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my head's chopped off every time hey friends how are you my name is christine and welcome to daily harvest smoothies versus homemade smoothies price and taste comparison i know in the past you guys have really enjoyed my financial analysis of making things at home versus buying them pre-made and i keep seeing these darn daily harvest shakes pop up on my instagram feeds they show up on facebook i'm getting emails how did that happen i'm thinking well that would be like so convenient look at all of this health and fitness it just comes to your house like this you make yourself a smoothie like no work no muss no fuss boom so i started thinking i've got to be able to make them cheaper myself than just buying them like this so i went on the hunt ordered a box no daily harvest has no idea that i'm making this video they did not send me these i spent my own doll hairs on these and these so what i did is i bought their box of nine which is what you see here and i scoured the internet for a coupon code because that is what i do if you guys want to save money online all you need to do is pull up google or sign up for honey or topcashback or racketin like they have all of these chrome extensions that just scour the internet for codes and apply them to your cart so i found a 25 off and free shipping i think code which made these nine smoothies 41 but i think that's like a one-time thing so not super impressive that makes each one of these shakes four dollars and sixty cents ish for the code that i got and there's no guarantee that you're gonna get that code either but if you go straight from their website it does say their shakes range from five to eight ish dollars each that's a lot and i will say there's something to be said for the convenience of just pulling it out of your freezer and making it home and then going about your day but i could also go to drama juice and get a fresh one made every day for five bucks and all of the fundraiser kids around here sell these cars it's like a buy one get one jamba that you can use 10 times or whatever so there's like you can get them cheaper just even if you still went out and got a smoothie but i just wanted to see what i could do i did a walmart grocery pick up for these items i did have to go and get one specialty ingredient because something that they use in a lot of these shakes is chlorella powder which you can pick up on amazon for 10 to 12 i didn't think that far ahead and i did not do that before i wanted to film this video so instead i went to every single store in my town and was able to finally find it at this really really small very expensive specialty shop that's actually not what i have in my hand they were out of stock of their powder but they did have tablets and i didn't want to go through like mushing them up so what i have instead i asked his advice and he was like you can use this wheatgrass um it's super similar really really clean ingredients this little tub was wicked expensive but it does do a lot of servings so it should be okay first two recipes that we're gonna make mix up so basically i'm recreating this pre-made shake okay so i'm making pre-made shakes and then when my family comes home later tonight we'll do a taste testing for you because the issue is a lot of them have bananas in the recipe and if you guys are new around here i have a lot of new people uh i have an allergy to bananas i cannot eat them raw any smoothie that has a banana in it i can't eat so that would not make sense for me to make them and taste them for you when i can't actually eat them so we're gonna have to do that when when the peeps come back but anyway let's kind of scooch all of these out of the way get out the blender start kind of mixing up our smoothie packs first up we are going to make this mint and cacao smoothie i hope that focused for you and i did find some copycat recipes online so i will leave those down below that is what i'm using to do this and use my handy dandy blender this batch is going to make eight it will yield eight smoothies so it would kind of be like buying eight of these in my research you can actually buy these little cups on amazon like the reusable or disposable ones and put your separate ingredients in these bags like that i just thought that would be so cute it's very extra and i'm not that extra so why not i'm actually not doing that into mr blender one cup of cashew milk mine is unsweetened regular i guess a half a teaspoon of mint extract peppermint extract and that's about all i have left in here so we'll just dump that right in and i need to put that on my shopping list two teaspoon two teaspoons of chlorella powder or in my case i am using this organic wheat grass unflavored no additives ingredients organic wheat grass juice powder that's all it is so two teaspoons of that i mean it smells grassy i'm not gonna lie that is all that goes in here so let's oh my god okay let's mix this up and i know you're probably curious what the heck you're doing with it i'll show you i'll show you okay my pureed like cashew grass peppermint i'm going to divvy out into an ice cube tray and this is actually a silicone mold for instant pot bites but who says it's only for the instant pot this can be an ice cube tray it can so i'm going to divvy this out into eight equal portions is this eight no this is seven oops seven equal portion because that's what i have and stick it in the freezer and while this is chilling i will