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good morning my friends and welcome to today's video I realize I look different than you usually see me and that's because I woke up literally two minutes ago people always ask me like if I ever relax or whatever and yes Wow my face is so puffy ah I said in an earlier video that I'm like back on the juice right this juice no the first thing I do just like my routine get up get a packet of my crystal like pure energy this is the strawberry lemonade flavor you can buy a book on Amazon I put an entire box I think the box sends you eight of these in my subscribe and save 44 ounces that's what I do I like it we're really watered down and I drink this it's like the first thing you do kind of wake me up yeah I'll probably kick the habit again at some point but during this weird time of like everything is closed and the kids and the school the stress and like all the things now that's not the time so in case you're wondering this is a hundred and twenty milligrams of caffeine and this is about all I do unless I do maybe a diet coke at lunch I have a problem and you know what I know I'm not the only one so if you are also one of the people that has struggled with this during this time I would say as of the recording this it's been about eight or nine weeks a solid two months I'm going to call it the quarantine fifteen I have tried really hard to stay positive not let my own issues affect my children Dave typically reacts off of my mood right so if I'm grouchy he's grouchy if I'm in a good mood he's in a good mood so I try radiate positivity to the people around me had some bad moments I despise the feeling having no control over anything I hate that I can't do my normal routine I know I'm not the only one here right like it's it's weird it's hard what I done to cope I've done what a lot of people have done to cope i'm indulged a little bit in the one thing i can give myself for a treat now before you get on to me about this he only made these yesterday Mother's Day today happy Mother's Day by the way to all women watching the video you do not have to have birth to child to celebrate Mother's Day because I'm sure somewhere in you in your life you are influencing a child so happy Mother's Day to all of the women out there hang on I should probably wake up first so basically in the last two months I have put on about six pounds Dave's put on about six or seven pounds while that's not a ton of weight it doesn't make my pants really tight jeans so my pants are a little snug right now so what we're gonna do today we're gonna kick start combating the quarantine 15 or quarantine five or quarantine 50 I've heard it called a lotta different things some people are calling it the co bed 19 sit on 19 pounds I put on about 6 pounds and I would like to lose those six pounds so my pants fit better basically join me as we kickstart my six pound weight loss so my clothes fit again journey I'm gonna show you what I'm eating we're gonna come with me but I will disclaimer this by saying these things are not what I eat every day this amount of calories is not necessarily what your body needs for reference I am five foot six and I work out about five to six days a week in fact my body is a very very sore for my workout today yesterday which I will actually show you guys at the end of this video I will finish this and I will meet you back for breath so for breakfast this morning I'm actually kind of in a hurry so I am doing one of these organic blueberry CHEO bagels here's the info for you they're actually really high in calories for this one nine grams of protein some cream cheese probably just one serving of that so about 350 calories for breakfast even though like church was cancelled and all of those things we still kind of get dressed up in Sunday stuff and do a little short 30-minute like Church or house every Sunday so that's kind of what we're doing right now so I'm gonna scarf this bagel really fast with some just regular water and we're gonna do Church so I'll all see you guys and hey Church is over and we are about to do lunch but first I am going to do my CBD oil I have talked about Ned a little bit in the past they were amazing enough to partner with me in today's video so thank you very much to Ned for supporting frugal fitmom and my channel and for helping to send my kids to college but I've been doing the hormone balance blend full-spectrum 600 milligram one so just shaking that up a little bit I'm gonna be honest you guys I I can't give you guys the best of me and I also try and be honest with some of the things that I'm struggling with and I've talked about a little bit in the past but this little stay at home business and don't see people and not go out thing is really difficult for me because I am an extrovert in case you didn't know and so I've been like struggling and feeling stress like I'm not sleeping well I'm not making the best food choices my workouts are fairly good but I mean this whole video is not about not making good food choices right I've been been medicating medicating myself with chocolate and candy so I have turned to a little bit of CBD oil for some relaxation benefits and I told you guys afford that dave has definitely been using this he really likes it he said he slept a lot better and right now I just need something to help me out so if you guys are interested in trying out any of ned's hemp products or CBD oil they have a wide range of stuff available I have the traditional CBD oil that Dave's been using I have the