Unlimited Cripple MOAB vs Infinite Spirit of the Forest! (Modded BTD 6)

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normally in balloons tower defense you can only get one of a T5 Tower the strongest normal upgrade for a tower but what would happen if you could buy as many as you want today Sabre and I have the unlimited fif tiers mod and we're going to be putting the sniper top path Moab versus the drw middle path Spirit of the forest Moab has the most insane single shot damage in the game whereas Spirit of the forest does Mass mive AOE damage who is going to be better late game or early game or at all are you ready saber uhhuh now rules are simple you can only have one Tower you can have your as many snipers as you want or in your case droods and you can have banana Farms but that's it okay and you can only use your specific path so yeah good luck that's kind of tough man because I need to make sure I can hit camos uh yeah I luckily I my first thing is a camo like is my first thing is literally camo that's kind of brutal man I I think I got to I got to hope that I can get this guy Ted before I have to deal with too many camos that's my worry but it's okay cuz that is quite a worry to have though actually like that's not good see I actually don't know I don't know ABS just so gnarly though it just does so much damage all right I'm getting my Farms down ooh and also we have the ultimate cross pathing mod on which allows us to not only get one t but all of them on a specific Tower which we can only use we're only allowed to use this on our banana Farms we cannot cross path our given Tower but we can cross path banana Farms to make dummy Shmoney Shoney dummy more like it baby let's go so what's your what is your strategy right now saber my strategy is to get this Farm upgraded dude I mean I already I got to Drew it down automatically Drew to the Jungle you know with hard Thorns so I I don't have to really think about anything I'm just going to let that guy do his thing while I focus on my farm you're going to be making such an absurd amount of money though because every Spirit of the forest gets you an extra $1,000 per round so on you dude once you look look at how many you're going to have on the map and what's also crazy I can't I you got to send me a picture of what your Thorns look like on the track because there's going to just be that's where all of your damage really is going to come from right is all of the Thorns that are just on the track that are just going to annihilate balloons as they come out it's going to be stacked baby that's right yeah dude if I have 40 Druids down that means that each Druid will give me a th000 each round making it so that I could get another Spear of the forest every single time holy cow dude that going be so n every round that is going to be the play I'm what round are you at right now uh 19 sir how about you I I'm on round 14 I'm on 21 oh man all right I should just I'm literally just putting down just base level snipers right now just that's all I'm doing I okay see my beginning uh like rounds are so much better than you but I think that you might be able to get further than me man I don't know we'll have to find uh oh there's the camo coming out uhoh oh yeah you can't you literally can't hit camos dude I'm on 24 without like any money this is not looking good bro uhoh uhoh what are you doing what do you got for your banana Farm dude I have one Farm down I got a Marketplace but I I I I also have it on greater production in valuable bananas okay nice yeah I'm trying out a different strategy than you I actually went ahead and I'm doing like a more vanilla I have six normal banana Farms that I'm going to upgrade and then I'm going to sell all of them and then turn them into a higher tier banana farm and see if that actually does anything interesting okay yeah I'm I'm just hoping that I can get these cross path enough to really I mean like this this Farm starting to make me quite the amount of money bro oh yeah you you rolling in it now yeah rolling in it rolling in it one thing that's really nice though is we actually get to use the banana Salvage upgrade which allows me to sell them for more than I bought them for which is very nice actually you admit that they're good it's it's good when you want to sell your farms and when you're just doing ultimate cross pathing so you don't lose out on anything oh there's round 33 am I going make it oh wait you'll be fine you have 200 lives am I going to make it you're fine I'll make it I'll make it I'm good are you going to be able to have enough to sell it to get Spirit of the forest though we'll find out you're going to be in trouble find out look everybody gets one nonetheless man yeah uhoh I tried oh I I tried to go big but I should have gone home let's see here I could sell each of these farms for 18,000 so I'm going to start just 18,000 I mean sorry sorry 9,000 9,000 18,000 total cuz I have two of them down oh my dude dude holy cow that scared me I was like no chance dude getting pranked out here dude you're getting pranked do you have a banana research facility Farm yet no sir okay so I am just about to get one on round 32 so I have one on round 32 so that seems like a better farming strategy yeah that might be better but I don't I'm not going to have the money I mean I really need to get the Spear of the forest ASAP bro I can just get baby oh my gosh this is actually so pathetic is this where I lose let's find out you're fine