am i alive i don't even know how get over here dude we need more damage now that mundo is so tanky oh my gosh okay i shouldn't take a moment and breathe real quick that was beyond scary um let's see here kind of like the nashers cosmic drive would be good staff of flowing water would actually just be the dream let me go with the nashers i think staff floating water would be the best supportive move but we gotta make it carry this so we're gonna see how that one goes boom baby that was a good snipe in the back oh wow okay they are keeping a hard eye out for me i gotta be careful all right we're going at him folks oh no dude that drag is exactly what we need but i don't know if we're gonna get it i don't know if we are going to get it or not hello my friend that was good blocked they're in trouble i was hoping to catch kai's in the back but you know what she's dead that's all good i think focusing on one in him at a time stop recall honestly if you can just take people out of the game that would be mad genius oh heck yes heck yes mr turret come on now i'm so scared this pantheon wants me we got a lot of people behind us and i am freaking spooked oh my gosh got pmf baby what the heck was that oh she's dead what just mf literally just hit the bounce of her life onto me to actually kill me there wow getting baron would help a lot that's for sure oh my god he's actually in there holy that was freaking scary dude let's go this way and do our thing i was throwing my abilities in there for good measure but wow i didn't think you would actually still be in there let's see i feel like we should probably just focus on the dragon the earlier we get these the way better off we're going to be where the heck is this pantheon going if we can get him out of the fight that'd be the dream or if we can catch him right over here slipping oh my gosh yo my old still so much longer than i freaking remember uh-oh uh oh row this dude's gotta go bye-bye now yo my e is so good for destroying cannon so so good nice we're sniping in the back big time you're dead you're dead destroying with art is pretty funny oh our base not doing so hot all right you know what one tower at a time let's focus focus focus and get these waves pushed up big time if we don't have the spot tower it's literally just gonna constantly be shoving and we're not going to be able to provide any pressure ever whatsoever oh god if i get by one w i might be dead where you at uh oh there's a lot of them there is way freaking too many of them nice yo the whole team just went down here what have we just created oh you're dead nice i kite back so insanely well it is ridiculous oh my goodness literally just dishing out ease will destroy them that's for sure we're getting multiple ways of pressuring them though because if i get flanked i am in big doo-doo and that's about to happen right here oh goodness maybe just getting this tower will do it for us oh okay muno at top we might be able to do this nice get over here oh my gosh my range is broken dude this champion is broken forget the range we're poking it we're poking all right we should have time it's three to five for a while we have mid push as well oh heck yes dude i love me some seraphine i'll tell you that my attack speeds actually nuts oh goodness i was a little too close for comfort oh i was hoping that the bank shot off naughty list all right that's our q to get the heck out of here that was a huge power play for us do we pressure this or not pardon me thinks we don't oh gosh this is what we really need there's no way they're going to be able to kill it back quickly i'm coming friends are the only ken's on it right now oh goodness nice i got it dude i actually got it oh wow these guys are not bad they're pressuring where they should be pressuring i like that karen push bot trust all right he pushes bot we go top that'll be money money money for us hey number guy i'm not sure if we're gonna kill this dude hello we got one slippery pickle on the move nice nice mundo dead we can do whatever the heck we want now uh oh all right i need to not get flanked right now we need to not get flanked oh uh oh spaghett's oh my gosh holy salutes i almost just died dude i did not know how low i just got holy cow that was close i'm down for a barren pepperoni only mundo left we're good [Music] again these guys are not pressuring in bad spots they know where they're trying to make where we're trying to make our power play and they're doing their best to stop us that was actually beyond close i was like one freaking cannon zap away from dying right there but uh this build will blow your mind oh boy not reclining with the team they have baron shoot i guess they gotta worry about that nice nice nice very very nice now if we don't get flanked without we don't die sounds good to me let's get some attack range going looking good looking good get over here stack up the passive and away oh god oh my oh no we just we might have just lost oh my gosh did we just lose did we just freaking lose oh my god no oh my god no oh my gosh what's happening we have an open nexus i repeat we have an open nexus ward up and you get that dragon i die alone at that dude all i had to do was literally not die i had one job i literally had one job karen go and death base oh my god i was typing dude oh my gosh i literally just ruined everything i eat oh boy oh boy hopefully they hit the freaking stun now oh my god get i.e all damaged holy dude this is so scary this is so freaking scary you didn't get ie oh god okay well we suddenly have a huge game on our hands fellers if they just oh god they have a pantheon dude they have a freaking pantheon [Music] care pamphlet [Music] here comes mundo i'm so freaking scared for pantheon i'm staying where is this dude jumping and when is he jumping we can't leave the base dude he's still trying to kill me this guy's a freaking animal nice oh my gosh get over here one auto dude nice oh my goodness where are you do i die here we see mundo thank you am i going to be able to drink this dude oh goodness we got oh yeah yeah this is they're gonna have earth dragon that's gonna be a nightmare lots of inhibs for us six inhibitors down dude what is this game bro what in the world is this game uh you gotta go ap damage oh no oh no hot diggity dog get knight harvester oh boy here comes the push i can sell my boots i like the range but you can definitely use a little bit of this oh man i should honestly get a void staff over everything oh goodness no that inhibitor respond that's not good for us i'm so scared of pantheon it's not even funny this dude's gonna press r and ruin our day oh goodness okay i'm okay oh they're coming in hot oh i'm going down oh my goodness dude the rift herald that was a crazy game i'm so pissed right now i am so pissed oh top five favorite champion nidalee right here this level one's gonna be fun oh they are just clumped on oh you hate to see it you hate to see it you hate to see it these are zoning spears people just got her oh my goodness we got this we got this listen taric stay right there buddy stay right there got him oh that's not good oh my goodness what just happened don't know we're going in get off me i'm so bad oh my goodness we got the hookers inbound dude that is sick oh no we're going into fizz things could get real scary real quick here hmm i'm not sure what the best move is fighting this dude is going to be so freaking scary oh my goodness may we rush a banshees get over here oh money dude he's gonna hate us he's gonna get the lead big time soon though so we gotta break away now okay now now now now let's get