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hey everyone my name is Christine and welcome to today's video which is going to be basically an all-day cook with me food prep kind of a thing sort of now around here things are getting busy outside I'm spending a lot of my afternoons outside in my garden and playing with my kids and things like that so by the time it's time for dinner I'm like oh my gosh it's five o'clock we want to eat now or like I haven't started something and also in the mornings I've inserted my runs around 7:30 which is about when the kids eat breakfast and so I want like a quick and easy breakfast as well so we're gonna kind of do some dinner prep vegetable prep to make sure we're eating all that health all of the vitamins all of the nutrients and also getting rid of some things in my house that should probably be gotten rid of so this is just to make the next coming week easier I'm gonna start with banana bread because I have these they're very very sad-looking but I figured if I made two loaves of banana bread right now I could use that for breakfast tomorrow morning so that's gonna be the first thing I'm gonna do because my banana bread takes so long to cook so have my gosh out I have my flour my sugar and I know you guys are gonna ask about where I got these containers people ask me this all the time so any tool that you see in this entire video I will link down below in the description box for you so if you are interested you can go purchase it if you want these are called lust row where and Amazon does indeed have these dock number b89 - okay great now if you guys want the full banana bread recipe I have an entire video and a link to my website with this recipe on it once you try this you'll never go back I promise first thing is I'm gonna preheat my oven and I guess get on over and I'm gonna ruin my shirt yes okay now we already I remember I'm doubling this so it's gonna make two lows one I meant to start this video today at like way earlier in the day but I'm telling you the kids the kids are like all up in my grill all the time I had to wait until this afternoon so I had some so quiet and I think the two little boys are on the trampoline outside and Dave just took hailey for a drive getting super close on her hours do you ever miss a class are I keeping your mouth on my how can they keep you better buy that on that front table I always forget to plug this in for eggs uh-oh my kids crying both of them no not both just Ryan I think Ryan got meat in face oh now they're hugging Ryan still looks upset is he gonna get over it oh good dad's out there okay I was wondering if I needed to go out and see what was going on Dave's out there monitoring the situation excellent since these are medium eggs I'm gonna do one more okay now mix again four cups so what I typically do tell me let's count here though well I tell you this one is I usually buy like a 50-pound bag of flour to and store it in a five-gallon bucket I think or something like that was called five-gallon bucket and then I have the rest in this three so when this is empty I can refill this with my five gallon bucket so actually always have sugar and flour for because that's how I store all these bulk items I do the same with flour wheat white sugar oats usually but not right now I don't have very many and rice typically it will own the rights to but butter and sugar I do have enough of one teaspoon of salt and two teaspoons of baking this recipe is so easy it's amazing it's so good actually I know why it's so good because it the amount of sugar it has in it I think I tripped and I got my shoe unless it's time to add our vanilla and bananas so if you've been in my channel before you know I don't measure vanilla you haven't well get ready for a treat um I think that looks good I love vanilla so I like to use more than normal and I need six bananas while that one is very sad is I salvageable okay there are six bananas I got three left I might freeze those too these are so soft they're basically banana juice so for those that don't know I actually developed I believe it's called oral allergy syndrome later in life you guys can look it up if you want because I developed an allergy to bananas in my mid-20s I used to be able to eat them all the time but after I had Andrew for some reason I got super super sick when I eat bananas actually started noticing a couple of other things that are beginning to be added to that list just in the last year or so I have the same symptoms when I eat are you ready for this spinach I did that this week and it was a bad experience anyway I get super super sick when I eat bananas mostly but spinach is beginning to be that way when I touch it when I ingest it so I haven't eaten bananas in about ten years I think I tried to eat one like five years ago like one bite but I had the exact same sometimes and I was like now are that but once they're cooked I can eat them like it changes the proteins in the food and doesn't affect me anymore so I can eat banana bread but I can't eat bananas and I can't you bananas and then they eat it