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welcome to today's video we are starting off in the car because I am sitting outside of my local bakery outlet store so it's basically excess bread and sells it for super cheap it is close to its best by date but you can throw it in the freezer and take it out later and I frequently been able to find excellent deals like really nice quality loaves of bread for less than a dollar each that are normally two to three dollars at the grocery store so you can make a big savings right now if I turn the car off I didn't want to because my heaters off yeah it's July and it's 45 degrees outside right now my particular store is a Fran's bakery Outlet but I've seen Sara Lee mrs. Baird's and some sunshine Sunbeam I can't remember the other one but I basically had a bread outlet at every town or city I've ever lived in even in super super small ones so to find one in your area just Google bread outlet or Bakery outlet in your area I would love to take you guys inside this store but I have been told I may not film I cannot film in this store so I might try and take some pictures with my phone but I definitely cannot like just pull out the camera and it's a really small store you guys haven't liked this video yet I would encourage you to do that give me a thumbs up that would be amazing thanks so much today's grocery shopping is basically I'm getting everything we need for our huge road trip for our bike trip to South Dakota so we're gonna be gone for eight days my mom is also gonna be there and we have a family friend who will be doing the shuttling I'll cover all of that in a later video when I go into detail about the trail and like vlog the whole thing later so you'll see that later and how it works but basically we're feeding eight people for eight days and I think we are one or two of the hotels has continental breakfast but I don't know how that looks right now lots of bagels burger and hot dog buns because some of the hotels have grills outside so we thought just throwing some burgers on the grill super super easy so we don't have to go out to eat all the time and I don't know that all the restaurants will be open like I just don't know what it's gonna look like the great news is it's South Dakota so there's not very many people there it's not really a crowded area from my research there's very few restrictions some of the things I wanted to do like some cave tours those are closed at the moment so we won't be able to do those but everything I've looked at is looking okay so anyway that's kind of what we're doing today we're gonna go here into Sam's Club and hopefully get everything we need for a run inside I just wanted to give a quick shout out to Ned for partnering with me on today's video they have continued to support my channel for a very long time now and I appreciate it so much their support is truly truly helping my kids and my family plan for their future so what I'm gonna do before I jump in is I am going to take my hormone balance CBD oil this is the 600 milligrams cuz I'm not gonna lie you guys I've been feeling a little stressed this one's very very dark I don't know if you guys have seen this this 600 milligram one it's very very dark and I just want to give you guys a plug also for one of my favorite products that they do which is the hemp infused body butter I feel like it smells really good and because it has arnica in it I find it really really healing and soothing for a lot of different things so if you have a bruise or a bump or an ache or something like that this is really really helpful like if I have lift my lower back aches because I have this really old lower back injury we'll do a little bit of this Dave put some on his knees his knees were kind of aching from running puts him on his knees went away and then Dave's also been using it for his psoriasis breakouts like around like around his scalp right here and he says that they heal quite quickly when he uses that so if you guys are interested in getting any CBD oil products or restocking your supply during this time my link down below it will give you 15% off your first regular order or if you do a subscription it'll give you an additional 5% off making it 20% off your subscription so head on over to net if you want to try those things out let's go shopping [Music] we are here at Sam's Club and we're about to go inside I first I got to show you what happened do you see that do you see that oh that happened today gosh let's go in I'm gonna take you in and if you haven't subscribed yet okay let's go okay my friends I'm looking for an outdoor seating area kind of like this with like a couch and chairs and the table but we have really brutal weather is this going to disintegrate in the winter like do I have to cover it with a tarp really really curious to know what you guys think and is that so much money I have no idea I'm not go to outdoor furniture don't really have any I'm gonna get this rinse aid it's not an amazing price but my dishwasher is a lot happier with it and it lasts a really long time and yeah I had to get a flat bed today because all of the cards must have been outside or something this have been really busy when they first opened it's not busy right now though so we probably won't fill it up but listen and in case you wanted to know disinfecting