this going and here comes the big kill honestly our trains are no my gosh dudes so close from popping this guy you're in trouble my dude oh i was beyond close he's dead not dead but he's about to die come on fizzy fizzy now you want to go aggressive buddy nice got him there it is we gotta break away quickly like i said getting out of this lane he's gonna be our best friend that was worth it uh oh all right you know what i still think it was worth it we're going top giving a shutdown to fizz though definitely not fun here we go oh jonius rammus will not be fun but doable oh my goodness this guy's a monster uh tarek derek what's going on there buddy this guy's in trouble oh my goodness get over here oh my gosh we almost lost that kill and more importantly i think we did actually lose some plating i'm pretty sure at least i don't like to waste any time any anything else besides these guys i freaking missed that was one of those not so good synergies oh let's get over here nice nice very nice all right we still have so much time to go do a lot of things here their whole entire team is so scary if i'm being honest this is something i am not looking forward to going against oh goodness hopefully we're good die oh my gosh dude if he's that tanky already like i said actual nightmare coming our way but look how much gold we're getting i think mark treads are going to have to be a must unfortunately i do i'm not mercurites but magic pen booties and believe it or not i think this is my favorite item in earth let me find it not only because you can utilize the cdr but but but the move speed after you hit somebody is the nicest thing ever what's up rango tango how you doing oh my gosh you would think i had lich banner for that but no siree here comes nidalee come on come on maybe just push to the wind here i honestly think we might be able to get away with it this dude hates us oh this is gonna be the sickest kill ever got him oh i honestly think that was pretty close oh my gosh holy that low-key scared the crap out of me dude why did he not press w oh you want to dance oh my goodness a long one oh my god i missed he's going super around this is what we need beautiful beautiful beautiful is it worth it what do you guys think keep going or what i'm actually down we have a full death cabin base the amount of damage that will do i don't even want to know honestly i feel like we should go pick it up then have some fun dude that dude hates us so much he's got a shutdown though that's scary i think we have to end now or else we're big screwed come on maybe opening up the in him now will be worth it if no one's here it should be pretty easy nice nice nice give us more attack speed yes please oh oh we're good now that that's opened up and we have this much gold i feel good about the situation okay death cap check lich bean honestly would help us mow down the towers it sounds good to me with a little blue pot action i'm just gonna go in this thing right now dude give them no chance no hope oh baby pairing us up with some crowd control sounds good to me oh sink i think we're good don't die buddy don't you dare die oh rango tango's going back oh that's awkward derek's not having the best time my minion that i cared so much about what the heck am i looking at oh no sir okay did i say lichbane i meant hourglass on the way feller's on the way probably should be pushing right now but oh well did i get him oh my goodness hey rango get off my friend i know where you're going when in doubt oh my goodness what just happened dude i'm thinking these arrows are ours or the enemy teams i should say all right this is where we go on their base and hopefully not die oh my goodness oh that was kind of close nice nice and i'm a very afraid of fizz and ranger oh god it's gonna happen they're gonna be all over us run run run buns run run run let's do this and we're honestly good i have hourglass so i can do whatever the heck we want oh my gosh okay maybe not whatever we want oh he done duped he done goofed baby flash on me and dare you oh oh my goodness get the heck off me oh we're good oh what is going down over here that is one slippery slab jack dude like i said fizz is broken we're gonna run into some issues if we don't end it quickly quickly quickly quickly oh this ramus hates us and we don't deal damage to him so we hate him as well oh no oh baby our q does big boy damage hang our press r you know you have to which way you gonna go big guy which way you gonna go oh my goodness oh dude we got the damage off oh man i thought it was a beast we got the damage off with our e and our glasses thing that was almost so sick here we go we'll let that ramis off the hook this time and have some fun come top lane they got one thing left i believe he just hooked him out of his own pickle oh my goodness i love that oh this knows where uh youtuber baby i like it well maybe he'll uh oh my god what did he just do that much damage to me for holy smokers um wow big wow let's go this way and this way some more y'all down to get down and dirty let's see if we have minions end this for us okay i saw that one coming big guy what the heck did i just hit very nice here come the creeps dude poor derek he's having some connection oh my gosh dude there's too many of them there's too many of them oh oh not all we're actually dead get me out of here next one here we go jace is easily one of the craziest champs in earth with season 11. okay with the new mythic items this champion exceeds expectations by 17 miles oh that's what i'm talking about good work team let's keep on flying oh my gosh oh oh oh oh my gosh that saved my booty and now he's mad holy hot diggity dog are we safe right now nice it's only soraka how scary can she be you know what i'm saying i don't know how i feel about this anymore she doesn't have flash we should be fine dude we're just staying because we're low hp and i have no barrier okay the more you know i'm an idiot um the item that gives more lethality for uh each legendary you have is so ridiculous it's not even funny get over here my minions do as much damage as you oh a little close not that close looking good smelling good oh oh hmm come on cassio you gotta do a little better than that give me that please don't die oh very nice dude very nice very nice oh so that's gonna be a problem i think we win this all right it would be just a lot easier if we had more gold no more gold more damage i could have killed him with that one or that one baby did hit him with one oh my goodness we timed that beautifully oh baby no bad not bad at all do i die for this right now no no no i can't move wait what i swear that was that was weird so the reason behind the prowlers claw is because of what i said earlier each legendary we have we get more lethality for and that is all i currently care about oh she's pissed come on okay again that was all a little closer than it had to be i'm not dying anymore though those days are over let's get some damage on some creeps and keep on pushing oh boy this is where things start to get scary and sketch at the same time jesus dead oh my goodness that was worth it that was um we're taking that that's really good now yes let's do that again i think i can get this tower easy peasy but is our time better spent mid lane or up top oh he's pissed he was six and we said no no to that one come on buddy this is worth it my gosh yes may we stay and kill dude our animation goes through that's sick that's so sick okay we have so much oh no bot lane we go it's a party up top i think with our items i can actually destroy this tower oh you're in trouble bye this