weird right I'm gonna bake this in my long skinny pants and I get asked about these all the time I originally got these from Ikea but IKEA is closed right now at least for me and they're really far away but I will link similar ones down below you can pick them up on Amazon ship it to your house you can totally use regular sized pans though also 350 degrees for about an hour next up I'm going to actually prep dinner for the next two nights I got out the rest of my freezer burnt chicken from my freezer this is the last of the old chicken I officially have no old chicken anymore and you can tell it's freezer because the coloring is off a little bit but if you flavor it with enough stuff it's actually okay to eat it's not unsafe it just changes the texture and flavor a little bit now mine wasn't too bad I've let us sit in this bowl for a couple of hours it's still mostly frozen and what I'm going to do there's four breasts in here if I'm going to slice them in half this way it's actually fairly easy to do when they're frozen because I find the marinade penetrates better and also cooks more evenly I hate cooking on the grill like these really thick thick chicken breasts they cook too much on the outside they're dry the insides not cooked appropriately I hate that so I've actually been cutting it this way for ten years very long time so we're gonna marinate this actually that knife month might not be strong enough hold up I'm getting a different knife I like the other knife it's a fillet knife for when it's thawed all the way but it is not or all of my knives are you of course don't usually use this one but we'll see I think all of my knives are in the dishwasher oh good times yeah I definitely easier when it's thawed all the way or sure oh that's still really frozen you know but I might pop that in the microwave or good antitrust that's like really really broken okay now my cutting board is moving I make a hard time all around this is so not my favorite knife if you guys have never tried this cut the chicken in half trick highly recommend I just flung chicken ice all over the gunner okay when you work with chicken make sure you clean everything thoroughly you'll want anybody getting any Salmonella now we're gonna pour our marinade on these and I'm gonna stick these in outside fridge hopefully they'll thaw all the way by tomorrow I might wait two days I might let them marinate for two days in the fridge because they're still half frozen I just want to make sure you know saying today I'm using these Food Network kitchens flavorings I have this orange citrus I used in a previous video that was so good if you guys haven't seen my I think it was my three healthy meals video basically hot meat on cold salad for three to four nights this was really really good you can use any McCormick grill mates those are amazing salt and pepper is always good so let's do this is half a bottle on that one I'm going to use this whole bottle I think I thought I had more chicken maybe half the bottle and that one talked about on that one and depending on when it thaws I might grill all these ups tomorrow or the next night the orange citrus will be one dinner and then this harmer Shawn Caesar will be the other dinner I just really like having marinated thawed-out meat ready to throw on the grill this time of year it makes dinner so easy even if you don't want to make a salad or whatever it's really that this thick there we go even if you don't want to make a salad to eat these with you can absolutely like roast up some green beans or asparagus or whatever your favorite vegetable is in fact I made an airfryer recipe video just recently a link that as well and you can serve that on the side and it's like lickety-split fast it's so fast throw it on the grill get your veggies roasting boom done some saran wrap and we are done with the chick we'll move on to the other prep you know if you're struggling to eat healthy I found chicken breast recently at my local grocery store Albertsons and you know I think it was so cheap at Albertsons because it seems like because everyone's trying to go to one store recently or maybe doing a pickup order from Walmart or just getting everything at Sam's Club or Costco or something I got the smaller grocery stores are struggling with their sales and they have a surplus of some foods so my local Albertsons just a couple days ago had boneless skinless chicken breasts a dollar 49 a pound boneless skinless chicken breast a dollar 49 a pound you guys that is so dang cheap for a really healthy lean protein get all of them marinate all of them and grill all of them you can't go wrong and that chicken didn't take me any time at all okay I'm gonna go put these in the fridge me Rebecca next up I have an assortment of veggies so I'm half of the napa cabbage one head of iceberg this huge thing of organic kale a couple of cukes and a couple of tomatoes so I'm gonna mix up kind of one big green salad but I'm gonna divvy it into two nights so we'll use one is a side dish for tonight and then the rest of it is going to be used with some of that chicken that