Can 100 Players Break Into My IMPOSSIBLE Base??

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these are the best minecraft bunkers that have ever been created and my goal is to combine them all into one mega super bunker that is unreadable i've only got 69 minutes to build this before 100 players will attack it and if they get inside of this chest room right here i've got to open up the book inside and reveal my deepest darkest secret oh it might get a little bit laggy here and then you have these guardians that are surrounding the base in a full 360. so unspeakable is using magma block soul saying a bunch of fire that seems like a really nice outer ring idea let's do that all right so this is where lover trash is going to be built it's like alcatraz but it says it's lover lover trash i know that's funny we'll put the chest room right here and then thanks to our boy unspeakable's idea uh i guess we want like a magma some kind of magma line like something a little bit dangerous but not too dangerous enough to burn the feet but not enough to get through the shoes i really shouldn't be wasting my time to make it look good but uh i gotta make it look good i don't know maybe we'll do this and take it take it all the way down that way because it won't be able to come up yeah this will be good this will be good i don't know what we're doing okay so that's the basic out outside right we got that now he did some soul sand to slow you down i think we'll do fire afterwards you know the problem is they could uh they could just put it out you know i didn't think about it that's okay it's intimidating maybe someone will fall off the edge and die who is this stopping what am i why am i doing this this seems like a waste of everything okay well i mean at the very least it does look very intimidating like that's a that's a spooky tower you see this and you're like yo something's going on up there and it's spooky okay so what we did is just like made it so they have to walk on some soul sand i don't know maybe that'll help me kill him somehow oh cool that's actually sick so there's like a bunch of glass of water and a guardian right in the center and if we made them invisible then we got invisible guardians to shoot lasers and this is like my childhood dream to have laser shooting fish that was a weird kid i should make a full chest room really quick this is not this is not winning enough we'll put it back here okay so that's like a nice little chest room back there i basically put it as far away as possible to try to cheat my way to victory now let's make these towers these seem really cool i'm gonna try to make mine look like extra spooky and if it's soul sand here this means they're gonna be slowed down so now we can do something like this lantern we're gonna make it very beautiful because uh it's gotta look good if it's gonna kill you so i would assume that's really all it takes but i have no idea so we're gonna put a guardian in his seat looks pretty good it doesn't look that good how do we make this look better nope honestly i have no idea how to make this thing look better we're just gonna go with it like that and then i'm gonna make one kind of stick off to the side over here in case we get like any like weird stragglers this is perfect it's for all those oh god that's not good this is not perfect this is bad this is horrible stop why would you do that well it didn't work really as cool as i thought it would but it still sticks out like a weird laser turret and i feel like if you see that you're gonna be kind of scared i'm gonna call them both mark okay i feel like that's a good number of marks i do one more though i think maybe like coming off the side here this will be mark three we're gonna give a very unique design he's actually gonna be a floating mark no no no no no no no no get in there no no oh well he's gone okay this is literally a trap out of the game rust um it looks like it looks like turrets behind a door how the heck am i supposed to put this in minecraft we'll just turn this last room into a turret door so we're gonna do a door here door here so i'm in the center i could use a dispenser to shoot some arrows right like come at you like kind of right in the face one right there one right there yeah instant damage too we're gonna lock and load these bad boys up i'm taking no risk today you walk in here you are getting pelted by how am i gonna link that up this door looks more innocent to me all right which door looks more innocent this one looks simpler okay so we're gonna do that we're gonna pressure plate on both and then make it so you must see that now you have to you have to hit it okay redstone let's do this i don't think this is going to work if it does i'll be very surprised i'll say that this i'm not feeling good let's give it a shot though well that sucked okay well they both don't work oh it just doesn't work on sea glass of course why would it why would it that wouldn't make sense would it minecraft okay i didn't think this would work at all and it does the problem is what do i do with the redstone it's so obvious oh no what we'll use a stone to hide it about as natural as can be let's double check imagine walking in here to get the chest and you get pelted by two arrows of instant damage on your way in uh i still don't feel safe we need more all right so we just have the word n crystal defense written here so i'm assuming we just do end crystals for defense very simple hey yo mark how you boys doing right now uh we all pretty good boss we're doing pretty good but i'm a little bit claustrophobic here hey don't complain all right so i feel like for end crystal defense i have no idea knowing a hundred players one of them will probably be curious what happens if they were to trigger all of these so they're going to punch it and they're going to kill a bunch of people so i feel like this will work let's do a lot more though are these even going to work they're inside of stone how's that even happening i don't know i probably should not have put that there it's too close oh no guys with this explode just gonna break all