find out there's a bunch of white balloons and nope I lost all right you lost yeah I lost how did you lose the white balloons came out I I can't get Spear of the forest white but what do you mean white balloons don't you have like Dro they're white camos oh oh if I no I'm going to lose again if I let's see if I sell that I'll only have 18 I only have like 20,000 I need 30 s dude you need to make some more money saber you all right I guess I got to restart completely bro no chance you got to restart complet I have no choice I had no choice I couldn't there's nothing else your farming strategy is big poopy I'm just saying okay wait when did the white camos come out if I guess you like 37 or something 37 yeah I mean I'm sitting here with $37,000 in my banana fart I got I got money right now my guy I give yourself like an extra like $2,000 starting cash like give yourself just a little extra all right fine just just a little smidge I'll take your pity money and I'll do something with it that's too funny okay I guess I he so upset folks I hate that I'm doing it I don't want to there now I can put down a farm like immediately though that's really nice yeah you can just go straight for the farm well see did you get Drew to the Jungle like right at the start yes okay okay there's your problem you should have like you should have just put down a dro no upgrades and just gotten all banana farms and let the drw carry you for but I was hoping that the drw of the Jungle would make it so that I get I could progress to the routs faster getting more money faster and then be able to just get Spear of the forest even faster that's not how that works saber yeah well I learned that the hard way didn't I folks that's not the way I can't believe that's oh my but you can learn it the easy way by using Creator code tuber T WB r e that's T ew B in the btd6 shop folks Ryan knows what's up I need to start dude I'm just getting overwhelmed by just tiny balloons like why did I go banana Salvage what am I doing what are you doing Sabre I'm just going to straight up go banana I'll just this one I can get dude I'm just chilling with my banana Central here you know you don't mind me oh wait am I okay here holy cow this is kind of spooky actually I just want a spear of the forest then I'm done then I'm good that was asked for just super but right now he just want up Spirit of the forest so so far getting just fear of the forest is kind of a problem for you so I feel I think it's it's a me problem though not a game problem you know what I mean yeah that is a skill issue it's a skill issue all right well I already have one I have one sniper monkeys I have one Moab all right now I have two moabs so happy for you dude thank you really you sound really positive about that I have so much genuine happiness and joy for you something tells me I I don't really believe that I actually need to have how does the shrapnel shot do shrapnel shot seems very bad for this I don't want to get trapnel shot but I feel like I kind of have to yeah no I think you should I think you should thank you that was probably I mean I am cuz no I'm just trying to be a supportive friend do it dude this guy is super but that he had to redo this he's so he's I was like got around 40 almost dude well luckily you have the time monkey so you can skip ahead once you get get your life together okay that's true once I get through to the forest that I can start sking ahead nice yeah you can just go ahead and preemptively just catch up also I just want to point out to the kind viewers watching I just want you guys to notice uh that very specifically Ryan and I made sure in this uh challenge to make it so that you couldn't even accidentally upgrade to a monkey Bank okay that's just not an option we just don't want to deal with that we just don't ever want to have to think about it or deal with it we're good we're all is there any way to tell the difference in these sniper monkeys I don't think there is there's got you can't even tell a part you don't even care about them bro dude they're all just a bush like it's just a bunch of bushes W let them hear that dude d no dude they they're just very cover their ears if you're going to talk smack about them bro don't let them hear that what's wrong with being a bush you said they're just a bush as if it was belittling them it's not it just they're just a bush all right all right just a bush here's the problem the snipers are so tiny I can just put an army of them down I can spam them down droods are kind of fatty so you can't put a ton of them down yeah I'm saving up for a banana research facility round 37's almost here though and I'm I'm on 32 dude and I don't know if I can get this dude you got to farm saber I am saber have you never watched toti's farming guide on balloon star EV look I have three two zeros down okay I'm about to get to a banana research facility you got to get banana research facility Heap dude ASAP you got to be getting them bananas banana Salvage instead here let's see he's getting banana Salvage instead here your folks I don't think I even if I got this banana research facility I don't think I would have enough but let's find out I need I only have one round to to do it anyways I don't think it's G to do anything yeah you only have one round you need to sell your banana Farms to to be able to get all of them to like roll up with it sa no I know even if I sold okay now I could get banana research but I only have one rounded to uh get