is payback from the early game oh my goodness wow i actually died dude well played to that vi actually well played i think a thousand times over we only die that one time as much as i want to go top and destroy them all so badly right now this is gonna be the better move can you stop it please oh my goodness dude if she hits that q i might have died again i need to give by some more respect my gosh listen she comes down once more we can take her but oh my goodness is it kind of scary 20 seconds left on plating we'll keep the damage coming there's no way we can get top as much as i want to we gotta go we gotta go we gotta go maybe i can snipe it oh my goodness recall i dare you really nice i was a little closer than i thought it would be so uh tempted to buy hourglass right now uh not sure how to feel about it some kind of weird urge we're getting let's see merc treads not really more a.d maybe sorta kinda maybe for now you can always swap later to something else late game i.e jace is nasty it's gonna be interesting to see how it all works out honestly let's rock it heal as much as you want there's no way you're healing through this no freaking way oh hello you're in trouble now fellers oh my gosh yeah it's gonna be looking a lot like that uh-oh listen here akolai oh gosh get the heck away from me we're alive we're alive and they're not baby oh my goodness oh no i am so sad if i just got that one little auto off we would have been good to go gravy mode i'm coming fellers i'm coming oh hello oh my goodness dude oh my goodness so they're having fun on drag we need to take their towers okay we've been cheesed too many times by not getting towers early and doing our homework those days stop today give me all of this and hello what is going on right now not sure but she just got destroyed uh do we care about those sort of kinda sort of sort of kinda hmm hmm swifties are more damage i'm honestly i just bought a freaking ap push i'm an idiot i'm literally the biggest the one item you can't refund in the shop we just bought oh i'm such an idiot okay well you know what rw does freaking damage now wow that's what i like to see hello are you watching your screen she's done so that was still there from the early game that i should have killed jace is one of those 15 plate champions that i needed to get if i don't it's my bad big time light our path honestly with this fire cage i'm feeling pretty good please one shotter oh my goodness later if i had the red pot i actually maybe could have pulled that off that's the funniest part about all of this 30 attack damage but it added a little extra oomph you know what i'm saying i think it meters it means so much oh my goodness dude i just caught up to my bullet i was sick oh wow let's do this she probably wants to halt in the fog no siree i missed i missed again soraka i'm not gonna you know what that is fine by me that is totally fine by me we're just going to go ahead and go back and have a good time shall we shall we oh hello there akolai oh my goodness gracious uh yeah honestly i think i want to go this way i need to focus more about pushing than anything else in this vial be extremely scary oh wow oh my god my tiny little cue is so cute nice very nice looking gravy looking good coming through oh baby oh uh oh row oh that's what i'm talking about do we dare go for the big money dive let's get these creeps out of the way and blast them off to the moon all right you know what got her oh that would have been sick say goodbye to your inhibitors this rock is not having a good time i'll tell you that oh my goodness oh we're okay oh my gosh we died i'm always ready so uh some news they got baron and that's not good i wonder if it's time oh he she wants to hold me so badly i saw that one coming i saw that one coming probably get your buddy booty on over here she's so dead so freaking dead come on yeah i'm down to go over there with you oh that was pretty close time to run it down no more mr nice guy alrighty oh let's go in there don't mind if i do they're gonna say bye to all their nibs real quick sometimes you just gotta group up a little bit you know what i'm saying helps out a lot quinn eat this i missed i literally just missed that's kind of awkward oh bye bye oh bye-bye to you big damage big damage dude come on she's dead i love it i love it i love it oh i don't know if we want to do that yep no thank you here comes the echo baby this one's gonna be a fun one i actually love starting q and going into late game team fights what the there's a freaking how many boxes are here dude these guys were ready for this oh my goodness there is a lot of them oh that was slick that was slick there's boxes to our left we gotta be very careful over there to say the least all right i think we're okay oh goodness these boxes are trolling us big time right about now what's up greggy ice how you doing buddy oh goodness i'm literally going in blind i'm going and blind and i like it oh he's dead yup yup that's money we go this guy or not oh my gosh i saw that one coming wait i don't flash what am i doing i thought i was going for a flash kill for a second that is definitely not the case also wave clear and echo insane you might not think it's that good but oh boy is it good all right i'm a head mid right after we pick up some goodies baby i'm talking we got some good stuff protobelt cute night harvester gonna be amazing alrighty let's go here oh no oh no i am already dreading the shako experience i just know we're going to be dashing in and eating some fears like it's my gerb i already see it coming maybe if i just tank them with my w it's all okay honestly i kind of like that there's the stun there's the damage maybe we kill them after i like that too come here big guy get over here oh we can pour it on him like that that's actually no oh my goodness we're good we are good in the hood this guy's gonna jump after us where are you going buddy where are you going let's get the heck out of here i am freaking spooked to say the least okay but we're in a good spot baby let's do this let's do that and send it on in alrighty here we go i kind of want to go for shaco again once honestly once we get the shield anything is possible we just got to keep launching these guys and we're good we have poke for days and better yet we have the push power on them so we're gonna use that to our fullest of advantages oh my goodness dude this guy is no joke all right here we go here comes the wave clear he can't handle it he cannot handle it do you want to go right now can we kill him oh that hit him honestly i care more about this tower damage than i do anything else come on if i can kill him to die it's so worth it oh beautiful dude maybe we can get some more plates on this bad boy all right we are just eating those left and right that might not be a good thing hmm without all i could see this getting real sticky real fast here he comes here he comes oh thank you get me the heck out of here we get the cannon too oh money he's pissed ooh if i instantly altered i think we had the kill there i'm being honest that would have been so nice is he going for us i think we're good we're good in the hood merc treads first purchased right there alrighty right then and there no other option as bad as i want that mid tower we can get some other goodies over here just like this hello we're strong right now we can do this nice get over here oh my goodness we're taking heavy fire we're taking heavy fire let's just make sure we don't die how about that sounds pretty good to me i'm also gonna get more points in my e and uh oh boy this master you