we just did we'll put the chicken on top of the salad just like a Caesar chicken salad essentially and I'm going to clean all of my greens in my oXXO salad spinner guy said not sure one of these out I will leave a link down below for you it's like one of my favorite purchases I've ever made because I used to break salad spinners and so I just went what happened cuz I'm like oh I always break them what a hassle no this one I have yet to bring really excited about that so all of these veggies actually picked up almost three weeks ago in my last once a month grocery shopping trip so all of these have lasted for three weeks at this point in my refrigerator which is amazing I think I'm gonna do small fred's of the cabbage know my kids are more likely to eat it you know actually really surprised at how long the tomatoes lasted honestly but cabbage and an iceberg or kale those really lasts a long time so don't be scared to get more than one and keep in the fridge for a few weeks like I'm kind of at the tail end a lot of my fresh produce at this point so I'm gonna start turning to my frozen veggies that I had picked up some tan veggies to get me through the final week because I do have another produce order opening up I believe next week if you guys live in my area and you want to know what it is and to join the mailing list go ahead and drop me an email my email down below because I love to support local businesses especially right now and the produce is just so great it's a lot of it's a good price some of its not you got to pick and choose really happy to support that but if you guys haven't seen that last video my big grocery shopping video I'll put up up here or something the trick of getting your kids to eat kale is first of all don't tell them what it is I try not to lie to my kids so when they when they're like oh what's this I actually try and tell them what it is that way like I've been telling my kids that there have been eating spinach since they were two so now they're actually not scared of spinach they're like oh it's been a Jeff had that but if you cut it really really small and mix it with other stuff that they like they'll be way more likely to alright so start cleaning off my lettuce in my salad spinner okay finishing up with my last lettuce here's here's my bowl so far it looks really small on camera this is a very large bowl well don't compare it to my head have a big head good we went to mamie's house look the same little you help me well I wish I could but I don't want you oh I wish I could but I don't want to best vegetable peeler ever this cucumber doesn't stand a chance you think sir do you guys like your cucumbers sliced this way or this way and then this way I like them big but babe doesn't love cucumbers so I try and kind of kind of small good all right now Oh kind of like to cut the tomatoes and give them or spreche the day of right like the lettuce is good already prepped but for the day of the salad that's when I like to cut these otherwise a feeling to get soggy so here's my three my cabbage my kale and my lettuce so just gonna do a little mixer ooh and then I'm gonna take maybe half of this and put it in a Tupperware with some paper towels and stick it in the fridge and then the rest is going to be a side dish for tomato there that's for tonight angel leaves it out on the table that's for tonight thank you which would make next I think I think we're to do french toast for breakfast okay I have these two loaves of bread I just went to my discount bread store like my bakery outlet if you guys want to see if you have one in your area just Google bakery outlet near me or whatever it is and it should come up every town I've lived in has had one so far and I've lived in some really small towns so just see what's out there and then see what you can find mine is the brand France all of Ola document says they had a special deal it was 40 cents ello 40 cents a loaf so I think I got 10 loaves of bread and a lot of it's in the freezer but I kept these two out just wine one and this milk and honey one and I thought I can pre make french toast stick in the fridge and then the kids can eat it throughout the week so let's make up the French toast right now well I'm gonna clean this up first and then we'll be back in a second welcome to the French toast making station if you guys have seen any of my other like meal prep videos actually have not done very many so maybe I'm only talking about one yeah I said in that video that I typically don't make french toast very often I'm not sure why I feel like it takes way longer than maybe a pancake or a waffle maybe that's totally in my head I don't know it's something I don't make often and it's Dave's favorite bread like breakfast item when you compare french toast waffles pancakes Dave prefers this over anything else so to my kids this is a really special treat the way that I like to make french toast is to mix eggs like a lot of milk or heavy cream or half-and-half or something a little bit of sugar a lot of cinnamon and a bunch of vanilla as well cornstarch is also a nice addition it