spe of the forest so if I sold these I'd get 15K I would need another 15K no more than 15K I don't have enough again no shot saver you had an extra $2,000 dud dude I'm telling you I mean what am I missing what am I missing here dude dude s you want a swap you want me to be the Drew no I I just like what am I missing bro I put down banana tharms I did put down banana Farm I put down 32 Z I tried that's all I was doing I went 320 next 320 next what am I miss that's the problem banana Farms put down six put down 6 that's way more efficient Ah that's terrible literally put down one dude don't upgrade it put down a bunch of z00 Z we're going to learn we're learning farming today folks what's the hotkey for the farm press press the hotkey for the farm tell me which one it is where is it which one did I just press which there okay it's h jeez dude that is so funny I'll play in slowmo for you I can't believe this man I was I was hoping I could cheese even a little bit but I can't I have to legit play this like dude here get put give yourself like another $2,000 or something I don't want your pity did I don't want your B I'm just gonna get down a bunch of these these Farms okay these base Farms man Farms there I'm efficiently getting them down right now yeah nice nice so then when I get six 000000 Farms down then I start upgrading them then upgrade all of them to 20 okay okay all right yeah then you're going to be cooking can't believe this this went from a a spirit of the forest versus Moab to Moab versus can I get farmstone no this went from a crippled Moab to Spirit of the forest to Moab to saber is crippling I'm on round 74 by the way I kind of good for you I have a dude it's just a bunch of plants that are just down on my screen right now I'm going to learn this lesson the hard way sa you're going to be literally the master you're going to be so efficient by the time you're done with this good I better or else I'll be disappointed in myself guys comment down below what do you think Mo's better or do you think Spirit of the forest is better okay let us know Bas on everything you've seen so far guys yeah what can you guys come from this deduction yeah what round are you at um I'm letting some balloons by I'm on round third 14 okay nice you're cruising then I got to start upgrading my monkey me get Thorn storm there we go nice yeah you're cruising now I have an army of snipers now though Army come on can't let any of my bananas go bad here sa if you drop a single banana I will never forgive you I I think I might have already so honestly it's understandable I understand if you never want to talk to me ever again I know I'm devastated saber how could you do this to me holy cow there's so I can put down so many snipers this is outrageous okay I'm letting a couple of uh little letting a couple of balloons byy right now well you can go ahead and upgrade and get your next banana thing then you can get the 1,000 you can get your thing of my bobber the what now you heard me what are you even saying you drew to the Jungle oh yeah well I mean I got to uh oh oh yeah I definitely got to get Drew I literally one shot this OMG that was wild there we go Drew to the Jungle nice nice let's go all right how many you got your banana Farms down you cruising almost all right now I can go ahead and wait so if I sold each of these though that's 5times two is 10,000 I wouldn't be able to get a banana re or banana research facility yeah not yet well have you up are they all upgraded to the the thing yet yeah yeah banana Salvage yeah okay so just just continuously upgrade one banana farm that you're not going to sell and until you have enough to get the banana Central and then sell all the other ones until I have the banana Central no sorry Central banana research facility right yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah research facility sa was like wait you can do that sa's about to have his mind blown should be able to get it in a sec here I should be able to get in a sec and what round you at now 29 so it is a little more efficient nice a little more efficient it is a little more efficient I will admit it yeah getting base banana Farms down just spamming them down is good so many right now this is crazy yeah it goes It goes dummy uhoh am I going to lose right here though because I let a bunch of balloons by earlier everybody gets one everybody gets one do not tell me that this is it because I let some other Balloons By no no I'm good I'm good I'm good I'm good I'm good dude that's so good you might be able to get one more what round are you at right now 33 34 I'm on 34 right now I I'll be able to get I got okay I got jungle's Bounty so I need 30k basically right now and I if I sold both my Farms I have enough if I sold both my Farms I have enough right now so we're okay we're okay okay let's go he did it everybody sa some master banana farm right now isn't that crazy though the difference between just getting Bas level banana Farms that that is actually pretty crazy dude I'm not going to lie all right I was forced to learn the hard way guys I'm glad that you you know thanks for sticking with me everybody all right oh I accidentally popped all my Thorns all right well now I'm just going to go ahead and get the Farms my way like do you have a spear of the Forest right now yeah I have a spear of the Forest right now okay so you're actually good now yeah now I'm actually good everybody Rejoice I can even start skipping rounds I'm sure okay