put together the rest of the ingredients i i think the peppermint extract is kind of essential to cover up the smell of the green powder you know what i mean into the freezer i'm going to use these ziploc bags to put my smoothies into and since i only had seven of those i'll make i'll make seven instead of eight but the recipe actually makes eight and don't forget to label your bags it's really really helpful mint and chocolate when it comes time to make these you add one cup of almond milk and then blend it and that's all you do in each bag we're gonna put a half a cup of frozen spinach two tablespoons of cacao nibs this is definitely a pricey ingredient but because you don't need that many of them um i think it'll end up being okay so i need to find a way to like organize these i wonder if i use this tupperware and kind of set them up like this that could work oh sorry you only need one tablespoon of the cacao nibs in each bag and let's add the spinach also that looks super appetizing right chocolate and spinach hey daily harvest says it's good so so we're just gonna go with it i am flinging spinach all over the counter okay my kids um started watching the old popeye cartoons you know the popeye the sailor man cartoons they know that i watched it all the time when i was a kid so they're telling me about different different episodes and different scenes that i remember that are funny and they came up and sang me the song but they didn't know all the words it was really hilarious so now they think like him eating spinach is the funniest thing [Music] there's literally spinach everywhere you know you could probably do fresh spinach as well i don't know why you would have to do frozen spinach i guess whichever way you want to go is fine okay let's chop some fruit shall we i am so thrilled to be able to use my new misin knife for today's video and for the rest of my life you guys know that really high quality kitchen tools are one of my favorite things to have invest in something that is really really great quality it can last for years 20 years 30 years the rest of your life and i believe that this knife is it in the kitchen there's truly only two knives that you really really need a chef knife and a paring knife really high quality chef knives can be well well over a hundred dollars but misen is two to three times less expensive than other premium brands so listen upgrading your knife in your kitchen should not be hard and confusing misen makes it so easy to pick a really really high quality knife should last a lifetime if you are interested in picking up amazing chef knife for yourself or maybe a family member for the upcoming holiday season they are going to give you an amazing 20 off your first order all you have to do is go to slash ffm remember it's ffm to get 20 off and since i had my knife and cutting board out i decided to go ahead and prep all of the things i would need for this video and to show you that it really is an amazing knife i wanted to show you the tomato test for a non-serrated knife to slice through a tomato with basically just running the knife across the top of it i mean that is the ultimate knife test don't you think i'm not even pushing on the knife i'm letting the knife fall by the weight of the knife itself and it's sliced through the tomatoes perfectly i have used this knife to cut spaghetti squash to cut avocados oh i was cutting these fresh potatoes straight from the ground from potato harvest they're really really tough and this knife sliced through them so easily i didn't even really have to push on the top of the knife because the knife is so sharp and it cut through this avocado so quickly that i almost had to be careful holding it in my hand because it was slicing through the skin so easily if you guys have never chopped an avocado and taken the pit out all you need to do is pop the pit with the edge of the knife give it a little twist and it pops right out no sweat and then score the inside it was right here that i was like oh my gosh it's slicing through the skin like like butter don't cut my hand christine to ensure that your knife stays really really sharp for the lifetime of the knife hand wash it please do not stick it in the dishwasher what i love about this is such a great tool that it will basically take the place of an entire knife block and if you use the code for 20 off it's basically going to make this knife right at 50 which is a staggeringly amazing price for a really high quality chef knife thank you so much to mizin for sponsoring today's video go to amazon.comffm to redeem that and grab yourself an awesome knife okay my mint and chocolate baggies are ready i have my frozen wheatgrass and peppermint extract and about a half a banana or you can do a whole banana if you want and i did actually leave two with no banana for me so i can actually have one and see what it tastes like granted it'll be a little bit different i might need to add just some ice to thicken mine up a bit but i think we're going to mix this up and then ryan and i are both going to do a taste test here's the taste test of the daily harvest which looks like this and ours which honestly looks pretty similar except their frozen little packets are a touch smaller than mine but they're basically the same i think they have more banana than i do i think i might need a little bit more banana but that's okay let's add our almond milk and blend still looking very similar still think that one has more banana [Music] okay