gives a nice crust on the outside of the french toast if that's something else that you want to add and play with I think it tastes way better this way than just your traditional mostly egg a little bit of milk and that's it totally fine if you want to do it that way if you prefer different toppings I just really like it this way and I am using coconut oil on my griddle so while those were cooking I decided to open two packages of bacon to cook in my oven while like I already had the oven on from the banana bread I had pulled it out by this point and I'm like you know what I'm just gonna utilize the oven being on and throw some bacon in for a dinner that I was gonna be making the next night so just trying to do the prep work while I was already in there doing everything a friend of mine has a baby that is in the NICU about five like four hours away and she has to stay down there with the baby at the ronald mcdonald house while her family is here with the husband most of the time so i am taking them like a baked potato soup the day following this filming and my loaded baked potato soup calls for quite a bit of bacon and so I thought I would just like double or triple it have some for my family give some to her family and it would kind of be a win-win and get rid of some of the prep work cuz that's actually super easy to make it's just the bacon actually like cooking the bacon it takes so long I really like having pre cooked bacon ready to go makes it easy what you got there Oh God I don't wanna show my address on the front but I got a special package hey you said are you excited really I let's just say it's not something I ever ever thought would happen literally like never I did YouTube for four years and barely hug like 15,000 subscribers so no I didn't think this would ever happen of course it's fitting I'm opening in the next okay when do they come in the mail is this planned no oh baby let's see oh I gotta take the plastic off in here I got music and gum what do you think about that it's pretty cool I know it's meant to be hung well most people's is like leaning on something what do you think it's very pretty it's so pretty and you know what it's all because of you guys it's all because of those subscribers if it wasn't for none this would not have happened I feel like it's so clean it's so clean I'm seeing my reflection in the mirror oh really well I think now it's time to build you a space maybe you should just go in the kitchen yeah maybe we should finish painting the wall that is the frugal fit way yeah okay sorry about geeking out about the silver play button but it literally did come in the mail while I was recording the French toast of the bacon so thank you guys so much the credit truly all goes to you for wanting to hit the subscribe button and hanging out so let's move into the granola making this is my standard go-to granola recipe I will leave that recipe down below I got this recipe from my sister-in-law Dave's sisters in-laws did you get that is it clear and I loved it so much that it replaced my old granola recipe that I used first this one does take quite a bit of coconut so if you are not a coconut lover you can leave it out and replace it with more oats but don't use coconut oil maybe use a different kind of oil my previous granola recipe didn't use oil at all which is kind of why I liked it but I love the richness that the oil in this one gives you so I'm pouring it on the pans I usually didn't get into three sheet pans and then rotate it in the oven about seven to ten minutes each stirring as we go so while that's cooking I decided to get moving on some mashed potatoes in my instant pot this was going to be for dinner this night and you'll kind of see that dinner in a different video that's coming up it's just one of those ones that's taking like a week to film but mashed potatoes in the instant pot guys I have not gone back to cooking them on the stove so I used basically I filled my 6 quart instant pot to the top with Yukon Gold potatoes and then to make them delicious you need a lot of salt a lot a lot a lot and then I had two sticks of butter in there a quite a bit of half-and-half pepper and an entire can of evaporated milk and you keep tasting and you keep tasting and if you're liking her it's missing something it needs more salt I promise you and that will soak up way more liquid than you think so stir it give it a moment stir it give it a moment and then you'll have amazing mashed potatoes okay I'm just about to put everything away so I wanted to show you one last shot of the items I haven't put away yet I have all of the french toast over here the kids will probably eat this for breakfast for the next couple of days all of the bacon that I cooked up for the soups that I'm making tomorrow for my neighbor this is my one batch of granola and you can really tell how big this guy is because it takes us a while to eat this actually I would have doubled it but I'm running really low on oats and if you're gonna add dried fruit now would be the time to do so my two loaves of banana bread right here I adore this