might dog me honestly oh beautiful dude we literally got spat out at the perfect time imaginable nice oh my goodness he's dead or not or not or not we don't have r top towers very low masteries is coming back this is a nightmare this is a nightmare maybe we just poked this guy out oh my gosh we're insane i'm thinking about it hey there big guy is he dead or am i dead bolton 5 then anything's possible get over here nice so uh where the heck is master yet oh gosh wish i could have saved you buddy eight minutes past rest in pepperoni tower plating that would have been extremely nice but we got other things we got to worry about right now okay let's snag this and a whole lot of that i am loving this right now okay we need a full-on focus and they are going in in my goodness was uh pretty surprised by that to be honest okay we're doing well oh my gosh uh wow that's a lot of them is this one hit it oh beautiful love that maybe we gotta get some pressure mid going you know what i'm saying oh hello get over here nice let's get out of here sup dude we really gotta get out of here oh very nice we're okay thank you got the stun oh my gosh i thought that was me for a second being that rammus ball we're okay we're okay we're okay we're okay we're okay nice oh baby nice dude the lockdown is ridiculous this guy's pissed oh you me i'm coming to get you oh it was on cooldown that's not good that's not good do i dare no i didn't get this done ah that was actually so freaking close note to self if your cat's in trouble don't save it no i'm just kidding but uh let's see what range we're dealing with now shall we nice oh my goodness that's kind of scary there's the stun i love that hello fear i want to go on this so badly get the rapid fire going oh my goodness dude this dude's in trouble anything's possible with this rapid fire now guys we picked this up our range is going across the map baby oh my goodness oh my goodness gracious hello oh you're dead very freaking nice let's do this now anything's possible i think picking up a death count for ruski is going to be the move uh-oh uh oh i need to kill this master yi dude i don't think we killed him oh this is actually so scary master you down oh my goodness our q is going back and forth you're dead and so are the rest of them oh my gosh hey there jinx she knows she's screwed oh my gosh team fights on this champion is the most fun dude only on earth literally only a nerf i could play 24 hours of just this guy honestly let's grab this that and a whole lot of this coming through hot diggity dog all right q's looking gravy these towers go bye-bye real quick wish i got the shield before it took that damage that would have been nice he spooked coming through that's probably not the real shocker for that oh are we safe i think we're good okay really oh my i freaking chose the wrong carrot the dragon would go fellas to dragon we go this is up soon but i honestly care about towers top and bot a lot right now top and bot a lot how much you care a lot get over here he wants to waste his e on us like that he can go right ahead oh goodness are we good this guy definitely needs our help on the damage side of things we can kill mid i'm a little worried about master yi oh my gosh they just joined it from us are you actually kidding me oh my gosh you only see that in the movies oh wait this is a movie get over here come on we gotta get this show on the road baby uh hopefully we don't get flanked or spanked out of nowhere but a little worried they have our bot in here but you know what screw it got nothing to lose i'm feeling myself let's see here thank you for that and oh gosh our mid lane is literally done so i just need like two seconds oh gosh no we might lose out this i can honestly back from here oh my god no oh my god no i believe it's time for some good old luciano baby oh this is money this is a dream fight scenario for us nice job shiny shin and these guys are in big big trouble time to run down oh my goodness yo maybe we just go in in nice very nice there's the dark harvey and this dude's dead all right we gotta go behind us this poppy does not look happy about the current situation at hand is you you laughing at us all right not gonna lie we're getting massively baited right now i've been down that road before don't want to do it again has taco ultimatum yes please team have fun recalling good luck recalling let's get this and tf pushes hard oh gosh having lane control mid is huge honestly come on buddy that's not good we're doing just fine i'm an idiot oh yeah who's laughing now big guy oh he done goofed he done goofed big time oh my gosh that was actually beyond close he's pissed he is so pissed oh my goodness yeah these tower shots are killing me and by tower shots i mean that one tower shot we're focused right now we're hocus pocus focused nice good poke oh oh my god his third hit proc just destroyed me maybe ian was a little advantageous on that one all right tf no more freebies enjoy that one while you had it buddy enjoy it while you had it already it ain't gonna happen again oh boy i feel like i need to roam on this train damage is it worth nice dude this guy's getting booty blasted right now oh oh that was freaking close i just want this wave to crash oh god tf's gonna be back oh my gosh get me out of here they have flash they have flash they have flash they have flash they have flash oh there's no way i live this if i had all i'd make some moves holy crap i actually lived that that's craziness all right let's go here with six we can actually bop this guy down come on come on get the heck over here my guy get the heck over here oh we actually hit him with that nice he's in big trouble now oh that's not what i wanted he's mad oh my goodness all minions report to me oh god this is how we got caught a pickle last time give me that thank you oh no freaking way oh this person is so freaking mad right now um are you kidding me that stops my alt oh that's so sad all right if we won't listen to do well we need to get more plates me greeting for those two plates there that's my mistake that's me not playing it smart that's me playing it greedy get over here oh this is what i really care about if please hold the honest i dare you nice he was smart he would go kill the wave right now we're okay we're doing just fine ulti's back nice kind of afraid of caitlyn ultimate why is this guy so fast oh no you don't oh no you don't we're live we're live we're alive and well my friends tf's literally just ultimately cool down what the heck honestly not a bad strategy this is what we need though oh yeah yeah dude tower planes going bye-bye oh my goodness it's go time a little bit of time left not bad oh my goodness hmm i'd be lying to you if i told you i was not a little sketched out about the situation right now are those hours oh heck yeah they are baby yo these guys have some poke more poke than i have and that's saying a lot this is spooky come on nice oh boy oh boy oh my gosh is that a tf that's a tf just kidding that's nasus how am i alive bro wow wow oh dude imagine if i just take that for him and die that's how we go out holy i love some league of legends i'd love me some league of legos all right i'm feeling right now little battle pollution you guys down little battle lucian that's what we really need no more has taco this is the healing we're gonna have we deal so much more damage now i cannot wait to see what the heck it's looking like okay keep it coming and we're going in they're not going to know what the heck hit them sup caitlander we'll play it on her part oh my gosh that was freaking money okay