here's the daily harvest one see how that one goes [Music] way thicker i definitely under added bananas in mine because look how much thicker this one is this is like eat with a spoon kind of stuff so let's give both to ryan and we'll see how it tastes try this one first just because it's more liquidy like it's more like a drink okay okay so it's chocolate and mint and banana ooh it smells good that's pretty good that's pretty good okay so this one's super thick so grab the spoon and try the spoon just because i don't think you can drink that one it's more like an ice cream because they have bananas it's exactly the same as this one it's just thicker i think they like the thicker one better is it because it's sweeter with the banana yeah yeah okay do you want to take that one and eat it yeah okay great here's what we've learned with this one it's a winner for kids that's what we've learned this one needs more banana i would say uh an entire banana per bag which is going to bump your cost up a little bit from what i calculated versus this one so let's do the cost breakdown i added up all of the ingredients for this bag and per bag including the milk to add at the end to mix up this is one dollar per smoothie compared to this four dollar and sixty cents all the way up to eight dollar per smoothie significantly cheaper to make it yourself at home just add a little bit more banana but they basically taste the same like i'd say that recipe is dead on and even though it has the wheatgrass in it with the peppermint extract added my eight-year-old didn't even notice one dollar seven dollars eight dollars that's quite the savings and they taste the same guys for this strawberry peach copycat smoothie we are going to add i'm it makes eight but i'm gonna do four large ones so it's gonna be strawberries peaches which is right there the bananas that i cut up before raspberries now i got fresh raspberries but frozen raspberries are actually cheaper and those would work as well so i would recommend going with the frozen ones flaxseed oats which i thought was an interesting addition and a couple of goji berries per bag and thank heavens i had picked up those goji berries from thrive market so i actually had actually had them in my pantry weirdly enough which is maybe why people pay all of the dollar dollar bills for the daily harvest smoothies because they don't want to go out and like buy the goji berries and i just put the lids on and stuck them in the freezer whoa i'm crooked that's no good okay i have got the big mama jama blender and and the little one for the strawberry and peach smoothie so before i mix it up and we taste it let's talk about the cost breakdown of these two once again this is going to be the same approximately 450 up to eight dollars depending on your coupon codes and how many you buy this one added up to one dollar and one cent per shake and remember when i mix these up i've got actually two servings in this guy so that's why i'm gonna mix this in here and the one serving in here and i actually like this two serving idea just because i have so many people in my family it makes more sense to mix up two at a time instead of just one we'll say the convenience of these is that you can put them back in this cup and then like go about your business but like i said you can get them on amazon as well they look pretty similar except my flaxseed is on top on this one and not on that one i have one strawberry this one looks like whole flax seeds instead of ground but i had ground so that's just what i used so they look fairly similar except this these are chopped smaller than these but that's really about it okay here we go tell me that one does not look like ice cream that's the daily harvest one so thick i'm trying to figure out if i'm not adding enough liquid when i mix that if it's supposed to be this thick and then this one is one i made that is definitely more pourable but way thicker than the last one all right ryan you ready to try those okay this is strawberry peach banana so you can drink that one and then i have a spoon for the other one yelling is pretty good okay try that one why is going why is this one so thick um that one's store-bought i don't know why it's thicker i don't know if they have more bananas or if i should have added more liquid or what i know which one do you like better okay daily harvest wins again do they taste close to the same they taste very close but this one is just a little more suede sweet a little sweeter okay okay we're going to now try and recreate this mango and papaya which is not going to go very well because for several reasons number one i can't really get fresh papaya and why does that look like a pineapple and not a mango i'm not really sure but here are the ingredients mango pineapple i don't know what that is papaya and macadamia which i ended up not doing so this is like not exactly the same we're gonna do the best we can the recipe i found makes two servings and if you want to be like super classy make sure you get a tupperware that's been stained like orange and red from tomato sauce because that's the only way to do it right okay i use my little instant pot guys to freeze some coconut milk genius i know we're gonna put half a banana in each yeah this one's like ready to go right the equivalent of one mango which i'm gonna guess is about a cup total ish so let's go maybe like that much that might be a little too much but that's all right dave loves mango it'll be fine and