hormone balance for women I did a full review on that whole like period line in my last video with them I'll leave a link up here if you guys haven't checked it out yet and then of course the lip balm and the body butter are some of my favorite things ever dave has seen some success in easing some of the symptoms of his psoriasis with it so that's been a huge bonus in our house I love the company I love the owners I love what they stand for and if you guys have any questions for them they have agreed to answer any of your questions down in the comments if I have not been able to find the answer if you guys want to try it out or refill your supply with my code down below it'll save you 15% and give you free shipping off of anything off of meds websites let's talk about what I'm having for lunch today you know something might have been a weird day to record this because we usually do one really big lunch meal and today it was lasagne peas and strawberries with some coconut freshly whipped whipped cream welcome to our garage now that we've had lunch and I'm like totally full I don't know we would talk about our plans to lose the seven pounds each while he adjusts my Mother's Day present chuck it I can now join mountain bike team as much let me we're just gonna show you what we got real quick and then we'll talk about like how we're to lose the seven pounds each okay we got you a hardtail which means you've got front suspension airs bro got a 1by drivetrain no suspension in the back it's a 1 by 10 I believe right we got hydraulic brakes we got the plus size tires yes means these are 27 and a half day thought that was important to point eight inches wide but that's specifically for good confidence on the trail a little wider tire for a newer rider is really good and we got the Race Face cranks wide handlebars it's a little bit more slack in the front and then finally it's got a dropper post the who is nice for when you're trying to descend and get the seat out of the way as much as possible I even like the color and we usually things in our house we got red as you love red you know my favorite colors are guessin and teal it's my mountain bike helmet right there so that's my helmet that's pretty sweet yeah I now have two bikes and I need one more yeah the formula for bikes yes but what kind of bike a try bike you should have known I'm pretty sure I need that felt that I saw at the bike shop I will insert a picture here and and then I will also tell you that that bike costs $15,000 which means I won't be buying it but it was sweet no oh for those that want to know this is a salsa timber jack that's what the bike is now we're going to talk about losing weight Dave needs to lose about seven pounds I weighed myself this morning and it was a bad idea because I was bloated probably like yesterday it was bad news yeah so according to this morning's way in which I will not share with you I've been wearing joggers and leggings operation vanish the pants that was probably a bad plan when your undies are getting a little snug you should probably cut out the cookies and candies and ice creams truthfully that's what it is it's it's bad eating choices working from home he like comes upstairs all the time and he's like maybe we should eat them maybe we'll go get some feet later we can eat honestly okay here's the one all about the food because the fitness aspect like I'm doing it while we're in the garage you want to see our bike storage there's one there there's another one there there's three on the wall over there and there's actually one behind here that you can't see for me it's number one cutting desserts sweets treats candy cookies brownies well I'm coconut cheesecake right like after I finished it tonight after it's gone today so today doesn't count so the goodies need to look it's amazing like I can pound 800 calories of candy like that yeah Twizzlers girl name it chocolate bar cookies pick your poison doesn't matter what it is I could do it number two is not eating after dinner you do dinner you're done not snacking after dinner if you can like bump your fruit and veggie intake you're actually not that hungry for the other stuff yeah which I didn't do great today cuz I'm feel like I'm running low on the fruits and veggies or like the veggies I guess there's carrot fries in there I'm gonna go after in a second okay you and the carrot fries you guys he has not eaten carrots the whole time you were married raw cooked in stuff no but these carrot fries in the airfryer yeah who is he and where is Dave gone you just don't be stupid with food if you still need something sweet you can find an alternative like a fruit or like my flavored like lemonade drinks that I've been drinking so it's having a plan that's the first part right really the next part is what's the plan when the cravings come right because that's gonna happen when the temptations come like that for me is where I haven't answered my own problems I just replace it with fruit or flavored water okay that's what I do I'm like I want something sweet so I'm like I'm gonna go get a flavored water or I want something sweet I'm gonna eat this Apple right over here so I still get something sweet but it's not the calorie bomb that Twizzlers are feel like if you try and intuitively eat and you think you're doing okay and you've seen no results I think counting your calories can be extremely eye-opening if you've never done it that's demoralizing it's it's I like to go with I open a they can do that too because first it's demoralizing and then