interesting hmm yeah kate go farming earth dude this poppy's all toxic a little toxic or a lot toxic now we're holding a lot of people mid here that's good uh oh that's not good bobby's coming for us this poppy's coming straight for us do you say yeah poppy go farming earth thank you for the gold this dude probably hates us with a passion honestly keeping mid pushed in will constantly have them pressured and they'll be real scared of the situation we're chilling we're chilling poppy scares me the most out of anyone okay um something is dealing a lot of damage and it's making me uncomfortable oh my gosh what's the play move ow i'm somewhat okay with that we gotta heal up oh no dude that ulti would have been big damage but it bit us in the booty hard this one's gonna be difficult mainly because we have a battle build aka we benefit from auto attacks a lot but it's hard for us to actually get an auto attack range you see the dilemma here there's quite the dilemma yeah are you peacing out right now there we go nice nice i'm sadly got that dargone because i know it's going to be a good form of our healing get over here nice uh-oh oh i'm so scared of getting flanked dude very scared of it here it comes somebody take it please oh my goodness dude we are going in right now we have gained control of the team fights get the heck over here dude battle luton op get me out of there nice they're all dead it's go time this poppy is so mad i love it i love it i love it i love it we gotta go now keep it coming oh that just saved me please god oh my gosh oh okay little oh my goodness okay unfortunately we can't buy our death camp right now but that might be at the be it might just be the price we got to pay right now you know what i'm saying got good damage who the heck oh my god his collector just killed me we got the dragon and a death cap we're in a much better spot now i'm chilling honestly i wonder if just going straight in for like the back door could be a viable move get over here oh my goodness nice wow dude that caitlyn will actually just snag me that sucks we're alive and not dead there's a little some some coming up soon and his name is dragon in 30 seconds hmm do we go to it now yeah we have to 26 seconds we can push out bot on our way oh hopefully someone's not dead coming in hot dude tf bolt is actually so important yeah they're running hey jeez i think we see him down there oh gosh what the heck nice why don't you die what is wrong with that champion okay it looks like he's got a bunch of mr oh my gosh dude thank you everything's gonna be okay holy we just pelt the damage into that dude all right i want to keep bob pushed really badly i think we're good nice nice nice baby oh we finally have some kind of healing that's so nice here we go here we go here we go what the poppy you okay good damage time to say bye bye to the towers oh they're actually going super hard down there okay nice gotta love the luciano baby gotta love the luciano i love it team i'm coming i'm coming oh my god i'm gonna die i'm gonna die my diamond diamond oh we're okay oh my gosh you know what we got an assist that's fine are you kidding me did i did i make a mistake i think i shouldn't have flashed oh no oh no oh no oh no that was so sad it was so sad i really hope bears doesn't flash okay he has flash i'm coming big guy dude my cues do negative damage right now thank you very much we're coming after you oh hello he doesn't have flash there's no way it's back up yeah he knows that was pretty funny all right we're gonna go maybe we're gonna have a good time but first we're gonna pick up some items because without items zed actually feels garbo all right you basically need a few items and first back before you actually do anything oh why can't they keep varys or casted in here he's the one i want to go against the most he would get absolutely annihilated here we go once we get our w we'll be in a good spot i just want a level right now i don't care if i don't have to see us what the are you what please tell me he's not the jungler he just randomly ganked me wow hit me with the xd as well if we were level two as well we would have been okay listen here big guy i didn't like that not one bit i think we hit him i think we nailed them that's not good wow this guy actually hurts so badly thank you level three will help that's nice oh my goodness ha ha and we're good all right we're gonna dominate this lane baby zed oh freaking pay this guy's gonna hate us i freaking just died okay you know what at least it looked cool i think duskblade's the fun option prowler's claw or eclipse is the better option let's do um to the fun option they're both insanely well don't get me wrong insanely good insanely good oh my gosh i miss one more cannon we're definitely gonna have a problem that was not worth it oh we're okay we're okay we're okay i really hope we don't get dough right about now i think we're good oh nice remember ah yeah yeah i done goofed i done goofed oh no way dude we're smooth we are actually smooth oh baby he actually just joined that from us all went so well and then we lost the dragon all right i'm gonna come bot and we need this so we can kill towers faster than fast oh my goodness we actually played that so oh hello and this guy hates us all right we're good oh my gosh hecarim is not going to be our friend i'll tell you that tower plates baby tower plates are all we need let's see here here we go look at our attack speed that's what it's all about that's nice good damage good damage oh my goodness hecarim just gave us a free in one freebie what oh my gosh i had to press r sooner dude if i just got that tower it all would have been so worth it all right we gotta go for it i feel like top might be more gold i'm not sure coming through maybe we can still get more plating elsewhere too oh boy 20 seconds on that i don't know it's probably not worth it you going big dog oh my god what the i almost died i forgot how low i was from before oh this scares me nice nice very nice here we go there's good damage they're over here this dude literally hates us nice we're ready for anything baby she's dead oh if we sniped that that would have been so sick let's put you there get some juicy hp back i altered i don't think i don't know oh my goodness gracious dude i thought i altered the vial i did it too slow that's how we're gonna dodge that ability okay that is exactly how we're gonna dodge that ability oh oh oh oh get me out of there oh these piss dude he is mega pissed nice nice okay oh my goodness gracious no i didn't press r to go back dude if i ever alt would buy close i need to hold the old that's the only way all right focus time on no more messing around okay we need to get this inhibitor vine here come out together that's the scary combo right there are they going back where do you think you're going big guy oh goodness surprisingly they get altered right there honestly whoa there i'm feared like no other i actually messed up so badly all right let's focus all you have to do playing this champion is slow time down okay once you do that everything becomes much easier my w didn't uh come out i freaking went back to the old one that took another one so i closed so much difference i don't even know where i was oh god let's get this one killed at a time we have a lot of hp lifesteal regen whatever the heck you want to call it where you gonna be gay where are you going one inhibitor at a time some karthus kills i like that oh they're all dead let's see if we can get some more than just a little bit of that shall we oh that was worth it oh honestly i died for the