because i could not find papaya we're gonna use this tropical fruit blend that has papaya and pineapple in it oh fancy it even has like coconut pieces check that out excellent okay this is all you need to freeze so this will be your freezing smoothie concoction so you put the lids on those like that and stick them in the freezer for when you're ready to go and then when it comes time to blend you'll add one cup of water and blend thoroughly compare the smoothies i think mine is prettier truthfully oops the only difference is this one has macadamia nuts in it and mine does not mine has coconut milk in it so i think calorie wise they could be fairly similar but i couldn't find macadamia nuts today or i possibly maybe just forgot them you you determine which one you want to believe i either couldn't find them or i forgot to get them one of the one of those two so let's mix these up and see if they taste anything alike at all it's a little low sometimes i like it low okay boys are done taste testing smoothies they tried two so you are now the taste tester am i the final word you're well your a word so i have my clean blender bottles here and we're gonna do the mango papaya smoothie okay so i have one that's from daily harvest which is this one and then the one that i made which is there let me scrape that out because my coconut didn't freeze all the way so is it coconut yeah it's coconut milk oh coconut milk yeah so it's like kind of sticky i was rushing things a bit what can i say what do i add to this one fill cup two top with your p preferred liquid but we'd go with an option like water or coconut water okay coconut water is lead so we're gonna do water are you supposed to do the whole cycle i know but my mine's not that thick i guarantee this one's gonna be thicker what i say mango papaya this is the one that i made okay okay oh that's good you didn't let it run through the full cycle so it was a little chunky okay but i like that okay you like the texture good like a little chew my food a little bit i think i need to add more water it doesn't have enough liquid yeah now typically that's probably because yours wasn't just frozen as theirs yeah true that's what i think would be the difference i found every time i've done this one it's more like an ice cream or like you need a spoon but i'll say like i typically like oh you're dripping all over the porch what you're dripping no it was you no i typically i would rather be able to drink my shake than have to wait for it to melt before i can drink it you prefer it a little thinner yeah okay okay well let i'll get you a spoon and you try this one that's the daily harvest one there's a little bit more um tart and definitely colder i'm gonna brain freeze while you're struggling with the brain freeze let's talk about the price breakdown of this one so the daily harvest is going to be the same as all of the other shakes that i've told you anywhere from four dollars and fifty cents upwards of eight to nine dollars depending on what you get per shake per shake that hit really hard and this one is actually one of the most expensive of all of the homemade ones at 2.59 the range was four to eight the cheapest you can get this is four dollars and sixty cents if you get the coupon codes that i bought that i found that's up for debate whether you could find that or not but according to their website it's like 7.99 a shake wow i could tweak it a bit like i could have it more frozen i could add less liquid i could add more banana splurge or no eight dollars definitely not worth the cost difference i did like the tartness on this one did you figure out a way to make that one a little bit more tart but i'd like that that one was a little bit runnier i don't like to have to like use a spoon for mine right right that's that one let's mix up the last one the next shake we'll be making is the avocado cacao oh cacao avocado smoothie and this is a weird bunch of ingredients i'm not gonna lie we got pumpkin pumpkin seeds zucchini dates avocado cacao nibs and protein now this one uses pea protein because i think these are like all vegan and stuff but i don't have that so we're gonna use this whey protein because i am not vegan so i think it should be okay i already chopped up my avocado and zucchini as you can see here with my misen knife this recipe makes five shakes so i'm going to put together five different shakes assembly line style right now before we start i just want to say what a weird bunch of ingredients from daily harvest like who zucchini avocado pumpkin seeds like it's just odd so we've got zucchini and avocado clearly the pumpkin seeds dates raw cacao nibs a little bit of coconut oil the vanilla protein powder cocoa powder a pinch of salt and stevia now they said in this recipe you can add one to three like packets of stevia or you can do a different sweetener like you they have those little sweetener drops or whatever that you could also use after putting these together and then comparing the daily harvest shake i think this recipe is lacking a little bit and i'll get into that in a second you'll you'll see what i mean i'm going to add a little bit more liquid than one cup to the daily harvest because i've found that that one's like really thick and hard to stir and then mine is just your standard they're saying like almond milk or cashew milk or oat milk or whatever whichever kind you like do i have an almond milk out here do you want to go downstairs and get one okay while he goes to get the