you're like oh no wonder I can't lose weight I've been eating nothing calorie is incorrect it's like budgeting okay totally it is strip so I get to be strict be able to strip yourself from all emotion and see the numbers for what they are oh I like that yes you have to see the numbers for what they are when I have tracked my calories in the past I have seen results almost instantly every single time because you have data I want to analyze the numbers and that's all this is numbers yeah oh I was gonna say as far as like tracking calories or whatever green vegetables do not count to freebies you don't have to track green vegetables eat as much as you one of those that's the plan you guys have seen what I've eaten so far today so I will check in at dinner time which I don't know if that's gonna happen cuz I'm like feeling really full from lunch and we had lunch kind of late like at 2:00 o'clock yeah Oh late snack maybe a light snack hey how's it going do you like my new fashion accessory today took an unexpected turn I'm in the hospital right now and they require you to wear masks and I don't have a mask so they gave me this one and it's very large look at it it's like falling off it's falling off my nose but I'm not fixed that and they don't have no my nose itches great what do you do when your nose itches would be wearing a mask I want to scratch it okay let me tell you why I'm at the hospital that's an awfully large mask you have one huge Andrew had a rollerblading situation we think he broke his wrist so the only place open around here right now is the emergency room so here we are we were waiting for an x-ray I would be surprised if it was not broken yeah my toe it's a good story aunt Lauren dropped a bowling ball on my big toe and broke it when I was like six my first experience in a doctor's office during this whole situation look look it's falling its falling off my nose as I talk look at that look at that it just has a mind of its own but I know you're not supposed to touch it like I don't know what to do you guys this is so weird do I just leave it or like let it fall like I don't know I don't know the right thing someone sent help waiting for the x-ray oh there it goes again like I can't even say anything it just Falls her it off how weird I did come prepared though because I brought a jacket it's always cold in the doctor's office and andrew has a book and I have a book and I brought my headphones and my phone which is fully charged in case like we're here for a really long time look at this is it cuz I have a weird face x-ray just finished the doctor like took a look at it and he's pretty sure it's broken but you don't do the x-ray to confirm and see what it looks like and all of those things so they're sending off x-rays to the doc now he thinks it's a bones like crunch instead of break if that makes sense it still looks very crooked like even the doctor was like it looks crooked to me I don't remember the last thing I said at the hospital it's a buckle fracture of the radius and ulna and they splinted it and in two days we will be going to the orthopedic office to switch it out for a waterproof cast you're exhausting yeah it's 10:30 what a weird day yeah I was like not gonna eat dinner cuz I was so full the last time I showed the clip that was supposed to be kind of like an eat with me day and I've been at the hospital like I'm starving now and but I'm also exhausted the thought of staying up any longer has no appeal to me but I'm so hungry that I don't think I can ignore it Andrew here's your meds what about some goat log oh that would be good I don't know yet all over the top okay here's my dinner I have one slice of like this rosemary herb bread homemade herb bread with a Shamir of goat cheese on it and then I compacted the rest of the cheese into this container so it is no longer goat log it is now goat cylinder I'm gonna eat this one piece of bread is my dinner and I realize it's very sad and today ended up being totally strange so I'm sorry about that but this is real life sometimes sometimes your kid breaks their wrist and you gotta like forego all of your plans but I still made healthy choices and did not eat cookies even though cookies are my favorite though I will put my total calories that I ate today right here on the screen for you and that's gonna wrap up the eating portion of the video and I'll now go to the running section that I talked about earlier so if you guys don't want to watch that you're welcome to head out if you are interested then enjoy the following oh hey welcome to today's run so this is actually the exact same trail run as you saw last time we're just doing a different route so instead of running the loop at the top of the volcano we're running down into the caldera is that the correct phrasing where the actual liquid hot magma used to be way back in the day so we're running down to the very very bottom it's pretty far across I think it's in a whole mile or maybe longer across I'm gonna have to go back and look at my Garmin just to see for sure or Strava you know if it's not Strava didn't happen so you know it's on Strava so it was finally beautiful in Idaho you guys typically my temperature for running shorts and a tank top is fifty degrees if it's 50 and sunny its tank top and shorts always usually I don't know if you guys are runners or not but if you are you already know this and if you're not when you're running you basically take the temperature outside and add 20 degrees and that's how it's going to feel when you're running so if