wipes are totally gone but honestly I've seen them at like every other store so very hard time finding them don't go to your big box stores because that's where everybody else is going just go to regular grocery store I'm pretty sure you can find them cuz that's what and also talk to me about the sheets my sheet just ripped like the pillowcases ripped and the she tripped so I'm looking for new ones but I bought some in the past and they feel not good so are these good I need a king size so they're pretty expensive but if you guys have bought these I'd love for you to weigh in did want to get a granola bar to throw in the kids backpacks for the ride but I wanted something a little more Hardy than those these go really fast too maybe with bars to work one of these partier ones oh that looks delicious but not as Hardy as I want that one looks the best it's also one of the most expensive but I think we're to go for it okay I am a twink Oh because there's a couple things that Sam's either didn't have or it was too expensive before I go into window I wanted to scan my receipt with my apps my cash back apps so I already checked I bought it and I didn't see any of the specific items that I bought so I'm gonna go over to fetch rewards because you can just scan any receipt and today they're giving me a bonus a $700 bonus if you guys have not been using any cashback apps at all it's time to start my friends just to earn a little bit a little bit back on stuff you already buy truthfully I mean using ibotta the longest but I've been using checkout 51 for over a year now and I really like it because you don't have to buy specific items and on sets you can redeem your points that they give you for gift cards which I've been using on Amazon to do back-to-school shopping for my kids in hopes that school actually goes back I have no idea if that's actually gonna happen it's very back and forth it could not happen but hey I'm doing it anyway and I'll show you guys what I end up getting so today they gave me 829 the end of this video I'll show you guys our meal plan for our trip so you kind of know what's going on I am home and look I have a situation behind me let's go late it quickly what's more important I think we are frugal no more I think I've been shamed I will have to strip frugal from my title here's what I've learned in today's shopping if you've seen my recent grocery shopping trips and food you've seen that I have cooked a lot of things for myself like I'm not even buying crackers or or anything like that this huge road trip in mind and things need to be as easy as possible we're cooking with very limited kitchens in hotels with like a grill outside eating sandwiches on the trail and our backpacks things like that okay so there's a lot of prepackaged and processed food here junk food if you want to call it that people do this I don't really know what that means but you probably should call it that this stuff is way expensive way more expensive than the healthy food that I have been buying so just consider that something I've really been thinking about as I kind of put together the prices for everything today which I'm not going to tell you I want you to guess down in the comments how much did I spend on everything I am about to show you it was a lot grab a snack a sparkling beverage and let's flip you around this island is Sam's Club and Winco and that one the table is the bread outlet and my discount store I couldn't fit it all in one spot I did get one case of water I probably bring half of this in the car I just thought it would be nice to have like bottled water for our shuttle car I did get some more sensitive toothpaste because I'm old now you might as well just call me granny but my teeth have kind of been hurting and so I start using that again ran out on my rinse aid so I guess I think I've showed you that in the store whole lot of bath tissue I have not bought this since February it is now July so I grabbed one they are limiting all members to one package of this but I am Telling You they had hundreds of these they I bet they had a thousand of these there were so many them more than even normal they've overstocked now I thought the veggie straws would be nice they're gonna salty my mom is bringing other assorted chips so I didn't worry about that and what happened did they sell me an open bag well I don't know what's up with that it's not like I opened it back I'm like a John myself or anything pretzel crisps basically when you work out this much you definitely want some salty options to help replace the sweat that you've lost so I think one of the days were having homemade Lunchables basically lunch Lunchables you put together yourself I thought these pretzels would be really nice and I think this was only five dollars for this really large bag which i think is one of the cheaper prices I've seen at all so with that in mind I think Wheat Thins are one of the best crackers for a homemade lunchable so I got two boxes of those from Wynn Cove these are all from Winco a box of Star crunches some oatmeal cream pies if you've never had a meal cream pies like when you're out working or camping you need to try it because they're amazing just because we just did this Australia box super curious to my international people do you guys have these or these I didn't grow up eating