milk here is the look difference this is daily harvest this is homemade i would say looking at it like this it looks like the daily harvest has significantly more pepitas and way smaller like zucchini like way less zucchini maybe and more dates and more chocolate and then one does look like more than the other so those are some things to think about if you're going to recreate these maybe increase some of like the dates the chocolate and the instructions did say that if it's not sweet enough for you you can add extra stevia thank you so i'm gonna add this almond milk is my liquid we'll go one cup in mine and then a little bit over a cup in the other one here we go that's the homemade one it's not sweet you need more sweet yeah it might need to be a little more sweetened but not bad really there's some interesting stuff in there yeah not something i would typically make myself right like but if it's that thing that was uh that was a it's not good like it's not good you can be honest i'm not saying it's not good i'm trying to recreate a weird shake well let's recreate this okay okay i have nothing to compare it to because i've never tried anything like i know there's weird stuff in this one too look how much chocolatey or that one right out of the gate this one's way chocolatier oh yeah this recipe i found is not it like it would definitely need to be tweaked and i kind of said that just looking inside of it it looks not quite the same after i taste this can you tell me what's in it yeah look how thick that is it looks like a chocolate chocolate milkshake whoa yeah definitely chocolatier like there's this is nothing but chocolate okay i want to taste it because that one doesn't have banana in it so i can eat this one it's like a gritty chocolate yeah i'm still not super sweet not super sweet definitely sweeter than that one really because i find it quite savory savory oh yeah that was way better this one is better than that one absolutely this recipe needs to be tweaked as it says eight dollars a dollar yeah that one needs about another dollar another dollar [Laughter] i think i could make it taste similar to this but as it is it does not this one's better this is definitely a better shape yeah this one's not and this is the same stuff yeah they just i don't have measurements like i i'm finding a recipe online that's that's a copycat that they're trying to recreate it this one was a fail i would say all other ones i tried were very similar yeah don't you know but this is actually quite good that's a no for me dog daily harvest i think did a nice job on this one okay final thoughts on the smoothies is that aside from the weird ones like this because i would consider this like a weird group of ingredients most of your copycat recipes online are pretty accurate especially with the fruity ones they taste very similar usually around one to two dollars per shake versus eight dollars a shake that's a significant savings i i don't feel like i can in good conscience say you need to go buy daily harvest at eight dollars a shake because i'd rather go to jamba every day and get a fresh one for five dollars but that being said if you want to leave your house and you want to brought to your door and you think they're delicious dude i'm not gonna tell you what to do you are more than welcome to do that and to help you out i have a 25 off code for you down in the doobly-doo i know so if you want to pay eight dollars a shake but with my code less than eight dollars now let me ask you a question what was the cost on the time and the prep work of doing it yourself okay so i did a walmart grocery pickup so the grocery shopping was minimal finding the recipes took a little while but actually putting them together is not that long this is basically dumb stuff in a bag it's fast it's pretty fast say this one is kind of a no-brainer way to save money to make your homemade little shake packets at home i mean you can make them fresh every day you know kind of like you do but if you want to try some different flavors or whatever i'd say the savings is significant yeah for sure sweet so once again thanks to mizin for partnering with me on today's video i highly recommend you check out their knives so i do have a link down in the dooblydoo all you have to do is go to ffm to get 20 off your first order so you guys can go get a chef knife that will basically replace all of the knives of your kitchen so you'll save space you'll get a better quality product and hey christmas is coming so i think it would be an excellent gift for the loved ones in your life you want to get them something for the kitchen they'll be really happy with for years and years to come if you guys have tried daily harvest tell me what you think about them if you think they are worth the splurge because they are absolutely a splurge thanks for hanging out with me today and i'll see you in the next video
Channel: Frugal Fit Mom
Views: 128,309
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: daily harvest, vs, homemade, copycat, frugal fit mom, ffm, on a budget, frugal, fun, cheap, free, smoothies, healthy recipes, freezer meal prep, daily harvest review, daily harvest unboxing, cook with me, cheap food, budget, funny, healthy smoothies, daily harvest smoothies, meal prep, daily harvest reviews
Id: HeFZqBuMfv0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 33sec (1713 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 19 2020
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