tower that was worth last inhibitor we need up top curious how i feel about the uh the collector oh my goodness that was close dude if i just got a little closer to lee sin we would have been okay you gotta remember they're all glass cannon so if i can fight them one-on-one that's where we're gonna have our best results oh hello what do you think you're doing dude she hurts so badly what the heck she heals for a bajillion nice a little too far up you love to see it get over here oh hecarim's pissed time to focus and close this sucker out dude oh my gosh is beyond scared oh my god we killed bears nice nice noise all right i am so pretty kaiser dude a champion he's dogged me one too many times all righty get over here no you don't what is that champion bro oh my goodness gracious so scary that's a wrap well as we are verse a little clan this game we gotta make this one count we gotta make this one good vdl should be fun i'm excited all right we got q first up and i'm thinking that duskblade might be the move i haven't made up my mind completely yet oh boy we got some company go for this dude wow she's popping ghost somebody's in here hello the fiesta has begun my gosh gotcha gotcha oh that's beautiful i want to go in in but i'm also scared to go in in oh gosh this is about to get real freaking bad this is about to get real bad they're low but their whole team's coming back are they low enough for me to flash in screw it oh my goodness that was so worth it that was so freaking worth it part of me wants to get not eclipse you know what's good we're going invisible i feel like going invisible just has to be the best way don't be you mean don't be human don't be uni don't be you me oh gosh well here we are fullers here we are once you get level two we'll be in a much better spot but we're gonna make these dudes cry big time oh man dude there's nothing better than playing this little clan come on we're getting control that's good that is good for us now we got some range on us oh my turns out early lethality is not bad i'm bad okay you know what maybe that was worth it is feeding yumi worth it i don't know i feel like she could be pretty annoying here we are here we are here we are it's almost invisible time almost invisible build time are you kidding me you survived how's it possible gotcha oh my gosh we do freaking big damage dude coming through get over here i should probably focus on these guys where are you going now big dog oh my goodness that was too close for me no i didn't eat out fast enough all right you know what dust blade complete this is money i'm actually an idiot i missed the tower putting gold down here oh yeah yay buns he had one job one freaking job get the big money play gold all right we're getting some i kinda wanna go on them oh that was close this guy knows he has a chance of killing me nice we're chilling let's see we only have three more minutes to make something happen that's not a lot of time oh my goodness that was close come on it's go time we can get one more plate easy peasy oh that almost killed her dude literally just out of range it might be time to go to a different lane these last bit of plates are probably going to be insanely hard to get unless if i can get them right now if gin swapped lanes were in luck you'd never want to swap against someone on earth because you don't know how strong they're going to get yumi's up top oh that's money that is monish money money baby very nice very nice wait what there we go there we go there we go honestly i think maybe going mid there's not a lot of people there i'm gonna take this too just so we have extra attack speed so we can do damage that tower big time come on we're invisible not bad oh i don't even want to know how much damage we're going to be dealing with a certain little something something can't do it yet let's see here i kind of want to stay out of vision and then just strike under the tower once we get in range all right it's go time it's go time whoa there you're dead we built we dealt big damage to you oh my goodness here's the attack speed i was talking about not bad we can heal up our old has kind of a long cooldown actually here we go 30 seconds left they're having a field day up top so i'm happy we can make magic happen over here what you doing nanu oh get me out of there oh are we safe no she saw that coming are you kidding me well played on her end dude that was nice all right party up top got more items this is money let's see how this works did we hit anyone doesn't look like it oh uh what's happening what the heck is happening get me out of there we are in freaking trouble i wonder ah you think he's connected to this oh heck yeah let's take this no flash don't need it beautiful there we go there we go thank you thank you dude this guy's returning the uh the favor with the wp i'm feeling confident right now let's get the invis ready are they jumping at oh they want that dargone oh god i should definitely help them listen to you i'm coming i'm coming my alt will destroy everything let's sell you oh my goodness we're too late we're too late for two they were too late [Music] i was worried about them being there now you're dead oh my goodness here comes the panther baby get over here we literally flashed on each other that's cute i wonder if this will get him nope not even close or maybe it was who knows in team fights we're going very invisible get the heck over here that's one slippery pickle oh here we go here we go anyone in the back over there nope dude these wall ultimates aren't cutting it for us right now we gotta go stealth mode oh my gosh are we okay yes we are dude that was beyond close very nice very very nice let's keep going this way and i love me some kiana dude do we dare try to time this watch that hit oh my gosh i was trying to hit him as they spawned didn't quite work out [Music] uh let's see here is there a bush i can snag i would really like a bush get over here oh that mist that was actually close though my goodness is this champion fun dude get over here not bad i would like to see someone get close to this wall i would love to see it honestly dude popping off the top there what nice ah yeah too far too deep but that was fun all right like i said a little too much just got a dab bag just to smit oh my goodness i think we're good i think we're good let's stay invisible and stay frosty i want to save that oh gosh are they really going to go for this oh this is so scary they're splitting like crazy right now um that's freaking scary they're actually going for it if siobhan is smart we're screwed all right she's not that smart we're good oh my goodness get over here dude i'm looking for the snipe on these things oh no it's fire map dude we lost half of our freaking walls we can use all right this is interesting don't let him and he's gone yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah hi hi oh dude he's saying what up this is sick this is nice this is very nice hopefully they have that under control this and this should be our priorities oh boy they can actually make a power play here nice nice i need to bring people to me words oh hello that's not a good jump my friend that's not a good jump are we clear over there oh boy if we can triple and hit that's huge they're not on it yet all right they're coming for me they can actually kill me too i need to be invisible for when they show up what oh my goodness no gotcha we're okay that was oh my godness dude geez i really want to go for that top tower i really do that's definitely a little easier said than done but she just pieced out of there all right way