these as a kid but these were like a standard lunch box item for my friends I didn't get them because we couldn't afford them but sometimes I could trade and I would get one for my friend when I'm like you know 11 these were delicious I've always loved these the little fudge shortbread cookies the chewy cookies and old-fashioned iced oatmeal cookies these are so so good so basically what we have is like one package of cookies per day while we're on the trail so like this will be the first day of biking this will be the second day of biking you know I'm saying oh look bonus cookies what do you know not the hugest fan of Oreos on a traditional day don't come after me you won't change my mind regular Oreos met the little mini Oreos very peanut butter Oreos are delicious and mint Oreos are delicious this looks real really interesting so I thought we would try these Dave did you see my Oreo flavors what's the problem sweetie I don't see what the issue is oh I'm forbidding you from opening those until we're actually on the trip can you do it like I said sandwiches on the trail got some smoked turkey breast and black forest ham I could have sliced my own cheddar but I'm just thinking easy you guys so this sliced cheddar I thought would be really nice oh this is a like a double pack of the turkey and I'll probably we will probably eat all of this on the trail because we're actually gonna be biking for three full days and I need to have lunches for the first full day in the car which is a 10-hour Drive these baby carrots and these cucumbers are going to be cut up for snacks for our picnic lunch in the car the first 10 hour drive day a lot of breakfasts are gonna be bagels and cream cheese cuz they're really easy for the hotels that don't have continental or that maybe aren't doing it so I have a plane a blueberry and a strawberry flavor of cream cheese string cheese's these are great great quick easy snack in the car and on the trail they can go into kids backpacks I love these little peanut butter crackers because they're high in calorie for what they are all the kids really like them fairly cheap this huge container is I think only like $6 we've got some tortillas the huge huge burrito ones the really really big ones because I believe the day we're doing Mount Rushmore is we're having wrap with some of this deli meat and stuff so one of them to be big enough to like fold up burrito style so stuff didn't fall out which is also I got the lettuce no tomatoes cuz tomatoes are super juicy my mom is bringing in the mayo and mustard avocado cuz I like that these are so hard like I even know that I can eat these until we get back honestly I got some yogurt smoothies again for the kids backpacks for the ride for kids times three days of biking is 12 and they'll probably do two each and that's 24 so I may not bring all of these but I wanted to do a smoothie instead of a cup of yogurt and they really like these watermelon for one of our grill nights Dave's really been liking almond milk we have not bought traditional milk in probably a month we are also out of cereal I think we have one box left and none of the kids want it because it's Raisin Bran we just aren't doing milk anymore who are we I don't even know thought this if you guys seen this at your Sam's Club Berkeley water 24 bottles flavored it is well they say unsweetened no what is it they say sweetened but it's zero sugar because they use like stevia or something like that I don't know they have black raspberry peach nectar and cherry limeade and this actually broke down to 37 cents a bottle which I thought it was a really amazing price but here's what happened I bought it and then let's just look at this one I was looking at the whoa ha okay come on you can do it so I'm looking at the ingredient list check it out okay there it is green tea green tea that means there's got to be caffeine in this right but it doesn't say that anywhere tell me if you've bought these like how can you have green tea in this and not have caffeine in it because if I looked all over this entire package and it doesn't say anywhere that there's caffeine in it because if there is I want to know how much in addition to bagels we're gonna do oatmeal for breakfast as well if we're easy to do in a hotel room with a microwave and not much else essential for bribing the kids when they're tired at the end of biking everyday so our first two days of biking is 30 miles each and our last day is 50 miles don't freak out the 50 mile our day is all downhill so it's actually not that bad but when they get tired this is one of my pro tips for you let me flip you around for the pro tip here's one of my pro tips when all else fails give them food this this goes for anything hiking long distances biking as a family long car rides with your kids when all else fails give them more food and I think this is actually one of the best deals at Sam's Club 100 pouches for about $8 you won't get a better price anywhere and they're very tasty you guys saw these in the store these protein chewy bars peanut butter dark chocolate I thought that would be really nice the name of the game here is high-calorie because we're gonna have to carry a lot of this with us 190 calories per bar 10 grams of protein it's actually not that high for a protein bar but they can charge you more for it if they put