nice yeah I'm on round 89 right now so oh that's not bad you're not that far ahead loser I I I stopped playing on F spe no I it's so rude keep up bro why you're only on 89 after all that time I'm going to pass you up at this rate bro I will be very upset with you saber that's crazy but I have quite an amount of time put into getting all of my snipers down because holy cow you have to put so many down oh I'm on 95 right now all right bet uh I didn't see a single balloon I didn't even see I did not even see a balloon come out on 95 yo it actually kind of worked out that I lost some lives or whatever because now I can get heart of Vengeance uh I don't think it matters after the upgrade no oh no yeah I've always wanted to do a strategy that's based around that I feel like that be so cool yeah get yourself down to all the way like one heart well if you look I think they've actually changed it look at the middle path Dro I think it's the second upgrade read into that yeah gains 1% for every life gained from the starting value oh so if you get more lives I think which you get lives naturally anyways yeah yeah oh that a I'm I'm chilling at 690 lives right now also I'm at Round 103 right now Sabre okay I'll start catching up I just got I literally just got a banana Central so okay these moabs are actually insane wo wo wo wo balloons are kind of getting out now this is not good all right let's go ahead and get me some more uh some more Spirit of the forest here sa all I have to say is good luck upgrading Spirit of the forest why is it is it about to be brutal here it's so tedious uh we'll find out it's unbelievably tedious see the thing is though is I get shrapnel shot when I go the camo detection route and I don't know if the if that's better or worse I'm just going to start placing down a bunch of Druids that's what I did first is I put down all of the base ones with hot keys and then I'm going back over them and leveling them up I'm about halfway done which is crazy to think am I really going to fill up this entire area though is this actually going to happen you better put down every single possible drew that you can sa the pressure's on folks Ryan's not going to let me get away with being lazy here no no you are not you are not allowed to be lazy here I am saber I am one-shotting bads like that I don't even see them come out on the screen this Tower is insane oh goodness gracious me dude I need to get more Farms down actually I think I'm going to need a lot more money uh I have four banana Essentials and it's worked out for me pretty well oh okay well I just got four down I'm I'm going to get five down just to feel better than you okay well uh fine fine saber if that's really what you want to do all right I need to speed it up again yeah that are you doing pretty cuz you really only need to just get hard Thorns right like you really only need to do that yeah yeah I mean I got hard hard Avent for like the first two or whatever I'm not going to I'm not going to do that for the rest I don't think it really matters with that yeah having a little bit more range might be nice but just going to go ahead and get these guys down oh my gosh dude this is absolutely menacing how you do saber how how was it looking for you on your side of I'm still placing all these guys down man it's uh it's coming along bro it's coming along nice and this is where we're going to have a nice little time skip so you guys don't have to watch as we put down every single one of these towers facts though facts all right I'm done I'm done I did it he did it folks he did it everybody all wow that took forever all right folks um here we are 103 I'm on round 103 got a bunch of Druids down I got the time Master what round you on 150 150 gotta okay I'm just going to goe and start skipping some rounds trying to catch up to you here nice yeah and I'm like are you holding off well oh sh moving nothing's even getting out oh I'm lagging so hard right now dude I would I would doubt my game crashes at this point bro dude no this is just so smooth there's no lag there's no balloons it's like I'm looking at just a nice nature scenery I just see this water and all these bushes like all these nice Greenery and guns sticking out of the bushes I'm so proud of you man good for you dude it's so weird watching it cuz all the towers attack so slow so like everything comes out and you're like oh my gosh think I'm going to lose and then and then you just see a blinding White flash of light and then everything just evaporates dude I literally have to rely on my thorn ability with these Druids to like stop these ddts right now on average just like click throughout your DRS how many pops do they have on average uh let's see 16,000 20,000 20,000 14 11 115 on that guy 100 100,000 on the top row I don't like 20,000 is I guess yeah I'm on average like 100,000 but also I'm playing against I'm on round 150 at this point I'm on 150 nice how how you do okay nice Flex guy um I'm laging dude this I'm actually doing all right but I'm doing all right bro the time Mankey is so fat dude and I have 200 Thorn abilities so I can just basically endlessly pop them oh my gosh I can just keep endlessly popping them this is wild cuz you can always that's actually really good that's crazy okay I'm going to skip some rounds because I'm not having any problems all right I'll try and keep up dude all I'm at around 180 you're on 180 gotcha okay I'll start skipping oh this uh oh this I might a bit off more than