huge Rubbermaid container use it all the time I picked these up I think up two or three at a garage sale for $1 each and then I looked online and they cost like $20 each on Amazon which is crazy sauce oh oh you see my eyes I knew I shouldn't have attempted cutting onions without my onion goggles Wow okay let's up yeah it's not that serious or zine it's not crying let me get some better lighting here okay there we go I thought we would move on dinner's over the kitchen's cleaned up dishwashers going from dinner and I have more clean dishes drying over here and everyone is downstairs watching a movie and I'm wrapping up the last few things I am cooking for today so right now on my stove I'm putting together a double batch of my homemade lasagna sauce now I don't make a list on you very often it's not one of my favorite things because I had it too much during all of the years that I worked at Boy Scout camp or get Boy Scout camp for four summers and we had lasagna once a week for the entire summer like the frozen Stouffer's stuff and I'm just like lasagna doubt right you can make lasagna however you want but I really prefer this homemade sauce over like a jarred spaghetti sauce or something which is a lot shorter but this just tastes better so mixing up a double batch and then once they're done I can freeze them and still lasagna will come together really really quickly in the future in the few and far between times that I choose to make it so I have two pounds of ground beef in here actually cooked three pounds but I'm doing something else lifts the other one pound and I'm going to be adding two chopped onions why I was crying okay here we go oh no these are big onions Wow I have a couple of strays here get all these get all these come on come on yes okay okay now I'm gonna go grab my garlic we're gonna add that just like two or three cloves of garlic not too much now I'm going to be adding two cans of this tomato puree you could do diced tomatoes like a mix of diced tomatoes and then tomato sauce but this is what I have so we're gonna be using these and my garlic is in there you see that I just put it in here we go swish a little water in that to get that all that out yeah I think I'm definitely gonna do that let's do I don't know like a teaspoon oops okay a little more than teaspoon parsley and about ditto on the basil so yeah about like that then oh we can't forget to add our sugar just to cut some of the acidity and just for fun I'm gonna add a little something extra that you totally don't have to do but I'm going to because hey this is this is my channel and I can do what I want okay I added the sugar here and a little bit more parsley and basil now I'm gonna add some crushed red pepper flakes because they're so good give a little you know a little zing because I did not use like hot Italian sausage I just used ground even here so the meat itself really does not have any flavor and what's crazy is I actually don't add any salt to this but after this all cooks down I've I found that I've never really had to add salt because between the Parmesan cheese and the ricotta cheese that you're using for the layers plenty salty so I'm gonna simmer this for about 45 minutes until everything is cooked and comes together and we are done that's how easy it is it just takes a while to simmer that's do I make videos what we're gonna do now is take the leftover mashed potatoes from dinner the rest of the ground beef that I told you about and we're gonna make a freezer meal really fast cuz I'm gonna already have everything so I have one of my baking dishes and this is a play on an Americanized shepherd's pie right I realize that the shepherd's pie with the cream of whatever soup and the mixed veggies or corn or whatever covered in mashed potatoes is not traditional shepherd's pie I know and my mom did it a little differently than Dave's mom truthfully I'm sure everybody does it a little bit differently everybody's Chili's a little different everybody's gumbo is a little different they're just all different so I have about 1 pound of ground beef that's already cooked and this is seriously so easy and because we have plenty of food to eat over the next couple days which is why I'm making this a freezer meal otherwise I would probably build it needs to get in the fridge for two three days and then cook it later but here we are let me just repeat this is the way my mom made it this is my mom's recipe I don't know where she got it she actually called it hamburger pie if it looks gross to you that's okay you don't have to make this this is just something I ate growing up a lot one can of green beans I did drain it okay so there's no extra liquid actually doesn't look like very many green means one can of tomato condensed soup okay I know I told you it might look weird but I'm telling you this is one of my favorite things kiss I loved it and you can ask my mom in like later videos they really like the hamburger pie and she'll be like heck yeah she did so yeah that doesn't look appetizing at all but this is from business coming from a kid who like hated Chef