that on the box I thought a couple of my kids and Dave would really enjoy it like some dried mango this is not something I buy often because it's so expensive so this 24 ounce container of dried mango is $13 and then this was very much the same as this this will be good for the car you know like okay in 30 more minutes we'll all get another Hot Tamale or something like that let's move over to the table also before we do that check out my new flip flops did I tell you guys that my last ones ripped apart okay so here's the brand you can I know they sell these at Costco or they did because that's where I got my black ones originally but I couldn't find this exact pair so I found him on the Cabela's website so they're made out of yoga mats and they're white because white is awesome but they feel so squishy and delicious I love it okay bread outlet and I showed you some of these prices already in the store about who we've got all my bagels 88 cents a container the hot dog buns these were all 88 cents a container loaves of bread were a dollar each for these really really nice organic love so that was exciting to find and because I spent so much they gave me three free items off the rack so I picked up the this hoagie roll here here what else did I do oh and the in the buttermilk this was the most expensive I got talking to the worker in there about spiking and doing long trails there's one in Coeur d'Alene which is in Idaho called the Hiawatha trail it's really really famous so he was talking about doing that I was telling him about the one we were doing maybe next year we'll do the Hiawatha Trail or maybe later this year because surprise guess what our rebooked cruise has been cancelled so yay we're trying to find something else to do so maybe we'll do another bike trip who knows and he convinced me to buy these energy bars even though they were expensive I mean they look good right right they look tasty don't let them talk you into buying stuff you could okay so here are bagels for the breakfasts I am NOT taking all of this bread a lot of this is going to go into my freezer I'm going to count it out and make sure have the right amount and I liked this cracked wheat bread and it got mushed in the car I'm so sad like something fell on them so I'm a little bummed like the ends are looking a little sad they did not look like that when I put them in the car check these out I have never seen these before Kito hamburger buns these were 88 cents a bag now I'm no kedo expert but that sounds like a really good price to me for something that's specialty diet like this I don't know if these are good I'm gonna put all of these in the freezer and we'll try when we get back but I thought for anyone that's trying to like go keto and they want their bread or they want to sandwich or something like that what a great option so I looked on the back trying to figure out what the whole deal was to fat and then I saw the carbs I was like it's 70 grams of carbs and then I saw a dietary fiber 16 grams so it's net one gram so I don't know what they make this out of and six grams of protein I just thought we'd try it and see if there are any goats er having grilled hot dogs one night we are having grilled hamburgers one night over here to the discount store is a whole lot of special yummy goodness I'm totally out of milk chocolate chips you guys I know I'm shocked as well and Nestle do Laos was only a dollar sixty-nine a bags I got three i restrained myself and only bought three check me out hazelnut spread M&Ms these are not my favorite flavor they're okay I got a couple of energy bars just to put in the back box Dave really likes these these are 50 cents each gluten free dairy free soy free I have a bunch of Clif bars for the kids to share I love the power Crunch bar so that's probably gonna be for me definitely not taking all of these maybe one in the like snack and bribe arena same for these if you guys try these these are really really yummy as far as the caliber yvonne goes pop-tarts are it if you eat pop-tarts on the daily or like have never looked at the calorie content and you just consume these without thinking stop now it is so many calories for what you get like this is one of the worst sits worse than ice cream it's worse than those don't do it I'm looking for high calorie stuff for this particular trip and I love pretzel and chocolate so it's pretty excited to try these out if you guys tried this labor before the girl that was checking me out said that they're very salty and I said great I love salt so we'll kind of see how that goes so here's the question are you guys so sick of me talking at this I need to put all of this away guess down in the comments what I spent on all of this and answer that's the closest I'll pin you to the top they want to show you my Amazon subscribe and save order that just showed up do you guys have never done Amazon subscribe and save I've been doing it for like five years you get a bunch of your household items cleaning products and they'll give you an extra 15% off the whole order when you have five or more items in your cart you can get like if you need diapers or toothpaste or deodorant all kinds of stuff so that just came just now so let me come and show that to you yeah it makes me so happy I posted this on my community tab the native deodorants we have