I can shoot I'm going to just go to 170 make sure I beat 170 first yeah I will beat 180 you will beat 180 okay all right I'll go to yeah I'll beat 180 means I have to at least beat 180 wait I want to see who what does better this Thorn ability is crazy dude it's really good like yeah I'm lagging but I'm doing way better than I thought I would yeah these two towers are really strong all right I'm on round 190 right now saber all right I'll get 190 oh my gosh ddts are so fast the ddts are so fast I'm barely oh my gosh I'm so barely hanging in there my Thorns are holding them off like nothing dog it's crazy oh man so now the question is saber will you be able to beat round 200 let's see hang on wait hang on I might I might not beat this hang on wait 190 this bad's surprisingly not getting a lot of Pops probably because I'm using all my thorn abilities but if I don't keep using them then then the DDT EAS are to get past oh man dude you're in a catch 22 I'm on round 199 right now quite the conundrum folks I literally have to keep using the thorn abilities or else I will lose here actually wait what if I let some by here wait these ddts I think wait oh oh no I could wait I didn't lose wait how many Health how much health does a DDT take away from you uh I don't know a few thousand uh I guess I had like enough I guess I had enough lives wait how many lives do you have uh now I have 1,600 holy cow dude I had a lot of lives so I guess I did lose wait am I going to hold this off pop everything pop everything I'm using all my thorn abilities here we go use all the thorn abilities oh my gosh it worked what round are you at I'm trying to beat 190 right now okay I beat it oh my gosh oh my I'm oh my gosh I lost I lost at what what round 2011 2011 yeah so you have to be the Fortified bad I need I need my thorn abilities to refresh though I'm only at 95 I had 200 oh they're slowly come back they're coming back dude you have two 200 th abilities no no I'm only at 107 they're slowly coming back it's counting back up holy cow dude that's so M though s you got to sh your screen I got to see what you're working with right now okay okay okay here check this out it's so laggy oh my God oh my I'm trying to get the abilities to go back up so that I can milk them again you have 19 dude wait saber use your 209 bananas just get the money for no reason dude it gives you lives though oh my gosh it does I totally forgot about that dude yeah look at your dude look at your live counter brother I completely forgot about that that's wild I totally forgot oh my god dude you're just looking at a screen of bushes too yeah actually huh oh my dude sa you have so many that's so much okay the abilities have come off cool down I'm back over 200 I'm going to see if I can beat round 2011 here wait but that bad is going to get through dude no I'll get it I'll get it check this out check this out bro no dude no way don't worry I'll get it bro don't worry I'll get it I ain't scared I I didn't hear no Bell I didn't hear no Bell bro that is insanity and you can just permanently keep them stunned like that yeah but I want to lower the health a little bit before I keep come on dude this is this this might be the stupidest unlimited F TI video I think I've ever seen in my entire life wait you're in trouble no no no I'll pop them I'll pop them I'll doing a screen flashes but I now I use I used like 70 of the abilities there be round 200 though I think I might be able to if I can get my abilities back then I'll start skipping here nice cuz the thing is is now I don't have all these Thorns so now they don't they take even more the these oh they're coming they're coming back they coming back further yeah oh my gosh that's a lot I'm no I'm going to start skipping I if I win it's it's right here right now yeah 2011 right yeah all right you're so done there's no way you can this no no I'm not cooked I'm not cooked I believe you're there is zero chance of you being able to beat this I believe bro I believe no the Fortified bad these are way too strong I believe I believe Never Say Never baby I'm saying never there's no way that they pop a fortified bad with just the drw abilities I'm using all my my Thorns wait dude he's getting scratched up I'm using all my Thorns is it going to be enough I'm going to run out dude no way oh one of them got popped wait dude you only have 36 left it's not popping saber it's not popping it is it's going to pop I just need the abilities back you need get get the ability back saber oh oh spam saber I am no after all that time I could have done it I could have wow that was actually surprisingly way closer than I thought him that was wild that was hilarious guys I hope you enjoyed if you did hit that like button subscribe turn on notifications and we'll see you guys tomorrow peace peace
Channel: Tewbre
Views: 468,731
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tewtiy, favremysabre, sabre, gaming, games, game, showcase, challenge, modded, mods, mod, gameplay, vanilla, playthrough, comedy, video, trolling, glitch, funny, moments, no cursing, no swearing, video games, let's play, lets play, cursed mods, bloons, bloons tower defence, bloons tower defence 6, btd 6, unlimited moab vs infinite spirit of the forest, modded btd 6, unlimited 5 tiers btd 6, tewbre
Id: nLurHE6tYVM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 0sec (1560 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 14 2024
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