Boyardee stuff I hated that stuff because I liked okay little bit of pepper in here my mom is obsessed with pepper I like pepper but my mom like likes pepper if you don't have saying good man pepper okay and we're just gonna kind of mix all that together and that's our base layer oh it even like sloshes Oh unappetizing is ASMR still a thing I don't know that I can get behind that I don't particularly enjoy listening to really high def noises I know some things that I like or not everybody's cup of tea and that's okay so what my mom does is she takes the mashed potatoes and mixes it with a like a couple of X so I'm gonna get 2x and I don't think I'm gonna use all of these potatoes so we'll put some away it's pretty good this is a big container so I'm gonna save these and I'm just gonna eat these like tomorrow two eggs into our mashed potatoes and now remember honey heavily seasoned through these potatoes lots of salt lots of pepper lots of butter and cream they already taste good so there's not a whole lot that needs to be done here or like nothing just stirring the eggs in and of course these potatoes are cool now so you're not gonna end up with scrambled eggs and that would be no good it's kind of like when you add eggs or ricotta for lasagna so like that I'm not sure that I've ever shared my mom's hamburger pie on my channel before cos it's not deadly not gourmet but you know what sometimes cheap old hot dog with some relish takes the cake you know I'm saying it doesn't have to be gourmet all the time yeah it didn't look like a lot in this bowl but this bowl is like really big there's a little deceptive okay feel like I'm gonna sneeze from the pepper like it's up in my nose now I think I'm okay okay you spread out your word okay I like thinking about right now just spread out the potatoes okay you know what to do that I'm thinking about my friend Jessica who watches most of the videos hello Jess and I know her husband Billy would like revolt if she tried to serve this her husband is like anti casseroles of any kind right except maybe lasagna does he like lasagna he despises it so he would not eat this I can tell you that right now don't worry Billy it's not for you okay there's my there's my stuff now we're gonna go your traditional toppings I have some shredded cheese so my mom usually just did like cheddar cheese and then you bake it in the oven covered for about 30 minutes and take the foil off until the cheese is melted and you were done we're gonna add some bacon crumbles as well just cuz changed my mind who doesn't love cheese on the top of their casserole that's what I'm saying and then a little bit like not too much a little sprinkle of bacon and I'm gonna top this with foil and stick it in the freezer don't forget to label it and write instructions because even though you think you're gonna remember what's in your freezer you won't done freezer meal finished basically out of leftovers from like other stuff I was already doing so yeah we're gonna put that away very excited I'm gonna wash my hands and then we'll move on to the last thing of evening saw the pineapple and I realized I wanted to chop the pineapple so we the kids would eat it tomorrow if you're fresh produce like fruits and veggies are already prepped your kids will be way more likely to eat them like way more so I'm gonna chunk this up and stick it into these circular storage containers you could get these off of Amazon they're super super cheap come in a lot of sizes they have little ones like this big ones like this I use them all the time this is how I chop up I'm not saying this is the only way this is how I do it top and bottom off next comes a skinny oh my gosh it smells so good oh love I love French final okay triggering question are you ready for this pineapple on pizza yes or no people people feel some kind of way about that it's like cats you either love it or you hate it there's no in the middle canned pineapple I'm just kind of mint fresh pineapple absolutely on pizza it's delicious I had one recently there was like a barbecued chicken pizza with fresh pineapple and bacon that was good here is how I like to do it after we're here is I like to quarter it like this and then I take the core out okay cuz this can't really eat that I mean you could but I don't know what you want to but I do keep it because if you chop chop it up you can put that in a smoothie so I do totally keep it and I do use it you can slice it this way and then that way like however big you want your slices I want mine fairly small so I'm gonna cut each one of these into four sorry about the water if you guys hear water is the dishwasher is going right now and when it drains it kind of you hear it in the sink it sounds a little weird so my pieces are about this size check this out I didn't taste fresh like fresh pineapple like this that wasn't from a can until I was 19 years old I don't ever ever remember having fresh pineapple I can't find a ball thing not fresh and I tried fresh it was when I worked at a restaurant and the bar has fresh pineapple for the fancy drinks and they let me try