to go on the defense if we'd stop we lose oh that's so scary all right we're good not bad not bad this uh jenny j in that we got a little ball game on our hands like i said hopefully they can handle the nunu will be taking care of some other shenanigans they on the bearing i really do want them to start it oh goodness oh goodness all right we have to go back now team we're coming we're not about to lose by going too aggressive the second i have time though we're taking all their inhibitors coming through not bad not bad oh my goodness oh wow now we're talking get over here this guy's looking to dip out i might be able to steal penta are you a big guy saw that one coming oh he's pissed dude he's fast what the heck okay they're getting all their enems up that scares me a lot all right he's dead we're going on a 2 3 5 mission if we can open up all the inhibs it'll be worth whatever we do as long as we don't lose i would gladly give up dragon or baron for it there goes drag it's inhib city time it's mega trade time holy gosh oh my goodness gracious what the she's so fast that's scary oh my gosh they are bearing two all right i told you it's gonna be worth it only if we got the stuff oh yeah yay i'm going for sending ibs oh no oh no i need to back shavonna might stop my recall oh god she's going to oh this is bad dude she hurts so badly oh my gosh team i'm sorry she's looking for me dude oh my god she's hunting me down team's holding off oh yeah yay unturned down please we gotta go we gotta go now dude how did i not kill her dude all right there's only two of them this is about to be a six inhib down game are you kidding me dude i can't take this kind of stress for 24 hours this is not good for my brain oh she done goofed she done goofed all right inferno drag importante are we okay i think we're okay oh my goodness dude this is ridiculous this is actually ridiculous someone needs to go for that oh no our base oh no she kills it too fast oh you hate to see it dude we freaking let him back door i'm so sad i knew top lane was to play we we need more viego just all of it give us all of the viegos oh my goodness are we going q or w honestly i'm gonna try w oh that's awkward i missed it i literally missed it gotcha oh we're playing a truck count me in on that one baby i wish i had flash right now oh my goodness i freaking would use it to the oblivion get over here yeah yeah we have one kill that's nice oh oh my gosh now we're dead unless oh my there's freaking more there's another box there's another box all right level six is when everything begins online with this champion so that's exactly we're gonna focus on you guys know the drill okay you guys know the drill thank you thank you very much oh oh i thought i hit that single auto nice with q this guy's in trouble i'm looking for the flash w kill right now oh that was pretty freaking nasty not gonna lie hot dog i'm digging this baby are we good oh thank you let's just get the heck out of here oh my goodness that scared me a little bit not gonna lie um best item all we have to do is stay alive and then they die so shield bow is going to do that best for us i really want to roam but it's not worth to give up so so much you know what i'm saying keep it coming very very nice let's see here let's see here oh dude i love the big damage okay too bad they do even bigger damage my goodness um i'm not sure how i feel about this right now can we one shot here i mean okay ow i am dead am i dead oh oh my goodness hello seraphine let's see what this champs all about definitely wanted to give her a go now we can taking her over late game and using her passive is gonna be so nice i can already feel it not that close to the bow but bot lane oh god not another shock oh please only bright side of this is we're gonna be able to overtake this i'm so afraid of this this box is gonna be a problem i'll tell you that much for these boxes i should say oh my gosh we dead we're healing up oh my gosh we're good i'm dying my own freaking box right here oh that banana caught up to me is that an 80 raka i think it was this aztec alternator thing that killed me i'm pretty sure that's what it was got the 420 score i'm digging it we got some shutdowns up top i'm gonna make a run for it oh here we go here we go a run for our money right here thank you bard let's take it away buddy bars wave clear not all the greatest oh we can't even press our r considering oh do i get these i was gonna say what if i got them because i was technically the enemy that'd be cool that'd be super cool oh uh this is worth it this is worth it this might not be worth it oh my eyeball dude playing for this long will mess your eyeball up oh oh we're okay we're doing just fine oh my gosh did i just get pulled out of the portal am i watching did i see that correctly i really don't go down to shock though i really don't this will honestly be our best friend damage damage damage damage damage hmm we have mr with merc treads and armor with death stance this is money there goes the flash might as well knock it out of the park and now there's the kill [Music] very nice i like this w next yessiree this for the beautiful attack speed so we get all of this tower even better baby i just slap that on once more oh she's pissed and i'm gonna die that's awkward hmm [Music] not bad oh we freaking sniped them dude that was actually beyond close eight minutes we lost the tower plating window i'm one sad panda we got a lot of gold though and we're actually in very good spot i'll tell you that this dude actually probably hates us oh oh no oh my gosh what's going on dude i thought i had my ultimate still i didn't know i was in aatrox for that long wow utility has been destroyed yet has been destroyed come on baby let's see how uh how well we can do this okay if anyone comes our 1v1 potential is actually insane actually crazy what's up sriracha hmm oh let's go out and then back on in oh my goodness get me out of here oh my dude the rage on that e is disgusting we have more healing we're not dying one more time no three oh gosh we're ditching our team dude that's a earth drag too team i'm so sorry i'm on my way if we get this we win the game that's the one component i'm missing to my build is just any bit of tankiness nice nice nice we're coming in hot this is what we need dragon's still full hp so i'm feeling good about this one oh oh oh spaghettio wow we actually made it out of that that's pretty crazy i saw dude why does that champion not die you're in trouble very nice now that's what i'm talking about dude we pieced the heck out with barn and did the other hard stuff let's see we have 120 armor 73 mr honestly pretty good on stats we'll take it well take it oh my gosh not even a chance big guy oh hello give me that's done oh we actually hit it thank you i didn't e there we go oh [Music] not bad very nice okay seraphine seems pretty insane pretty pretty crazy wow my attack speed is pretty dog poo poo without elite good old lethal tempo frog nice where you going i'm playing bart i'm trying to hit him on the wall right now oh i freaking love it get over here or not we're here with the q1 what's up bro get me the heck out of here yo seraphine is beyond scary what the heck i'm getting the heck out of here oh we're dipping out on that one fellers oh this is good that's not the right one knowing when the heck to get out is a good thing to have nice oh this is what i'm really talking about we gotta get over here this person i care about killing now um one problem i'm kind of useless let's dip that dude just hold it he's pissed oh can seraphine carry yay or nay nice oh