the redstone oh no what have i done i'm going to very carefully put some okay oh i don't like that i just i got out i got out of control now once the players die i don't think i mentioned this but once they die they're out like they only get one life so each one of these like a bomb waiting to kill players and i'm excited for that if someone took that out of context that would sound really weird what is this another rust trap bro this game looks fun okay so it's a bungee trap i think it's poked by spikes why am i laughing minecraft doesn't really have like genuine punji pit traps it's weird i know i'm surprised too by that you would think kid's game would have that in it but seems to not have it i think this is going to be like our ball out play that's a really weird name but we're going to ball out with this play but making something insane like if you managed to make it this far i want you to fall down into like a pit of death and it'll be like right here something like this and then i'm gonna do spikes below it and then lava above it that way you're gonna fall into lava spikes you know oh that didn't work did it to be honest with you i don't know i'm not sure if the punjabi pit spikes are in there but it is a death trap already to be impressed by my redstone skills someone timed this i'm about to build the fastest redstone triple piston extender that i've ever done in my entire life don't don't time it yet though when i say ready three two one zero oh crap i did all the first three wrong okay starting off like that boom boom boom boom boom boom how do i make them trip this if i do a drip wire it's so obvious man tripwires are like you know like not that hidden we will make it hit one there honestly it's not that bad i mean i've seen worse most of my other builds uh i'm gonna be a little bit close to our lord and savior here excuse me sir i don't even know if redstone works at this angle does it well that's good i like that it's like floating in the air that's magical feeling by the way if you're still timing this please stop cause i this ain't it i'm just gonna tell you i thought i was quick i lied to you pretty sure i lied to you why do this with it reverse it there we go why is it wait what hold on i made the whole thing wrong i think we finally did it there we go all right so that that's all it took 17 minutes right there boom fall into lava dye i think that's going to get a few people one player would suspect well every oh all players would suspect something a little something like that there we go there we go give it like a castle it still looks so sauce how do i fix it okay that's actually a lot less visible all right now we're gonna whip up the old zach specialty the old lover fella wombo combo my favorite trap ever and in my opinion perhaps the greatest trap ever invented by mankind it is literal turrets using skeleton take a look at this guys you're going to be blown away by the geniusness of my build these are going to be skeleton archer chambers in the center a singular skeleton and then on the tops and sides just enough blocks so that players cannot get close enough to actually hit it so i believe you can still hit it from here can still hit it from here what how am i reaching five blocks that doesn't even literally make sense are you kidding me okay so i literally have to make like a giant tube like that it's just less cool than i thought so if i'm in survival mode and i walk by this and i don't know what it is my first time what do i what happens to me unload i'll be honest they unload and i think i can make it even better because i'm pretty sure if i were to put lava here you couldn't even see them wait a minute guys i think we're onto something here we put lava that oh no no no leakage that way they shoot fire arrows at you maybe i don't know in theory it makes sense i mean it looks intimidating i'm not gonna lie to you like you see that you're a little bit scared right away does it work probably not now i feel like it needs something in the center because uh well you could just hide the corner and be invincible so i don't like that aspect of it we need like uh a rooftop sniper we put the rooftop sniper up there and now if you try to get up there you can't because uh this thing can hit you from all angles oh look at that it's so good this is literally a battle station what am i creating man we could even put little ones in the corner i can't stop this is becoming too much god went in the corner this is so good i gotta put one in each quarter now oh my gosh i don't want to overdo it but i do want to do a little more maybe like one more level up it's the king skeleton let's say you're trying to survive here oh yeah they lock and load on you for sure and then when you walk through the middle oh no no if that shoots a fire arrow it'll explode everything yeah it's pretty good i mean it's for a hundred players i feel like it's not actually that much but it looks good this guy literally made his base inside of a volcano the idea who who said who said let's do this should we have started with this how are we adding a volcano i guess we're adding a volcano now seems a little late for that but who am i to say i don't know how to make a volcano why am i making a volcano this is a huge waste of time we have limited resources i cannot be making a volcano stay focused here zach i need to go out and i need to create volcano traps here's what we're gonna do all right if we make a very careful insertion here to about here roughly it ain't no volcano but it gets the job done maybe like a lava wall in the back we haven't done a lava ball yet that's exotic well that's pretty large actually okay well massive mega lava wall didn't mean to make that thing that's like a tsunami that's gonna that's gonna destroy wildlife vegan teacher ain't happy i think it could probably kill a few people so i feel like you know to get across this isn't easy especially when being shot at but i feel like the more the lava the more opportunity like that's going to help the skeletons more lava means more opportunities to be knocked in by a bow time is dwindling