some and remember why and my life changed in that instant you know when you taste something as an adult and you're like why am I not been eating this my whole life that was fresh pineapple for me mm-hmm yeah buddy okay so I got three-quarters of that pineapple in that one and I think I'm gonna go with the little guy for this last quarter I do have one more pineapple over there but I kind of want to save him for something special I think I want to make a pineapple upside-down cake with like fresh pineapple so I ended up with a big one and a little winged lids on those like that and those will go into the fridge for tomorrow my kids will probably eat all this in one day the last thing that we are going to be making was a coconut lime cheesecake oh yeah and we're gonna start with our graham crackers to make our graham cracker crust and I need 2 cups of this stuff after it's shredded so it's quite a bit and some shredded coconut yes and I have to make it now because it has to cool and I won't be able to actually eat it until tomorrow so we're gonna do it tonight by the way it's evening now if I didn't mention that what I would angle the camera this way but I'm trying to hide all these dirty dishes because let me tell you what when you do this list cooking prep work for a video you do a lot of freaking dishes can I tell you that a lot I actually had plan to make a couple of other things but it's getting late now it's 8 o'clock p.m. all the kids are about to go to bed and not gonna happen is that this you see what that does how many graham crackers is a tape cups who knows [Applause] and that squeal is funny it's funny we're gonna measure in this guy oh so close close but no cigar close only counts in horseshoes and did we get it tell me if you guys don't have a food processor they're a great kitchen tool I went a long time without having one mine's just my ninja attachment but my stepmom has a Cuisinart it's amazing so this recipe is out of this book savoring the seasons with our best bites that's where it's coming from something here so I can see I'm doing a little bit left over don't know what I'm gonna do with that button figure out a half a cup of coconut and if this need to use the sweetness kind alex close-ish two tablespoons of sugar I don't have much of that you get one of my boys to refill it for my bucket okay to like stack cuz I bet I'm gonna need more than a quarter cup for the actual cheesecake these are some of my favorite kitchen tools use them all the time I probably have 20 of them okay and it's good to mix with a fork or your fingers hands the best tools so that's what I'm doing and I get asked a lot why I use gloves when I cook and the reasons are threefold the box is threefold first of all food safety issues you know touching food touching your hair - you know when you wear a glove you make sure you're only touching the food especially like when I work with meat and stuff number two is because I'm in the kitchen so much I wash my hands all the time anyway so if this saves me like five to ten hand washes in a day or whatever that's less cracking on my hands great I don't really have another reason I'm gonna put these in my springform pan that I double wrapped in foil and we're gonna bake it at 350 which I've been preheating for five minutes what is it about that graham cracker crust because I know you guys aren't a square I got this measuring cup my stepmom gave if they used to me she loves blue does it say up Pier one that's where these are from I have no idea how old these are could potentially not be available anymore but that's where he came from I'm just gonna refill this and we will continue with the Cheesecake Bosh is out once again and we are going to mix up the filling portion of cheesecake three packages of cream cheese I don't like you guys but in my area Walmart has the cheapest cream cheese no matter what no matter the sales no matter anything it's 80 cents per container of cream cheese can't beat it can't beat it at Sam's love can be viewed at Winco even the Philadelphia brand on sale like mega sale never goes cheaper than a dollar ever so I'm fine with sticking with great value for my cheesecake so these have been sitting out for several hours so they are soft now crucial step I don't know if my sister Lauren is watching this video but she hates cream cheese and desserts Lauren don't make this which is funny cuz she likes it in none dessert form like she'll have plain cream cheese on a bagel or like cream cheese chicken enchiladas yeah great cheesecake ARF she won't do it it's so funny I don't understand it personally I think cream cheese is good in everything well not everything but you know most things are you guys sick of me it look I don't know how long this video is gonna end up being but I started recording it six and a half hours ago this could potentially be my longest video I don't know I think my longest video to date is thirty minutes okay here's what's funny about the video length thing some people really like the longer videos you know for some people I like the longer videos too I like to watch on