it's 50 degrees outside once you get moving and your heart rate gets up and you get warm it's gonna feel like 70 degrees right and if it's 30 degrees it's gonna feel like 50 degrees okay so that's kind of a general rule as far as picking out outfits this is a huge uphill section that we're hiking up so while we do this like trail run thing how are you guys doing are you doing well in your home workouts are you doing well in the school at home business I'm feeling pretty good because maybe because the weather warmed up I feel like we finally figured out a schedule the kids can kind of see the end like the end of the school work it's really different for us because we're not typically a homeschool family so when the kids are home it's like a vacation it's the weekend it's summer there's no schoolwork to do so when they're home they're used to playing and doing fun things and creating things and reading for sure and hanging out with each other not sitting down and doing work so that's a big adjustment I think for my kids to transition how they felt about being at home right because in the past when they were at home it's playtime and right now it isn't playtime so to them they don't know what the heck's going on so we're figuring that we're figuring out I will say this run that Dave and I did this day beat me up he pushed me so hard like up and down way more hills than we usually do and it's usually about a 1200 foot elevation gain anyway and this one was closer to 2000 it was a lot oh say all of 2020 I haven't really done any workouts longer than an hour so to push me past into about an hour and a half it's a big jump if you don't like steadily work your way up to that point and I was feeling it I was wasted at the end of this just really really tired but what's great is now I'm so much stronger than I was a week ago which is so much fun that's like one of the reasons I love exercise and challenging my body physically is because your body will always adapt always to what you ask it to do so yeah the first time it's gonna hurt and you might feel tired but guess what the next time and the next time it's going to get easier and easier you're going to feel stronger and stronger and it's this huge cycle of self-confidence which I really love now that the weather is warming up in Idaho I will say my mental health has been doing a lot better than it was during the first section of this whole stay at home business just being like job it really felt like I was trapped in the house truthfully because I literally couldn't go outside because it was 15 degrees and I was freezing I couldn't even go sit in my own front yard you know what I mean and now I feel like I have the freedom to go out I can do a hike I can do a run outside and not freeze to death I can work in the garden you know I can get out of my four walls and get that vitamin D you know what I'm saying as far as videos go you guys I've been planning my next couple of food like cooking videos I have my next extreme grocery challenge coming up as well as freezer meals so tell me what kind of freezer meals you guys want to see for me I'm not an expert so it's gonna be interesting this section is actually one of my favorite parts of the whole hike this is called a wind bowl so thousands of years of wind funneling through this section has carved out the rock like this isn't this so cool it's one of my kids favorite places to go on this hike is go check out the wind bolt just because it's so interesting and pretty and the wind always like blasts through there so you like to just sit it cools you off if you're hot so new shows that Dave and I have started watching this this is probably gonna bug you guys but I swear I have a TD when it comes to TV shows I can never finish anything I have such a short attention span when it comes to TV so I think we've seen the first four or five episodes of the 100 which I actually really like but it's very serious and I don't know that I can invest that much mental energy into a TV show right now so we actually what back and started watching CSI from the very beginning right we didn't watch the whole thing to the end anyway but we did watch it all the way up until like the miniature murderer section I don't know what season that was you know back when it was on but we started from the pilot it got a couple episodes into that I'm sure we're gonna switch and find something else because I cannot keep my focus when it comes to a TV show that's why I miss friends you guys I've seen friends so many times I can sit and quote every single word of every single episode and they're short they're only like 22 minutes I feel like I could turn it on it's brainless I don't have to think about it mindless for 23 minutes turn it off done we are nearing the end of the run here thank you guys so much for joining me in today's video and in this trail run I really hope you enjoyed it and I will see you in the next video
Channel: Frugal Fit Mom
Views: 56,457
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: vlog, run with me, what i eat in a day, emergency room, ER visit, gaining weight, losing weight, quarantine, pandemic, quarantine vlog, healthy, lose weight, how to lose weight, vlogging, family vlog, fun, cheap, free, frugal, frugal fit mom, budget, stay at home mom, family vloggers, fit mom, quarantine day in my life, family vlogs, whats for dinner
Id: QGl1Kw7QfHY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 48sec (1368 seconds)
Published: Mon May 11 2020
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