by the way guys and go along all the oh cows good so we need cactuses and sand so here's an innovative design i'm coming up with on the spot something i like to call cactus quadrants it's not a good name it's not very marketable anyway it looks like this and um well that doesn't make sense allows us to pace them into little quadrants which is better than non-quadrants it does look cool though and it will certainly help the skeletons knock you back so i need to figure out something to stop them from just coming around swimming here i mean theoretically if we just do we'll border the edge in all wither roses so if you step up you take a lot of damage from these like this is perfect okay that actually kind of looks good i'm not gonna lie like i'm a fan of how it is how it's designed right there so a nice little wither rose barrier and then i think we'll do just a few more just in case they do manage to like get up here somehow because they could i don't know i feel like i might have went overkill with them but they're powerful and they block people from getting here and it looks good let's get some more ideas what if we hit them with arrows of slowness because it's so slow that will work to make sure the skeletons can shoot them and kill them and get some kill cams on these bad boys i'm really just going all in on these uh skeletons we don't know that they're gonna work or not this looks good oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah that's it that's the move okay we need a couple of these throughout this one will be instant damage got one over here what is it oh it's nothing i feel like i need more mob turrets what's another mob i could use in here oh of course blazes they would fit right in on this little turret creation that's what we needed to make it more powerful look at this thing imagine trying to survive that we can add willard whether wither skeleton pits something like that i know that's creepy imagine looking down and just seeing this below you like this is legit and here is the issue guys i'm gonna be honest with you there is an issue it looks great but if you know what you're doing and those don't shoot at you you can basically get through this in like five seconds there's really not a lot of challenge it's just very quick so we need to really bring in a big dog here i'm gonna need to dig deep into the recesses of my mind honey traps hey man a little bit more makes it a little bit harder you can't get out of these if you fall in there's no jumping out right so you're stuck here the mobs will kill you these are perfect it's literally like just a trap to collect people okay we've got a nice little spread of honey traps i feel like they're gonna win and i need to do something drastic and i don't know what to do and i'm freaking out magma's easy cactuses fires these campfires easy you could smoke them out that's not the bad that's not the worst tactic i've ever seen right smoke them out so they can't see it's like a smoke screen militaries use this man look at that it's like a little smoke curtain here so i feel like this is the ultimate move here we've got lingering potions of poison these are very very strong if we can get a couple of these to launch out of the hill this would do devastating damage why do i do that every time please and i feel like we just need is enough of them so that eventually they get triggered if you hit this you are literally launching poison on top of the path killing your friends like this is perfect we added corner witches now i'm not even sure if they can hit you but if they can like this is it five four three two one good luck all right guys so far not a single player has died but this is it this is the beginning of the event right here a couple going into lava they're they're rushing it's oh there goes a little explosion couple deaths right here but obviously they're doing a lot better than i i'd hoped for here a lot of progress okay they're going up they're interesting okay okay blaze the blaze turrets are shooting lots of players are dying right here this is insane look at this thing these are actually working i should have done more of those that's that's a lesson a lot of burning to death here down to only 78 players now oh oh look they're going down and the blaze is gonna get them down here that's gonna be challenging a lot of people are trying to get here no one is making it i feel like we're going good almost half of them died and even the witch is throwing past look at this throw potions oh my gosh we're doing good guys we're doing good guys we're gonna up the ante a little bit because the first player to get there we'll get 200 also pvp's now on whoops forgot to say that 25 left i just make them kill each other it's the best way to do it oh my goodness oh man taking some hits by that blaze by shadow goes down right there oh that guy goes down to some fire this guy's going down to some poison it's just it's a slow massacre guys we are the like this guy fell down too unbelievable oh my gosh guys it's the blazes are unstoppable wow ten left this one's on fire you can do it buddy oh no no you can't can't do it this guy's in the back corner look what i can do is alive here's one in the hole sorry dude unbelievable look at what i can do feeling real nervous want some food someone just said i'm on the phone my girlfriend well enchanted pig get on in here buddy that'll help him huh a little bit of help there look what i can do a little bit nervous down here look what i can do needs to send it this moment to get the dub he's got to go he's got to go taking some campfire damage maybe a little bit too much but he's looking okay he is looking okay goes down from the blaze that means nobody won you don't get to know my deepest secret ever but maybe next time you'll find out
Channel: LoverFella
Views: 1,035,617
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: loverfella, loverfella server
Id: X7O3rz_q7cA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 46sec (826 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 18 2021
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