while I do dish or full laundry and so I actually don't mind the Locker videos when I'm doing other things I can't stand myself for that long like editing my own video and I've been listening to myself talk for that long you guys are synched listening to me Yammer on for this long like to listen to myself drone on for a 20 minute videos about all I can handle it myself and even that's pushing out 10 to 15 about perfect 30 I don't know man one cup of sugar okay dose I have my whisk attachments in here and me until it's like super step so I'm actually gonna run out my outside break you've got my lines so I can set them and juice my eggs one at a time to this it is super super smooth and shiny and I'm kind of working on my limes so two tablespoons of lime zest Wow and an entire half a cup of lime juice and I have two more limes here I have more outside but hopefully four is enough barber already done - I'm gonna work on the other two with my microplane and this juicer which this thing I didn't know I needed until I have this is like one of my favorite things ever and because I've been using so much citrus in my cooking and in my drinks I put lime a lot in my water so really really enjoying it right now I'm gonna continue on that while these mix and then I'm gonna put everything together I would highly recommend stopping your mixer while you add the eggs I may or may not have had a situation where I let it run while adding an egg and drop to the shell in let me tell you what happens when you drop a shell in while it's running you have crunchy cheesecake [Music] this feeling down tress that never made cheesecake is actually really easy to do you just have to have some patience for it because you can't eat it right away it's hard for me because I'm not patient but I do have a chocolate bar in the fridge with some toffee and gratitude in case I need it vanilla I didn't get the vanilla about right I guess look at my slimes us that is this a lot this shouldn't really lie me which is great I love and lime juice fresh-squeezed stir to combine [Music] it is gorgeous time to pour into you guys look at the beaters I'll be honest I'm a beater and liquor for sure I hope this is the right size springform pan because the last one the last cheesecake I mean I had a bigger springform pan which I thought was the right one and then it was too big to do a water bath in we shouldn't work wow that's really fun okay this might be too small I don't know it's really a shame you guys can't smell this now we are at the water bath state fingers crossed it fits man last time I made the cheesecake I didn't do the water bath because it didn't fit fingers crossed barely don't mind that I'm trying to get hot water once you're here put this into your oven and then we're going to pour the hot water into this pan but not that pan hey I'm going to bake for 75 minutes and then we will pull it out and hopefully it's finished we will make the topping I guess tomorrow so I'm gonna bake this and you guys in the morning the Cheesecake has chilled and it is now time to make the topping so I have one cup of heavy whipping cream in my KitchenAid which I'm still figuring out and we are going to whisk this until soft peaks form all right do your thing come on KitchenAid make it work here comes the powdered sugar coconut strips [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] put some on your face they're men that taste okay you were nervous about the coconut did you change your mind tell her get your face out of the background he's like a floating head if I would offer anything it would be to add more what's it called coconuts was supposed to have more coconut we had a problem we'd a problem in the kitchen what are you doing dude what are you doing so I'm guessing you don't like it very much you need to stop cooking this kind of see why because I can't stop eating it I'm up at least five pounds ditto or more is okay pretty good is really good so like it's a winner oh my god yeah I guess any time you're two fisting your dinner or dessert it's a winner good that is going to wrap up this extremely long video and meal prep food cooking thing that we did I was gonna call it a day but it did span two days so I would recommend making the cheesecake in the banana bread it's always winner and if you guys like this video go to thumbs up maybe thanks for eating out with me today I apologize this was so long and I will see you in the next video
Channel: Frugal Fit Mom
Views: 885,974
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: meal prep, huge, massive, easy, healthy, large family, budget, frugal, fun, cheap, free, frugal fit mom, massive meal prep, weekly meal prep, budget meal prep, healthy meal prep, how to meal prep, meal prep for the week, meal prep recipes, meal prep ideas, matt d'avella, family vloggers, feeding a large family, large family table, meal prep on a budget, extreme grocery budget, cook with me, whats for dinner
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 57sec (2757 seconds)
Published: Sat May 09 2020
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