beautiful oh dude we played eight rocks pretty freaking well there pat on the back for that one uh are we good we're good oh my gosh that board slaps where are you gotcha dude that thing was stunned that was beautiful i gotta get out of here little crits i appreciate you buddy we're gonna be okay dude this champion is actually memetastic and you're dead um oh my gosh am i good how am i alive in all honesty how am i alive and we have 10 000 gold dude this champion is actually so stupid uh-oh i need aatrox killed the shaco dude i'm such an idiot oh my goodness okay good thing we have 10 billion gold bot lane here we come bart is scary because of his damage where you at buddy locks boy do i love this champion that was for us not you buddy where you going where you going where are you going let's go this way i freaking love it oh my honestly being able to go over this many walls that fast is the most fun part about this guy if i hit it my way 24 hours of viego i would literally just pick him over and over honestly he would just be her band beyond belief he's that crazy thank you it's just you hit the stone it's game over oh dude i can go collect meeps that's awesome no way would we have permanent meeps follow us that would be my dream coming through so uh i'm definitely scared oh heck yeah who do we take who do we play you're in trouble it's rocket time count me in on that oh my god that guy hurts so badly do not mess with the bard baby do not mess with the bard all right that's a wrap wait for it wait for it am i dead we're not dead who am i kidding we're playing the best champion in the game where you at big guy i freaking wanted to go through it not the nexus oh my goodness we're gonna be trying out lethal tempo jinkorooski right normally huge lover of dark harvest very curious to see how we're gonna like this one okay and we have a anivia oh my goodness dude they're baiting us we're baiting them you are one crazy animal i'll tell you that maybe going ghost would have been sicker i'm not sure oh dude we just sniped the sound in the back that is so scary oh my gosh get me out of here wait get me in there dude this guy doesn't freaking die oh my god is anyone in there all right i think we're safe we'll take two kills and get the heck on out don't mind if i do no gold big sad do we go bot or not i feel like not getting a d is bad here here's what i would have liked more oh goodness gracious it's a tito oh that was scary hey there big guy you're in trouble all right my goal not to get hit by sound q by freaking uh random and lose all my hp look at this guy it's pissing me off son i will slap you for days once we get our rockets we'll be good to go come on on here we go binding sauna go for it okay they're screwed now oh we hit tito this guy's gonna hate us come on buddy tell us your q see if i care you better flash that there it is freaking w doesn't penetrate through his uh shield right now so kind of makes me big sad oh that was good for us oh my gosh okay i should have kept running that way not that way should we try something super risky recommended like uh oh i'm so down for this i am so down for this duskblade jinx baby that is gonna be craziness oh oh i didn't bury her i didn't bury her i literally didn't bury her he just typed in all chat buns what's going on listen 24 hours it'll get to you all right it'll freaking get to you that's a lot of time yeah don't ff oh boy oh he's going for it come on i'm down to dance baby honestly keeping her at the slow hp is good for us there we go we go hmm i want to stay here but i'm gonna get freaking ganked flanked and spanked very soon here gosh got the plate oh my goodness i messed that one up are we gonna keep our distance i was almost a sixth fight holy god dude this guy's crazy come on i'm so scared right now oh my gosh oh god this guy is so scary dude all right we have our dust blade and i need to go top now that was worth it wait did he even die someone come mid please see what do we got here not that great dust blade check i know exactly what to buy boom boom boom that was beautiful beautiful we've got what we need baby come on this guy's so dead i deal damage going invisible is gonna be so much fun nice thank you for the speed boost i'm freaking i'm an idiot i'm an idiot 20 seconds to get this plating i think we can oh no got it don't slam jammie we were dead either way to eve we'll take that we'll take that we got the kill we'll take it all right we're going back mid here we come away we go they're scared now oh my goodness we deal damage hmm don't need ulti for that guy i want oh gosh oh my gosh we're okay it might be getting halted right now very nice i got this dude got him we got him we got him we got him i should have freaking thrown in the bush i'm such an idiot dude why would he not go into the bush you know what i'm saying oh i am so bad dude this tower shot that thing hurts dude 24 hours is catching up to me this is too much this tf is the scariest thing on the planet give me some creeps hey got the cannon i like it i like it okay this is what i really care about if we get that fire drag we are good to go this dude's in trouble where's event that's who really scares me hmm w's maxed out looking gravy this is gonna ulti on us what's up baby get over here oh my god that snipe was nasty dude freaking nasty lethal tempo is hilarious where you going okay let me fight you what does this guy want me to do walk up to him and slap him melee arranged there's a lot of them over there god this attack speed is sick oh he almost survived dude come on whoopsie this poor guy dude um ow we gotta utilize this dust blade baby we gotta utilize the dusk blotto hmm you going for us no way [Music] that's scary where you going like he's playing like a little now huh let's go there let's do this oh we're so strong dude oh i'm hard for this no no no scion no you were supposed to go down there my friend i'm coming coming through jesus three zaps three kills that's what we'll call that one oh my goodness oh god heck is this guy doing over here how did i hit him oh my edge of night oh oh i have done you i messed up my stupid traps i'm such an idiot we got a deal going with these guys they haven't accepted it yet but i'm gonna say they have oh dude the fadeaway scion kill you'd love to see it oh hello hello he's taking flash on d what that or he can good english have i not spelled anything wrong oh my god i haven't it is an imposter where's bonds later oh my gosh that was dirty come on come on this champ is ridiculous look left shoot right dude what a game i thought the 24 hours was gonna get to me honestly i'm happy with how we're playing still dude earth is like riding a bike once you get it going it keeps on going oh my gosh we're going down that's where we're going this really is actually so good sonic go for it sony you can do it you got this if she wins this i'll be so proud of her my dad face real coming soon oh my god it's for the penta it's for the penta don't do it don't do it don't do it guys thank you so much for watching i am so dead oh my goodness i'm gonna go die a thumbs up would help a lot that's a whole lot of earth this video took 24 hours exactly peace peace everyone
Channel: BunnyFuFuu
Views: 295,976
Rating: 4.7471809 out of 5
Keywords: BunnyFuFuu, Thresh, Cloud9, C9 BunnyFuFuu, Cloud 9, C9, Stream Highlights, Support, League of Legends, best, build, rune, runes, builds
Id: v6r2Ipel-9E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 201min 27sec (12087 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 05 2021
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