dishwasher salts my Bosch dishwasher has a water softener built inside of it so you have to get this like special kind of dishwasher salt holdup it's coming my friend court and he told me about this she said her husband got her one and she was like oh my gosh buy me more they're so good so it's a protein shake caffeine in a monster so I got the chocolate flavor 180 calories for the whole shake 27 grams of protein a hundred and 70 milligrams of caffeine per bottle which is a touch more than I typically do in the morning but it'll be fine and in this one oh it's my favorite protein yay I got my cellucor peanut butter marshmallow whey protein I'll have all these link down below for you guys if you want to go check them out this is my favorite flavor and even though I got like the peanut butter chocolate Cup flavor from the Dymatize the other ones too sweet I think like it's fine I've been drinking it this one's less sweet so if you're like over the sweet stuff the peanut butter in this one like tones it down a notch oh my current cream is here too okay this is the curl cream that I like to use the most and I've been out of mine so it's pretty excited to get a new one now I can wear my hair curly again and there was a great price on these sparkling ice drinks with caffeine I picked these up at my Albertsons I can't find them at any other store in my area I've looked everywhere but Amazon could you could get the 12-pack so I got a 12-pack of the strawberry citrus which is amazing and a 12-pack of the orange passionfruit also amazing okay let's go check this out I feel like I have to say this like the native deodorant this is not sponsored I feel like I'm pretty clear when something is sponsored so if I don't say that I partnered with them or that the video is sponsored by them it's not and I bought it myself just for future reference take care of your body it's the only place you have to live Oh take a look so I have the coconut vanilla lavender rose and cucumber mint so let's just try the cucumber mint scent and see what that smell come on I really hope these work you guys these were expensive okay it smells nice I tried the tom's of Maine and it was like awful okay don't we have a tank top under how it hurts is it supposed to hurt or am I on the plastic okay it's rough is it supposed to feel like it's scraping off your skin that's my question it smells really good okay we'll report back later you guys try these do you like him I think good I'm a very smelly girl so I would like to not be a smelly girl oh I was going to show you guys the meal plan I what is the matter with me okay hold up good thing I wrote it on my wait for it list if you guys have never seen that show that I like play all the time when I talk about the list you should some that looks really good I kind of told you a little bit about what's going on when I showed it to you but to sum up we're gonna be gone for eight days we have two days of only driving ten-hour Drive there 10 hour drive back the other six days are going to be activities and biking three days of activities three days of biking and we'll be providing most of our own food so breakfasts are going to be bagels oatmeal the last two days we're at an Airbnb with a full kitchen we're going to be like eggs and bacon and sausage and like stuff we can actually cook on the trail and for lunch basically every day is gonna be sandwiches wraps fruit which I didn't buy any maybe I'll buy some when we get there like bananas or something granola bar string cheese stuff like that fruit snacks and then dinners the first night is barbecued chicken with the corn to show you guys the corn on the cob I bought corn on the cob to grill with the chicken burgers the next night is gonna be grilled hot dogs the next night I can't remember this isn't the entirety of list we have a homemade Lunchables day two or three restaurants that we were gonna try out that were recommended by one of you guys who lives in the area so that's kind of what we have going on and don't worry I am going to be vlogging the entire trip we'll see if I can get it all into one video I don't want it to be too long and boring so we'll see how we go that's it that's the whole shebang it's like the most I've ever spent on groceries at one time it's ridiculous for your guests down below go ahead and include the non-food items like the toilet paper and then say it in the toothpaste I'll give you a clue this toothpaste is $23 just for this but don't include the Amazon order just this stuff over here if you guys enjoyed and you want to see our bike trip once we're all back and ready hit the subscribe button and the notification bill so you know when I post so thank you so much and I will be seeing you on the other side of the trip a bite
Channel: Frugal Fit Mom
Views: 111,008
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: grocery haul, massive, huge, family, food, frugal, frugal fit mom, shop with me, large family, junk food, meal plan, whats for dinner, on a budget, large family vlogs, feeding a large family, fun, cheap, free, not enough nelsons, vacation prep, meal prep, budget, how to, big family, frugal living
Id: O3Qk6UJQxfM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 5sec (1505 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 08 2020
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